02-13-67 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. 111. COMMISSION MEETING 2-13-67 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Moment Silent Prayer - Memory of Norman A. Minchew, City Tax Assessor and Former Councilman. 3. Invocation. 4. Approval of Minutes 1/23/67. 5. Recognition of Visitors. 6. Bids: (a) 2 Pick-Up Trucks. 7 . Reports: (a) Acting City Manager. (b) Committee on Bowen Apartment Complex. (c) Jacksonville Humane Society. (d) Committee on Bids for Garbage Truck Chassis. (e) City Attorney - Utility Tax Study. 8. Mr. Domnell - Golf Driving Range - Attorney 's opinion. 9. Ordinances - 2nd and Final Reading: (a) Indecent Exposure. (b) Requiring registration of certain employees and taxicab drivers. 10. Ordinances - First Reading: (a) Amending 1967 Budget - $25, 000.00 transfer to Sewer Fund. 11. Approval Insurance bills. 12. Resolutions: (a) No. 67-1 - Burn Utility Bonds. (b) No. 67-2 - Burn G. 0. Sewer Bonds. (c) Authorize Savings Account W.S . R. & R. Fund. (d) Appoint Committee for Resolution on death of Norman A. Minchew. 13 . Request Approval Purchase Meters from Account #1501 - Amount of $437 .52. 14. Request approval to get bids for lift Station NE" Control Panel - Cost approximately $800.00. 15. City Clerk. 16. Fire and Police Chief Reports. 17 . City Manager (Acting) . 18. Commissioners. 19. Adjourn. a MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1967 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. W. J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Richard H. Hilliard, Acting City Manager Absent: Frank Thompson, City Attorney (I11) Murray H. Bennett, City Manager (Ill) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. A moment of Silent Prayer was observed in memory of Norman A. Minchew, City Tax Assessor and former Town Councilman, who died suddenly, Saturday, February 11, 1967 . The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. The minutes of the meeting of January 23, 1967 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. A. J. Longo requested that something be done about the traffic hazard at East Coast Drive and 15th Street. There was a serious accident there last week and it is becoming a speed trap. Mr. Holloway advised very serious situation due to curve in road and a multiple intersection situation - a street light would not be sufficient - need to light up more or stop mechanically. The matter was discussed at length during which Mr. Howell suggested blinker light; also stop signs, etc. were suggested. Mr. Weldon moved that in view of the fact that this is an artery to Mayport and also leads to County Beaches that a Committee be appointed to include Chief Vogel and Acting City Manager Hilliard to determine whether blinker signal would be of assistance, or such other recommendations, and while being prepared that Chief Vogel be requested to make special watch over that particular section, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mayor Howell will work with Chief Vogel and Mr. Hilliard as Committee on this. Minutes 2/13/67 Page #2 Bids were next received on two (2) 1/2 Ton Pickup trucks as follows: John Deihl Chevrolet Co. $3, 262.67 Riverside Chevrolet 2, 994.00 Southside Motors (Ford) 3, 170.00 Gordon Thompson Chevrolet 3 , 025.00 Thor Chevrolet 2, 789.62 Mr. Holloway advised he sees no reason to study bids if they all meet specifications and he therefore moved the bid be awarded to the low bidder meeting specifications, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Goodling thinks that unless an emergency, it has been policy to refer bids to a Committee for review and report back recommendations on award to the Commission. He thinks it is good policy and unless emergency thinks wrong thing to deviate. Mr. Weldon asked any emergency on trucks, and Mr. Hilliard advised if trade-in truck went down within next two weeks it would take money to keep running. Mr. Goodling thinks bad precedent to move in haste and would like to hear report before vote for expenditure of City's funds. Following discussion Mr. Howell put the question and the vote was: Aye: Holloway, Howell May: Goodling, Parks, Weldon Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion not carried. Mr. Goodling moved the bids be referred to a Committee to report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Holloway and Mr. Hilliard to study bids and report back at next meeting. The report of the Committee on the Bowen Apartment Complex and their request for annexation of their property into the City was presented by Mr. Parks. The Committee recommended that the necessary water and sewer extensions (as outlined in Committee report) be constructed solely at Mr. Bowens expense with reimbursement as specified in report. The Committee also recommended that the City of Atlantic Beach endorse his efforts to have his property included in the City Limits by Special Lesislative Act, but that the City will not actively aid in the proposed annexation. Also that the proper zoning of the property be accomplished simultaneously with the annexation. Mr. Goodling moved adoption of the report - one copy to be attached to minutes and one sent to Mr. Bowen for his informa- tion, seconded by Mr. Weldon. The matter was discussed in which it was brought out that the 8 " water line would be on Minutes 2/13/67 Page #3 west side of Seminole Road and our City limits extend beyond this property on the west side of the road, and also, we are not committing ourselves to anything other than that we will look with favor at efforts to develop and will make available water and sewer at his expense. Mr. Weldon advised would endorse efforts to have annexed - but should it include language for proper zoning. Mr. Howell thinks point well taken as we do not want zoned by Special Legislative Act as it could not then be rezoned by the City. It was agreed we would want simultaneous zoning by the City as we do not want the Legislature zoning Atlantic Beach. We will offer no objection to Mr. Bowens contacting the Legislative delegates for annexation only. The petition for zoning of property should be filed simultaneously with the City Commission. Following discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. A copy of the Committee 's report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Report of the Jacksonville Humane Society for the month of January 1967 was received for information and filing. The report of the Committee on Garbage Truck Chassis was presented. They recommended that the bid of the Riverside Chevrolet Company be accepted in amount of $4,675.76 as lowest and best bid. Copy of report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Goodling moved adoption of Committee 's recommendation and purchase order be issued to cover, subject to funds being available, and approval of City Attorney of purchase order, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. There was no report on the Utility Tax Study or the golf driving range as the City Attorney is absent due to illness. These items will be continued. The Mayor next presented for second and final reading and read in full Ordinance #95-67-8 - said Ordinance prohibits indecent exposure and provides penalties therefor . He then declared meeting op3n for Public Hearing. Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with requirements of Charter. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed, whereupon Mr. Parks moved the adoption of the Ordinance on second and final read- ing, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Weldon commented that there was a perfectly splendid editorial on the subject in the Times Union this morning - commended to all to read. Mayor Howell then put the question and the motion carried. Minutes 2/13/67 Page #4 Mayor Howell asked Chief Vogel to distribute copies of Ordinance to every place of amusement - Mr. Weldon suggested copies be sent to our Municipal Judges. Mayor Howell then read in full Ordinance #95-67-9 requiring registration of certain employees and taxicab drivers, for consideration on second and final reading. He then opened the meeting for Public Hearing on same. Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with requirements of Charter. Mr. Roland Blalock spoke in favor of the Ordinance. As no one else appeared either for or against, Mr. Howell declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Parks moved the adoption of said Ordinance on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Weldon stated as he understands it would require registration of every employee of grocery stores. It was determined that only employees of places with "Consumption on Premises" (C.O.P. ) licenses or places of amusement would have to register. Grocery stores have "bottled only" licenses and are not permitted to allow consumption on the premises. Chief Vogel advised our only expense involved is issuing the cards - the F.B.I. will furnish cards and envelopes. Mr. Howell assumes taxicab drivers referred to are those whose companies hold Certificates of Convenience and Necessity. Mr. Weldon would like to propose amendment to the motion to insert on fourth line of Section 1 following word "drivers" and before the comma "drivers of taxicabs the owners of which hold a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate". Mr. Parks and Mr. Holloway accepted the amendment. Mr. Howell called attention to the fact that there is no enacting clause stating effective date, therefore in line with City Charter it will become effective twenty (20) days after posting. He also suggested copies be delivered to all businesses interested and taxicab operators advising them effective date. The Mayor then put the question and the motion as amended was carried. Mr. Howell deviated from the Agenda to recognize Mr. Roland Blalock who wished to talk with the Commission about the Overpass the Expressway Authority is proposing on Atlantic Boulevard at Mayport Road. He and Mr. Arthur Penman - before Mr. Penman 's death - worked on this and were assured would not go overhead but stay on grade. Mr. Blalock has complete file and record of correspondence and meetings on this matter. He advised that he was at Expressway Authority office this morning and according to plans the clearance over Mayport Road will be 32.4 feet. This approach will start 600 feet from Bridge and will make another "thrill hill" and be very dangerous, also it will eliminate close to 2000 feet of busi- ness frontage which he feels would affect the tax income of the City. He requested the Commission to take under considera- Minutes 2/13/67 Page #5 tion eliminating the overpass. The matter was discussed at length during which Mr . Howell advised that County Commissioner Stokes is setting up a meeting with the Expressway Authority and State Road Department District Representative to go into this a little deeper. Mr. Howell advised he had rather see overpass eliminated and the funds so saved be used for side- walks and lights. Mr. Weldon advised that at last meeting with Expressway Authority we were told this project was being done by Expressway Authority then turned over to State Road Department for maintenance, and they wanted to talk to all responsible people for pros and cons, and he asks why are they forcing down throat of two Municipalities. Chief Vogel advised the overpass would present traffic problems, believes could be solved with traffic circle. After further lengthy discussion Mr. Weldon moved that letter be written to State Road Department, Expressway Authority and County Commission telling of our con- cern and requesting Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling suggested copy go to Mr. Bill Beaufort. Mayor Howell put the question and the motion carried. An Ordinance was presented in full in writing covering transfer of $25, 000.00 to Sewer Fund in 1967 Budget for passage by Title only on first reading. Mr. Weldon moved passage by Title only on first reading and suggested Public Hearing be February 27, 1967 , seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. The Public Hearing will be February 27 , 1967 . A bill was presented from Elmore-Naughton Insurance in amount of $33 .33 which is our pro-rata share of yearly insurance premium on blanket policy for Beaches Auxiliary Police. Mr. Goodling moved approve payment subject to concurrence of City Treasurer, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mrs. Grage presented invoices from McNeill Insurance Agency covering our insurance for 1967 - total amount of $8, 206. 99. This is higher than bid due to modification on Workmen's Compensation, bond for Mrs. Barnes and addition of new Police car. The vehicle schedule was revised and reduced as recommended. Mr. Holloway moved bills as presented be approved for payment, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr . Howell read Resolution #67-1 covering the burning of Utility Revenue Bonds and interest coupons redeemed in 1966. Mr. Goodling moved passage of said Resolution, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Copy of Resolution #67-1 is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Mr. Howell read Resolution #67--2 covering the burning of General Obligation Sewer Bonds and interest coupons redeemed in 1966. Mr. Goodling moved passage, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of Resolution #67-2 is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Minutes 2/13/67 Page #6 Mr. Howell read Resolution #67-3 covering transfer of up to $10, 000.00 from checking account of Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund to a like named Savings Account. Mr. Goodling moved passage, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Weldon inquired if in First National Beach Bank. It was advised all water accounts are by Ordinance in Atlantic National Bank. We have a Savings Account in Utility Revenue Bond Fund but not this fund. Following discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. Copy of Resolution #67-3 is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Mayor Howell appointed Mrs. Grage and himself as a Committee to draw up Resolution on death of Norman Minchew. Mr. Hilliard requested approval for purchase of 12 new water meters in amount of $437 . 52 from Account #1501. These are for new water services. Mr. Goodling moved approval, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Hilliard reiested approval to take bids on new control panel for Lift , Station "El He estimates the cost will be approximately $800.00. Mr. Holloway moved approval, seconded by Mr. Goodling. The matter of specifications was discussed and agreed necessary. Mr. Parks, Mr. Goodling and Mr. Hilliard will get up necessary specifications. The Mayor then put the question and motion was carried. Mrs. Grage advised the City Hall will be used for voting purposes February 28th, March 14th and March 28th, 1967. Mrs. Grage advised she would like to attend the City Clerk 's Short Course in Gainesville on March 19-22 if the City Manager is back at work. Mr. Goodling moved approval at City's expense, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mrs. Grage advised Mr. J. F. Waggoner, Jr. requested her to express to the Commission his appreciation of the flowers ordered for Mrs. Waggoners funeral. They were not delivered is reason he had not already sent his thanks. The florist is tracing the order. Mrs. A. J. Craig is in Beaches Hospital following slight stroke. "Judge" Craig asked that the Commission be advised of his willingness to help in any way he can without remuneration - during this period of Mr. Bennett's illness. Mr. Weldon stated this is a splendid gesture on Mr. Craig 's part. Mrs. Grage advised Mr. Bennett is progressing but will not be home from hospital for another week to 10 days. Minutes 2/13/67 Page #7 Mr. Parks stated in connection with report of City Clerk concerning former and present City Managers, and as "Judge" Craig has been a long and faithful servant of this Municipality that flowers be sent from the Commissioners, at the Commissioners ' expense, to Mrs. Craig, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Copy of Police docket for January 30th, 1967 was received for filing and information. Mr. Parks stated that going back to Mr. Weldon 's earlier remarks when considering indecent exposure ordinance he would like to see the Commission take official cognizance of the favorable publicity that this Municipality receives from time to time from the editor of the editorial page, Mr. Caleb J. King, Jr. , who is a valued citizen of this City, and that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter expressing appreciation of his consideration of our efforts, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Holloway advised he had received a letter from a citizen about the dogs roaming in bands around the streets in viola- tion of Ordinance. He would like some endeavor to be made to see if can corral them. Would be glad to give the Chief the man's name. He asked Chief if he thinks we have excess of dogs. The Chief advised that we have, and again asked for permission to use a capture gun. The matter was discussed at length and suggested look over contract with Jacksonville Humane Society and see what can be done to better service and situation. The Chief was asked to come up with some recommendations. The news media was requested to help by reporting something about the situation. Mr. Howell advised that with the passing of Mr. Minchew we must take some action on Tax Assessor. He suggested the Commission get together in an informal meeting to discuss. Tuesday, February 21, 1967 was decided on as date all could meet. The City Clerk is to remind Commissioners of the meeting. Mrs. Grage advised that the County Tax Assessor will be here at the City Hall on Tuesday, February 21st at 10:45 A. M. for filing of homestead exemptions and personal property returns. Minutes 2/13/67 Page #8 Mr. Howell advised as matter of information the City is being sued by a Mr. A. J. Parks who alleges that on or about December 21, 1966 his car was damaged by a hidden object in the road on Main Street in Atlantic Beach. The matter has been turned over to the Insurance Company attorneys. Mr. Parks stated that Mr. Bob Cloninger who succeeded Mr. Bill Shrimpshire on the Jacksonville Journal has been covering for three or four meetings and is from Catawba County, North Carolina. There being no further business Mr. Howell declared the meeting arjourned. Af .44/11 /441AvlliAtam - . Howell Mayor-Commissioner Attest: 0142tee '; 4LL4t-r Adele S . Grage City Clerk Report of Special Committee To Confer with Mr. M. I. Bowen Regarding the Development of Property East of Seminole Road and Between 18n and 192 Streets Duval County, Florida February 13, 1967 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach, Florida Gentlemen: The committee consisting of the undersigned which was appointed by Mayor Howell at the regular meeting of the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on January 23, 1967, subsequent to the appearance of Mr. M. I. Bowen before the Commission, has conferred with Mr. Bowen and submits the following report. The committee was appointed to confer with Mr. Bowen and to discuss with him relative to his proposed development of property located on the east side of Seminole Road be- tween 18n and 19nn Streets, with a portion along the ocean front: A. The provision of municipal water and sewer service to that property. B. The annexation of that property into the Corporate Limits of Atlantic Beach. The committee conferred with Mr. Bowen on January 26, 1967, and reviewed with him the physical details of providing water and sewer service to his property from the City of Atlantic Beach water and sewer systems, and the construction cost estimates for the necessary water and sewer exten- sions; said construction cost estimates having previously been prepared by Commissioner Parks. The committee further reviewed with Mr. Bowen his plans for the development of the property consisting in the main of utiliz- ing the ocean-front property for the construction of a sea-side "spa", and the development of the remainder of the property into an apartment complex. City water, with ample provision for fire protection, can be secured by extending an 8" water main northward along the west side of Seminole Road from the intersection of Seminole Road and 15th Street to 18sn Street. North of 182 Street, along Seminole Road, along 18sn Street, along 19n Street, and within the property, the water mains would be 6" and 4". XERO XEROX xf RO ,COPY 001,Y �c n� r rUi r Page 2 Gravity sewer lines and manholes can be constructed along Seminole Road north of 18th Street, and within the property so that the lines will con- verge at a point on the east side of Seminole Road and north of 18th Street. At that point, a deepened manhole can be utilized initially as a sewage lift station (and equipped with a submersible type sewage pump) for pump- ing the sewage through a 4" force main along the right of way for Satureba Drive to existing sewage lift station "D" on the City of Atlantic Beach system. Said gravity sewer lines would be so constructed that in the future, they could be integrated into the pattern of gravity sewers when constructed eastward from Selva Marina Drive. When so integrated, the sewage pumping facilities installed initially would be of no further use, the pump would be removed, and the force main abandoned. The committee recommends that both the necessary water and sewer extensions be constructed solely at Mr. Bowen's expense, and that the Commission give favorable consideration to reimbursing Mr. Bowen only for the cost of the 8" water main between 15th Street and 18th Street along Seminole Road which is estimated to cost $8,349; said reimbursement to be accomplished over a period of time from a portion of the water revenue resulting to the City from Mr. Bowen's development, or earlier should the City make use of the main for purposes other than serving Mr. Bowen's property. The committee further advised Mr. Bowen, and so recommends herein, that the City of Atlantic Beach will endorse his efforts to have his property included in the City Limits by special legislative act, but that the City will not actively aid in the proposed annexation. Finally, the committee recommends that the petition for annexation shall include language specifically zoning the property properly for the in- tended use by the petitioner and in conformance with applicable City of Atlantic Beach zoning ordinances so that proper zoning will be accomplished simultaneously with annexation. Respectfully submitted, 7444 .r7 C Walter ks, Jr. 6.7".14e D. L. Goodling xrRcil %r r+o xl rm XlRO. r'nr,y Cru r �.i�i 1 P r\ r 17-7 1 Pr 67-2 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 5 - 3-9/10% General Obligation Sewer Bonds in the amount of $5,000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of April 1, 1966, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Sewer Bond interest coupons which have become due through 1966, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the follow- ing numbered bonds totaling $5, 000.00 in value be burned: Numbers 26 through 30 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon No. 13 from Bond 95 Coupon No. 14 from Bond 95 Coupon No. 15 from Bonds 111-120 Coupon No. 16 from Bonds 26-300 Coupon No. 17 from Bonds 31-49, 51-300 The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission February 13, 1967 on . Attest; 0- - Adele S . Grage, City Cler (Seal) RESOLUTION NO. 67-1 WHEREAS, the City has redeemed 7 - 34 Utility Bonds in the amount of $7,000.00, said bonds bearing maturity date of March 1, 1966, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Utility Revenye Bond interest coupons which have become due through 1966. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED DY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the follow- ing numbered bonds totaling $7,000.00 in value be burned: Numbers 49 through 55 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon No. 21 from Bonds 205-209 Coupon No. 22 from Bonds 49-191, 202-231 Coupon No. 23 from Bonds 56-191, 202-204 and 210-231 The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City February 13, 1967 Commission Attest: ac&a._,g -- Adele S. Grage, City Cl- k (Seal) *TY OF , . , 4424.1 .0 Deack-Tk42da e.„ k.lii40441001".4110~1010444"V0*** February 10, 1967 COMMITTEE REPORT ON GARBAGE TRUCK CHASSIS SPECIFICATION 67-1 Listed below are the three bids received on Garbage Truck Chassis, Specification 67-1: White Trucks Division White Motor Corporation $6, 116.50 Delivery 45 to 60 Days Gordon Thompson Chevrolet, Inc. $4,770.00 Delivery 45 days Riverside Chevrolet Co. $4,675.76 Delivery 30 to 45 Days The Committee, after studying all three bids, finds that all three meet our specifications. The truck bid by White Motor Corporation meets and/or exceeds all specifications and would be a good truck for our use, but we cant justify the difference in price of this truck compared to the bid by Riverside Chevrolet Company. Therefore, the Committee suggests that the bid ,of ' e vside Chevrolet Company be accepted as the Aida 7////'/(r/,' 71.2), � ff Murray Hi Bennett City Manager Louis C. Holloway, Jr, ? e,J„rl '1 ��Jt-l�ltitl�f� Richard H. Hilliard RHH/s COMMITTEE ERO %EROI % \op Y� ropy! ' PRO x`1F11U CITY OF. . . Maeda Deach-Temida RESOLUTION #67-3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, The City Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to transfer up to $10,000.00 from the Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund Checking Account to a so named Savings Account in the Atlantic National Bank. * * * * Passed by the City Commission on February 13, 1967. Attt$t: Adele S. Grage, City ,% lerk (Seal) neXtoribatimes-ilttion 3ucksouuillaourttul EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL Before the undersigned authority personally appeared , who on oath says that he is ___R tail-_Ariver_ti_aing__'.lanager of The Florida Times-Union, and Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, CALL F Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Specification n Noo 6- 2CKUP TRUCKS Bids will be received by The City Corn- mission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Legal Notice Florida, until 8:00 P. M., Monday, Febru- ary 13th, 1967, for furnishing two (2) 1/2 ton pickup trucks for the City of Atlantic Beach,one with truck body and one with- in the matter of Call for Bids No. 67-2 Two 112 Ton Pick-up out truck body. All material and equipment furnished and all work performed shall be in strict accordance with the specifications and Trucks for the City of Atlantic Beach contract ct documents be examined pertaining her octewhica, the City Manager's office, City Hall, Atlantic Beach, Florida. Each bid should be submitted in sealed _-- -- - _-.- _ - -. envelope addressed to the City Commis- sion, Atlantic Beach, Florida, marked "Bid on 2 Pickup Trucks" and delivered or mailed in time to be received in the ... the Court, City Clerk's office, City Hall, prior to bid time. The City reserves the right to waive in- formalities in any bid; to reiect any or was published in The Florida Times Union formalities bids in whole or in part, and to accept the bid that, in its judgment, will be to the best interests of the City of Atlantic, in the issues of January 29,, 1967 Beach. CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Murray H. Bennett City Manager ATTEST: Adele S.Grego City Clerk b _ Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class snail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duva %.1 %County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any tt) per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. 01 \ Ol Sworn to and subscribed before me FEB this 3'3,th day of ����\1 °' c't pF P N: - Public, • \, j State of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires February 1, 1967 CITY OF iltea444 Deads-Temida 2/27/67 ACTING CITYMANAGER'S REPORT Work completed from 1/31/67 thru 2/13/67 1. SEWER PLANT - Cleaned mad rebuilt grit pump with new face plate, impeller and wear plate. Cleaned grit well and sump. Rebuilt defuser and riser. Digester Acid 5,000 - Temperature 63 to 65 - P. H. 70 2. STREET S - Louvred grade so water will run down to seawall sad laid shell on beth sides of a limerock walkway and sprayed with cutback. Rebuilding barricades on all streets. Work completed on 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th Streets - 70% completed on lot and 2nd Streets, leaving Ahern. 13th. 14th and 15th Streets. Some black top work is planned if money holds out, also repair steps down to Beach. 3. WATER PLANT - Work en an 18 x 13 foot storeroom is almost completed. For some time we have lad to pile water supplies on top of each other inside the plant. This building will give us a work shop and storeroom. 4. Worked 2 men with garden club to rebuild bank on North side of Post Office and plant trees and flowers. 5. Dug out about 100 feet of Sturdivant Street on East and West side of Seminole Road and replaced with liaereck base and sprayed with cut- back. This area will be black topped when weather warns up. 6. Repaired several catch basins in Royal Palms that had caved in from rains. 7. Patched holes in streets with hot black top, also with limerock when it got too wet to use black top. S. Talked with Mosquito Control about cleaning ditch on West side of Seminole Road North of 16th Street and over to Club Lagoon. and work will begin on February 27. Our storm drain that will run from 13th Street north to lith Street will be a l5" storm drain and will tie in to this ditch. 41 z.6,u,w AUZ) 8uT1sy S P3 TttTN 'R 'V /1`" (777`771( /( f suTsvq tpves p i* ovTmap bm;ssosa veans *mos pue avwi *TV; oouTt uTusp oso• 1Tr2rT oa *dog out• oK •watt wTezp ee*q on 'mega SuTputvs zo do pov,vg seven on puno; on puevoem eTc umes is segpvT 5 6u Alq 2e3;Y •0t •3•_n• imp peA*ds3 so Ov sysesis 4uo buOW! *6 to *bsd L'/EVE nsgq L9/tt/t r03; pe10xfte* 2111OM XV043,1i 4,W!VYNW A.1I3 MIMIC iemy Dp?i1j4pV9l • r dO A.L9