JANUARY 10, 1966
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes, December 27, 1965
4 . Recognition of Visitors
5 . Public Hearing:
(a) Wm. S. Ackland, d/b Veterans Cab
6. Application - Cut Rate Taxi Cab (cont. )
7. Public Hearing - Ordinances for 2nd & final readings
(a) Amending Zoning Ordinance - Res. B to Res. A.
Blocks 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
(b) Billboard Ordinance
8. Correspondence:
(a) Local Government Study Commission
(b) Gulf Appraisal Co.
(c) Waldo Stockton - "Underground electric lines"
(4) Mrs. Blondheim, Postmaster
(e) Mrs. Hairston - Rezoning Lots 5 & 6, Blk 1,
Atlantic Beach Park.
9. Report of Committee - Water and Sewer Service charges
10. Report on new power line services
11. Insurance Policies & Invoice - 1966
12. Approval Expenditure Acct. 1501 - fire hydrant, valve
& cover, approx. $241.79
13 . Fire and Police Chief
14. City Manager
15. Commissioners
16. Adjourn
10th, 1966, AT 8 P. M.
William S. Howell,
John W. Weldon
Donald L. Goodling
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of
December 27th, 1965, they were approved as written upon
motion of Mr. Goodling, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was
Mr. Howell next declared the meeting in session for Public
Hearing on the application of William S. Ackland, T/A
Veterans Cab for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
to operate cabs in the City of Atlantic Beach. Neither
Mr. Ackland nor a representative were present. Mr. Hart,
attorney for Cut-Rate Cab Company, stated the Veterans Cab
Company does not have an office or 'phone in Atlantic Beach
and that he is not opposed to additional cab service, but
thinks they are unable to furnish the service that Cut-Rate
could. This Public Hearing is strictly on Veterans Cab's
application - the decision on it and the Cut-Rate Cab
application will be made following this hearing. Mr. E. S.
Parrish, attorney for Beaches Cab Service, also Mr. Jack
Humphries and Mr. Marion Marvin of Beaches Yellow Cab, all
spoke against the certificate. They all stated they felt
there was no need or necessity for additional cab service.
There being no further discussion, Mr. Howell declared the
Public Hearing closed. Mr . Weldon stated that in view of
the complete lack of showing of any public convenience or
necessity for use of additional cab service, he moved that
the application of Veterans Cab be denied, seconded by Mr.
Parks and carried.
Minutes 1-10-66 - Page #2
The application of the Cut-Rate Cab Company - Public
Hearing held at meeting of December 27, 1965 - was next
considered. Mr. Weldon moved that, in view of the complete
lack of showing of any public convenience or necessity for
use of additional cab service, the application of Cut-Rate
Cab Company be denied, seconded by Mr. Parks, and following
further discussion Mr. Howell put the question and the
motion was carried.
The application of the Cut-Rate Cab Company and the Veterans
Cab were therefore denied. Mr. Howell stated we should work;
as soon as possible, on ordinance setting forth basic qualifica-
tions for Certificates of Convenience and Necessity.
Mr. Howell next presented Ordinance No. 90-66-29 covering
re-zoning all lots now designated Residence "B" in Blocks
8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Atlantic Beach, to Residence "A", and
read same in full following which he declared the meeting
in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Copy of
certified proof of publication of notice of Public Hearing
is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr.
Angus Dunlop appeared in favor of the Ordinance. As no one
else appeared either for or against the Ordinance, Mr.
Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Commissioners
Holloway, Weldon and Parks spoke regarding the percent of
lots involved and that present duplexes and apartments would
be non-conforming and would not be required to make any
change unless burned down or torn down. Mr. Goodling stated
it is difficult to turn down a re-zoning change from Residence
"B" to Residence "C" but thinks makes it extremely difficult
to change from Residence "A" to Residence "C". The only lots
covered by this Ordinance are those designated Residence "B".
Mr. Howell stated he was opposed to the Ordinance - as in
the past the policy was that no one's lot was re-zoned unless
owner of lot requested it, also apparently idea is to up-
grade the property - but there are instances where a lot lies
between duplexes, or duplex and multiple family and in
effect we will lower the value and usability of these lots
as they have been duplex lots for many, many years. He
thinks if we are going to change to upgrade then the entire
blocks should be changed and not just a portion. Mr.
Holloway is favorable to upgrading Residence "C " lots to
Residence "A". Following further discussion, Mr. Weldon
moved that Ordinance No. 90-66-29 be adopted on second and
final reading, seconded by Mr. Goodling, and the vote was:
Aye: Goodling, Holloway, Weldon
Nay: Parks, Howell
Minutes 1-10-66 Page #3
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the
Ordinance adopted. Mr. Holloway suggested that a letter
be written property owners advising of zoning change.
The Ordinance covering billboards, signs, etc. was presented.
Mr. Parks stated since this is a long document passed by
title only at last meeting it needs to be read carefully,
as thinks there is some good material but some areas are
questionable. He moved that the Public Hearing be post-
poned and that consideration of the Ordinance for final
passage be postponed to February 14, 1966 meeting, seconded
by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Howell put the question and the vote
Aye: Holloway, Parks, Goodling, Howell
Nay: Weldon
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion carried and the
Public Hearing postponed to February 14, 1966, 8 P. M.
A letter was read from the Local Government Study Commission
thanking us for $250.00 and our participation in the study.
Mr. Howell suggested Mr. Weldon as our representative on
the group. Mr. Parks moved that Mr. Weldon be appointed
as representative to the Commission, seconded by Mr. Holloway
and carried. Mr. Goodling inquired as to his understanding
that the $250.00 is part of a total that must be raised
before Commission can use. Mr. Howell advised the total
has been raised.
A letter was read from Gulf Appraisal Company advising they
are in appraisal and equalization service. Mr. Weldon moved
letter be received for information and filing, seconded by
Mr. Holloway and carried.
A letter was presented from Mr. A. L. Waldo Stockton asking
the City to investigate underground electric lines. It was
referred to Mr. Craig and Commissioner Goodling who are
presently getting information on this subject.
A letter was read from Mrs. Josephine Blondheim, Postmaster,
thanking the City for use of pick-up trucks during the week
of Christmas rush.
A letter was read from Mrs. Bertha Hairston requesting that
her Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Atlantic Beach Parkway, be re-
zoned from Residence "A to Residence "B ". Mr . Weldon moved
that as has been the custom the request be referred to the
Minutes 1-10-66 Page #4
Planning Board for consideration and recommendation,
seconded by Mr. Parks, and the vote was:
Aye: Parks, Weldon, Goodling, Howell
Nay: Holloway
Whereupon Mr. Howell declared the motion carried.
A report was submitted by the Committee regarding water,
sewer and garbage charges for the Atlantic Beach Hotel -
Apartment Complex - copy of said report is attached hereto
and made a part hereof. Mr. Goodling moved that the report
be accepted and charges be made accordingly, seconded by
Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Howell asked Mr. Craig to
check with our attorney, Mr. Thompson, and see if this is
sufficient to operate on or whether we need an Ordinance.
Mr. Howell advised the Complex will be on one billing.
Mr. Goodling advised that on new power line service he and
Mr. Craig have an appointment to meet with City of
Jacksonville representative to go over this subject. They
will report at next meeting.
The Insurance policies for the year 1966 were presented with
invoices to cover. There was a question as to how we
place our insurance and whether bid on or not. It was
advised we handle through an Insurance Committee set up by
Resolution in 1958. Mr. Weldon moved that a Committee
consisting of the City Attorney, the Mayor and the City
Manager be appointed to review the policies to determine
if coverage is adequate and whether charges are just and
proper and report back, before action is taken, seconded by
Mr. Parks. There was a lengthy discussion as to taking
bids, coverage, and policy as set up in Resolution, follow-
ing which Mr. Howell put the question and the motion was
Mr. Craig requested approval of expenditure of estimated
$241.79 from Account #1501 for purchase of a fire hydrant,
6 " gate valve and valve box cover. This is to go on water
line extension which developers of Royal Palms are putting
in, and to assure uniformity we are providing but they will
repay us. Mr. Holloway moved approval, seconded by Mr.
Goodling and carried.
In the absence of Chief Vogel, who is attending the Florida
Fire Service Training Conference in Ocala, Sgt. M. Smith
Minutes 1-10-66 Page #5
presented Police Department reports for the month of
December 1965, and the year 1965. Mr. Weldon suggested a
comparison column showing 1964 accidents, etc. Sgt. Smith
advised he will have this information by next meeting.
These reports were received for filing and information.
Sgt. Smith also presented a pin map showing locations of
all accidents in Atlantic Beach during 1965 and advised
we had no fatalities. Mr. Goodling advised he thinks the
Police Department is to be commended on the records main-
tained and keeping up the map, and that it was started when
he first came on Commission and it is gratifying to find
they are following as well as they are. Mr. Howell directed
that the minutes show this commendation.
The "Search and Seizure" Ordinance which the Chief had sent
to the Commission for their study and consideration was
discussed and Mr. Parks moved that it be referred to the
Director of Public Safety, who with the City Attorney are
requested to prepare for consideration of the Commission
an Ordinance of similar intent and purpose with wording
adjusted, where necessary, to fit Atlantic Beach, seconded
by Mr. Weldon who stated this Ordinance obviously is needed
by police, yet is one of the most controversial areas in
criminal law enforcement, he would certainly want studied
very carefully by City Attorney, and submitted to Commission
with recommendations of the City Attorney. Following
further discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion
was carried.
Mr. Craig advised that Richard Hilliard is on vacation for
two weeks.
Mr. Craig advised the bronze tablet for the Jack Russell
Memorial Park has been permanently placed and believes it
is now time to consider suitable dedication procedures.
Mr. Howell suggested appointing a Commissioner to serve with
Mr. Craig and present plans at next Commission meeting for
program and date of dedication. This was consensus of
opinion, therefore Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Holloway to
serve with Mr. Craig as a Committee.
Mr. Craig requested approval of specifications for garbage
truck body, and chassis, with bids to be received January
24, 1966 at 8 P. M. Mr. Weldon moved approval, seconded by
Mr. Parks and carried - addendums can be added if necessary.
Minutes 1-10-66 Page #6
Mr. Craig advised he has the specifications covering new
police car prepared and ready for the Commission ' s review.
He would like to present specifications and Call for Bids
at next meeting with bids to be received at February 28,
1966 meeting. It was so agreed.
Mr. Craig stated that Police Officers Hugh Craig and Harold
Harding will attend the Florida Law Enforcement Training
School in Tallahassee in February.
Mr. Craig advised that Glenn Edwards, our Sewer and Water
Foreman, has been attending night classes in Jacksonville
for 6 weeks to improve his qualifications. He is also
planning to attend another class which is starting soon.
Mr. Parks stated he has been working with Mr. Craig, Mr.
Hilliard and Mr. Edwards towards our performing routine
tests at the sewer plant incident to operation - so we can
get a better control than we have had in the past.
Mrs. Ralph Kinman thanked the Commission for the work done
on Main Street and also the street sign.
Mr. Weldon stated that our good and faithful City Manager
has continued to serve faithfully but he feels it is time to
take official action to begin search for a new City Manager.
He stated he has known Mr. Craig for two years and if Mr.
Craig were willing to continue, he would not make the sugges-
tion. He would like to propose that the Commission serve
as a body and would like to throw open for discussion. Mr.
Howell agreed that the City Commission as a whole will have
to get on it as much as he personally regrets having to do
so, but he knows Mr. Craig is desirous of retiring to a
more quiet way of life, and we should move ahead as rapidly
as possible. It was consensus that this should be done and
it was decided to meet Wednesday evening, January 19th. The
applications received to-date are on file with the City Clerk
and will be available for the Commission' s study and con-
There being no further business, Mr. Howell .,-clare the
meeting adjourned.
L Willi . owell,
Adele S. Grage, City Cl k
The Committee appointed by Mayor Howell December 27 , 1965, to
study water and sewer charges for the Atlantic Beach Hotel-
Apartment Complex, reviewed provisions of the water, sewer and
garbage ordinances and found as follows:
I. (a) Ordinance No. 55-64-9 provides that for apartments
consisting of two or more units under a single roof,
a fixed charge for garbage collection is established
at $2.00 per month for the first unit and $0.85 per
month for each additional unit. This charge is deemed suit-
able for the Apartment Complex under construction and should
be placed in effect upon completion thereof. This charge
for 100 units becomes $218.45 per quarter.
C25-8. 4 )
(b) A fixed charge of $37.50 per quarter for garbage
collection, was set up several years ago for the Atlantic
Beach Hotel. This is the current charge, with an addi-
tional charge of $6.00 per quarter for garbage container
rental; these charges should be continued.
II. (a) Ordinance No. 80-65-8 provides sewer service charges
for Apartments: $7 .50 for one unit per quarter; $6.00 per
quarter for the next three units; $4.50 per unit per
quarter for all units over four. This charge becomes
$477 .50 for 100 units, and should be placed in effect as
the apartments are completed.
(b). The sewerage charge of $75.00 per quarter for the
Atlantic Beach Hotel, which has been in effect for three
years or more, should be continued.
III. (a) Ordinance No. 80-61-6 provides water service charges
for multiple units served through the same meter. For the
apartments under construction the set-up is: for seven units
$24.00 per quarter, and all units over seven - $2.50 per unit
per quarter. This totals $256.50 per quarter as basic charges
for 100 units. Further, the ordinance provides an excess
gallonage charge of $0. 15 per thousand gallons over the
basic amount of 26,000 gallons. This system of charges
should be placed in effect as the apartments are completed,
it being noted that provision of the Ordinance for excess
water charge will accommodate the Apartment's swimming pools.
- *41:
Page #2
III. (Continued)
(b) For the first quarter of year 1966, water service
charge has been set up for the Hotel on the basis of six
single units, at $6.00 per quarter each, for swimming
pool, kitchen, bar and three floors of hotel; .plus one
additional for water used in Apartment Construction.
This totals $42.00 as basic water charge, which would be
reduced to $36.00 for the Hotel when Apartment construction
terminates. This system of charges iddeemed reasonable
and should be continued, it being noted that excess water
' charge for gallonage over 26, 000 is provided for in connec-
` tion with apartment complex gallonage through same meter.
Respectfully sub itted,
_l. ` ''s-g „_,.. I
/I. GH1/J A.
Walter J Parks
6a. h
it ` *. Louis C. Holloway
A. J Crai. l
I k, /i‘ti #
, ` \k -:
illi- S. Howell
910 4
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Legal Notice• I i o " r
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0 o cd - \ � '� z, r, , 4 Notice is hereby given that
a) `g ? ,�,. „�; 4, >, >1,.-+, on January 10, 1966 at 8:00
^a o �+�, a� o �, s:1 `� � •
�� p.m. in the City Hall of the
0 u./ \ ^� el i ; T ,� col , city of Atlantic Beach, Flo-
v •a; N ``j `� ' v `;; O ` �?':' rida the City Commission of
�a 41 .y \� ;13O a `-� p . I ''>- said City will hold a Pub-
al `i �4-3 "t , , , a� 0 .J , 1 o lic Hearing on an Ordinance
`� �' o 0 \ 0 g •-+ J [ • Amending the Zonin Ordi-
� O,- iD 11 .� s� U :,, `'4 ` fes' 4.., Hance by designating Resi-
• + +a c �, 3 0 •" dence 'B' lots in Blocks 8,
o v. ,' MI 144 o o . i,
'-+ 4 cd `-� s`-+ ,, ,...; C., ;,_ ._. 9, 10, 11, and 12, Atlantic
(, ) �; .: 0 :,..1
-� o Beach as Residence "P.'
`i ,�', G s ,� w v , .2 All persons interested are
o a) 0 I - `� o notified to be present at said
,_ +" .� c. al , o time and place and they shall
y a) u t r.` • " `;� ej O be heard. Copies of said
i a " '-, vi " • v1 U v •"' + Ordinance: are on file in the
j a " . i U S ;LI 9.,
o S �� .
office of the City Clerk.
_TA .3 :y U ,y 0 p w Dated at Atlantic Beach,Flo-
•y O �� l U o U rida this 14th day of Dec-
,c; '' N O ”' ° U r "-, O ember 1965.
O �' Cil *. O .., al •,� O . .3 4-3 J
+�, p,-I-• 1 ., O O .., �, U '1, ;� Wrn. S. Howell
A U ��+� A y f +� I
o o a, �) a Mayor-Commissioner
c3tr, r ,, , "4 S-, O '.S 0 t
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