03-11-63 v COMMISSION MELTING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,-j0 FLORID . MARCH /1, 196:i AGENDA (1) Call to Order. (2) Minutes Regular Meeting February 25® 1963, and Special Meetings March a963 and Burch 6, 1963 (3) Recognition of Visitors, (4) Easements: (4) Acceptance of ext$ ,5ion Royal Palms Drive to Atlantic Boulevar'1 60° R/W. (b) Acceptance of 15 eaJ►em'ent for water line from City park property to Dudley Street. (5) Request for Permit to construct awning on building 140 - 160 Nayport Road = Bernie's Restaurant --- Permit #7552. (6) Report City Attorney's opinitn on Uendryx-Culligan business compatability to Bu.inet;s AA zoning. (7) Mt. Fred Schnakenberg to appwar regarding use of former airport for Police i\, socia cion one day circus (8) Correspondence: (a) Letter h City of JackLoaville. Cb) Florida State Road Depvvtment, Report on Park property. (1o) Monthly reps t Deparbr eM of Pubt i.c Safety. (a) Police (b) Fire (11) Commissioners. (12) Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1963 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J. B. Claiborne C. B. Lawrence, Jr. Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney John R. Printon, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs. Before going into the business of the meeting, Mr. Isaacs recognized Mr. William S . Wilson, the Mayor of Jackson- ville Beach, and expressed appreciation for his attendance at this meeting. The minutes of the meeting of February 25, 1963, were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. The minutes of the special meeting of March 5, 1963, were ap- proved as written upon motion of Mr . Lawrence, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Isaacs requested the City Clerk to read the minutes of the special meeting of March 8, 1963, following which Mr. Isaacs moved that the minutes be amended to state the deed restric- tions on the lots purchased for the park as set forth by the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Lawrence. Following a discussion in which the City Attorney advised that the matter of restric- tions was included in Resolution #63-8. After further discus- sion, the Mayor called for the vote, which was: Aye: Lawrence, Isaacs Nay: Claiborne, Johansen, Moore The Mayor declared the motion not passed. Mr. Claiborne then moved that the minutes of March 8, 1963, be adopted as read, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Isaacs recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor, not on the agenda. Captain George Monkhouse, U. S. Army, secretary of the Atlantic Beach Volunteer Firemen's Association, spoke on behalf of the members of the Association. He advised that they were perturbed Minutes 3/11/63 Page 2 by the articles in the papers regarding the reorganization of the Fire and Police Departments and the hiring of a joint Police and Fire Chief. They would like to know what the plans are in this connection. Mr. Claiborne advised that, speaking for four of the five City Commissioners (not for Mayor Isaacs) , he would like to say that they and the Volunteer Firemen had a great deal in common, as each group volunteered to serve the City. The decisions made cannot always be agreeable to all persons. The Commission has not taken any administrative action, but have instructed the City Manager to see if a man capable of serving as administra- tive head of both departments can be found. The Commissioners are not on trial and we do not have a Town Hall form of govern- ment. Everyone is entitled to make their own decisions and express their opinions but the responsibility for setting the policy of Atlantic Beach is held by the Commissioners. it was brought out that there has been no official action taken, as they are simply investigating at this time and until the City Manager makes a recommendation, and when and if a person is found, then the City Commission will take the necessary official action. Captain Monkhouse advised that the Fire Department is not opposed to the appointment of a new Fire Chief or a new Police Chief and that they couldn 't care less who the Fire Chief is, so long as he was an experienced capable man. They want to go on record as opposed to one individual holding both jobs, as they do not believe it can be done. He wanted to know what position the Fire Department would be in if the Commission went ahead with this plan, after they had disagreed with the proposed change. Mr. Lawrence advised they had no idea of disposing of the Volun- teer Fire Department, simply coordinating the two departments under one head. Mr. Johansen advised that this is a democratic form of government and that everyone has a right to go on record as being for or against a policy or situation. He thinks the Fire Department has done a beautiful job and should continue doing so. Captain Monkhouse advised they wanted to go on record as having said that last November Claiborne and another Commissioner in- terviewed several Jacksonville firemen with a view to consider- ing as Fire Chief of the City of Atlantic Beach. At this time approximate salary was discussed. He stated he took personal offense to statements made about Volunteer Firemen at that time Minutes 3/11/63 Page 3 and is prepared to present a witness who will testify under oath as to exactly what transpired in Claiborne 's office in Arlington last November. There was considerable discussion of this matter between Captain Monkhouse and the Commissioners, during which it was brought out that this change has been under consideration for two or three years, that the Commission does not see where it would affect the Volunteer Fire Department, that they have done a good job, but that the Commission has decided on a course of action to investigate the possibility of finding a capable, experienced man as combined Police and Fire Chief. Mr. Johansen said since it was clear how the Commission stands, he would like to inquire what the position of the Volunteer Firemen would be. Captain Monkhouse advised that since the Volunteer Firemen have gone on record as opposing the proposal, and if the City Commission intends to go through with this plan, that he was authorized to tender the resignation of the entire force of Volunteer Firemen of the City of Atlantic Beach, en masse, to be effective the 18th of March, 1963, at 8:00 P. M. in the evening, at which time they would like for representatives from the City, perhaps the Mayor, the City Manager, and as many Commissioners as feel they would like to be there, to get with members of the Volunteer Fire Department at the City Fire Station to inventory the property that belongs to the City of Atlantic Beach and, when the inventory is complete, the Volun- teer Fire Association is prepared to remove from the City of Atlantic Beach approximately $8, 000.00 worth of fire-fighting equipment which belongs to the Volunteer Fire Association and the Mayor can inform the President of the Volunteer Fire Associ- ation as to who the representatives are who will meet with them next Monday night to turn over the equipment that belongs to the City and, at that time, they will remove all equipment that belongs to the Association. Mr. Johansen advised that his question is answered. He feels that the action is premature before they know whether an individual can be found who is ex- perienced and capable. Among those speaking on the subject were: Mr. Henry Bitzer, Mr. Lawrence Gallagher, Mrs. George Pritchard, Mr. Roy Nelson, and Mr. Dan Watts. Mr. Lawrence advised that this is the exact procedure that was followed in obtaining the City Manager and moved that the Mayor terminate the discussion concerning the Fire and Police Chief Minutes 3/11/63 Page 4 so that we can take care of further business on the agenda. Mr. Johansen seconded the motion, whereupon the Mayor advised that he is against the plan but, in his opinion, the City Commission- ers are going ahead with it, and without putting the motion, de- clared this part of the discussion closed. Mr. Printon presented to the Commission an easement covering the extension of Royal Palms Drive to Atlantic Boulevard, con- sisting of a 60 foot right-of-way that he advised conforms to requirements of the City and that our consulting engineer, Mr. Parks, had found it to be in order. The necessary adjustments have been made and the easement is found to be correct and in order. This is the right-of-way that will terminate opposite Penman Road. Mr. Johansen moved that we accept the easement, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Printon next presented a 15 foot easement for extending our water line through the Mount Pisgah A.M.E. Church property. The Church was only willing at this time to give an easement for a water line. Mr. Claiborne moved that we accept the ease- ment, subject to the City Attorney 's approval, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. The City Manager presented a request for a building permit for an awning to be put on Bennie 's Restaurant on Mayport Road and advised that it meets all of our building requirements and re- commends that it be approved. Mr. Claiborne moved that this building permit be approved, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. It is the opinion of Mr. Thompson, our City Attorney, that the Hendryx-Culligan Soft Water business is compatible to Business AA zoning. Therefore, Mr. Johansen moved that we notify the Hendryx-Culligan Soft Water Company that their business is com- patible and will be permitted in the Business AA zone, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Fred Schnakenberg, on behalf of the F.O.P., asked for a one-day permit to have a circus on the evening of April 14, 1963, from 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. on the property known as the Bull Air- port. They have already taken out liability insurance and he advised that the property will be cleaned up prior to and after the circus. Mr. Lawrence advised he had talked to the attorney and he sees no reason why we could not give the permit; there- fore, Mr. Lawrence moved that we give the F.O.P. a one-day permit for the circus as requested, seconded by Mr. Johansen and Minutes 3/11/63 Page 5 carried. Before seconding the motion, Mr. Johansen asked what percentage the F.O.P. would get and was advised that 60% would go to the F.O.P. for charitable purposes and 40% to the circus. A letter was read from the City of Jacksonville regarding the difficulty we are having in getting street lights replaced. A letter was also read from the Florida State Road Department regarding Resolution #63-6, which requested a condemnation of a Colonial Oil property at Seminole Road and Atlantic Boulevard. They advised that Seminole Road is a County road and the State Road Department has no jurisdiction over the building, as it is not located on State Road Department right-of-way. They had referred our letter to Duval County. Mr. Lawrence reported that the transaction covering securing of land for park purposes in the vicinity of the fire station was closed today, March 11, 1963, and that the City is now owner of approximately 131 acres total. Report of Fire Chief Howell for the month of February, 1963, was read, received and filed. Report of Police Chief McClung for the month of February, 1963, was read, received and filed. There being no further business, Mayor Isaacs declared the meeting to be adjourned. '� ) Henry G. I s, Mayor-Commissioner Attest: _122 & 2 . / ~ , - 62L-.&._ 2 Adele S. Grage, Cit Clerk/