1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation - The Reverend Harold Allen, Pastor, First
Baptist Church, Atlantic Beach.
3. Approval of Minutes, January 24, 1966.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Call for Bids:
(a) Police Car
6. Reports:
(a) Awards Committee
(1) Garbage Body
(2) Garbage Chassis
(b) Manhole #40 Contract
(c) Insurance Committee - 1966 Policies
(d) Jack Russell Memorial Park
7. Public Hearing:
(a) Billboard Ordinance - Second Reading
8. Correspondence:
(a) National Clean-up Bureau Award
(b) Elmore-Naughton - Pro-rata Auxiliary Police
Insurance $33.33
(c) Florida Publishing Co. , Political Advertising Rates
(d) Atlantic Coast Little Major League 1966 Season
(e) City of Neptune Beach - Approved Radio Contract 1966
(f) Florida League of Municipalities - "The Athenian Oath"
(g) Mrs. Charles Wolf - Refund on License.
9 . Audit for Year 1965 - Tyson & Meek Invoice, $1, 200. 00.
10. Resolutions:
(a) Burn 1965 Paid Utility Bonds and Coupons - Resolution
(b) Burn 1965 Paid Sewer Bonds and Coupons - Resolution
11. Approval Annual U.S.O. donation - $500.00.
12. Approval Building Permits:
(a) A & A Store - Marquee Awning
13. Fire and Police Chief.
14. City Manager
15. Commissioners
16. Adjourn
AT 8 P. M.
W. S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon
D. L. Goodling
L. C. Holloway, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
A. J. Craig, City Manager
W. J. Parks, Jr . , Commissioner (Out of City)
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by the Reverend Harold Allen, Pastor
of First Baptist Church of Atlantic Beach.
The minutes of the meeting of January 24, 1966 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr . Holloway, seconded by Mr . Goodling
and carried.
Mr. W. E. Allen, Co-chairman of the GJO Committee on parking,
requested permission to close Selva Marina Drive north of Club
Drive to traffic during the week of the tournament - the same
as they did last year. He also presented a petition signed by
• and signifying approval of the property owners concerned in the
closing of the street. It was brought out in the discussion
that Mr. Parks is one of those interested who signed the petition.
It was consensus that the matter be left in the hands of Mr.
Craig and Chief Vogel, and any questions could be worked out
through City Manager Craig.
Mr. Howell asked for any bids on the police car not already
turned in. There were none. Bids as covered by Specifications
#66-4 for a police car were then opened as follows:
Duval Motor Co. $1, 327 .00 (with trade-in)
Mr . Goodling moved it be referred to Awards Committee for study
and recommendation at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Weldon.
There was discussion during which it was brought out that specifi-
cations were same as last year and written so would be open to
all manufacturers. Also, "specifications" and "call for bids "
were mailed to 13 dealers and the "call for bids " published as
per certified proof of publication attached. Following further
Minutes 2-14-66 Page #2
discussion the question was put and the motion carried. The
Committee appointed was Messrs. Weldon, Holloway and Craig.
The report of the Awards Committee on bids for Garbage Body,
Specifications #66-1, and Garbage Truck Chassis, Specifications
#66-2, was presented. Copy of this report is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof. Their recommendation was to
accept bid of Square Deal Machinery Company in the amount of
$7 , 864.25 for 16 cu. yd. Heil garbage body, and the John Deihl
Chevrolet Company in the amount of $5,488.78 for Chevrolet
Garbage Truck Chassis. Mr. Weldon questioned the need of a
pony motor on the Garbage TIOidy advising he had checked Jacksonville,
Tallahassee, Ocala, and Gainesville, who do not have a single
Garbage truck in the 4 cities with a separate motor and they con-
sider it an excess item and he doesn 't think we are in a position
to afford that sort of expense. Mr. Craig advised our experience
indicates the pony engine has improved our garbage pick-up
materially and considers it money will spent. There was further
discussion in which it was brought out that no bidder was ruled
out because they could not handle the containers - also the
question of warranty was discussed and it was ascertained that
Square Deal on Garbage body guaranteed service for parts and labor
understood to be for 1 year. After further discussion Mr. Holloway
moved that the recommendations of the Awards Committee be accepted
subject to approval of City Attorney as to papers, seconded by
Mr. Goodling. It was brought out that payments would be made
one-half in 30 days after delivery, balance one year later. The
question was put and the vote was:
Aye: Goodling, Holloway, Howell
Nay: Weldon
Absent: Parks
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Mr. Craig reported that the work on Manhole #40, Specifications
#66-3, has been satisfactorily completed in line with contract
and he recommended that the contractor, B. J. Heilig Contracting
Company, be paid in the amount of $1,710.00. He advised they had
gone beyond contracted work and put blacktop instead of just
limerock around the area. Mr. Weldon moved that the contract be
paid in amount of $1,710.00, seconded by Mr. Holloway and
Minutes 2-14-66 Page #3
Mr . Howell reported that Insurance Committee had met and find
that everything is properly written but wor- d recommend that the
limits of liability be increased. Mr. Howell and Mr. Henry
Holcomb are members of the Committee appointed at last meeting
and are present tonight. Mr. Weldon advised by items his
findings on the different policies and his belief that the City
can save possibly $1, 000.00 per annum if submitted to public bid
as is custom with all items of any importance. He therefore
moved that the insurance of the City of Atlantic Beach be let
to public bid so that can see if any savings can be affected
and give all responsible insurance companies opportunity to bid,
seconded by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Howell suggested that motion include
repeal of Resolution #58-24. Mr. Weldon advised don 't think
necessary for if motion passes will automatically knock out the
Resolution. Mr. Thompson stated that if take move in conflict,
would by implication be considered repealed, but thinks that
generally speaking repealing by implication not too good
practice - Motion would repeal only to extent that it is in
conflict and would not repeal entire Resolution. There was a
lengthy discussion as to rates, type of insurance, etc. Mr.
Norman Minchew and all Commissioners discussed the matter follow-
ing which Mr. Howell put the question and the vote was:
Aye: Holloway, Weldon, Goodling
Nay: Howell
Absent: Parks
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Bids will be
• called for meeting of February 28, 1966 at 8 P. M.
Mr. Minchew advised premium on the policies were renewed and
due January 1st, 1966. He advised he would like to know if
will of Commission that they be cancelled and just start over.
He is not in position to carry indefinitely a $9, 000.00 premium.
It was suggested that perhaps it could be worked out to pay a
quarter on a pro-rata basis until matter is decided and Mr.
Minchew will check with his Company.
Mr. Craig reported on the Jack Russell Memorial Park and suggested
we hold dedication on the evening the Little League season
starts about April 1st. Mrs. Thelma Keith advised she is getting
statements from old friends of Mr. Russell who are still on the
Beach, also that Mrs. Russell is out of town but will be home
before that time. It was consensus that Mr. Craig ' s suggestion
is very good and that he pursue this and perhaps have a firm
date by next meeting.
Minutes 2-14-65 Page #4
The "Sign Ordinance" covering regulations on billboards, signs,
etc. was presented for second and final reading. Mr. Holloway
stated he feels that ordinance in present form is not as
desirable as should be and moved that until ordinance can be
put in better form that it not be approved and Public Hearing
postponed until can be studied and changes made. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Goodling who stated every time Public
Hearing has been delayed as understood there are some areas
that need change. Mr. Weldon stated ordinance has been under
consideration for nearly five months and no one has come forward
with any concrete changes. Mr. Holloway stated that he hasn't
had a chance to investigate and would like further time as not
in favor in present form. There was further discussion follow-
ing which Mr. Howell put the question and the vote was:
Aye: Holloway, Howell
Nay: Weldon, Goodling
Absent: Parks
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion not carried. Said Sign
ordinance was then read in full following which Mr . Howell
declared the meeting open for Public Hearing. Mr. O. E. Carr,
1071 Atlantic Blvd. spoke at length against the Ordinance. He
advised the rent received for the signs means a lot to him as
his income is limited. Mr. Gordon Broward of Lamar Dean
Outdoor Advertising stated they have been licensed in Atlantic
Beach for years and have five signs on business property. His
main objection is that the ordinance eliminates outdoor adver-
tising in its entirety, with two years to eliminate existing
signs. Mrs. Frank Kerber advised she sees no reason to eliminate
all signs, those that are disreputable and ragged yes, either
take down or repair, but not to eliminate those in business zone.
There being no further discussion Mr. Howell declared the Public
Hearing closed. Mr. Weldon moved the proposed Sign Ordinance
be referred back to the Planning Board for consideration in line
with comments that have been made here to-night and for further
action by the Commission, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Weldon
advised that he thinks anyone who sat through the reading of the
ordinance will perhaps appreciate some of the work that has gone
into it. The Planning Board is a public body of the City working
without compensation and only for best good of the City, and that
they work long, hard and diligently and they are entitled to
know their work is appreciated and we do value their services.
There was further discussion following which Mr. Howell put the
question and the motion carried.
Minutes 2-14-66 Page #5
A letter was read from the National Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up
Bureau advising that our City has earned a "Certificate of
Honorable Mention" in recognition of our outstanding clean-up
and civic improvement program. Mrs. Mabel Marvin prepared the
information and work on the Atlantic Beach part of the Award
Contest entry which was included with Jacksonville Beach 's. It
was consensus of opinion that Mrs. Marvin, who is also on
Planning Board, be extended a vote of thanks from the Commission.
An invoice was presented from Elmore-Naughton Insurance Company
in amount of $33.33 which is Atlantic Beach pro-rata share of
insurance covering the Beaches Auxiliary Police. Mr. Craig
recommended it be paid. Mr. Goodling moved approval for pay-
ment seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
A letter was presented from Florida Publishing Company giving
political advertising rates which was received for information
and filing.
A letter was presented from the Atlantic Coast Little-Major
League relative to the use of the ball park for the 1966 season.
Copy of this letter is attached to these minutes. Mr. W. H. Witt,
past president of the League, was present and discussed with
the Commission the need of a press box, public address system,
and 150 foot fence. Mr. Witt advised that the things the City
can 't provide, they will, if the City will give them permission
to do. After discussion Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager
be authorized to proceed as in past in working out details if
find some question that should come back to Commission., to do so,
• seconded by Mr. Weldon, and following further discussion during
which Mr. Craig advised the press box was reasonable, toilets
will be provided, but he questions need of changing the fence -
the question was then called and the motion carried.
Mrs. Grage advised we are in receipt of the 1966 Radio Contract
with Neptune Beach properly executed.
Copy of the Athenian Oath was presented from the Florida League
of Municipalities who advised copies are available.
A request was received from Mrs. Charles Wolfe - widow of Charles
Wolfe, owner of Associated Electric Company requesting refund
of their license fee for 1965-66. Mr . Wolfe paid the fee in
July and died in August 1965 and the license has not been used.
Mrs. Grage recommended the refund be approved. Mr. Goodling
moved the refund be made in amount of $50. 00, seconded by Mr.
Weldon and carried.
Minutes 2-14-66 Page #6
Audit for the year 1965 with invoice in the amount of $1, 200.00
was presented and upon motion of Mr. Weldon, seconded by Mr.
Holloway and carried, audit was received and invoice approved
for payment.
Resolution #66-2 was presented authorizing the burning of
Utility Revenue Bonds and coupons redeemed in 1965. Mr.
Goodling moved adoption of said Resolution, seconded by Mr.
Holloway and carrj.ed. Copy of Resolution #66-2 is attached to
these minutes and made a part thereof.
Resolution #66-3 was presented authorizing the burning of
Sewer Bonds and coupons redeemed in 1965. Mr. Weldon moved
adoption of said Resolution, seconded by Mr. Holloway and
carried. Copy of Resolution #66-3 is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Craig advised that the donation of $500.00 to the U.S.O.
as covered by 1961 Act of Florida Legislature is in line for
approval. Mr. Goodling moved approval of payment of annual
donation of $500.00 to the U.S.O. , seconded by Mr. Holloway and
Application for building permit to replace old awning with a
marquee type awning in front of the A & A Store at 293 Atlantic
Blvd. was presented. Mr. Craig recommended approval and
advised it is in harmony with Southern Standard Building Code.
Mr. Holloway inquired if it meets wind pressure and Mr. Craig
stated it did. Mr. Goodling moved approval of application,
• seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Chief Vogel presented the Police Department Report for January
1966 and Municipal Court dockets for January 31 and February
7, 1966. They were received for information and filing.
Referring to report made at last meeting on meeting he and
Mr. Goodling had with Mr. Cyrus Washburn of Jacksonville
Electric Department, Mr. Craig reported further that replace-
ment of lights along Ocean Blvd. with photo cell lights would
cost the City roughly an additional $20.00 per light and
requested authorization to proceed with this change in lights.
Mr. Goodling moved authorization be given to modernize the lights
at a cost of $908. 10, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Goodling
advised it would be well to point out that we might have com-
plaints due to new lights being brighter than the old ones.
Following discussion, Mr. Howell put the question and the motion
Minutes 2-14-66 Page #7
Mr . Craig suggested review of requirements relating to living
space provided by recent zoning changes in Residence "CD" areas �►
and see if change in Ordinance is needed. Mr. Holloway moved
a committee be appointed to review the matter, seconded by
Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Howell appointed Messrs. Holloway,
Goodling, Craig and Howell as committee for study and
Mr. Craig presented matter of Cavalla Road and making it passable
for easy access to the Aquatic Pool. It was discussed and Mr.
Weldon moved that Mr. Craig be authorized to negotiate with Mr.
John Blow or his agent to get needed land and report back what
he is able to accomplish, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
Mr. Craig advised Mr. Blow is ill but thinks he can negotiate
satisfactorily with his secretary, Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. Bill
Donnell who are handling business.
Mr. Craig advised he had attended a meeting on Neighborhood
Youth Corps project of the Federal Government and feels it is
worthwhile. The Federal Government will contribute 90% of cost
and the City 10%. They undertake to have each youngster physically
examined and certified fit, and they are insured at cost of the
Federal Government. He feels we could use from 5 to 10 on our parks
and street areas - and requested authorization to negotiate for
5 to 10 immediately. Mr. Goodling moved he be so authorized,
seconded by Mr. W ldon and carried.
• Mr. Goodling advised that Mr. Charles Moore 's Father had
passed away and it was consensus of opinion that the Clerk write
a letter expressing sympathy.
Mr. Goodling advised that the Public Works had recently been called
on to give assistance in an emergency, and he suggested the Public
Safety Department have a list of sick, elderly or invalids who
might need assistance. Chief Vogel and Mr. Craig will get
together and see about maintaining a list file.
Mr. Holloway called attention to condition of East Coast Drive.
Mr. Craig advised it is on list for resurfacing.
Mr. Weldon advised he had attended meeting of Local Government
Study Commission but not prepared to make a report - but would
hope at next meeting to bring up to-date.
Minutes 2-14-66 Page #8
Mr. Howell advised he would like to schedule a meeting as soon
as possible to consider applications for City Manager.
There being no further business Mr. Howell declared the meeting
ad j our ned.
/ '
Afr.d //if. 4 41 . A
' S. Sowell,
Attest: Mayor-Commissioner
Adele S. Grage, City Clet
the 3FloriOaZitnes-inion lucksonuiUe Fournxl
Specification No. 66-4 -
Publishers POLICE PA AR
Bids will be roc the Cit}
JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA Commission of the C1 to Beach.
Florida,until 8:00 P. ebruarp
14, 1966, for hirnishi Polio
Patrol Car for the . ..Atlantis
STATE OF FLORIDA Alt material and wu` nt furnished
and all work performed shall be in atric
COUNTY OF DUVAL 1 accordance with the specifications eta
contract documents pertaining thereto,
which may be examined or procured a1
the City Manager's office, City Hall,
Atlantic Beach. Florida.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Each bid should be submitted in sealed
envelope addressed to the City Commas:
Bion, Atlantic Beach, Florida, marked
W„.4pp r Goodies , who on Police Patrol Car" and delivered
who on oath says that he is or matted in time to be received to the
City Clerk's office. City Hall, prior to
M�sf bid time.
anager, Retail AdvertisingThe City reserves the right to waive
of The Florida Times-Union, and informalities in any bid; to reject any or
all bids in whole or in part, and to
accept the bid that, in its Judgment. will
be to the best interests of the City of
Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, Atlantis Beach.
BFlorida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a A. J. CRAIGORIDA
City Manager -
Legal Hotta* Attest:
Adele 5, Gregg
City Clerk
in the matter of Bids for polios patrol Car.
in the Court, •
was published in The Florida Times-Union
in the issues of January 29 1966 •
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are •
each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said
newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida,
The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and
each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval
County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per •
son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing
this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 31$ day of
- d811LLF�1'7� -- .D. 19_0_ •
Notary Public,
State of Florida at Large.
My Commission Expires Feb. 1, 1% •
CITY Of . ,
• ;� ,. . . /.
February 14, 1966
At the regular meeting of the City Commission January 24, 1966, Mayor
Howell designated the City Commission plus the City Manager as an
Awards Committee to review bids received that date from several dealers,
for furnishing a Garbage Body and a Garbage Truck Chassis under
Specifications 66-1 and 66-2. The Commissioners having agreed to meet
at 7:30 P. M. on January 25th, for this and other purposes, did so
meet and a quorum being present considered the several bids, effected
a tabulation thereof and as a result developed certain findings and
recommendations as follows:
1. See Tabulation Attached.
2. Findings and Recommendations:
After careful review of all bids, and tabulation of the
prices established in each case, it was found that the
bid of Square Deal Machinery Company to furnish one
16 Cu. Yd. Heil Garbage Body at net cost to the City of
$7,864.25 was the lowest bid received under Specification
66-1, and that firm indicates compliance with every
feature thereof. Further it was found that the bid of
John Deihl Chevrolet Company to furnish one Chevrolet
Garbage Truck Chassis at net cost to the City of $5,488.78
was the lowest bid received under Specification 66-2, and
that firm also indicates full compliance with specifications.
Accordingly the Committee recommends acceptance of the bids
• of Square Deal Machinery and that of John D-i • Chevrolet
Company at the prices indicated,..---1
Wm. S. `,'ow• 1-1
Walter 'arks, Jr. ,
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.('
A. . Craig
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l � .- D U t1 - Post Office Box 1088
Jacksonville Beach,
ED 1`y 366 Florida 32050
February 10, 1966
City Commissioners
City of Atlantic Beach
c/o City Hall
716 Ocean Boulevard,
Atlantic Beach, Florida 32003
Attention: Mr. Craig, City Manager
Again, the officers , players and parents of the Atlantic Coast
Little Major League are grateful for the opportunity to present
this letter to you.
We are preparing for our second year as a franchised member of
the Florida Little Major League and with your cooperation we are
looking forward to an even better year in 1966.
This letter is to seek permission to use the Atlantic Beach base-
ball field for our program and to request certain help from the
City of Atlantic Beach.
We will follow basically the same operation we had lastyear. The
league will be comprised of eight teams of 15 boys each, ages 8
through 12.
Each team is supervised by two adults; a manager and a coach.
Every boy is required to have an insurance policy which cost him
$2.00. The policy is a group plan similar to the school policy
and is certainly adequate.
Following is the outline of our needs:
Although our schedule is not yet ready, we request the use
of the baseball field from April 1 through July 20. These are
approximate dates. We need the field Tuesday through Friday
night of each week and the lights from 6 p.m. (or as twilight
dictates) through 10: 30 p.m. each night.
We have not yet named a general manager to succeed Mr. Robert
Miller. This is expected to be accomplished shortly and I know
you will agree with our selection since the man we seek is an out-
standing member of the Fletcher High School Faculty and the general
manager is responsible for the conduct of the games.
We need a press box mounted atop the concession stand. This
is a necessity for our official scorer and announcer. In this same
vein, we also require a sound amplifying system. We request that
the City of Atlantic Beach build the press box and furnish the
sound system.
Atlantic Beach City Commissioners
February 10, 1966
Page Two
We request that the City of Atlantic Beach perform pre-
season maintenance as necessary prior to April 1.
With a highly successful year behind us, we are looking
towards the possibility of district and state tournaments on
our home field. These tournaments bring multitudes of people
to the beach. However, to be eligible, we must have a regula-
tion size field. This could be accomplished by placing a
permanent-type fence in the outfield to form the proper di-
We request that the City of Atlantic Beach lay limestone
(or some similar substance) and stabilize it from dugout to
dugout, where spectators walk, to keep flying dust to a mini-
mum. This was quite a problem last year.
We request exclusive use of the concession stand and we
are to control all purchases, make all payments and receive
all revenues therefrom.
Practice sessions for our league teams are requested at
hours other than specified as playing dates. If agreeable,
our General Manager will work this out with the proper City
Gentlemen, we have every reason to believe the 1966
season will be even more successful and you can share, too, in
our goal of providing baseball , properly supervised, for some
130 boys of our community.
Respectfully submitted,
`"�E die L. Ervin, Jr.
League Secretary
536 South Street,
Neptune Beach, Florida
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 7 - 3; Utility Bonds in the amount
of $7, 000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of March 1, 1965, and
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Utility Revenue Bond interest coupons
which have become due thru 1965.
ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the following numbered
bonds totaling $7, 000.00 in value be burned:
Numbers 42 thru 48
and that,
The following numbered interest coupons be burned:
Coupon 18 from Bonds No. 205 thru 209
Coupon 19 from Bonds No. 192 thru 201,
205 thru 209
Coupon 20 from Bonds No. 42 thru 231
• Coupon 21 from Bonds No. 49 thru 191,
202 thru 204, 210 thru 231
The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission
„0„4 Rf
4 /
r k
Adele S. Grage, City C rk
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 5 - 3-9/10% General Obligation Sewer
Bonds in the amount of $5, 000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date
of April 1, 1965, and
WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Sewer Bond interest coupons which have
become due thru 1965,
ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the following numbered
bonds totaling $5, 000.00 in value be burned:
Numbers 21 thru 25
and that,
The following numbered interest coupons be burned:
Coupon 12 from Bonds 36 thru 45,
94, 97
Coupon 13 from Bonds 36 thru 45,
91 thru 94, 96 thru 120
• Coupon 14 from Bonds 21 thru 94,
96 thru 300
Coupon 15 from Bonds 26 thru 110,
121 thru 300
* * * *
The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission
on Y -, Of 066;
1. c I ' ,
Adele S. Grage, City Cler/