04-25-66 v 4111 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING 4-25-66 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3, Approval of Minutes, April 11, 1966. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Call for Bids: (a) Resurfacing Streets 6. Insurance payment - Avery & Wilson. 7. Committee Reports: (a) Request to operate Nursery - Hungerfords. (b) Garbage Containers. (c) Craig on Motel - Donner ' s S/D 8. Application for Permit: (a) Sign - 31 Royal Palms Drive. 9. Fire and Police Chief - Reports. 10. City Manager. 11. Commissioners. 12. Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1966 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner W. J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney A. J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. , Commissioners The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks. Minutes of the meeting of April 11, 1966 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Parks, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Bids covering resurfacing of parts of certain streets were opened. Copy of certified proof of publication of "Call for Bids" is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Bids were received from the following: Total Asphalt Paving $20,030. 35 Houdaille-Duval-Wright Co. 13, 583.69 Jaxon Construction Co. 15,630.00 Vallencourt Paving Co. 15, 208.92 Mr. Parks moved the bids be referred to Committee for evalua- tion, study, and report at the next regular meeting and that the bids be made available for public inspection this evening, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Craig, Mr. Weldon and Mr. Parks as the Committee. Relative to payment of insurance premium to Avery and Wilson, Mr. Craig advised that in line with instructions at last meeting, the City Treasurer sent Avery and Wilson a check for pro rata of premium. Avery and Wilson have returned the check with a letter from United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company stating as the City requested cancellation, that in Minutes 4-25-66 Page #2 line with the policy they have no alternative but to charge the short term rate, that the City was advised by letter on February 24, 1966 that cancellation would be on short term rate, and if City refuses to pay they will have to turn over to their Attorney for collection. Mr. Parks moved the letter be received for information and the matter referred to the City Attorney for guidance, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig reported on the request of the Hungerfords to operate a Nursery. He advised that he had been informed that the neighbors in general are agreeable, but one neighbor, it appears, objects. The matter was discussed and Mr. Craig advised he feels should personally visit the neighbor who objects and if not serious that authorization be given to proceed with issuing license, provided they comply with State Board of Health, etc. The Hungerfords planned to be present but decided not to due to adverse response of neighbor, and felt they should leave matter in hands of the Commission. During discussion it was brought out that the applicant is not pressing for decision, therefore Mr. Parks moved that a decision be carried over to give the City Manager an opportunity to check out dissident factor, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. A report covering purchasing and charges for usage of garbage containers was presented from the Committee, and read. Copy of report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. The report was discussed and it was advised that Commissioner Goodling was familiar with the conclusions but did not have opportunity to review final report, and Mr. Craig advised he felt sure Mr. Goodling would have signed report if he were present. Mr. Parks moved that the Committee 's recommendations be considered ad seriatum, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Parks moved that recommendation number one of report be approved, seconded by Mr. Weldon. There was a lengthy discussion as to types of garbage con- tainers - the Hyde-Pak used on the old Hyde-Pak garbage truck and the Heil which will be used on the present Heil garbage truck and the new Heil truck. Also it was questioned whether there could be an infringement of patents - and it was determined we must have stipulation in writing that manu- facturer will be responsible for any patent infringement. Mr. Parks offered substitute motion that recommendation number one be approved to purchase 7 garbage containers from Rivers Body Factory for $1,855.00, ; subject to receiving the Minutes 4-25-66 Page #3 necessary and acceptable assurance from the manufacturer in writing that they will assume any responsibility for possible patent infringement, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Weldon moved that recommendation number three be approved and that Resolution #66-4 be adopted to transfer $760.00 from Account #1051 to Account #503 in 1966 budget, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of Resolution #66-4 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Weldon moved that recommendation number two be approved and Ordinance #55-60-5 as amended be further amended in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee so as to authorize procedure which was recommended to increase per month rental on containers, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. The amending Ordinance is to be prepared for presentation on first reading at next meeting. Mr. Craig reported on Donner Subdivision Motel advising the Florida Hotel and Restaurant Commission 's supervising archi- tect, Mr . Richard Veenstra, approved plans to build Motel in violation of state law which requires 6 or more units readily accessible to traveling public. The location for these is over 1,000 feet east of Mayport Road on a 10 foot alley and the plans only show 4 rental units. Mr. Craig talked to Mr. Veenstra who advised that the law must have been changed and that he would look into and 'phone Mr. Craig - but to-date he has not called back. After further discussion, Mr. Weldon moved that the City Attorney be asked to look into the matter and assure himself that the request as made to the City Commission does, in fact, conflict with provisions of the State Statutes and report back, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. An application for permit for a sign at 31 Royal Palms Drive listing the businesses in the new building was presented. It is a rotating sign on an 8 " pipe imbedded in concrete - pipe to be 18 ' high. It is to be lighted but not blinking. Mr. Parks questioned location of sign which according to the plans presented, was on narrow strip between the building and the Esso station, which would indicate temporary encroach- ment on Esso property as sign rotated. Mr. Craig advised he believed location on plan was error on part of draftsman as his impression was that it was to be to the front of the building. After discussion Mr. Parks moved that formal consideration be deferred and that the City Manager take the matter up with the applicant for correction of possible error in drawing as submitted, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Minutes 4-25-66 Page #4 Chief Vogel presented report of Fire Department for the month of March and Municipal Court dockets for April 18th and 25th, 1966. These were received for information and filing. Chief Vogel advised that due to number of arrests on account of crackdown on speeders that we are having two Courts a week on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Mr. Craig reported on work being accomplished at the Park and on drainage of Jackson Road preparatory to resurfacing same. He also reported that water reservoir has been cleaned. In the Sewer Department we are following up on rainwater and ground water getting into sewer system, have repaired four broken sewer laterals, and filled in leaks in manholes. He advised we have cleaned east half of primary clarifier of accumulation of silt. Mr. Parks inquired as to condition of shoes on the flights and was advised that the ones on east side were not badly worn, but those on west side were worn. Mr. Craig stated the digester has been giving trouble that started to go sour in cold weather. Also, as soon as we have an off shore wind we will start pulling sludge. We are repairing steps at street ends and are uncertain as to what color to paint. There were suggestions - but left up to City Manager. The matter of repair and maintenance of our water meters was discussed at length. Mr. Craig advised we have quotations for meter repairs from two firms - (1) B & H Sales, Inc. - who quoted $8.75 each, freight allowed, on 200 - 5/8 " x 3/4 " meters contracted on yearly basis, approximately 3 weeks for repair process; (2) Davis Meter & Supply Company quoted $9.00 each, 5/8 " x 3/4 " meter, with 10 days for repair process. Mr. Craig recommended that meters be repaired on a rotating basis of 50 meters at a time - for the approximately 200 meters now needing repairs. It was brought out in discussion that the life of a properly maintained meter could be 40 to 50 years, however, due to the soil condition at Beach area it would be less. It was also brought out that the difference of 25 in repair cost would be more than overcome by the difference in repair time. The average revenue per water connection last year was $32. 19, where it should be running between $42.00 and $50.00 per connection. We are therefore losing considerable amount of revenue due to large number of inoperative meters. After further discussion Mr. Parks moved that we authorize the City Manager to proceed with meter repairs as quoted by Davis Meter and Supply Company, to be paid from Account #1501 in 1966 budget, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Minutes 4-25-66 Page #5 Mr. Craig presented specifications for a new tractor less bucket to replace the Ford-Dexta and requested authorization to call for bids. He advised that there are at least five tractors that can meet these specifications. It was discussed following which Mr. Parks moved that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids as requested - bids to be received ,at 8:00 P. M. , May 23, 1966, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig advised has not made definite plans for dedication of Jack Russell Memorial Park. He has asked Mr. Holloway to assist him, but to-date they have not finalized. There was a discussion on playground and its use by some as baby-sitting service for little ones. We are getting female assistant director to help with problems. After further discussion Mr. Weldon moved that we make a rule that no children under the age of six years will be accepted as part of recreational program, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Parks advised that according to the press the Atlantic Boulevard improvements are to be accelerated and he therefore moved that the City Manager contact the proper authorities and advise them that we are still interested and seek information as to schedule of accomplishment, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. 4 01 01 illi S. -o ell Attest: Mayor-Commissioner ce,e Adele S. Grage, City Clerk he lar On imes inion fa rhsonvileJourunl EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Y OF ATLA BEACH, FLORIDA • STATE OF FLORIDA 2. 1966 SPECIFICATION NO. 66-6 TO BID: COUNTY OF DUVAL 1N°19 6 TION S BEET RESURFACING The City Commission sof the City of At- The lactic Beach will receive bids for re- surfacing certain pawed streets as shown in the attached specifications and "Pro- Before the undersigned authoritypersonally appeared g PsoY posal and Bid" form.Each Bid shall be in a sealed envelope marked on the out- side r� "Bid for Resurfacing Stre ", and y1L�.11t__Go�d.oe , who on oath says that he is shall be delivered to the City Cleretsk _ at tan }T Atlantic Beach City Hall not later than 8:00 P.M. E.S.T. Monday, April 25. 1966.1 at which time bids will be opened byI Man�gs.rR.etail_ Advertls_ ng� of The Florida Times-Union, and the City Commission. No Bid Bon is required. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the'. right to reject any or all bids, or any portion of any bid.Journal, dailynewspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, Specifications and "Proposal and Bid" forms available at office of City Clerk, Atlantic Beach, Fla. For the City Commission Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a _ A. J. CRAIG City Manager Legal Notice ATTEST: ADELE S. GRAGE City Clerk in the matter of _____-__notice of bids on 1966 street resur- • facirig. – -- — • on the ---------------------------- Court, was published in The Florida Times-Union in the issues of April 14, 19,66 Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of _/.. April_____-_i.D. 1966 Aft. / / - - / No Public, State of Florida at Large. My Commission ExpiresFeb ._ 1967 CITY OF . . . .v.::!!:: Ateciektic Beads-Tfohicla April 25, 1966 COMMITTTEE REPORT The Committee appointed by the Mayor at Commission meeting of April 11, 1966, to consider need for additional garbage containers for use at The Place By The Sea Apartments (now under construction) has reviewed the various requirements and commitments made by the City since 1961 when the Hyde Pack garbage truck was purchased and use of containers, as distinct trom garbage cans, was initiated. The Committee determined that initially, business houses which desired to use the Container Service, under general provisions of Ordinance No. 55-61-6, were required to purchase containers from the City - this being advantageous to purchasers due to the City buying in quantity rather than by single unit. This procedure was modified upon adop- tion of Ordinance No. 55-64-9 which specifically requires Commercial Units, including Apartments defined as "Commercial D ", to install container service at $2.00 per month rental per container; and credit offsetting such rental charge was established on privately owned containers, based on seven years life. Ordinance No. 55-64-9 is in effect at present time and it appears that amendment of the Ordinance would be necessary if private ownership is to be reinstated. Utility record cards show that the credit on privately owned con- tainers will expire in fall of 1967 . Thus the business houses which originally purchased containers will be subject to rental charge after expiration of their "credits ". Record of purchases in 1962 show that two (2) cubic yard Hyde Pack containers cost $150. 00 each, which appears to justify the rental charge of $2. 00 per month on the basis of a six or seven year life. However, the two (2) cubic yard Heil containers purchased in 1965, unit by unit asrequests were received, cost $292. 17 each. The $2. 00 per month rental charge will cover 58% of such cost if containers remain in use seven years. Here it appears that amendment of Ordinance No. 55-64-9, as to rental charge, is in order if City ownership of containers is to be continued. Finally, the Committee has ascertained that Public Works Superintendent Hilliard, acting upon request for seven containers by the owners of Atlantic Beach Hotel and The Place By The Sea Apartments, has solicited quotations for furnishing seven (7) Heil two (2) cubic yard containers 7CITY OF , , , 4 Aleattia Beadi -T&i' ida Committee Report Page #2 April 25, 1966 or equal, delivered FOB City Yard, and has received the following prices, based on total of seven units: Square Deal, Agency for Heil - $277 .00 each Gaynon Iron Works, Inc. - Declined to quote Rivers Body Factory, Inc. - $265 . 00 each The Committee has also ascertained that experience in maintenance problems has shown that City ownership of containers is most desir- able as compared with private ownership, as it permits rotation of units for cleaning and repair without any reasonable complaint by a user that his unit was removed and some other substituted. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The Committee recommends that the definite quotations of price already at hand should be considered "Bids " within the intent of Section 1 of Ordinance 5-57-2, and the City Manager, be authorized to purchase seven containers from Rivers Body Factory, Inc. at the quoted price of $265. 00 per container, this being the lowest bid received and being deemed advantageous to the City of Atlantic Beach. 2. The Committee further recommends that the City should continue City ownership and rental of garbage containers, and that Ordinance No. 55-60-5, as amended by 55-64-9, be amended as to "per month rental per container "; increase to $3.00 per month is recommended. 3. Purchase of seven containers at Cost of $265 .00 each will involve the expenditure of $1855. 00, and a total of only $1095. 51 remains unobligated in budgeted Garbage Containers Account No. 503 and Sanitation Account No. 1005, therefore it will be necessary to provide the additional amount of $759.49 from some other source. Accordingly the Committee recommends that $760. 00 be transferred from Emergency Expense Fund Account No. 1051 to Containers Account No. 503. (" (-) / 'Donald L. Goodling William S. Howell A. J. Craig COMMITTEE RESOLUTION 66-4, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OP THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT, Seven Hundred and sixty (760.00) dollars from Account No. 1051 be and the same is hereby transferred to Account No. 503 in the 1966 Budget, for Garbage Containers. * * Passed by the City Commission on April 25th, 1966. Attest: Ce-e2-- bile Adele S. Grage, City Cle (Seal)