03-28-66 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MARCH 28, 1966 1 . Call to Order. 2 . Invocation. 3 . Approval of Minutes March 14, 1966. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5 . Reports: (a) Zoning Ordinance #90-65-27 6. Advisory Planning Board Minutes. 7. First Reading of Sign Ordinance. 8. Correspondence: (a) J & J Amer. Ser. Station: Request for License to rent Motor Scooters. 9. Fire and Police Chief. 10. City Manager. 11. Commissioners. 12. Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 28, 1966 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner W. J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney A. J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Goodling. Minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1966 were approved as written, upon motion of Mr . Goodling, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. George Olsen, former Mayor- Commissioner expressed thanks from himself as a part of the G. J. 0. Committee, and from the Sports Network, Inc. , to Dick Hilliard for his cooperation in handling equipment necessary to operation of the tournament, and to Chief Vogel and his Depart- ment for protection of the TV Mobile Unit prior to the opening of the tournament and also for protecting the trailer unit which is stored at the Police Station at this time. Mr. Olsen also wanted to express his disapproval of the signs at Plaza and Sherry and between Ocean Boulevard and East Coast Drive advertising the new apartments being built on Atlantic Beach Hotel property, and asked if they had permit to put the signs there. Mr. Howell expressed his thanks to Walt Dunbar and Channel 12 for their good work in letting people all over the country know that the Selva Marina Country Club is located in Atlantic Beach, Florida, and not in the City of Jacksonville. Mr. Howell advised Mr. Olsen that the signs he referred to were not authorized and no permits had been issued for same. Mr. Weldon moved that the signs be removed tomorrow and kept down until such time as authorized to put up, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. a ' Minutes 3-28-66 Page #2 Mr. Minchew of Avery & Wilson, Inc. requested an offical notice from the City to cancel the insurance coverage with U.S.F. & G. as of April 1st, 1966. Mrs. Grage was directed to write the cancellation letter. Mr. Goodling presented and read the report of the Committee relative to our Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 and its amendments. Copy of the report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. There was lengthy discussion including the question of whether a new comprehensive Zoning Ordinance would eliminate the need for the Sign Ordinance. The present Ordinance only regulates small announcement signs of doctors, real estate, and the like. It was the consensus of opinion that such items could and should be included in one Ordinance. After further discussion Mr. Parks moved that the Committee report be received and accepted as a guiding document and that a Committee be appointed to implement, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Howell advised he will appoint the Committee later. Mr. Howell presented and read the Sign Ordinance on First Reading by Title only. Mr. Weldon moved the passage of this Ordinance on first reading with provision for a Public Hearing at appropriate time after due notation has been given. He would like to include in the motion amendment to Section IV General Provisions, Page 8, Item 7 under sub-heading "D" by adding the following: "All police vehicles, ambulances, and other safety vehicles are exempt from the provisions on this Item 7 ". The motion was seconded by Mr. Goodling. There was considerable discussion on other phases of this Ordinance with the following amendments suggested: Section II, Items 11, 12 and 13, and Section VI, sub-heading "A". These suggested amendments were noted on the copy of Ordinance read by Mayor Howell. There was further discussion during which Mr. Howell asked Mr. Thompson for a legal opinion on Section VIII, Non-Conforming Signs, Page 11, as to whether or not the owner could be made to remove such signs within two (2) years from the effective date of Ordinance. Mr. Thompson said they could be forced to remove. Mr. Howell asked for a substitute motion to accept Sign Ordinance on First Reading as amended. Mr. Parks made substitute motion that Sign Ordinance be accepted on First Reading as amended, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. The Public Hearing will be the 11th of April, 1966, at 8:00 P. M. Mr. Stynchcomb of the Advisory Planning Board advised that the Sign Ordinance as submitted by the Advisory Planning Board was A Minutes 3-28-66 Page #3 presented mainly for the Commission to work from and they are pleased to agree with changes that have been suggested tonight, and think Ordinance as amended will be very acceptable. Mrs. Mabel Marvin of Advisory Planning Board had no comments to offer. Mr. Carroll West of Advisory Planning Board is in favor of all changes as recommended. Mr. Howell read letter from J & J American Service Station requesting License to rent Motor Scooters. Mr. Goodling moved request be denied - no second. Mr. Craig said they have been conducting business up to now without a license and would recommend that they be licensed so as to better control them. Mr. Howell thinks insurance coverage on scooters should conform to limits on liability the same as taxi cabs, etc. Mr. Parks moved this matter be turned over to the City Manager and Chief Vogel for recommendations at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Goodling said he would like to go on record as opposing this business in the City of Atlantic Beach as he doesn' t think it in the best interests of the City. Mr. Howell put the question and the vote was: Aye: Holloway, Parks, Weldoa, Howell Nay: Goodling Mr. Weldon asked Chief Vogel his opinion of the weekend activity at the Greater Jacksonville Open. Mr. Vogel said that the crowd and traffic were both well controlled, and that he thought the whole affair was very successful and hoped it would be profitable to all charities involved. There were no injuries in traffic. Police dockets for March 21 and March 28 were submitted for in- formation and filing, also reports of the Police and Fire Depart- ments for February, 1966. Mr. Craig noted that the baseball season is upon us. Has been in discussion with Little Major League officials regarding the time they hope to start playing which is earlier this year than last year, possibly after the 15th of April. They would like to have an outfield fence 190 ' from home plate and would like to erect and take down after season is over. Press box will be constructed as we have time, and they will help us to have better set-up than last year. Toilet facilities are nearing completion and they will be ready before the ball season starts. Several lamps of the lighting set-up are being replaced. The infield clay areas have been brought up to standard in both the Jack Russell and Donner. Parks. The outfields are re-seeded and fertilized and mowed. C A Minutes 3-28-66 Page #4 The Mobile Sweeper Service was employed for 10 hours' sweeping of our streets and it was found that they did good work. Mr. Craig feels that money was well spent but will not employ again this year. Mr. Craig advised former Mayor-Commissioner Olsen that the signs he referred to earlier were painful to him also. They will be removed as soon as possible. Mr. Weldon asked about facilities at Recreation Park on Mayport Road. Mr. Craig advised that this was the Donner Park he had previously mentioned. Mr. Weldon, with permission of the City Commission, would like to ask that we make particularly sure that Donner Park is kept as well as can be this summer. Mr. Goodling inquired as to forest fire in South end of County. He noted that our Fire Department was the only one to assist, and that the County fire station is in operation in Oak Harbor. Would like to take another look at our policy of fighting fires outside the City and firm up. He is personally in favor of assisting County and other municipalities but doesn' t feel we should help these people out and perhaps remove some protection from those who are paying for Fire Department in City. Wants to know if there is any clean-cut policy on answering calls outside the City limits. Mr. Vogel said we had verbal mutual aid with the County, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach and the Naval Station at Mayport. We were called on the forest fire to which Mr. Goodling referred by the control car, and that we were credited with saving a building on Beach Boulevard. Mr. Howell suggested that Mr. Craig and Mr. Vogel come up with some suggestions at next meeting about continuing aid to outside agencies. Mr. Parks noted that Chief Vogel has already given his report about handling traffic in City limits during G. J. O. Mr. Parks moved that thanks are in order from the City Commission as they are cognizant of work well done and wish to express their gratification for the Police Department' s efforts, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Holloway asked Mr. Parks about drainage culvert involving Interstate Contracting Company in the Royal Palms area. Mr. Parks advised that he and Mr. Craig have made a counter proposal to Mr. Blow in this matter, and Mr. Lauwaert is here tonight in connection with this. They are to confer with Mr. Thompson as to preparation of proper document. 4 Minutes 3-28-66 Page #5 Mr. Weldon asked Mr. Craig about plans for street paving or improvements. Mr. Craig advised they proposed to resurface a section which was omitted last year, consisting of Francis Street, Simmons Street, Jackson Road and Donner Road. They also propose to resurface East Coast Drive from Ahern Street to 10th Street, perhaps omitting a part, but believe all should be resurfaced. Ocean Boulevard from 10th Street to 16th Street should be included if budget will permit. Mr. Craig stated that tentative plans are for resurfacing of 5th, 2nd and 11th Streets to Eastward of Beach Avenue. These streets all have been kept up to such an extent that they would not require any excessive preparation. These improvements will be set up under "Street End Fund". Proposes to submit specifications on this for approval at next meeting. This will be done in May. Mr. Weldon asked if we had gotten Recreation Director for summer. Mr. Craig said he had tried to get in touch with both Mr. Miller and Mr. Harth, former Recreational Directors. Neither are available this year, but may be able to recommend someone. He would recommend employing a lady assistant director as this is set up in Budget for this year. Mr. Howell asked the Commissioners to remain for an Executive session. He then declared this meeting adjourned. /7 / Attest: William S. Howell Mayor-Commissioner ade,,e,_ Adele S. Grage, City Clf• k ill: CITY OF , , , 44014146ii BeadtaigiTeaftida COMMITTEE REPORT March 28, 1966 TO: CITY COMMISSION SUBJECT: ZONING ORDINANCE #90-65-27 After reviewing the subject Ordinance relative to that portion per- taining to minimum square footage in Residence "D" this committee notes the following: Ordinance # 90-59-3 was adopted January 121959 Since that time there have been 24 amendments. It is our considered opinion that this has become a cumbersome ordi- nance to administer. We therefore recommend that a Special "Ad Hoc " Committee be appointed, including a member of the Commission as well as a member of the Advisory Planning Board, to update the existing Ordinance incorporating all amendments. It is further recommended that this Committee present any changes deemed desirable as a result of changing conditions now present or anticipated in the City of Atlantic Beach and vicinity. Such changes should be clearly pointed out and detailed separately in this Committee ' s final report to assure a clear presentation at Public Hearings which may result by virtue of this Committee ' s recommendations. It is suggested that the desirability of incorporating features to control and/or limit Billboards, Signs, etc. be considered as appro- priate in this Committee ' s review and report on Ordinance #90-59-3 . Respectfully submit ed, 74j, 0 4o# it Howell Ma or-Co issioner ./._,,fe_z_,_;, 2C // �.4uis y�- , /•11oy, Jr. issioner / /Af �(4- L_ / O a d L. Goodlin• , Commissioner /