OCTOBER 12, 1964
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation
3 . Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 28, 1964.
'e4. Appointment of Acting City Manager, salary to be fixed
by City Commission and acceptable to Acting City Manager.
5 . Overtime for Police and Fire Dept. during Hurricane.
($700. 00 excess available in Personnel Acct. for Police
and Fire Dept. )
6. Request-call for bids-Police car.
7 . Mr. Morris regards to incinerator at Pic & Save Bldg.
8. Mr. Bloom-regards to a.i valorem taxes and utility costs-
Bikini Apts.
9. Correspondence
a. Mr. Mitchell regards utility billing on
Atlantic Beach Apts.
b. Florida Public Utilities Commission
c. U. S . Corps of Engineers.
d. Letter from Planning Loard.
10. Report of Dept. of Public Safety-September
11. Resolutions:
a. Acknowledgement of death of Beale Travis k.>a f 44-.27
b. Reolution transfer of funds-emergency payments.
12. Presentation of Budget-1965 7 -# -,,2�
13 . Letter City Manager on City Street damage.
14. Request for approval of purchase of 14 water meters
at $30.00 each, October 1964, and 10 water meters at
$30. 00 November 1964 from Account #3201.
15. Request for sign permit - Palms Theatre.
16. City Commission
17 . Adjourn.
-A 3 a !/iC �.
1964 AT 8 P.M.
George R. Olsen
Chas. R. Moore
Don Goodling
Walter J. Parks, Jr.
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
Arthur J. Craig, Acting City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: Frank Thompson, City Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Olsen.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
There being no corrections in the minutes of the meeting of
September 28th, 1964, Mr. Olsen declared them approved as
Mr. Olsen recommended the appointment of Arthur J. Craig as
acting City Manager at a salary of $500.00 per month, to serve
in the interim period until a full time City Manager is ap-
pointed. There was a discussion following which Mr. Goodling
moved that the recommendation of the Mayor be approved, sec-
onded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Weldon asked that the minutes show
that this is an interim appointment until a full time City
Manager is obtained. The Mayor then put the question and the
motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Olsen advised he was
happy to make the appointment and very proud and privileged
to have Mr. Craig with us, and thankful that there is a man
like Mr. Craig in the cimmunity. Mr. Craig responded that he
felt highly complimented to be considered for the interim ap-
pointment and would do all he could to carry out the duties of
the office.
A report was presented from Chief Vogel as to the overtime
put in by the men in his departments with a request that they
be given some compensation for the time. Mr. Olsen suggested
the matter be referred to the Finance Committee for study of
the amount involved and the condition of the budget as affected.
Mr. Parks moved that this action as suggested be taken, second-
ed by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Mr. Olsen recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor. Mr. Harry Smith who owns property on
Minutes 1Ow12A-64, Page #2
the Ocean Front in North Atlantic Beach requested water service
from the City. He is on the line that serves the 4orth Atlantic
Beach customers and was previously turned down by City Manager due
to the low pressure in the line. The matter was discussed at
length during which Mr. Weldon inquired if there had been a forinal
application on record for this sery ce, and the City Clerk advised
that she did not remember one, but would have to check the records.
The Clerk was directed to check, but in any event a new application
would have to be made. Mr. Parks recommended that the matter be
referred to the Acting City Manager for acti_on,offered. Mr, Craig
his assistance if needed. Mr. Moore requested that the minutes
show that if a prior application does not exist that this body
has not really denied an application, Mr, Moore moved that the
matter be referred to the Acting City Manager to handle as recom-
mended, seconded by Mrs Weldon and carried.
Mr. Isaacs asked if a letter has been received from Mr. Clint
Walker regarding what he is doing at the Kon Tiki. It was advised
that a letter had been received from Mr. Walker and his license
had been issuedto cover as follows : "lockers, shower & shave-
valet service, cleaning and pressing- snack bar, coffee, milk,
cookies, cold drinks, candy? New and used clothing sold" and
"Juke box and bowling game" . Chief Vogel advised that they had
recently had live music and girls in the establishment, but that
was cleared out by our patrolman. It was suggested that the
matter he referred to the City Attorney if deviation from the
license is grounds for cancellation of same, and since there has
been one offense, could it be cancelled on second violation, Mr;
Olsen would like a legal opinion covering any license violation
so that the Police Department can be instructed on sarne4 Mr.
Goodling moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney
as suggested for a legal opinion, seconded by Mrt Moore and carried.
The City Clerk was directed to contact the City Attorney on this,
Mr. Weldon advised that he would like to provide for a notice if
the City Attorney felt it was in order, so that the licene holder
would have a prior notice.
Mr. Joe Bloom of the Bikini Apartments asked a:_. to the City' s posies
tion on backfilling behind the bulkhead, as there has been con-
flicting stories as to whether the OEP was going to do any 'back-
filling or not. Mr. Olsen advised that as of this time the City
has no plans to backfill. Mr. Weldon advised that this is private
property with individual owners and the City has no authority to
go on private property and perform work thereon. There was a
lengthy discussion of the matter.
A request was presented from Chief Vogel to Call for Bids on a
new police car, as it is badly needed by the department. Chief
Vogel advised that one car has 97, 000 miles and the other 96, 000
miles and we are spending a great deal on maintenance to keep them
Minutes 10-12-64, Page #3
on the road. There was a great deal of discussion as to finances.
budget transfer, and when to call for bids. It was decided to
refer the matter to the Finance Committee to study, get legal opin-
ion on any questions, make their determination and report back to
the next meeting.
Mr. J.B. Morris of Brule Incinerators appeared and requested that
approval be given of one of his units to be installed at the new
Pic 'n Save Store in the Royal Palms Shopping Center, This instal.*
lation would extend 5 ' into the easment right-of-way, but the re-
commendation for outside installation was made by Chief Vogel and
former City Manager ,Mr. Printon. The matter was discussed at
length following which Mr. Goodling moved that it be referred to
the City Attorney for a legal opinion on question of use of easment
for this isntallation and refer to a special committee to study
the installation from all angles and report back to the Commission,
seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Olsen appointed Mr, Moore,
Mr. Parks and himself as a committee.
A letter was presented from Mr. Joe Bloom asking relief from his
1964 tax due to the financial loss caused by Hurricane Dora, also
an adjustment in his utility bill due to the loss of some apart..
ments for rental at present. It was advised that his utility bill
has already been adjusted in line with request received from his
rental agent. It was brought out in the discussion that property
on the 1964 Tax Roll is assessed as of January 1st, 1964 and any
changes during the year are reflected on the next year 's roll. It
was decided to get a legal opinion from the City Attorney, before
making formal reply to Mr. Bloom' s request.
A letter was presented from Mr. H.S . Mitchell owner of the Atlantic
Beach Apartments asking an adjustment on his utility bill as he
does not have his entire building in use. It was brought out in
the discussion that he has a 2" meter that serves all the building
in order to get the rate thru one meter, and if there were sepa-
rate meters for each :business and apartment the meters could be
cut-off and the charges discontinued until such time as turned
back on. After further discussion Mr. Moore moved that the request
-)e denied, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
A notice of Public Hearing was presented from the Florida Public
Utilities Commission relative to fixing rates on a Gas Corporation.
Mr. Goodling moved that it be referred to the Acting City Manager,
seconded by Mr. Moore and carried.
A letter was read from Col. Parfitt of the Corps of Engineers ex-
resssing appreciation for the co-operation of the City during and
immediately following the storm. Mr. Weldon moved that the letter
De acknowledged and express. our appreciation of the co-operation
of the Corps and Col. Parfitt, seconded by Ir. Parks and carried.
Minutes 10-12-64, Page #4
Mrs. Grage was directed to answer the letter for the Commission.
A letter was read from the Advisory Planning Board expressing regrets
at_Mr.Printon b resignation and appreciation of his services to the
City. Mr. Parks moved that we acknowledge receipt of the letter
and advise the Advisory Planning Board that we are forwarding a
copy of same to Mr. Printon. secondee. by Mr. Goodling and carried.
Report for the Police and Fire Departments for the month of August,
1964 was received and read, and the Clerk was directed to file.
Resolution #64-27 on the death of Beale Travis was read by Mayor
Olsen. Mr. Travis was President of the Town Council from August,
1946 to August, 1948. Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of said
Resolution, secondee by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of Resolu-
tion 064-27 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Olsen read Resolution #64-28 covering transfer of funds from
Emergency Fund to various accounts covering expenditures on Hurri-
cane Dora expenses. There was a discussion following which Mr.
Goodling moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded by Mr.
Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution #64-28 is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Olsen advised that the Budget for 1965 was not ready at this
time for presentation.
The matter of the damage being done to our streets by the heavy
trucks hauling rip=rap and sand was discussed at length. Mr.
Hilliard advised that he and Mr. Printon had talked to man who
came out on streets and the man didn't think that any damage done
by the contractor would be covered. Mr. Weldon moved that the
Mayor appoint a committee or request the acting City Manager to
immediately take up with the OEP ae to damage cost to City for
streets damaged by contractors trucks and if unable to get a sat-
isfactcry answer within short time then to take up with the Con-
tractor and the Corps this question of reimbursement for street
damages. The motion was seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr.
Olsen advised that he would investigate and also talk to Col.
Request was presented for approval for purchase of 24 water meters
to he charged to Account #3201. It was brought out in discussion
that these meters will be used mainly for replacement of worn-out
meters, but that some of the old ones can be repaired to provide
spares. Mr. Goodling moved that the request for purchase be ap-
proved, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Hilliard advised
that we are maintaining relatively the same type meters- buying
from just two manufacturers.
Minutes 10-12-64, Page #5
A request was presented for a permit for a sign at the new Palms
Theatre. It was discussed and Mr. Moore moved that it be referred
to Mr. Craig to study and if meets specifications that the permit
be granted, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried.
Mr. Olsen reminded the Commissioners that the financial statement
for the month of September, 1964 was attached to their copies of
the agenda, for their study.
Mr. Goodling requested to be excused from the next meeting as he
plans to he out of the City. It was granted.
Mr. Olsen expressed thanks to Mrs. Grage and the office staff for
getting the tax bills cut on time, as there has been a great deal
of extra clerical work due to the hurricane situation and also
utility billing time.
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
George Olsen, Mayor-
Adele S. Grage, City Cle
WHEREAS, the untimely passing of Beale Travis has
taken from our midst a good friend, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Travis faithfully served the City of
Atlantic Beach as President of the Town Council
from August 20th, 1946 to August 10th, 1948, and
WHEREAS, the City Officials and Citizens of the City
of Atlantic Beach feel that we have lost a good citizen,
NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby made a matter of record
that the City expresses its sincerest regret at the
passing of our friend and extends deepest sympathy
to his loved ones.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Resolution
be given to Mrs. Travis.
Passed by the City Commission October 12, 1964.
, ,
Adele S. Grage, City C1 �%
=FLEAS,AS, the City Commission has set aside funds
for payment of expenses incurred during and as
a result of Hurricane Dora, and,
WHEREAS, it is necessary to transfer these funds
from the' Emergency Expense Fund to the accounts
City Commission does approve the transfer of $4,908.42
from Account 1050, Emergency Expense Fund to the
following listed funds :
Account 303A - Police Supplies w 1.56
Account 303E - Fire Dept. Supplies 9.16
Account 402 - Gasoline 325 .35
Account 404 - Parts and Tires ' 523.67
Account 701 - Tools and Supplies 1,648 .85
Account 704 - Beach and Street Ends 852.33
Account 801 - Repair & Replacement 4.20
Account 002 - Plant Maintenance 32.25
Account 804 - Chlorine & Chemicals 321;75
Account 1003B- Fire 1,142.00
Account 1411 - Repair & Replacement 4.20
Account 1414 - Chemicals 39;50
Account 1430 - Supplies 3.60
TOTAL $4, 908.42
Account 1050 - Emergency Expense Fund • 34, 908.42
* * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida. on 1964.
A e e rage, i y 'ler'?