December 28, 1964
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3 . Minutes Meeting December 14, 1964
4. Opening of Bids
a. Repairing, cleaning and painting water tank
5. Recognition of Visitors.
6. Public Hearings :
a. 1965 Budget Ordinance- 2nd & final reading
b. Pet Ordinance - 2nd and final reading
7. Reports:
a. Awards Committee - Loader-Backhoe Machine
b. Finance Committee - Report on overtime for
Police and Firemen - October 12th meeting.
c. Selva Marina - Club License
8. Approval Bills :
a. Avery & Wilson - extending insurance policies
to January 1, 1966
41/ b. Jacksonville Beaches Jr. Chamber of Commerce 1963
and 1964 contributions.
9. Approval Building Permits
a. Selva Marina Club additions and alterations
10. 1965 Tax Assessor
11. Resolutions :
a. Resolution 64-35 Transfer funds
b. Sewer Service Charges - Theatre
12 . Police and Fire Chief
13 . City Manager
14. Commissioners
15 . Adjourn
1964 AT 8 P.M.
Chas. R. Moore
Don Goodling
Walter J. Parks, Jr.
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
Absent: George R. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner-Pro-
tem, Mr . Moore.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
As there were no corrections to the minutes of December 14th,
1964 they were declared approved as written.
Bids on repairing, cleaning and painting the water tank were
next received. Copy of certified proof of publication for "call
for bids " on this project known as Specifications 1964-3 is
attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Bids were
received as follows:
Florida Sandblasting Co. $3, 386. 00
Chas. H. Seig, Jr . 7 , 575. 00
Mr . Goodling moved that the bids be received and referred to
Awards Committee and that Mr. Parks serve on the committee,
seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Moore appointed Com-
missioner Parks, Messrs. Craig and Hilliard to serve as Awards
Committee, to report back at next meeting.
Mr. Moore recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the agenda. There was none.
Ordinance #20-64-8 covering the Budget for the year 1965 was
presented in full in writing for Public Hearing and passage on
second and final reading. The Ordinance was read following
which Mr. Moore declared the meeting in session for Public Hear-
ing. As no one appeared either for or against, Mr. Moore de-
clared the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Weldon moved
that Ordinance #20-64-8 be adopted on second and final reading,
seconded by Mr . Goodling and the call vote was:
MINUTES OF 12-28-64, Page #2
Aye: Goodling, Parks, Weldon, Moore
Nay: None
Absent: Olsen
Whereupon Mr. Moore declared the motion carried and Ordinance
#20-64-8 adopting the Budget for the year 1965 approved on sec-
ond and final reading. Notice on Public Hearing was posted in
line with charter requirements.
Ordinance #95-64-7 was presented in full in writing for Public
Hearing and passage on second and final reading. Notice of Pub-
lic Hearing on said Ordinance was posted in line with charter
requirements. The Ordinance having been read in full, Mr. Moore
declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ord-
inance. As no one appeared either for or against the Ordinance
which regulates the keeping of pets in the City of Atlantic Beach
and provides for the vaccination, registration and licensing, etc.
of dogs and cats, Mr. Moore declared the Public Hearing closed.
Whereupon Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of said Ordinance #95-
64-7 on second and final reading and the call vote was:
Aye: Parks, Weldon, Goodling, Moore
Nay: None
Absent: Olsen
Mr . Moore then declared the motion carried and said Ordinance
adopted on second and final reading.
A report was presented from the Awards Committee on the loader-
backhoe machine recommending the award be given to the Square
Deal Machinery, Inc. in the amount of $13, 286 .69 as the lowest
and best bid fully meeting the specifications. Copy of Award
Committee report is attached to these minutes and made a part
thereof. Mr. Goodling moved the acceptance of the report of the
Committee and that we enter into contract with the Square Deal
Machinery, Inc. with the proper City Official signing after the
contract has been approved by the City Attorney as to form,
seconded by Mr. Weldon and having been duly considered the
question was put and the motion carried.
The matter of additional pay for the firemen and policemen for
additional services rendered during Hurricane Dora was discussed
at length. City employees are expected to be loyal and faithful
in performing their duties for the City, but it was brought out
that these men did a remarkable job and demonstrated loyalty
and faithfulness to their jobs. There was further discussion
during which it was brought out that we do not wish to set a
precedent, but do appreciate the services rendered by these men.
Mr. Weldon moved that the men be paid within the amount remain-
ing in the 1964 budget- to the extent of amount worked overtime-
Minutes 12-28-64, Pace #3
but shall not in any way form a precedent on future occasions,
seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Thompson advised that as regards the Selva Marina Country
Club license, our License Ordinance specifies that country clubs
be licensed. Our charter says we can license a profession, occu-
pation or business. They have requested that they be excused
from paying the license fee of $50.00 per year. The question
evolves around whether they can be considered under the classi-
fication of "business " or not. The matter was discussed follow-
ing which Mr. Goodling moved that the City Clerk-Treasurer ad-
vise the Club in the negative, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
A bill was presented from Avery & Wilson covering additional
premium to extend our insurance coverages to January 1, 1966.
This will make our insurance year the same as our fiscal and the
calendar year. This has been recommended by the Insurance
Committee. After further discussion Mr. Goodling moved the
approval of payment of this bill, seconded by Mr. Weldon and
A bill was presented from the Jacksonville Beaches Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce in the amount of $1,000.00 to cover contributions
to the Jaycee Stadium Fund for the years 1963 and 1964. Mr.
Goodling moved that the bill be filed for information, seconded
by Mr. Parks and carried.
City Manager Craig presented plans for additions and altera-
tions to buildings of the Selva Marina Country Club , as revised
through Dec. 22, 1964 and the specifications appertaining there-
to and advised that he has reviewed same. He recommends the
approval of said plans and specifications and the issuance of
building permit for construction in accordance therewith subject
to such modification thereof as may be necessary to provide full
compliance with City of Atlantic Beach Ordinances. The matter
was discussed following which Mr. Goodling moved that the recom-
mendation of the City Manager be accepted and approval be given
for issuance of building permit, seconded by Mr. Weldon and car-
Mr. Craig advised that he has contacted Mr. Richard Hamilton
and Mr. W.M.Willingham relative to the Tax Assessor job, but
has no reply. He will check with them again and also see if any
other person, perhaps a retired citizen, that might be interest-
ed. Mr. Craig is to phone Mr. Minchew that no decision has been
Resolution #64-35 covering transfer of funds in the 1964 Budget
to adjust the books to conform with the budget and audit was pre-
sented and read. Mr. Goodling moved its adoption, seconded by
Minutes 12-28-64, Page #4
Mr. Parks and the call vote was:
Aye: Goodling, Parks, Moore
Nay: Weldon
Absent: Olsen
Whereupon Mr. Moore declared the motion carried. Mrs. Grage
advised that the transfer from the Commissioner ' s Fund to Ad-
ministration Capitol was to cover the desk, chair, etc. for the
additional girl, and the Labor personnel transfer was to cover
amount overspent cleaning up from Hurricane Dora, and perhaps
should have come out of the Sanitation Labor account to begin
with. This Labor will be partly it;jluded in the OEP re-imburse-
ment. Mr. Weldon advised that the Commission needs to know
about these matters previously in order to act on them without
It was advised that our Ordinance covering sewer service charges
does not cover "theatres " and we also have several classifica-
tions that need to be reviewed. It was discussed and Mr . Weldon
moved that our Sewer Service Ordinance be re-written to set up
standard charges to be applied alike to all normal users of sewer
service in the City Limits, and that the City Manager proceed,
with necessary assistance,to work up such an Ordinance, seconded
by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Parks offered to make available
his reports on sewer service charges by other cities. We will
advise the theatre that we are amending our Ordinance and will
bill them at a later date for this service.
Chief Vogel presented the report of the Public Safety Depart-
ment for the month of November, 1964. He also presented copies
of the Municipal Court docket for two weeks. These were received
for filing and information. There was a discussion of the juve-
nile problem that seems to be increasing, and the Chief advised
that he might have to again recommend a curfew law.
The City Attorney advised that he had been served with a docu-
ment on behalf of the City in the suit Judge Lining is bringing
relative to the closing of the beaches. Mr. Weldon moved that
the serving of the document on the City Attorney be accepted by
the City as a legal process on the City in this suit, seconded
by Mr. Parks and carried.
There being no further business Mr. Goodling moved adjournment,
seconded by Mr. Parks. Whereupon Mr. Moore declared the meeting
Attest: (4.).
Chas. R. Moore, Mayor-Co issioner-
(� Pro-Tem
Adele S. Grage, City C rk
WHEREAS, the City Charter requires that the City
Commission approve all transfers from one Depart-
ment to another,
following transfers be approved:
Account 210-Commissioners Fund $200. 00
Account 401-Personnel $650.00
Account 501-Personnel $7 , 650. 00
Account 601-Personnel $7 , 000.00
Account 1002-Administration $200.00
TOTAL INCREASES & DECREASES $7 ,850.00 $7 , 850. 00
Passed by the City Commission on December 28, 1964.
(2e - ALA: r
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk r