1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation - Commissioner Weldon.
3. Approval of Minutes, February 28, 1966.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Reports:
(a) Awards Committee
(1) Insurance
(b) Committee on Motor Bikes.
(c) Committee on Mobile Sweeper Service.
6. Minutes Advisory Planning Board, for Feb. 16, 1966.
7 . Public Hearing:
(a) Amendment Personnel Ordinance 50-61-1 -
Re: Office Clerks
8. Correspondence:
(a) Donald R. Hazouri - request variance Zoning Ordinance.
(b) Jacksonville Beaches Chamber of Commerce - Resolution
Jacksonville Coach Company - Re: Carrying Packages.
(c) Jacksonville Humane Society - January and February
1966 reports.
9. Approval Purchases:
(a) Heil Containers, P. 0. #1704.
(b) Drainage Pipe, P. O. #1828.
(c) Meters, Pipe, etc. , Amount of $980.00 from Acct. 1501.
10. Sewer Service Fee - Kon Tiki.
11. Fire and Police Chief.
12. City Manager.
13 . Commissioners.
14. Adjourn.
AT 8: 00 P. M.
W. S. Howell - Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon
Donald L. Goodling
L. C. Holloway, Jr.
W. J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
A. J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
Howell .
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
There being no additions or corrections to the minutes of
February 28, 1966, they were approved as written upon motion
of Mr. Goodling, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none.
Mr. Howell gave a special recognition to former Mayor-
Commissioner, George R. Olsen.
Report of Awards Committee on Insurance bids was read by Mr.
Weldon. Copy of Report is attached to these minutes and made
a part thereof. The Committee recommended acceptance of the
insurance bid submitted by McNeill Insurance Agency, Jacksonville
Beach, Florida (Hartford Insurance) , in the amount of $6, 215.00
for a 9-month period, ending December 31, 1966. Mr. Weldon
requested that the City Manager and City Attorney confer with
Avery & Wilson, Inc. , Jacksonville Beach, Florida, relative to
effecting a cancellation of the current insurance as of March
31, 1966. He also stated that he would like to see if the 10%
penalty for cancellation could be waived. Mr. Weldon noted
that the awarding of this insurance represented a saving of
approximately $1300.00 on a 12-month period, but due to penalty
this would not amount to this much this year. Mr. Minchew of
Avery & Wilson advised that this approximately 10% could not be
canceled as it is short term premium as set by State. Mr.
Goodling moved the report of the Committee be accepted, seconded
by Mr. Parks. Mr. Howell asked for any questions or discussion
on the matter. Mr. Howell asked Mrs. McNeill if false arrest
clause was same as in present policy, and also if this covered
each officer of the Department. She advised that it was the same
Minutes 3-14-66 Page #2
and did cover each officer of the Department. Mr. Weldon asked
that this matter of insurance bids for 1967 be brought up at
first meeting in October, 1966. There was further discussion,
after which Mr. Howell put the question and the motion carried.
Mr. Howell then asked for a motion to accept bid of McNeill
Insurance Agency. Motion was made by Mr. Weldon for acceptance
of bid of McNeill Insurance Agency, seconded by Mr. Goodling
and carried.
Report of Committee on Motor Bikes was read by Mr. Howell.
Copy of this report is attached to these minutes and made a
part thereof. Mr. Holloway asked Chief Vogel his opinion on
the motor bikes. Chief Vogel recommended that the Continental
Cycles Corporation be licensed as recommended by the Committee.
Mr. Goodling agrees that this report has its good points, but
does not believe it to be in the best interests of this City
to allow such license. Mr. Parks moved that the Committee' s
report be adopted and implemented as necessary, seconded by
Mr. Holloway. There was further discussion during which Mr.
Weldon asked if our Zoning License provided for outside
storage for such items. Mr. Craig advised they could not be
stored outside and could control them better if we licensed
them in the City. Mr. Howell put the question and the vote
Aye: Holloway, Parks, Howell
Nay: Goodling, Weldon
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion carried.
Mr. Howell read the Committee report on Mobile Sweeper Service.
Mr. Goodling moved the report of Committee be accepted and made
a part of the minutes, seconded by Mr. Parks. There was
discussion during which Mr. Weldon asked if the City Manager
was authorized to do this at his discretion, and was advised
that he was, within budgetary limits. The question was put
and the motion carried.
Minutes of the Advisory Planning Board dated February 16, 1966
were submitted. Mr. Parks moved they be received for informa-
tion, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Goodling asked if Sign
Ordinance would be affected by this action and was advised that
this did not affect.The Sign Ordinance will have to start with
first reading again. The question was put and the motion
carried. Mr. Weldon requested that the Sign Ordinance be
submitted on first reading at next Commission meeting in its
original form. Mr. Howell said one point should be clarified
Minutes 3-14-66 Page #3
in his opinion, relative to revolving, blinking, outdoor
lights, etc. Mr. Weldon also would ask that members of Advisory
Planning Board be present at next Commission meeting for
discussion of this Ordinance. There was further discussion of
this Ordinance and it was brought out that suggested changes can
be made at first reading.
Mr. Howell read Ordinance #50-66-5 in full. Said Ordinance
amends Personnel Ordinance #50-61-1 as regards salary schedule
of Office clerks. Notice of Public Hearing on this Ordinance
was posted in line with Charter requirements. Mr. Howell
declared the meeting open for Public Hearing. As no one
appeared either for or against, Mr. Howell declared the hearing
closed. Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of Ordinance #50-66-5
on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Mr. Donald R. Hazouri ' s request for variance in Zoning Ordinance
for his client, Marie T. Shashy, owner of Lot 33, Block 10,
was next presented. Mrs. Grage advised Mr. Hazouri stated that
this Zoning :Ordinance recently passed caused a hardship on his
client in not permitting them to build a duplex on the property,
inasmuch as it was bought with the understanding that a duplex
could be built on same. Mr. Thompson said we are limited on
variance, and there was considerable discussion on this. Mr.
Holloway would like to go on record as opposing rezoning. Mr.
Parks moved that the City Clerk be instructed to inform the
inquirer that the procecure should be one of rezoning and to
take steps accordingly, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried.
Copy of Resolution adopted by Jacksonville Beaches Chamber of
Commerce regarding the carrying of packages by Jacksonville
Coach Company was next considered. It was noted that the Florida
Utilities Commission had ordered the Jacksonville Coach Company
to discontinue the carrying of packages to the Beaches area.
Mr. Howell advised he had received information this afternoon
that made him uncertain at this time until he can confirm. Mr.
Howell also stated that he was originally in favor of passage
of a similar resolution as the one passed by the Jacksonville
Beaches Chamber of Commerce, but at this time he is undecided.
Mr. Goodling suggested that this be held over until next meeting
until Mr. Howell has had chance to look into the matter. Mr.
Weldon brought out that the Jacksonville Coach Company has been
delivering packages in the past without a permit. Following
further discussion Mr. Weldon made a motion to go on record as
endorsing the resolution of the Jacksonville Beaches Chamber
of Commerce, seconded by Mr. Parks, and carried.
Minutes 3-14-66 Page #4
Reports from the Jacksonville Humane Society for January and
February 1966 were received for information and filing.
Mr. Craig presented two purchases on which he requested the
Commission's approval. The first was for 2 Heil Containers
covered by P. 0. #1704 in amount of $584. 34. Mr. Weldon
moved the rules be waived and this purchase approved, seconded
by Mr. Holloway and carried. The next was for purchase of
drainage pipe covered by P. 0. #1828 in the amount of $536. 12.
Mr. Holloway moved that the rules be waived and purchase of
drainage culvert be approved, seconded by Mr. Weldon and
Mr. Craig then presented a request for purchase of neaded
meters, boxes, etc. for approximately $980.00 from account
#1501. Mr. Holloway moved that approval be given as requested,
seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
There was considerable discussion about a sewer charge for the
Kon Tiki, 1099 Atlantic Blvd. Mr. Craig advised the well at
this location appears satisfactory but we are submitting
samples to State Health Department. Mr. Craig recommended a
temporary charge of $22.50 until such time as City water is
connected. He based this charge on a fee of $7 . 50 each for
three businesses in the building. Mr. Parks asked how close
well was to septic tank, etc. , and whether or not it was an
artesian well ora pump. Mr. Craig advised it was about 50 feet
from old septic tank and the well is a shallow pump well. Mr.
Parks then moved that the City Manager ' s recommendation with
regard to sewer charges applicable to the Kon Tiki be approved and
made effective immediately, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
Police dockets for March 7th and 14th were submitted and
received for filing.
Mr. Craig advised that we had not forced the Kon Tiki to attach
to water line, as there are several well users not connected to
water line such as the Texaco Service Station at the corner of
Royal Palms Drive and Atlantic Blvd. When water and sewer
bec8 e available, they were advised but due to some matters that
had to be cleared with the Interstate Contracting Company regard-
ing this matter, final action was delayed, as Mr. Blow has been
ill. Expect to get something moving on that project at an early
Mr. Goodling noted absence of Mrs. Vogel tonight and asked that
concern be expressed to her about her Father ' s illness. Mr.
Parks asked that minutes of the meeting take note of absence of
Mrs. Vogel who normally records minutes and express regret at
illness prevailing in her family.
Minutes 3-14-66 Page #5
Mr. Holloway asked about item in budget of $2400.00 for
assessor. He noted that no money had been paid out for this
item this year, and asked if we had an assessor. Mr. Howell
advised that one was appointed and had not been removed. Mr.
Holloway would like to have clarified about assessor. Mr.
Holloway asked that Judge Craig look into this matter and make
Mr. Weldon moved that Insurance Bid be put on Agenda for the
first meeting in October 1966 and brought up at that time,
seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Weldon read some interesting figures and comparisons on the
Beaches Area as compared to other areas in the County, as
furnished by the Local Government Study Commission. Mrs. Grage
will make copies for each Commissioner.
Mrs. Grage reported receipt of a letter from Mrs. Charles H.
Wolf expressing thanks to City Commission for refunding license
fee paid by her husband just prior to his death.
Mr. Howell advised that Audit on Liability and Workmen's
Compensation for year 1965 has been made and invoices in amount
of $352. 51 to cover additional premiums receiped for payment.
There being no further business, Mr. Howell declared the meeting
illi. S. owell
aceLat 5A ,Adele S.Grage, City Cle
7 --
CITY OF . . .
Atea4k Beach-T&144ia
March 10, 1966
The Committee appointed by the Mayor at Commission
meeting of February 28, 1966, to consider the applica-
tion of Mr. 4illiam T. Walsh for license to rent
Peugeot CT Motor Bikes, has reviewed that request and
has studied the possible results of issuance of such
The Committee has ascertained that the insurance firm
named by the applicant is licensed to do business in
the State of Florida, and that license or permit to
rent motor bikes of this type has been issued to Mr .
Walsh by the City of Jacksonville Beach.
In view of the great probability that bikes of this type
will be operated within this City and, in order that we
may exercise control thereof, the Committee recommends
that license be issued to Mr. Walsh in accordance with
his request, but subject to the following stipulations:
1. Each and every bike shall have governor in-
stalled with maximum attainable speed to be 30
miles per hour.
2. Each and every bike shall have muffler installed.
3 . Amount of advance deposit to be made by renter
of bike to be clearly noted on rental form: and
any charge for repair of damage to bike while
operated by the renter also to be clearly noted
4. Bike rental records to be serially numbered and
to be available for inspection at any time by
City Manager or a Police officer of this City.
';',// 4 .2 ,
A( / ,X- 27
A. J. Craig
R. C. Voge
. +
March 14, 1966
The Mayor Commissioner and
Members of the City Council,
Atlantic Beach, Fla.
The committee appointed at the last meeting of the
City Commission to review and make recommendations on the
insurance bids have carefully considered all the bids and
make the following comments and recommendations:
The bids received were as follows:
Nationwide Insurance Company - $5,756.00 to be paid
30% down with nine monthly payments. This company made no
bid on Item 4 (false arrest) , and the cost of this coverage
with our present carrier is $350.00 per annum. Nationwide
indicates that the final adjustment on the premiums would be
on a short-rate basis.
McNeill Insurance Agency, Inc. submitted a total
bid of $6,215.00, with a down payment and five monthly
installments. A check with this agency indicates that the
total amount is a firm bid for the nine-month period ending
January 1, 1967.
Harry James, Inc. made a total bid of $6,280.00,
with payment to be made in cash within 30 days or execution
- 2 -
of a note. This company made no bid on Item 4 ( false arrest)
or Item 7 (general fidelity bond) .
Fletcher and Associates made a total bid of
$6,651.52 to be paid 30% down, with bank financing on the
remainder. An accompanying letter indicates that the policy
must be written for two years and nine months, although the
bid "is on a nine-month basis."
Avery 8 Wilson submitted a bid of $6,895.87 to be
paid in cash within 30 days or financed.
Under the terms of the resolution 58-24 adopted by
the City Commission of Atlantic Beach August 11, 1958,
relating to the acquisition of insurance by the City,
Paragraph 5 is as follows:
"The Agent writing coverage for the City shall
call a meeting of all qualified agents annually on or
before October 15 for the purpose of making recommenda-
tions to the City Commission for the placing of the
fire and liability insurance for the ensuing year."
There is no indication that this meeting was held
as required under the resolution or that such recommendations
were made to the City Commission. To the best of our knowl-
edge and belief, the first information coming to the City
Commission concerning such insurance coverage was the receipt
of the policies with a request for payment of premium from
the Avery & Wilson agency at the meeting of the City
- 3 -
Commission on January 10, 1966. Because of the failure to
follow the provisions of the resolution, the City Commission
had virtually no alternative except to request the Avery a,
Wilson agency to continue the coverage until such time as
bids could be received and acted upon by the City Commission.
Accordingly, the request was made that such coverage be con-
tinued for a three-month period ending March 31, 1966.
Under date of February 24, the agent for Messrs.
Avery and Wilson addressed a letter to the City of Atlantic
Beach to the effect that if the existing policies are can-
celled on April 1, 1966, the City would be penalized by
cancellation being on a short-term basis. We were also
advised that the penalty would amount to 10% and that inas-
much as the false arrest policy was issued on a minimum
earned premium basis, there would be no return premium
allowed on this policy.
The committee recommends that the City Commission
accept the bid in the amount of $6,215.00 submitted by McNeill
Insurance Agency, Inc. for the nine-month period ending
January 1 , 1967. This coverage would be with Hartford Fire
Insurance Company Group, licensed in the State of Florida
and rated in Best Insurance Guide A+AAAAA. Although this is
not the lowest bid, considering the failure of the low bidder
to bid on false arrest, the statement that final adjustment
of premiums would be made on a short-rate basis, and other
- 4 -
factors, it is the considered opinion of your committee that
such recommendation is in the best interest of the City of
Atlantic Beach.
It is further recommended that the City Manager
and the City Attorney be requested to confer with Messrs.
Avery and Wilson to effect an equitable cancellation of the
existing coverage as of March 31, 1966. The circumstances
in this case are such that your committee believes it to be
inequitable for the City to be penalized to the extent of
10% for cancellation by our present carrier, and we express
the hope that this matter can be satisfactorily adjusted.
As information, the difference between the bid of
McNeill for the nine-month period and the bid by our present
carriers on the same coverage is $680.00. According to our
calculations, the difference on an annual basis would be
approximately $1,300.00 based on the original premium notice
submitted by the present insurance carrier in January 1966.
Respectfully submitted.
• 11-11741
Louis C. Holloway
ahn 1�1. Weldon
:!!!: CITY OF . . .
mastic, Bea.cI -Tecüda
March 14, 1966
The Committee appointed by the Mayor at Commission meeting
of February 28th, 1966, to consider the proposals of
Jacksonville Mobile Sweeper Service, Inc. , as presented
in letter dated February 11th, 1966, has studied the
letter and enclosures thereof, has reviewed our Budgetary
provisions for the year 1966, and has considered the fact
that only a small portion of our paved streets have
curb-and-gutter - this feature being deemed most desirable
if the cost of mechanical sweeping is to be justified.
The Committee recognizes the fact that mechanical sweeping
of paved and curbed streets is more economical than hand-
sweeping of such areas; and, therefore one or two sweepings
of suitable street areas, by this firm, at the indicated
rate of $15 .00 per hour might be advantageous .
The Committee recommends that the City should not enter
into a street sweeping contract with this firm at this time.
This recommendation is not intended to preclude possible
negotiation by the City Manager for one or two "sweepings "
within Budgetary limitations.
W. J. P. cs, Jr . /
c_ _
Donald L. Goodling
„i-- (?;/ 7
A. J. Craig