03-23-64 v CO?L ISSIOi`3 MEETING
MARCH 23, 1964
1. Call to order.
2. Invocation-Rev. James W. Tinsley
3. Minutes o2 Regular Meeting o2 March 9 1964
4. Recognition of visitors.
5. Opening of Bids- Garbage truck
6. Award of bids for piling- 7th Street ramp.
7 . Mr. Eslick to appear- telephone franchise.
8. Correspondence:
a. Chief Duane Fultz, letter of resignation.
b. CityManager-appointmenc of Chief Fire and Police
c. Little League field use agreement. L _
d. M . Steuart of Colonial Oil Co. a �( — s-
e. Florida Road Dept.
F. Use of property request.
g. Fire Rating Bureau.
h. Jacksonville Humane Society Report.
9. Ordinances:
Water Connection Ordinance
10. Resolutions:
a. City of Jacksonville paving assessment Ahern St.
b. Lot clearing assessment.
c. Acceptance Sailfish Dr. East.
11. Ordinances:
a. Public Hearing-pipe Ordinances
b. Public Hearing- Garbage gees
12. Commissioners Reports
13. Adjourn.
AT 8 P.M.
George R. Olsen
Don Goodling
Chas . R. Moore
Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
John R. Printon, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: C.B. Lawrence, Jr. , Commissioner
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Olsen.
The Invocation was given by Rev. James W. Tinsley, Pastor of the
Palms Presbyterian Church.
As there were no corrections to the minutes of March 9th, 19(4
they were approved as written.
Mr. Olsen welcomed and recognized visitor& present and called for
any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none.
Bids were next opened on the garbage truck as advertised. Certi-
fied proof of publication of "Call for Bids" is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof. Bids were received from:
Atlantic Engineering Co. , Inc.
Florida Equipment Co. of Jacksonville
Gaynon Iron Works
Machinery & Supply Corp.
Square Deal Machinery, Inc.
N.M. Ulsch, Sr. , Inc.
Mr. Moore moved that the bids be turned over to the Finance Com-
mittee, Mr. Goodling Chairman, for tabulation and recommendation,
and that we have a special meeting on Monday night, March 30th,
1964 at 8 P.M. to receive their report. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Parks and carried. It was advised that bids would be a-
vailable for bidders to see following this meeting.
Mr. Goodling advised that he would like to postpone action until
next meeting., on 'nth St. ramp piling. It was the consensus of
opinion that this be done.
Minutes 3-23-64, Page #2
Mr. Jack W. Essick of the Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. present-
ed an Ordinance to the Commission, said ordinance covers a 4 year
franchise with his company. The present franchise expires May
9th, 1964. The ordinance presented was in writing in full.
Mr. Goodling moved that the rules be waived and the Ordinance
granting a four year franchise to the Southern Bell Tel. & Tel.
Co. be passed by title only on fir:.t reading, seconded by Mr.
Moore and carried. The Public Hearing was set for Airil 13th,
1964 at 8 P.M.
A letter was presented from Chief Duane Fultz resigning as Chief
of the Fire and Police Departments, effective on or about April
6th, 1964. A letter was then read from Mr. Printon, Director of
Public Safety recommending the acceptance of Chief Fultz' s resig-
nation expressing appreciation for his co-operation during his
employment, and recommending the appointment of Robert C. Vogel
as Acting Chief of the Fire and Police Departments effective
March 24th, 1964 at a salary of $500.00 per month. Mr. Moore
moved the acceptance of the resignation of Chief Fultz with re-
grets and appreciation of his work, seconded by Mr. Goodling and
the call vote was
Aye: Goodling, Moore, Parks, Olsen,
Nay: None
Absent : Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Mr. Moore then moved that the recommendation of Mr. Printon to
appoint Robert C. Vogel as Acting Chief of Fire and Police Depart-
ments effective March 24th, 19€4 at a salary of $500.00 per month
be approved, seconded by Mr. Goodling and the call vote was
Aye: Moore, Parks, Goodling, Olsen
Nay: None
Absent: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
A letter was received from the Beaches Little League requesting
exclusive use of the ball field for 3 specified nights and Sat-
urday mornings during their scheduled season. Mr. Goodling
moved that approval be given for the use of the field as specified
seconded by Mr. Moore and a discussion followed. It was question-
ed as to liability in case a spectator was injured, also there
was some question as to exclusive use on Saturday mornings. It
was suggested that the time for use be made more specific and also
the word exclusive be studied. Mr. Goodling withdrew his motion,
and Mr. Moore withdrew his second, and it was agreed that the
Minutes 3-23, 1964, Page 3
matter be turned over to Mr. Thompson to prepare the necessary
papers. It was stated that we are agreeable to the program, but
want to be sure all points are covered.
A letter was presented from W. M. Stewart, Vice-President of the
Colonial Service Stations, Inc. advising that they will accept
the $3, 500.00 offer for their property known as Lot A, Saltair,
located at intersection of Seminole Road and Atlantic Boulevard.
Mr. Parks moved that the City accept the decision of the Colonial
Service Stations, Inc. to accept our offer of $3, 500.00 for said
property and to instruct the City Manager and City Attorney to
draw up necessary papers and that the seller furnish evidence
of title, also necessary stamps for deed, and that the County
Taxes be pro-rated as of date of closing, seconded by Mr.
Goodling and the call vote was
Aye: Parks, Goodling, Moore, Olsen
Nay: Nome
Absent: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Mr. Moore presented Resolution 64-5 approving transfer of $610.00
from Account 1051-A to Account 1051-B in the 1964 Budget to cover
total amount needed on above transaction. Mr. Moore moved the
adoption of Resolution 64-5, seconded by Mr. Parks and the call
vote was
Aye: Goodling, Moore, Parks, Olsen
Nay: None
Absent: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Resolution
approved. Copy of Resolution #64-5 is attached to these minutes
and made a part thereof.
A letter was read from the Florida State Road Dept. advising that
certain utility appurtenancies will have to be adjusted before
they start the paving project on certain streets in Atlantic
Beach. Mr. Printon advised that the work is a straight labor
Mr. Printon presented a request for a permit and license for re-
tail sales of Mobile Homes on Mayport Rd. and he would like a
ruling as to whether the use of this property as set up in the
Ordinance would permit this. Upon motion of Mr. Parks, seconded
by Mr. Goodling and carried, the matter was referred to the City
Attorney for an opinion.
Minutes 3-23-64, Page #4
A letter was read from the Florida Inspection and Rating Bureau
advising that the revision of insurance rates in Atlantic Beach
to Class 6 have been mailed to interested insurance agents.
A report for the month of February, 1964 was received from the
Jacksonville Humane Society and filed.
Resolution #64-6 was presented. Said resolution excuses and can-
cels the 1961 Street Paving Lien against the City of Jacksonville
on their Lots 7 and 9, Block 1, Atlantic Beach, said assessment
was in amount of $399.00. Mr. Parks moved that the resolution
be adopted, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution
64-6 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
Resolution #64-7 was presented. Said Resolution cancels the Lot
Cleaning Assessment of $12.00 made against Lot 27, Block 12 At-
lantic Beach in error - as it was not listed or advertised.on
original list, and was listed as cleaned in error. Mr. Parks
moved the adoption of Resolution #64-7, seconded by Mr. Goodling
and carried. Copy of Resolution #64-7 is attached to these minutes
and made a part thereof.
Mr. Printon presented Resolution #64-.8 accepting the estension
of Sailfish Dr. East as to paving improvements, etc. Mr. Good-
ling moved the adoption of said Resolution seconded by Mr. Parks
and carried. It was stipulated that the acceptance is contingent
upon the furnishing of a guarantee period. Copy of Resolution
64-8 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
An Ordinance was presented in full in writing amending Ordinance
80-21-5 as regards water tap charges. Mr. Moore moved that the
rules be waived and that said Ordinance be passed by title only
on first reading, seconded by Mr. Goodling and the call vote was
Aye: Moore, Goodling, Olsen
Nay: Parks
Absent: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Ordinance
adopted on first reading by Title only and set April 13th, 1964
at 8 P.M. for Public Hearing.
Ordinance #55-64-9 covering Garbage Fees was presented for second
and final reading. Mayor Olsen declared the meeting in session
for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. There was discussion as to
the Commercial classification and the rental and size of the
garbage containers. Following this discussion the Mayor declared
the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Parks moved that said
Minutes 3-23-64, Page #5
Ordinance #55-64-9 be adopted on second and final reading and
the vote was
Aye: Parks, Goodling, Moore, Olsen
Nay: None
Absent: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Ordinance
Ordinance #55-64-10 was next considered on second and final read-
ing. The Mayor declared the meeting in session for Public Hear-
ing on said Ordinance. It was stated that the ordinance does
allow Orangeburg type pipe under certain conditions. The matter
having been discussed the Mayor declared the Public Hearing close-2'
Mr. Moore then moved that :.aid Ordinance #55-64-10 be amended by
changing the word "designating" as it appears in line 8 of Sectio
1 to "designation" and by changing the figure "l00"as it appears
in line 14 of Section 1 to read "140", and as sc amended the said
Ordinance be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr.
Parks and the call vote was
Aye: Goodling, Moore, Parks, Olsen
Nay: None
Absent: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared Ordinance #55-64-10 passed on second
and final reading.
Mr. Moore inquired as to when the fire hydrant at 6th St. and
Ocean Blvd. would be straightened. It was advised that the work
is scheduled for immediate future.
Mr. Printon corrected the error as typed in the Financial Report
for January, 1964 .
A letter was presented requesting license to sell beer and icy
Jones Roofing Co. location on Atlantic Blvd. by Larry D. H:_-':;.
The matter was discussed and it was determined that it was to be
a road-side stand operation for carry-out only. Mr. Moore moved
the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Goodling moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried.
Whereupon Mr. Olsen declared the meetLng adjourned.
Attest a:
Georg--'er�01 en, Mayor-
�CI?�� 1 Commission —
Adele S . Grage City erk
Six hundred and ten ($610.00) dollars from
Acct. No. 1051-A be and the same is hereby
transferred to Account No. 1051-B in the
1964 Budget, for acquisition of Lot A, Saltair,
for right-of-way at Seminole Road and Atlantic
Passed by the City Commission on March 23rd, 1964.
J w
Adele S. Grage, City C1=
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic beach did in an
assessment in 1961 cause an assessment for curb and
gutter and asphalt surfacing to be placed against
the property of the City of Jacksonville, Florida,
described as Lots 7 , 9, Block 1, Atlantic Beach,
WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Attorney
that statues do not provide for such an assessment,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission
of the City of Atlantic Beach does order such lien to
be hereby removed and cancelled from the records of
the City Clerk.
The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the
City Commission on March 23 1964
Adele S. Grage, City Cler.
WHEREAS, Lot 27, Block 12, Atlantic Beach was assessed
in error for lot clearing in the amount $12.00 and
WHEREAS, this amount appears as a lien against said
amount of $12 .00 be and is hereby cancelled and re-
moved from the records of the City Clerk.
The above and foregoing resolution passed by the
City Commission on March 23rd 1964.
Adele S . Grage, City Cj rk
WHEREAS, the City Commission has accepted the R/W
of Sailfish Drive East extension subject to the
construction of necessary drainage tile and appur-
tenances as well as curb and gutter and asphalt
surfacing and,
WHEREAS, said improvements are now complete and
acceptable to the City of Atlantic Beach, and
WHEREAS, the B. B. McCormick and Sons, Inc. have
guaranteed workmanship and material of pavement,
in accordance with submitted specifications for
a period of one year,
OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH does accept the improve-
ments as being completed according to city specifications.
The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the
City Commission on March 23, 1964
0-6e-ege 711 '
Adele S. Grage, City - k