OCTOBER 14, 1963
(1) Call to Order.
(2) Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 23, 1963
and Canvassing Board Meeting of October 1, 1963.
(3) Recognition of Visitors.
(4) Correspondence:
a. Duval County
b. South-Eastern Underwriters
(5) Mr. Tom Ellis to appear.
(6) Request, approval to hold benefit circus en
October 26, 3963.
(7) Request sor refund tax discount.
(8) Commissioners.
(9) Adjourn.
1963, AT 8:00 P. M.
Henry G. Isaacs
J. B. Claiborne
C. B. Lawrence, Jr.
Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
John R. Printon, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: Preben Johansen, Commissioner
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr . Isaacs who welcomed all visitors present.
Mr. Moore moved that the minutes of the meeting of September
23, 1963, be approved as written, seconded by Mr. Claiborne
and carried.
Mr. Moore moved that the minutes of the Canvassing Board
meeting of October 1, 1963, be approved as written, sec-
onded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
The Mayor next called for any business from the floor not
on the agenda. There was none.
A letter from Bob Harris regarding an estimate for traffic
light at State Road 10, Atlantic Boulevard and Penman Road,
was presented. The county would like to split the cost
of said light between Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and
Duval County. The Mayor advised he had talked to Mr.
Harris after receiving the letter and they would like each
party involved to pay one-third of the cost. He also
talked with Mayor Futch of Neptune Beach and their Council
will meet in two weeks and will discuss the matter at
that time. Mr. Lawrence wanted to know who is supposed
to maintain the light. The cost of the light is estimated
at $4, 187 .35. Mr. Lawrence also felt that we should be
sure that any light we get is not a 'one of a kind' light
that is impossible to secure parts for. Mr. Moore felt
for that kind of money we could build a traffic circle and
divert traffic off the highway.
A letter from Southeastern Underwriters regarding the City's
fire classification was read, advising we were being put
on their itinerary for an inspection.
Minutes - 10/14/63 Page 2
Mr. Tom Ellis next appeared regarding the proposed shopping
center. He advised Mr. John Blow had sent a letter to Mr.
Printon requesting rezoning so they can get started on the
shopping center plans. He presented plans and documents
including one from H. B. Meiselmann regarding building a
movie theatre, Some time ago when the Texaco station went
in, they put in a septic tank. Mr. Blow has agreed if this
is rezoned, he will extend sewer and water utilities to
location. He advised that Sailfish Drive will be paved,
guttered and storm sewered. They are perfectly willing
to defray costs of re-zoning and public hearing. He also
presented a contract from Lonnie Wurn that they will build
a Pic 'n Save. Mr. Ellis said he would appreciate it if
the Commission could give some action tonight so they can
proceed with the plans to further develop the center. Mr.
Moore inquired regarding the super market. Mr. Ellis ad-
vised he is meeting with A & P tomorrow to renegotiate the
lease - he has two prospects - A & P and Colonial Stores.
Colonial wants to go in very much because of an affiliation
with Pic 'n Save. An ordinance for re-zoning the northeast
corner of •Royal Palms Drive and Atlantic Boulevard was pre-
sented to the Commission to read and study. Mr. Lawrence
said apparently this is a true serious attempt to establish
some sort of commercial area in there and he is willing to
swallow a bit of pride and sponsor the ordinance for rezoning
of that particular corner. Mr. Claiborne questioned our
change in this matter. There was further discussion in
which it was brought out that from a tax standpoint it
would be good for the City and a full-fledged shopping cen-
ter would be a valuable service to Atlantic Beach. After
further discussion, Mr. Lawrence moved that the rules be
waived and the ordinance be presented in full in writing
for first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Moore and
the vote was:
Aye: Lawrence, Moore, Isaacs
Nay: Claiborne
Absent: Johansen
whereupon the Mayor declared said Ordinance passed on first
reading by title only and set date for Public Hearing as
November 11, 1963 .
A request for approval to hold a benefit Circus at the Bull
Airport on October 26, 1963, was presented. Mr. Bull ad-
vised that he has given permission for use of the airport.
Minutes - 10/14/63 Page 3
This event is sponsored by the Fraternal Order of Police.
Mr. Lawrence moved that the request be granted, seconded
by Mr. Moore and carried.
A request for refund of tax discount on RE 59 to Miss
Florence Walker was presented. Mr. Claiborne moved that
the discount in the amount of $2 . 15 be refunded to Miss
Walker, seconded by Mr. Isaacs and carried.
Mr. Claiborne advised he would like to ask the City Manager
to look into the possibility of drawing up an ordinance to
reduce the rate we charge Beaches Aquatic Pool for their
water - we are looking for some way we could legally help
Mr. Moore advised he was a little concerned about kids
running wild, throwing rocks at cars and street lights.
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the
meeting adjourned.
Henry Go(Is• . cs, Mayor-Commissioner
Adele S. Grage, City Cl=1