2: 00 P. M.
Henry G. Isaacs
J. B. Claiborne
Preben Johansen
C. B. Lawrence
Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners
John R. Printon, City Manager and
Acting City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Isaacs .
It was moved by Mr. Johansen that the rules be waived,
seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
Mr. Lawrence moved that Resolution 63-5 be adopted, sec-
onded by Mr . Johansen and Roll Call was:
Aye - Claiborne, Johansen, Lawrence, Moore,
Nay - None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said Resolution adopted.
Copy of Resolution 63-5 is attached to these minutes and
made a part thereof.
There being no further business, Mr. Isaacs declared the
meeting adjourned.
Henry G/ aacs, Mayor-Commissioner
r ohn R. Printon, Acting City Clerk
WHEREAS, the Atlantic Beach seawall was erected by the Town
of Atlantic Beach in 1935 under the Federal Emergency Admini-
stration of Public Works, Project 4962, under the direction
and supervision of Hills and Youngberg, Engineers, for the
purpose of protecting the property and citizens of said Town
from the anticipated damage caused by storm, tides and waves
of the Atlantic Ocean, and
WHEREAS, the construction of said seawall was financed and
paid for from the proceeds of an issue of $175, 000.00 of gen-
eral obligation bonds of said Town, and by the contribution
of a thirty per cent grant of the cost of labor and materials
from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works,
WHEREAS, the processes of shore erosion over the many years
have now lowered the beach level to such an extent that the
seawall is dangerously undermined and natural processes have
not restored the beach sufficiently to protect the wall from
collapse, and
WHEREAS, during the storm of October, 1947 , approximately
300 feet of seawall collapsed and fell forward on the beach,
WHEREAS, the storms of late November and early December, 1962,
again dangerously lowered the beach exposing the seawall to
further possible collapse, during which time the neighboring
cities of Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach suffered great
and irreparable damage and wherefore, under Public Law 4875
said cities of Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach were de-
clared disaster areas, qual i_vying said communities for emergency
disaster relief including emergency repairs to their seawalls
and restoration by artificial nourishment to their beaches and
reimbursement of reasonable emergency expenditures incurred,
WHEREAS, the current storms and weather conditions of February,
1963, are further lowering the level of the beaches and have
caused two vehicular ramps through the Atlantic Beach seawall
to collapse and become useless and have further put in jeopardy
Resolution 63-5
Page 2
other portions of the seawall, and that currently there are
thousands of yards of fill materials being lost through ruptures
in the seawall, and
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has expended several thousands
of dollars in man hours and equipment time in attempting to pro-
tect the seawall and its citizens and also that ocean front
property owners have spent countless sums of money in work and
materials to protect their homes and property, and
WHEREAS, a state of extreme emergency now exists, a continuation
of present storm conditions would render the collapse of the
seawall imminent, and
WHEREAS, the collapse of the seawall will bring about an emergency
far beyond the capacity of the City of Atlantic Beach to cope
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the attention of the Governor
of the State of Florida be called to the aforesaid emergency
circumstances and that he be urged to request the President of
the United States to declare the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
a disaster area and eligible for disaster relief according to
Public Law #875, including temporary repairs to the seawall,
nourishment of the beaches, and other appropriate repairs that
the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers may deem necessary.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Resolution be sent
Farris Bryant, Governor
State Director of Civil Defense
U. S. District Corps of Engineers
Senator Spessard L. Holland
Senator George A. Smathers
Honorable Charles E. Bennett
John E. Mathews, Jr.
Thomas Slade
Harry Westberry
George Stallings
Resolution 63-c
Page 3
Passed by the City Commission on February 9, 1963.
Henry Isaacs, Mayor - Commissioner
J. B. Claiborne, Commissioner
Preben Johansen, Commissioner
C. B. Lawrence, Jr . , Commissioner
Charles R. Moore, Commissioner
(SEAL) r
Adele S. Grage, City Cly k