08-10-64 v CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 10TH 1964 AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. I nvocat .on 3 . Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 27th, 1964 4. Recognition of vic4tors E . Mr. John ?flow to appear regard*ng the following: a. Re-zonng of property - Royal Palm Dr. & Atl. Blvd. b. Easment acceptance.. RoyalPalm Shopp'ng Center • 6. Request for locker club license - Kon-Ti.k4 Bldg. 7. Request for Life Guard Donation to United Fund 8. Mrs. Williams - Times Union Gettit*eg. Ad 9. Correspondence a. Jag. E,.pressway Authority 10. Commissioner: 11. Adjourn S A ' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 1964 AT 8 P.M. Present: Chas. R. Moore Don Goodling Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney John R. Printon, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent : George R. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon, Commissioner (out of City) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner Pro- Tem, Mr. Moorel who advised that Mayor Olsen is in the hospital for a few days and hopes to be present at the next regular meet- ing. As there were no corrections in the minutes of July 27th, 1964 they were declared approved as written,by Mr, Moore. Mr. Moore recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. Mr. John Blow was present and requested the Commission to re- zone the Northeast corner of Royal Palms Dr. and Atlantic Blvd. o provide for a service station. The matter was discussed and it was brought out that the shopping center has been started with the theatre construction well under way which was one of the stipulations before considering re-zoning. Mr. Goodling moved that Mr. Blow' s request be received for consideration and that an Ordinance be prepared for presenting at next meeting for passage on first reading, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. It was brought out that it would then have to be advertised for Public Hearing and the earliest date for that would be September 14th. The easment at the shopping center site was next discussed and Mr. Printon recommended that we accept the easement subject to Mr. Thompson ' s approval as to form. Mr. Goodling moved that we accept the 25 ' easment along the north section of the Royal Palm Shopping Center from Sailfish Dr. E to Royal Palms Drive subject to Mr. Thompson's approval as to form, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. The matter of a request by Mr. Clint Walker for a Locker Club in the Kon-Tiki Bldg. was next considered. Mr. Thompson advised that there could he a Locker Club with lockers only provided the building conditions meet the building code. Mr. Printon advised Minutes C-10-64, Page #2 that it should be understood that if they should start dancing there that it would have to be reported to the Commission for cancelling of the license. Mr. Walker advised that he under- stood. Mr. Parks questioned if the owner of the property should indicate his consent to re-modeling and work done on the proper- ty. Mr. Goodling moved that the license be approved subject to inspection of the building by the City Manager to see if safe for conduct of business and that the City Manager report to the Commission at the next regular meeting for final approval of license by the Commission. There was further discussion. Mr. Moore called for a second to the motion but there was none and the motion failed for lack of a second. Mr. Printon advised that the United Fund has requested that our annual donation to the Red Cross Life Saving Corps be made through them. It was discussed and questioned whether this was agreeable to the Red Cross Life Saving Corps or not. It was decided to hold in abeyance until can determine how the Red Cross feels on the matter. Mrs. Virginia Williams of the Florida Times Union Research De- partmnt presented plans for the special edition of the Florida Times Union to be "Crowning a Century in Florida" and will cover all facets of business in the entire state with a nationwide distribution. She felt that Atlantic Beach would want to be represented in this edition which will cost $2000.00 for a full page, $1050.00 for a half page and $540.00 for a quarter page. The Commission thanked her for her presentation and requested that she present a written proposal of rates for consideration. A letter was read from the Jacksonville Expressway Authority ad- vising that they will be happy to keep the City of Atlantic Beach informed on its plans in reference to the construction of Atlantic Blvd. The letter was received for information and filing. There was a discussion of street paving as to just re-surfacing and patch-up work, and how much work the available budget money will allow, Mr. Printon was requested to make a list of prior- ity streets and roads needing work by the next meeting. It was also discussed the matter of keeping in mind when meeting with the Expressway Authority of fixing the point of intersec- tion of Atlantic Blvd. and Sailfish W, also turnouts for prop- erty between Pablo Creek and 3rd St. on Atlantic Blvd. It was also suggested that we notify the property owners on Atlantic Blvd. west of Royal Palms Sub-division to make provisions for their utilities before the project is completed. Minutes 8-10-64, Page #3 Mr. Printon reported that he has been advised that our insurance covers all City vehicles and personnel when on authorized bus- iness and work for the City both inside and outside the City Limits. Mr. Printon advised that he would have a list of lots needing cleaning ready by the next meeting. Mr. Tom Ellis expressed appreciation for the use of the facili- ties at the ball park by the Little League. Mrs. Kinman asked if their letter had been received stating their complaints as regards their house which was purchased from the Jim Walter Co. Mr. Printon advised that the letter had been received but that he had been out of the City, but was forward- ing the information to the Jim Walter Co. for correction of the grievances. Mr. Goodling moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Whereupon Mr. Moore declared the meeting adjourned. &r? sRer Pro-Tem Attest: 6 Adele S. Grage, City Cl`f