05-08-67 v uanocpv •0T
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=ma %o ras DIINVIIV dO MIp
8: 00 P. M.
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Donald L. Goodling
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
W. J. Parks, Jr.
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Murray H. Bennett, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the Agenda.
Mrs. Riva Mae Silmon stated she has finished a new house at
1525 Richardson Lane but there is some trouble about getting
sewer service. It is estimated it will cost $800.00 to bring
the sewer line from Donner Road to this property. Her lot goes
through from Francis Avenue to Richardson Lane and she has paid
for sewer on Francis Avenue, but she cannot connect to it due to
elevation problem. She stated that had this been explained to
her at time she got the building permit she could have made up
her mind as she has other lots she could have built on. There
was discussion and it was suggested Mrs. Silmon make application
for septic tank. Mr. Bennett advised they have been discussing
sewer for sometime. Mr. Parks moved this be investigated and
report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Mr. Weldon stated that this comes as a surprise that we would
issue a building permit without knowledge as to how house was to
be served as to sewer and water - like to suggest that no permit
be issued in the future until these facts are known and understood.
Mr. Howell advised no motion necessary because that is standard
procedure but the minutes will reflect comment. Mr. Holloway and
Mr. Howell will serve as Committee on this.
Mr. Howell recognized Mr. Bob Gordon, Neptune Beach Councilman,
who advised he does not think water connection between the two
Cities is a problem, but we have to make arrangements about
lights on Expressway. He thinks it most economical to put conduit
in median strip and go to center line lighting. Mr. Goodling
Minutes 5/8/67 Page #2
stated perhaps more economical but doesn 't know whether gives
proper lighting. Mr. Gordon thinks Neptune Beach will go along
and estimates it will cost about $2500. 00 for each City and he
would like to see Atlantic Beach consider. Mr. Parks questioned
as to the supplying of power to this median strip as ours comes
from City of Jacksonville and Neptune Beach 's from Jacksonville
Beach. Mr. Gordon believes that can be worked out. He also
thanked the Atlantic Beach Fire and Police Departments for their
assistance in fighting the woods fire on Third Street the past
week end. The matter of lighting was discussed further. Mr. Howell
and Mr. Goodling will get with Mr. Gordon and bring back report to
next meeting as to which way to go and costs.
Mr. Al Millar, representing Mr. Bill Donnell, inquired as to
problem concerning Mr. Donnell 's request to build golf driving
range and Pro Shop on Atlantic Boulevard west of Royal Palms
Drive. The Pro Shop is permissible under Zoning Ordinance but the
golf range would be a variance and the first problem is sewer
service to the location. There was discussion in which it was
determined that notin favor of changing Zone or allowing variance
and if usage in Business AA is modified it will have to be by
Ordinance and Public Hearing. Mr. Weldon suggested present plans
for building, plans for sewage and plans in general for whole
project and request for change in Zoning Ordinance as to usage in
Business AA. Mr. Millar advised they hope to do that.
Mr . Bennett read his report, copy of which is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
Mr . Goodling inquired as to concrete slab at Donner playground for
basketball and volleyball. Mr. Bennett advised we have not gotten
to that yet.
Mr. Goodling inquired if we are proper in using street right-of-way
as part of playground. Mr. Thompson advised if dedicated for road
purposes that is all we have any legal right to use for; if
dedicator doesn't object can use, but if does object we ' ll have to
quit. He suggests not to spend any money on improving right-of-way
as playground or park. If we get consent of dedicator might have
another deal.
There was no report ready at this time on chlorinator for sewer
Mr. Parks advised he had met with Mr. George Bull on septic tank
application and at that time Mr. Bull was requested to submit a
Minutes 5/8/67 Page #3
proposal in detail of what prepared to do. This was presented
late this afternoon and Mr. Parks has not had opportunity to study
and is not prepared to pass an opinion at present moment. Con-
sideration passed until next meeting.
Mr. Bennett read letter from Chief Vogel relative to traffic prob-
lem and costs. Copy of letter is attached hereto. The matter
was discussed and it was brought out that we have been using the
Auxiliary Police on recent week ends, but Chief Vogel does not
feel we can impose on them on every week end. Ou'r only contribu-
tion to them is payment of 1/3 of the $100.00 insurance premium.
There was lengthy discussion as to whether to buy motorcycle or
auto and whether second-hand or new. Mr. Parks moved that report
of Committee be favorably received and that the City Manager and
City Clerk be instructed to present for action by the Commission
at the next meeting any necessary budget transfers required to
accomplish recommendations in this report, seconded by Mr. Goodling.
Mr. Howell suggested look into delivery dates on new motorcycle.
Following further discussion, Mr. Howell put the question and the
motion carried.
The Committee report on bids for resurfacing streets was presented
and read. Copy of report is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Mr. Goodling moved the report be accepted and adopted, seconded by
Mr. Weldon. The report recommended that Items 1 and 2 be awarded
to low bidder, Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company, at $8, 233.30, and
that Item 3 be done by City. There was discussion as to available
funds and Mrs. Grage advised that there are some funds available
for transfer to General Fund, but she would recommend watching
expenditures very closely until tax receipt time, as we should
hold down on:.buying except for necessary items. This work is
budgeted and it was suggested that terms might be arranged with
successful bidder. Mr. Weldon is in favor of going ahead with
work now due to fact that Expressway work will have Atlantic
Boulevard torn up during summer and it would be better to have
our work done now. After further discussion the Mayor put the
question and the motion carried.
Mr . Bennett read his report on meeting with Jacksonville Expressway
Authority relative to construction on Atlantic Boulevard. There
was a lengthy discussion of whether to have one interconnection of
water with Neptune Beach or have two, with one at Mayport Road.
It was agreed one would take care of dire emergency but really need
two. Mr. Parks explained reasons for advisability of having two
interconnections stating that possibly main objective of inter-
connection was simply this - the basic features of Neptune and
our water system are the same in that they have one ground storage
Minutes 5/8/67 Page #4
over which have aerator - these aerators and reservoirs have to be
taken out of service periodically for cleaning - with one reservoir
in Neptune and one up here whenever take out people are on sulphur
water until restored - we do it at night and get back by next
morning but no time have any repair work per se, but if had inter-
connections that would permit reasonably normal interchange of
water between two systems - in dire circumstances - it would be
of help to both municipalities - save expense of reservoir that
was basic ideaih•first place. It was consensus that we would
want both.
A letter was read from the Jacksonville Beach Woman's Club
requesting an ad for their Antique Show program. Mr. Weldon
moved with regret recommend follow usual policy, seconded by
Mr. Uolloway and carried.
The Police dockets for May 1st and 8th, 1967, were presented for
information and filing.
It was consensus of opinion that the matter of drainage on
Seminole Road between 15th and 16th Streets be deferred until
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
� /
_ ...40...t. .461.220illi. S . 'Howell
Attest: Mayor-Commissioner
a_c ___, ,g . 41L-,t
Adele S. Grage, City Cler
CITY OF20410146, , ,
• Be -Tecid
May 8, 1967
1. I wish to report that we have completed the outside painting of
the City Hall.
2. The Public Works Department has spent considerable time getting
the Jack Russell and Donner Parks in condition for the summer
recreation. de have installed a sprinkler system on the ball
diamond at the Jack Russell Park.
3. At the Donner Park we have cleared out Park Street and are making
that part of the playground. The right-of-way line was 50 ' so this
gives us an additional 50 ' for this park. I hope that this area of
Park Street can be used for the smaller children so that better
supervision can be had. We have hired the Assistant Director for
the Donner Park.
4. After meeting with the Recreation Committee, we are constructing
a new concession stand and play room at the Jack Russell Park,
and as soon as this building is completed the present wooden
structure will be moved in back of this so that both places can be
used as protection from the sun and weather. After this wooden
building is moved, we shall put a row of bleachers in back of home
5. We have spent considerable time cleaning and mowing road shoulders.
6. We have a contract with the Baggett Asphalt Company to resurface
the tennis courts at the Jack Russell and Bull Memorial Parks,
and this work will be completed tomorrow.
7 . We have purchased flood lights to be installed in the parking lot
at the Jack Russell Park and in the Donner Park. We still do not
have any cost figures for resetting the poles at the Donner Park
which are now located on East Coast Drive.
��� �f • 1 .[-
Murray H. Bennett
City Manager
" ' CITY OF, , ,
��p' s- h@
r 4 En ,� p� r �ci A ATLANTPLEPT.
/ e ,mo�" ' V Atlantic Beach, Florida 32003
May 2, 1967 Police Dept. - Fire Dept.
Mr. Murray H. Bennett
City Manager
City of Atlantic Beach, Florida
Dear Sir:
As directed by the City Commission, I submit herewith
an estimate for the cost of a new Police Cruiser and
radio siren etc.
One (1) Police Cruiser $2700.00
One (1) Police radio 800.00
One (1) Electronic siren 250.00
I have talked to Chief Johnson of the Duval County Road
Patrol about the advisability of using a motorcycle for
f traffic control, I have also checked with the City of
Jacksonville Traffic Control Bureau and have been advised
by all parties that this is the best answer for good
traffic control.
The motorcycle would also cut operational costs on daytime
patrol, as well as the initial cost would be cut considerably.
I recommend that we buy a good used motorcycle which will
cost the City approximately $1200.00 fully equipped with the
exception of a radio - the radio cost will be approximately
It will cost approximately $2500.00 for the balance of the
year for an additional Patrolman plus approximately $500.00
for the uniform Account if we go to the motorcycle.
Respectfully Submitted
R. C. Vogel
Chief of Police
111{ 1tC
oll!: CITY OF . "
May 4, 1967
At the last Commission meeting on April 24, Mr. Louis Holloway,
Mr. Richard Hilliard and City Manager Murray H. Bennett were
appointed as a Committee to report on bids for street resurfacing
for 1967, Specification 67-5.
We received three bids covering Item 1 which consisted of resurfac-
ing certain streets in Atlantic Beach, and Item 2 which covered
the driveway at the Police Station, in the following total amounts:
Jaxon Construction Company $8,251.76
Houdaille-Duval-Wright Co. 8, 233.30
Asphalt Contracting Corp. 9,698.36
We recommend that Items 1 and 2 be given to the low bidder,
Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company, at the price of $8, 233.30.
We find the cost of Item 3 higher than we expected, therefore we
would like to make the repairs with our own crew and also transfer
some of this remaining money to the Street Maintenance Account 4709
for repairs to the roads in the Donner section. The dry weather
has made some of these roads almost impassable.
All of the streets in Atlantic Beach listed in Item 1 are deteriora-
ting very rapidly and numerous potholes are being added almost
daily, and to save considerable expense later we recommend that
resurfacing of these streets be completed.
*MA/L/ / ‘ge..41.11,,
Murray h./Bennett
Louis C. Holloway, Jr. f
6J21,,,/'2. ye,e4Li,z/
Richard H. Hilliard
CITY OF . . .
41411144, Deadie-Te041414
April 28, 1967
Mr. Harold Aiken of Reynolds, Smith and hills requested all Cities
and Companies that have anything to do with the construction of
Atlantic Boulevard to attend this meeting. At the meeting were
representatives from the following:
houdaille-Duval-Wright Co.
The City of Jacksonville, Florida - Electric Dept.
The City of Jacksonville Beach - Electric Dept.
Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company
Mr. Gordon - Neptune Beach, Fla.
Mr. Bennett - Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Houdaille-Duval-Wright expects to start the work Monday, May 1, and
Imothey are planning on starting the job at 3rd Street. They will also
be working on the culvert at the Aquatic Pool Road, and they would
like to start putting up the South walls of the overpass at Mayport
The people that we will be doing business with from Houdaille-Duval-
Wright will be Mr. Chamblees, and Mr. h. A. Patridge is General
Superintendent and Mr. Spearman will be the Engineer.
We discussed the installation of the 8" water main across Atlantic
Boulevard at Seminole Road, and since they are working from 3rd
Street, we will have to do the engineering on this work immediately.
We can discuss the portion of payment with Neptune Beach when we
have completed the engineering.
Mr. Gordon of Neptune Beach has requested that the conduit for the
street lights be installed during the construction of the street. At
the present time there is no chance of obtaining any Expressway or
State Road Department aid for this part of the work. I feel that we
should attempt to find the money to work with Neptune Beach in at
least getting this conduit in place, because possibly later on the
State Road Department will install the wiring and the light fixtures.
CITY OF , , ,
AteCioak Beads-Feavdclak
There will be a little problem regarding the street lights West of
the Overpass and to the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge. In this area they
are planning on a concrete curbing that will be about 9 " high and 7 ' wide,
therefore it will be necessary to install our conduit in this median
and locate the exact position of the street light poles.
From the Overpass East to 3rd Street there will be no trouble because
the median strip is 30 ' wide and there is nothing to interfere with
the conduit.
The people that are in the most trouble regardiny this job are the
Southern Bell Telephone Company as they have not been forewarned about
this job and their engineer explained the difficulty in having and
getting their materials.
All I brought up the subject again in reference to a sidewalk from Royal
Palms Drive to Aquatic Pool Drive, but it was more or less to deaf
ears because the representatives of the Expressway Authority reaffirmed
the statement that they had made to us earlier that they were just
building the Road and no extras.
/ L1,77/4/
Murray Bennett
City Manager
N /s
CITY OF , , ,
May 8, 1967
I have laid out the water connection across Atlantic Boulevard at
Seminole Road, and for an estimating figure it will cost in the
neighborhood of $2500.00. I have used fittings on the Seminole Road
water line so that we can stay in the right-of-way line on the West
side of Seminole Road. This will shorten up the length of pipe
required to tie in to Neptune Beach 's 6 " line at their 11th Street.
Taking the cost of installing the water lines to the center line of
Atlantic Boulevard, I find that the cost will be a little better than
$100.00 more for Neptune Beach 's part of their job, therefore I
believe we should work 50-50 with them on this contract and AN* put %'e
this work out for bids.
I have also checked the possibilities, and believe that it is a very
good thing to install another 8 " line across Atlantic Boulevard in the
neighborhood of the Mayport intersection. At the present time we have
• an 8 line East of the Kon Tiki property. This water line comes
across Mayport Road at West 1st Street and there is an easOment between
the Kon Tiki property and £ ed Barn's property.
I would suggest that this water line would continue East and cross
Atlantic Boulevard .4ida Neptune Beach 's dedicated Poinciana Road. At
the present time we would only install approximately 120 ' of 8 " cast
iron pipe with blank flanges at both ends so that a water test can be
made and left in this condition until Neptune Beach runs their water
line down Florida Boulevard, at which time the valves and necessary
piping can be installed so as to give us water connections with
Neptune Beach at two different locations. Possibly we can get
Houdaille-Duval-Wright to install this pipe during their construc-
tion because we are not hooking it up to any water line at the present
2, I .061.e- /
Mur 1. Bennett
City Manager