1. Call to order.
2 . Invocation.
3. Approval of minutes 8/14/67.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Communications:
(a) Letter from Murray Bennett.
(b) Letter from County - Re: Voting Machines.
6. Public Hearing: Continued Mayport Cab Service application.
7 . Reports:
(a) City Manager.
(b) City Manager on Swimming Pools.
(c) Report on pipe bids.
(d) Day Nursery - Mrs. Floyd, Section H.
(e) Application for Boarding dogs -- Mr. Hammond, Section H.
(f) City Manager on Police Car accident.
(g) On Closing of Kestner Road.
8. Requests For:
(a) Move building to 251 Levy Road by R. H. Derrell.
9. City Clerk - Announcement Re: City Elections.
10. Fire and Police Chief Reports.
11. City Manager
12. Commissioners.
13. Adjourn.
John W. Weldon
Louis Holloway, Jr.
Donald Goodling
W. J. Farks, Jr, Commissioners
R. C . Vogel, Acting City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent : William S. Howell, Mayor Commissioner-Out of City
Frank Thompson, City Attorney-Out of City-Ill
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor pro-tem Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner larks .
Minutes of the meeting of August 14, 1967 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Goodling
and carried.
Mr. Weldon recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the agenda.
Mr. George Bull presented preliminary layout of lots and streets
for proposed Selva Marina Unit #6-lying north of Unit #2
and east of part of Unit #6, Selva Marina and requested the
Commission to approve the layout subject to final engineering
for street specifications and water and sewer, also requested
give attention to zoning this area. He advised the proposed
restrictions would make zoning as Residence AA appropriate.
They would have letter of request that be approved in final
form, to-gether with various contracts and documents to be
executed. There was discussion of Resolution 59-13 and date
of expiration on the certificates of indebtedness- and Mr.
Bull advised they would be happy if thirty years limit was
extended from 1967 but original concept and spirit was from 1959.
Mr. Weldon stated as he understands it: first, would like
tentative approval of layout, which all commissioners have
seen, as to lots and streets ; second, would like indication
from the Commission that we would go along with proposed new
development along same process as did under Resoltuion 59-13.
Minutes 8/28/67 Fage 2
Mr. Holloway stated this is tentative approval subject to
final plans meeting requirements of City and Resolution would
be changed some.
There was further discussion fallowing which Mr. Goodling
moved approval of tentative plat as submitted and the zoning
restrictions as proposed., subject to receipt of final plans.
seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
Mr. Weldon then stated next question pertains to finances
which will be done by Mr. Bull substantially in accordance
with Resolution 59-13.
Mr. Holloway moved approve Mr. Bull's proceeding with drawings'
plans and specifications for final approval with financing
accomplished by Bull & Associates and documents drawn using
policy as established by Resolution 59-13, seconded by Mr.
Goodling and carried.
The tentative plat was turned over to the City Manager.
A letter was read from Duval County Commission approving our
use of two voting machines for our October 3rd and October 17th
elections and advising we would be responsible for machines
while in transit and in custody. This is usual procedure.
A letter was received from Murray Bennett thanking Commission
for Resolution 67-7,
The Public Hearing on Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
for Mayport Cab Company, was continued from last meeting to
give the City Attorney opportunity to study new State Statute,
Chapter 67-906 which became effective without signature of
the governor on July 12, 1967. Unfortunately the City Attorney
is ill but before leaving for Duke University Hospital he
obtained copy of statute and expressed opinion that this was
binding upon Commission of Atlantic Beach and that it would
prohibit from granting additional certificates of convenience
and necessity in Atlantic Beach in that already have more
cabs licensed to operate than is provided for in this statute.
Mr. Parks asked if applied just to Duval County or State of
Florida? It was advised became effective July 12, 1957 and
applies to all counties with population of 350,000 or more.
Mr. F arks inquired as to who initiated the act and introduced
it? Mr. Weldon advised our copy of act does not indicate.
Mr. Weldon then reopened the Public Hearing and asked if any
one has anything further to bring to attention of Commission.
Minutes 8/28/67 Page 3
Mr. John Helms , attorney for applicants , advised he received
a call from Mayor Howell but didn' t have opportunity to talk
with him. He has not been able to get copy of the bill
Chapter 67-905 and he questions the constitutionality of the
bill. He requested continuance for opportunity of conferring
with City Attorney to get better understanding. There was
further discussion by Mrs. Gorssberg, and Mr. George Christian
of Beaches Cab Company. Mr. Parks then moved continue Public
Hearing to give Mr. Helms chance to talk to our City Attorney,
seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Goodling stated, so understand,
the City Attorney's opinion was that in view of act we have
no choice in the matter. Mr. Parks advised he has heard
comments made in regard to this piece of legislation-it amazes
him tha a piece of legislation like this can be introduced
in legislature presumably by delegation representing Duval
County and people never know anything about it until some-
thing like this comes up before local body- it is utterly
astounding. Mr. Weldon put the question and the motion carried.
Mr. Weldon requested that Section 3-a of Chapter 67-906 be
copied into these minutes as follows:
(3) (a) No such permit shall be required in respect to the
operation of for hire motor vehicles wholly within the limits
of any incorporated city or town and the suburban territory
immediately adjacent thereto, when such for hire carriage is
regulated by the legislative body of such city or town.
However, the legislative body of any city or town shall not
issue any permits except on the following basis : not in excess
of one (1) taxicab for each twelve hundred (1,200) residents,
provided, however, that if the legislative body of such city
or town determines by a unanimous vote of such body that public
convenience and need require the operation of additional
taxicabs , then such legislative body may issue additional per-
mits for the operation of taxicabs up to but not in excess of
one (1) taxicab for each eight hundred fifty (E50) residents;
provided further that nothing herein shall be construed to
prevent a city or town from establishing a ratio which will
result in the operation of less taxicabs in such city or town
than herein allowed as the legislative body of such city or
town determines will best serve the convenience and meed of
its residents. The governing body of said city or town and
the public service commission shall use as the basis for
population, the latest official decennial census.
Minutes 8/20/67 Fage 4
Acting City Manager Vogel presented a written report on
1ublic Works activities.
Mr. Vogel advised he find no conflict in Ordinance covering
Business °°BC° which would rule out animal hospital and he
therefore recommended approval of Mr. L. C. Hammonds request
for license to board dogs at 75 W. Fourth St. providing health
and other standards are met. Mr. Holloway inquired as to
location and if dogs will be kept inside or outside. The
location is in the area west of Mayport Road that was recently
rezoned to Business 9°B". The dogs will be kept inside and
neighbors signed statements they had no objection. Mrs Good-
ling moved approval of request fox license, seconded by Mr.
larks and carried.
Mr. Vogel advised he has written Mrs. R. F. Floyd giving her
steps to be taken to obtain lublic Health and Welfare approval
to operate a day nursery, but has not heard from her further.
This Commissions approval will come after she clears with
Health Department.
There was a lengthy discussion of when to charge the $2.00
cut-on charge as provided in water ordinance. A notice is
sent out on late accounts , then on cut off date list is held
until the mail comes in and those paying are stricken off.
When name goes out on cut-off list should it be considered
as cut-off and $2 .00 charge made regardless of whether bill
is paid before actually cut-off; or should it be charged only
if water is actually cut-off? After discussion Mr. Weldon
stated consensus is that Ordinance should be enforced in
accordance with terms so instructed,
Mr. Vogel advised we have received request from Fletcher
Athletic Association for ad in the 1967-68 football program-
this is one we have taken for several years for $50.00.
Mr. Holloway moved approve and take ad from advertising
account, seconded Mr. Goodling and vote was=
Aye= Goodling, Holloway, Weldon
Nay= i ark s
Absent= Howell
Mr. Weldon declared motion carried,
Mr. Vogel reported that each year Jacksonville Beach has
obtained a list of license tag numbers for automobiles at
a cost of $1000.00 a year and they have borne cost 100%.
They would like for us to share the expense with them as we
Minutes 8/28/67 lage 5
phone eight to ten times a day for tag check. They are the
quickest most reliable source for this information. They
would like Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach to pay $250.00
each and Jacksonville Beach would pay $500.00. Mr. Vogel
recommended we do it and stated the service is invaluable.
Mr. Goodling moved approve $250.00 for use of tag checkroll
subject to funds being available, seconded by Mr. Holloway
and carried.
There was discussion of street lights available under our
franchise. Mr. Vogel and Mr. Goodling will look into pro-
Following discussion on swimming pools, Mr. Parks and Mr. .
Vogel were appointed to look into having an ordinance on
swim `.ng pools draining into storm sewers, and report at
next meeting.
Report on pipe bids was referred to later in meeting- so
Mr. Parks could review them.
Mr. Vogel presented a written report on the police car accident
copy of which is attached to these minutes . He stated cars
are out of production right now due to model change and while
desirable to have police car package, due to model change and
impending strike he would recommend that we modify existing
specifications and bring down to standard car for purpose of
obtaining patrol car as soon as possible. We would be giving
up larger motor, heavy duty transmission, brakes , springs ,
and shocks- get standard car now, with plan to appropriate
enough in 1968 Budget to buy new police car and use the
standard car as City Mananger' s car and auxiliary police care
The insurance company has been notified and they are working
on settlement. There was further discussion following which
Mr. Holloway moved the City Manager be authorized to proceed
with call for bids for standard car to be received at next
meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Weldon suggested we follow up with Insurance Company and
as soon as City Attorney is available make certain that we
collect all that we should.
Mr. Weldon reported on request of Mr. John Lowe to close
Kestner Road advising investigation has been made on this
matter and referred to a deed dated January 17, 1946, wherin
Minutes 8/2C/67 Page 6
Mr. Restner dedicated this road covering approximately 663
feet to Duval County. He had attempted to contact county
attorney to-day but was unable to do so to find his thinking
on it, so under the circumstances would recommend that the
City Clerk advise Mr. Lowe of this deed that right-of-way is
County's, not the City's, and while we have no objections
are also without authority to act. He also suggested a
copy of the deed also be sent to Mr. Lowe. Mr. F arks moved
that findings and suggestions be adopted as policy of this
Commission and Mr. Lowe be notified, seconded by Mr. Holloway,
and carried.
A request was received from Mr. Robert H. DeBell to move a
building from Jacksonville onto his lot at 251 Levy Road
which is zoned Business B. Mr. Vogel advised if pre-fab
steel building and if meets code of City of Jacksonville
will meet ours. Mr. Holloway moved approval to issue permit
if meets all conditions-authorize City Manager to investigate,
seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mrs. Grage announced that the City elections will be held on
October 3rd and October 17th. Candidates can qualify beginning
at noon September 5th through noon September 19th for seats
1,2, and 3. Registration books will be open Monday through
Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 F . M. every week from now until
5:00 F . M. , September 27th for those qualified citizens who
have not previously registered with the City.
Chief Vogel presented Fire and Police Department reports and
dockets for information and filing. He also reported that
flood lights will be in use at Donner Park any day. The
comments were very favorable on work which has been done
over there.
Mr. Goodling suggested minutes show Mr. Frank Thompson, our
City Attorney is ill, and the City Clerk was directed to send
Mr. Thompson and Folice Officer Brentnell cards from the
Mr. Farks then reported on bids for pipe. He advised have had
opportunity to review proposals received on July 24, 1967
and find that the specification which was issued stipulated
the quantity as well as the type and quality of the material-
there were three bids received, one from All State Pipe,
one from F eninsular, and one from Hardy Supply. All bidding
in accordance with the specifications as issued. Fourth bid
which was predicated on taking exception to specifications.
Minutes C/28/67 Page 7
Would venture opinion that this commission would be treading
on dangerous ground to award a bid on the basis of taking
exception where bids were received that did not take exception.
In addition, the exception to the specifications is at a
higher price than the conforming bids, would therefore move
that the commission accept and award a contract to the Penin-
sular Supply who are evidently the low bidders for this
material for a contract to furnish, provided their price is
predicated on the material being deliverd F. C. B. P.tlantic
Beach, specifications are rather mute on that and so is the
proposal,that is findings, report and recommendation and
the price from Fenninsular, assuming that the calculations
of the bidder are correct in computing unit prices times
quanity is $1839.60. The other bidders, again assuming the
extensions have been properly computed is $2499.00 ,All State
Pipe, and extensions have not been computed but on basis of
unit price by Hardy Supply, Fenninsular is low. Mr. Holloway
seconded and the motion carried.
Mr. Weldon stated that we accept bid of Fenninsular Supply
Company in amount of $1839.60 subject to being F.O.B. Atlantic
Mr. Weldon stated he understands Dick Hilliard is sick and
Mayor Howell is on vacation.
There being no further business Mr. Jeldon declared the
meeting adjourned.
i r/
J. n W. Weldon, Mayor-Commissioner
S2 .
Adele S. Grage, City Cl k
1. Mr. Hammond's application for Boarding Dogs :
Upon investigation of Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Hammond's proposed
location is in Business "B" which does not rule out Animal Hospitals
which is related to boarding dogs, therefore, I recommend that we
issue a license to Mr. Hammond for this operation provided, health
ond other standards ire met.
2. Mrs. Rlph Floyd - Day Nursery:
I have advised Mrs. Floyd by letter of the necessary steps to take
for obtaining Public Health and Welfare permission to operate Day
3. Letter to American Red Cross re: Gil Wells :
t . Commission Policy Re: W; ter Cut-off.
5. Jacksonville Beach City Manager re: License tag list
Total cost for one year $1000.00, he suggested sharing expense
as follows - Atlantic Beach $250.00, Neptune Beach $250.00
and Jacksonville Beach $500.00.