JANUARY 28, 1963
(1) Call to Order
(2) Minutes of Regular Meeting of January l4 1963,
and Special Meeting of January 22, 1963
(3) Recognition of Visitors
(4) Opening of Bids:
(a) Police Car
(b) Used Motor Grader
(c) Gasoline and Oil for 1963
(d) Heating & Air Conditioning City Hall
(5) Ordinances:
(a) Amendment - Garbage Ordinance - 2nd Reading
(6) Receive Audit and approve bill for payment
(7) Report on Hardship Provision on request for
Building Permit
(8) Correspondence:
(a) First National Beach Bank
(b) Chanter of Commerce - Jacksonville Beach
(c) Letter - John R. Gurtler
(d) Ocean State Bank
(3) Letter - James L. Carter
(9) Request for contribution to Beaches Civil Defense
for share in costs of radiological equipment for
. class instructions - 8250.00
(10) Resolution regard{ng Beach nourishment by Corps of
(11) Request for Certificate of Convenience & Necessity:
(a) Sandra Cab Company
205]. Mavport Road
Owner: Sandra T. Walton
2051 F1ayport Road
X12) Commissioners
(13) Adjourn
Henry G. Isaacs
J. B. Claiborne
Preben Johansen
C. B. Lawrence, Jr .
Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners
John R. Printon, City Manager
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
Minutes of the regular meeting of January 14, 1963, were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne
and carried. Minutes of the special meeting of January 22, 1963 ,
were approved as written upon motion of Mr . Johansen, seconded by
Mr. Claiborne and carried.
The Mayor recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor not on the agenda.
Mr . Jack Connell appeared on behalf of the Beaches Athletic Associ-
ation and outlined a recreational program which they plan for the
boys and girls of the Beaches of all ages . They hope to have at
least 600 members and membership will be $5.00 per family. They
requested the cooperation of the Commission, as well as monetary
help, if available. It was the consensus of opinion that the co-
operation will be given but at the present time, our funds have
been designated for our own recreational program. Mr. Lawrence
advised that perhaps we could put our facilities at their dispos-
al and work up some competition between our teams and theirs.
At the same time, we want to develop our facilities to the fullest.
Bids were next opened.
(a) Police Car - Bids were received from.
J. C. Carter Company $1, 525. 90
Shannon Brothers $1, 119.47
Bill Terry, Inc. $1, 950.00
Mr. Johansen moved that the bids be received for tabulation and
turned over to the Finance Committee with power to act, seconded
by Mr . Claiborne and carried.
Minutes - 1/28/63 Page 2
(b) Used Motor Grader - (Certified proof of publication for call
for bids is attached to these minutes and made
a part thereof. )
Bid was received from:
Florida Equipment Company $1, 500.00
Mr . Johansen moved that the bid be received and that it be turned
over to the Finance Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr.
Claiborne and carried.
(c) Gasoline and Oil Requirements for 1963
Bids were received from the following companies:
Atlantic Boulevard Ice and Fuel
Futch Oil Company
Gulf Oil Company
Humble Oil and Refining Company
Sinclair Refining Company
Mr . Johansen moved that these bids be received for tabulation and
referred to the Finance Committee for study with power to act,
seconded by Mr . Claiborne and carried.
(d) Heating and Air Conditioning the City Hall
Bids were received from:
Arlington Heating and Air Conditioning - $2, 570.00
Huxham Heating and Air Conditioning $2, 667 . 53
Milligan's Sheet Metal Co. $2, 876 .00
Mr . Johansen moved that the bids be received and turned over to the
Finance Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and
The Mayor next declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing
for confirmation of Special Assessment Roll covering sewer improve-
ments in Area "L". Mr . Roland Blalock advised that he had given
easement for this sewer line from his property and wondered if he
could be given some consideration on his assessment for this. It
was explained that the City, in arranging for sewer services, does
not pay for easements . He also requested information as to whether
he would be charged for his Atlantic Boulevard frontage when and if
the sewer line is extended East. he was advised that he would not
be assessed again, as we only make assessment against one side of a
property. There was a discussion, following which Mr. Printon read
Resolution 53-3 confirming the Special Sewer Assessment Roll and
amending the total assessment to be $3 , 394. 16 . Mr. Lawrence moved
the passage of this Resolution, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried.
Notice of Public Hearing on this Resolution was posted at the City
Hall, Post Office, A & A Grocery Store and copies sent to interested
parties. Copy of Resolution 63-3 is attached to these minutes and
made a part thereof.
Minutes - 1/28/63 Page 3
Ordinance covering amending of the Garbage Fee Ordinance was brought
up for second reading. Before going into Public gearing on this
Ordinance, Mr. Isaacs requested Mr . Claiborne to speak on the
Mr. Claiborne explained that it cost approximately $42, 000.00 per
year to operate the Garbage Department and that we only receive
$28, 000.00 from Garbage Fees, which leaves a departmental deficit
of $14, 000.00. He suggested three ways in which this situation
could be corrected:
1. Increasing taxes - which would cause the large
and/or unimproved property owners to pay for a
service they were not receiving.
2. To increase garbage fee and continue daily pick
up as at present.
3. To try every other day pickup, except during the
months of June, July and August, when we would
pick up every day. The increase in garbage fee
would only be made for the months in which we
had daily pickup.
Following this explanation by Mr. Claiborne, the Mayor opened the
meeting for Public Hearing.
After a lengthy discussion, the matter of frequency of trash pickups,
landfill odors, careless handling of garbage cans, ' ?kiihood of rat
infestation from over-turned garbage cans were all considered. It
was suggested that we try every other day pickup except for the
months of June, July and August, in which we will have daily pickups
and if it does not prove satisfactory, we could make necessary
changes. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed following the
discussion, whereupon Mr. Claiborne moved that the Ordinance be
amended to show a fee of $3.00 per month for June, July and August
for Residence A units and on Residence B units, $3.00 per month for
June, July and August for the first unit and $1.85 per month for
each additional unit, and that the Ordinance as amended be passed on
first reading by title only. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Johansen and, having been duly considered, the question was put and
the motion was unanimously carried. The Mayor set February 11, 1963,
at 8:00 P. M. for Public Hearing on this Ordinance.
Audit for the year 1962 was presented to the Commission. Mr. Lawrence
moved that the Audit be received and that the bill from Tyson and
Meek, C.P.A. , covering this Audit be approved for payment, seconded
by Mr. Moore and carried.
v •
Minutes - 1/28/63 Page 4
Mr. Printon reported that it would be imposing a hardship to deny
permit for the addition as requested to the house located on Lot 28,
Block 9, 357 - 7th Street, and recommends that the permit as requested
be granted. Mr. Lawrence moved that the permit be granted on the
basis that to literally enforce the provision of the Zoning Ordi-
nance would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner, seconded
by Mr. Moore and carried.
Letters were presented from the First National Beach Bank, the
Ocean State Bank and James T. Carter complimenting the Commission
on the Report to the Stockholder letters and congratulating the
Commission, Officers and Employees on handling of City affairs.
Copy of a letter to the Expressway Authority from the Jacksonville
Beach Chamber of Commerce relative to the Expressway link to the
Beaches was read. There was a discussion, follatng which Mr.
Claiborne moved that we, too, write a similar letter to the Express-
way Authority, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried.
A letter was presented from John R. Gurtler relative to garbage
fees, but this matter has already been considered.
A request was received from the Civil Defense for $250.00 to be used
as our share of the costs for radiological equipment to be used in
class instructions. The attorney was asked if a contribution of
this type was legal and Mr. Thompson stated that it was permitted
udner the State statutes. The matter was discussed, following which
Mr . Johansen moved that we contribute this amount as requested, but
ask Civil Defense to submit a budget of any further expenditures so
that we could provide funds in our yearly budget, seconded by Mr.
Claiborne and carried.
Resolution 63-4 covering the replenishing of sand on the Beach was
presented and read in full. Mr. Johansen moved the adoption of this
Resolution, seconded by Mr . Lawrence and carried. Copy of said
Resolution 53-4 is attached to these minutes and made a part
A request was presented for a Certificate of Convenience and Nec-
essity for the Sandra Cab Company of 2051 Mayport Road. The matter
was discussed and ,Idr. Claiborne suggested that a committee be ap-
pointed to check into the matter and make recommendations. Mr.
Isaacs appointed Mr. Lawrence as chairman of the committee and he
is to select his own committee and report back their findings to
the Commission.
Minutes - 1/28/63 Page 5
Mr. Moore advised that he felt that any infractions as to non-con-
forming garbage containers and so forth should be reported by the
Garbage Department, and that we should enforce the Garbage Ordinance.
It was requested that any laxity on the part of owners or garbage
crew be reported to the City Manager.
Mr. Printon requested permission to call for bids on two new truck
chassis and flat beds to replace the ones we now have. This is in-
cluded in the 1963 budget. Mr. Printon was directed to call for bids
as requested.
Mr. Isaacs thanked all those present for attending the meeting,
then declared the meeting as adjourned.
(//?// Li
Henry G. s cs, Mayor-Commissioner
Adele S. Grage, City Cler
- 0 -
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 62-24 of the City Com-
mission of the City of Atlantic Beach and other proceedings
duly had and taken in conformity with and pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 184 Florida Statutes, the said City
did cause to be constructed, in said City, Sanitary Sewers
WHEREAS, after the completion of said work, the Engineer
for said City did prepare a Preliminary Assessment Roll in
the manner and form as required by said Statute and filed
the same with the City Clerk and,
WHEREAS, after the filing of said Roll as aforesaid the
City Clerk did publish notice as provided for and required
by said Statute and stating that at the regular meeting of
the City Commission of said City to be held at 8 o ' clock
P. N. at the City Hall of Said City on January 28, 1963 ,
all interested persons might appear and file written ob-
jection to the confirmation of said Roll and,
WHEREAS, at the time and place stated in said notice the
said City Commission did meet to consider said Roll and to
receive and consider any objections that might be made to
the confirmation thereof and no objections from any persons
was made or presented and,
WHEREAS, the said City Commission has found and determined
that the said Roll is in all respects proper and correct
except that the total cost is $3, 394. 16 and that no assess-
ment shown thereon is in excess of the specal benefits to
the property assessed and that all assessments shown thereon
are in proportion to the special benefits to the property
assessed and that said Roll should be confirmed,
The said Special Assessment Roll and each assessment shown
thereon be and the same are hereby confirmed in all respects
and that the said Roll be forthwith delivered to the Treasurer
of said City and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, any assessment may be paid at
the office of the Treasurer of said City within 30 days after
r �
Resolution #63-3
date of this Resolution without interest. All assessments
may be paid in three (3) installments as follows :
(a) First Installment of one-third (1/3) of total
assessment due and payable on March 1st, 19s3.
(b) The Unpaid Balance of said Assessment in two
equal annual installments thereafter with interest at 6%
per annum.
All installments shall bear interest at the rate of 6% per
annum from and after March 1st, 1963 until paid, however,
any assessment may be paid at any time before due together
with interest accrued thereon until date of payment.
* * * :: * *
Passed by the City Commission January 25', 1963 .
06/2-LCZ--(SLAT) '
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk (
WHEREAS, on the 17th day of December, 1962, the President
declared a "major disaster " in the State of Florida, under
the provisions of Public Law 875, 81st Congress, as amended;
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach is a public entity
within said State;
NO-:1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of
the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, that the Office of
Emergency Planning be and hereby is requested to arrange
to have the appropriate Federal Agency perform the follow-
ing emergency work essential to the health, safety or
welfare of the people and property of this public entity:
To replenish eroded beach with sand.
This body certifies that, to the best of its knowledge
and belief, the requested work is eligible under Public
Law 875, 81st Congress, as amended, and holds and saves
the United States and the United States Corps of Engineers
free from responsibility for damages, casualties and other
deleterious affects due directly or indirectly to prepara-
tion for, conduct of, and finalizing of work incident to
authorized Federal disaster repairs and replacements
covered by this resolution.
Passed and approved this 28th day of January, 1963.
..� GiRih-
Hen G. I/. . •s, Mayor-Commissioner 11- / /
J !. Claiborne, Commissioner
/ \ •re•n ' ohansen, Commissioner
4144-1-efra-J // a
Charles R. Moore, C sioner
C. B. Lawrence, Jr . , Commissi r
Resolution # 103 ' 4
I, Adele S. Grage, duly appointed City Clerk of the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the above is
a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and approved
by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
on the 28th day of January, 1963 .
Adele S. Grage, City Cle
I concur in the request of the City of Atlantic Beach, a public
entity under the laws of the State of Florida. The governing
body has the authority to issue this Resolution.
Governor s Authorized Representative
They loriaaZitttes-iaxtioa 3Jurkscnuillr 31nurnal
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
W. B. Goodloe , who on oath says that he is
Manager, Retail Advertising of The Florida Times-Union, and
The Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval
The City of Atlantic Beach, • • ,will
County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a receive bids to a:oc P.M.. 29
1963. in the o$$j�ee%0f the 716
Ocean Bouleved,,Aflanttc Be:
legal notice for:
1 Model Adana Motor
powered with U. D.• u lone'
Call for bids one motor Or Harvester diesel engine,, k+; boa d.
in the matter of high arch font axle, op. 500 x
24 front tires. 13:00 x rear tandem
tires: or equal.
grader - used etc. TRRAtlE 1N—ASt3.
1 Huber-WarCo)tttEhtainer. jvf Snit)
backhoe. but:lfltidestllozer bade and
The City ,Ion: rdiirvea
right, to raise' .and ell Mete and to
- –--------- waive any intgrhgli*in a bids.
• Attest:
the _ _ Court, I _City Clerk
was published in Florida Times Union
in the issues of January____1$_,___1963
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and The Jacksonville
Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida,
and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said
Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and The Jacksonville Journal
each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the
postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next
preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant fur-
ther says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dis-
count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me D �
this _- lath day of
D. 19 63 JAN 2 11963
Notary Public,
State of Florida at Large.
My Commission ExpiresFeb_1.1 1963 �,