06-26-67 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. COMMISSION MEETING 6/26/67 AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes 6/12/67 . 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Communications: (a) George Bull - Re: water service to property at Corner Atlantic Blvd. & Florida Blvd. , Neptune Beach, Fla. 6: Reports: (a) City Manager 's report. (b) Report of City Manager on Reva Mae Silmon sewer line. (c) Report of Mr. Tucker on Beach erosion. (d) Sewer Plant Chlorinator. (e) George Bull - Septic Tank application. (f) Interconnecting water line with Neptune Beach. (g) City Manager on Texaco Sewer hook-up. (g) City Manager on Motel water and sewer service. 7 . Tax Roll - 1967 . 8. Ordinance - 2nd Reading (a) Closing Street - Part of Beach Avenue. 9. Fire and Police Chief Reports. 10. Street resurfacing. 11. City Manager. 12. Commissioners. 13. Adjourn. e , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1967 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. W. J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Murray H. Bennett, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr . Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks. Mr. Goodling stated he thinks the minutes of June 12, 1967 should reflect the City Attorney 's comments pertaining to the City 's obligation, both moral and legal, regarding exten- sion of water service outside City limits. Also, he feels the way Mr . Holloway 's motion was stated isn 't clear as to really what motion as passed passes. On referring to Clerk 's notes of meeting of June 12, 1967 it was found motion is as stated - Mr. Goodling then moved that the minutes of the meeting of June 12, 1967 be approved as written with the addition of the City Attorney 's comment on the North Atlantic Beach water line, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Mr. Glover Weiss asked if Item 8 of the Agenda covering Public Hearing on Ordinance for closing of part of Beach Avenue and an Alley in Block 36, Atlantic Beach, could be considered next as a large number of those present came for this. There being no objection, Mr. Howell presented the Ordinance for closing a portion of the street known as Beach Avenue and an Alley in Block 36, Atlantic Beach, and read same in full. He then opened the meeting for Public Hearing. Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with Charter requirements. Messrs. Charles Moore, Roy Nelson, William Adams, Glover Weiss, Dewey Stynchcomb, Alan Potter, John Reid, Mrs. William Adams, Mrs. J. B. Claiborne, Mrs. Charles Moore, and Mrs. Mabel Marvin appeared against the Ordinance. They object to closing the portion of Beach Avenue as it has F. Minutes 6/26/67 Page #2 been used for indefinite time as street although platted as a ten foot Alley - and do not favor closing for interest of one commercial establishment, but do not object to closing Alley going from Ocean Boulevard to Beach Avenue in Block 36, Atlantic Beach. Mr. George Bull spoke for passage of Ordinance as thinks it will be impossible for Mr. Joe Adeeb to have control of the parking at his establishment without Alleys being closed. It was brought out in the lengthy discussion that Mr. Adeeb owns all the property abutting both portions suggested for abandonment. After lengthy discussion, Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Howell inquired if any objection to closing the East-West Alley running from Ocean Boulevard to Beach Avenue and there was none, Mr. Goodling stated in order to bring the matter on the table, he moved the Ordinance be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Weldon conferred with Mr. Thompson who agreed the Ordinance cannot be divided and just a part passed but could prepare new Ordinance covering the East-West Alley should this one be defeated. . There was further discussion by Commissioners in which it was brought out that no formal plans filed for the future development of the project but understand for present want to use as parking lot for remodeled Sea Turtle Restaurant now under construction on same lots. After further discussion, Mr. Howell put the question and the motion failed to carry. The Ordinance did not pass on second and final reading. A letter was presented from Mr. George Bull representing Mr. William D. Pascoe and requesting Atlantic Beach to supply water to his proposed building on south side of Atlantic Boulevard east of Florida Boulevard in Neptune Beach. They anticipate that Neptune Beach will be unable to supply water to this location and would undoubtedly give permission for the City of Atlantic Beach to service water to this property. The applicant would run the 1 " line from our 6 " main on Mayport Road and under Atlantic Boulevard at their expense. Mr. Roy Nelson inquired if something happened to the water line who would be responsible for maintenance. The meter would be placed on Atlantic Beach side of Atlantic Boulevard and our responsibility would cease at the meter. Mr. Parks advised that in order to clarify and continuing to answer Mr. Nelson, it is basically matter as he sees it - whether or not we attempt to serve property in Neptune Beach from City of Atlantic Beach water department - to officially do that would have to have a request from the City of Neptune Beach that we serve property in their City limits that they were not prepared to serve - the other approach is making the connection to the main in Atlantic Beach and setting the meter at that point on the north side of the road - this individual who buys water through a meter takes possession immediately after passes through meter. They would be charged Out-of-City 0 • Minutes 6/26/67 Page #3 rates. Mr. Weldon moved to authorize the applicant to arrange for this installation without expense to the City of Atlantic Beach, obtaining the approval of the City of Neptune Beach for such service under an agreement whereby the City of Atlantic Beach would assume no obligation whatsoever for any interruption of the water in the future and at suburban rates, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling advised he is opposed to granting requests for water outside City limits and asked City Attorney for opinion as to moral. obligation. Mr. Thompson advised that as he understands it we are not strained for water at that corner as might be in other areas - said once undertook to furnish going to be right hard not to furnish - if our main breaks on our side yes, but this pipe going over from Atlantic Beach to Neptune Beach is his line, can pull out any time - have no control, or responsibility in upkeep - all of which embodied in Mr. Weldon's motion - from point of meter over, he owns - we have obligation to our own citizens - will have to fix main for them and fixing for him will be more or less incidental. Mr. Bull advised a copy of his request letter of June 20th had been sent to the City of Neptune Beach and had also made application to Neptune Beach for service asking if they cannot provide would then have obligation to service being provided by Atlantic Beach. Mr. Goodling still thinks improper to furnish outside City until all residents in City are served. Mr. Weldon agreed with principal where City money is involved, but here not one penny of City money will be spent - make distinction where group outside asks City to provide service at expense of City. After further discussion the Mayor put the question and the call vote was: Aye: Weldon, Howell Nay: Goodling, Holloway, Parks Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion defeated. The City Manager 's report was read by Mr. Bennett, copy of which is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. The City Manager read a report on Reva Mae Silmon 's sewer, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. He advised he has written letters to the property owners on Richardson Lane. His only reply was from Mrs. Silmon. The matter was discussed at length with Mr. Oliver Ball, Attorney for Mrs. Silmon,advising that what they are interested in is getting sewer. Mr. Goodling then moved that necessary preliminary work in line with required procedure be presented to the Commission at next meeting to provide sewer service on Richardson Lane, seconded by Mr. Weldon. It was again Minutes 6/26/67 Page #4 suggested they make application for septic tank - but Mr. Ball stated septic tank more expensive than sewer, then they would still have to pay for sewer when installed. After discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. Mr. Colin Tucker was unable to be here tonight but Mr. Howell reported that Mr. Tucker has contacted Mr. Jack Weatherford, Director of City-County Civil Defense, who is contacting OEP on Beach renewal. As regards sewer plant chlorinator, Mr. Parks advised we have discovered a problem with pump control at water pumping station that is relating to chlorinator at water plant and we are determining best course for City and anticipate having proposal for Commission which will include authorizing taking bids for certain equipment at next meeting. Mr. Bennett reported on water interconnections on Atlantic Boulevard. The applications have been made to State Road Department for permits to cross Atlantic Boulevard at Sherry Drive and Seminole Road. This is first step needed before can go further. The matter of the Texaco Company connecting to our sewer system was discussed at length. A temporary septic tank permit was given at time they built, conditioned on their hooking on to the City sewer when available. It is across the street and a lateral or line will have to be built to bring it to their property. After further discussion, Mr. Weldon suggested we write Texaco that sewer line is available and that the City is prepared to install a lateral, send copy to State Board of Health, and if no results call upon State Board of Health. The City Manager was asked to take these steps. There was a lengthy discussion of the fact that Bennett's Motel has had its own well for years, and has been connected to our sewer system since 1962. Mr. Weldon moved an Ordinance be drawn that any citizen using sewer system also be impelled to use City water if available for domestic purposes, seconded by Mr. Parks. We do have an Ordinance that ordered connections to our sewer system within 180 days after it was completed and Bennett 's Motel had #41 permit. Mr. Thompson doesn't believe can make the Ordinance stick. In view of this opinion, Mr. Weldon withdrew his motion and Mr. Parks his second. Mr. Thompson was requested to render formal opinion on this matter at next meeting. Minutes 6/26/67 Page #5 It was advised that in line with Charter, the 1967 Tax Roll is due to be opened for inspection the month of July and it was requested postpone opening to month of August. Mr. Weldon so moved, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Goodling feels have known situation since preparing budget and the Commission has dilly-dallied around - think unfortunate. Mr. Holloway agreed with opinion. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion carried. Chief Vogel presented Police dockets for the month of June, 1967, also reports of the Fire and Police Departments for the months of April and May, 1967 . They were received for informa- tion and filing. The Chief advised the radar has been repaired and is now in operation. Mr. Bennett read his report on street resurfacing advising he considers the contractor has fulfilled their agreement 100%. There was a discussion of why contractor failed to cover existing pavement as every year with same type of specifica- tions. Mr. Bennett stated they resurfaced in line with specifications. It was voted at last meeting to accept contractor 's offer to furnish hot-plant mix asphalt without cost and use City labor to spread. The City Manager was requested to contact Mr. McRae of Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company to make arrangements to get hot mix to be put down by City forces. Mr. Bennett presented his resignation as City Manager effective July 31, 1967. Mr. Parks moved that this resignation be accepted with regret - Mr. Bennett has served Commission for approximately one year and he has labored long to try to accomplish certain things and any man's health can only stand so much - with those comments would like to thank Mr. Bennett for efforts, assistance, and again move that resignation be accepted with regret, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Goodling also expressed his regret. Mr. Weldon joined in expressing his regret, stating that he would like to further say that health of City Manager has been such that think very wise move on his part and we trust that he will enjoy good health and much happiness in the future. Mayor Howell put the question and the motion to accept the resignation was carried. Mr. Goodling noted the utility poles have been moved off of East Coast Drive sidewalk. He moved that the City Manager be authorized to write Jacksonville Electric Department expressing appreciation - in particular mention the fine cooperation of Mr. Charles Smith and Mr. W. C. Hicks, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. r Minutes 6/26/67 Page #6 Mr. Weldon noted there are still a lot of double poles in various sections. Mr. Bennett advised they are waiting on Telephone Company. Mr. Parks noted there are numerous potholes on Royal Palms Drive between Plaza and Atlantic Boulevard - also grass needs cutting on Selva Marina Drive median. There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. 1�] /rA if_I� . 'ri-7 S.' Howell Attest: Mayor-Commissioner ac&e_e_ ,s .1 Adele S. Grage, City Clif 4 :;ung: 26, 1967 • CITY :::;.:A( .i1.S kE.P(eR: During the last tw:+ weeks the :public Works Department has been busy cutting the erase on city streets and starting to clean lots throuhout thz .. ity. Considerable time hart been spent doing work at both the jack Russell and Donner. `see nave completed the concessi.)n stand at the Jack Russell mark and have taken the old concession , stand and put it on a concrete slab and have removed some of ' the plywood wal1e so as to make it an open shed to be used by the children during rain stores. At the Donner Ll r wc: nz ve teen !buildin i refit roame and have installed 4 poles f-r lighting up'the ball eiamartr:. „i have the flood lights for there ?oleo and are now in a position to do the electrical 4:•es There have been a num _4-r of complaints about the steps at the street ends at t.hc :._u.e cl. .c :se have all Lien r ..,aire::j as of June 21. . The water reservoir wee cleaned and f lusred down on the night of June 13. • We have installed a sidewalk at ::a:•t Coast Drive and 10th Street. The property owner fernishe:d all materials. Many of the garbage containers were in bad condition, therefore they have been repaired and repainted. The 4-way story signs at Last Coast Drive and 10th street are • working out very satisfactorily and I hale heard favorable comments from a number of residents in this area.• The Recreation Department at the Jack Russell and Donner Parks • is working out very satisfactorily and we are getting a good crowd of children at both places. • •xrrao XI x�„„ x ���J{� 1 • City Manager's heport Page e2 • dune 26, 1967 The life guards that are ander the supervision of the Chief of Police are doing an excellent job. We are"blesacd " with a number of runouts in our area which the guards are trying•to keep the • bathers away from. 2ossibly these runouts will improve before . the summer is out, making safer bathing on the Mach. • • /*/ • :2://47 s�/Li444i Murray H. Bennett City manager MEV* • • • • • • • • • • • • • • X I"RO A X1-1+0 XI III) 1,'�f 17 r0`{/ � 1 1 CITY OF . . . ' BeeloCk""FetAida June 21, 1967 REPORT ON REVA MAE SILMON'S SEWER LINE - Attached find copy of letter written to Reva Mae Silmon's Attorney, Mr. Hucker, and a copy of a quotation for constructing the sanitary sewer line to the properties on Richardson Lane. There are 5 lots that will be involved in the construction of this sewer line, two of them belonging to Mrs. Silmon and one to her brother Dudley Silmon on the opposite side of the Lane. The other two lots belong to Donald Wallace and Robert Golden, as shown on the attached sketch. Art Reinertson Construction Company has quoted $985.00 to make this installation. '/31//0144-1 A/ 411L4 Murray H. (Bennett City Manager MHB/s CITY OF . . . Attczs4k B June 21, 1967 REPORT ON STREET RESURFACING 1967 - SPECIFICATION 67-5 The Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company completed the street resurfacing on May 18, as per Specifications #67-5. These specifications were made up the same as specifications set up in former years by specifying the street, the length of the street to be resurfaced and the width of the street. Before this job was started Houdaille-Duval-Wright had Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory make up a sample of the type 2 asphalt mix for analysis. The Hubbard-Field stability test at 140° gave a test of of 3250 pounds with a 6.5% asphalt. The test that they ran during the installation of this street resurfacing turned out to be 3175 pounds stability. The State Road specifications are 1500 pounds minimum. Houdaille-Duval-Wright completed the streets to be resurfaced to the width as we showed on our specifications, and if the pavement was wider than the dimensions that we gave them, then it was not their prerogative to increase the width of the street to compensate for this wider pavement. I am satisfied that Houdaille-Duval-Wright followed our specifica- tions completely, but to stop any future disagreements it would be advisable to change our specifications in Item 1 where we designate the street, the length and the width, and just designate the street and the length only, eliminating the width. I personally have not contacted Houdaille-Duval-Wright regarding the installation of extra width for these streets, knowing full well that they followed our specifications and measurements completely. .4-/;//,-‘4440A( // Murray H, Bennett City Manager MHB/s CITY OF , , , 7=4 - Matt& Bea4•20-Fewida r June 26, 1967 Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida Gentlemen; Kindly accept my resignation as City Manager of The City of Atlantic Beach; terminating as of July 31. 1967. ,incerely yours. 2&//7/?zel //// Murray H. Bennett, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida MHB/ eb