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01-23-67 v
CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA. COMMISSION MEETING 1-23-67 AGENDA 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes 1-9-67. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Bids: (a) Garbage Truck Chassis 6. Reports: (a) City Manager 's report. (b) Committee on Property Assessments. (c) Jacksonville Humane Society. (d) Committee on Call for Bids for Pickup Trucks. 7. Mr. Donnell - Golf Driving Range. 8. Ordinances - First Reading: (a) Indecent Exposure. (b) Requiring registration of certain employees and taxi-cab drivers_ (c) Rezoning to Business "B" certain Sec. H lots. 9. 1966 Audit and Invoice. 10. Fire and Police Chief Reports. 11. City Manager. 12. Commissioners. 13. Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1967 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. W. J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Murray H. Bennett, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: John W. Weldon, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks. Minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1967 were approved as written upon motion of Mr . Holloway, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. Marion I . Bowen presented plans for an Apartment complex to be located East of Seminole Road between 18th and 19th Streets and advised he would like for the project location to be taken into the City as he would like to have benefits of City sewer, water, police and fire protection, etc. He would like to present the annexation for approval to the Duval County delegation for consideration at the coming session. He would appreciate our assisting by appointing a Committee to discuss what is involved in annexing - The City limits are on the West side of Seminole Road at this point. There was discussion following which Mr . Howell advised he thought it a good idea for Mr. Bowen to discuss with a Committee from the Commission and as he will be pressed for time with the impending meeting of the State Lesislature, Mr. Howell moved that a Committee be appointed to meet with Mr. Bowen and report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Howell appointed Commissioners Parks, Goodling and himself as Committee. Mr. Howell called for any further business from the floor not on the Agenda. Minutes 1/23/67 Page #2 Mr. Gene Richardson, representing The Place By the Sea Apartments, the Hotel and Club, advised they have a problem as the Fallin Gas Company is charging them an excess amount for utility tax, part of which he thinks has not been returned to the City. He has their invoices back to January 1966 on which they have paid 10% across the board utility tax and he would like an investigation of this. Also, he stated there is a terrific public hazard involved in the installation which they cannot get Fallin to correct, and he feels that unless they correct the discrepancies and make amendments in invoices, they are not entitled to operate in Atlantic Beach. He requested the City to investigate. There was discussion and Mr. Howell referred the matter to the City Clerk and City Attorney to see what steps are necessary - and the City Attorney go a little further and see if any legal action to be taken. There was discussion of the 30 year franchise granted Florida Gas Company and it was brought out that it was not an exclusive franchise and Fallin Gas Company is legitimate within City limits. Mr. Bennett stated he would like an Ordinance drawn up regulating gas installations, etc., as the State regulations only seem to cover fire hazards. He advised he had written Fallin Gas Company to find out what they were going to do about the leaking gas, etc. , as Chief Vogel had inspected and found it dangerous. They were to report back by tonight but have not done so. Mr. Howell suggested the City Clerk and City Attorney look into and see what steps are necessary, and that the City Attorney see if any legal action to be taken and to proceed forthwith. Mr. Howell inquired if anyone had talked to Mr. George Turcq, and Mr. Richardson advised had talked to Insurance Commissioner 's office but Mr. Turcq had been out of town. Mr. Howell suggested City Attorney contact State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner 's office. Mr. Richardson stated he would furnish City Clerk with copies of their invoices from Fallin Gas Company. Mr. Harcourt Bull echoed Mr . Richardson 's complaints and stated Slade Gas Company had charged Selva Marina Country Club straight 10% utility tax on gas since 1965, and that 90 days ago they had demanded refund but haven't gotten yet. City Attorney advised we have authority to audit but it would be expensive. After further discussion, Mr. Bull advised he was making formal complaint about way gas companies are operating. Mr. Howell suggested City Attorney handle - and that Mr. Bull show us invoices. Mr. Bull advised he would not, that the City could audit. Minutes 1/23/67 Page #3 Bids on garbage truck chassis as covered by Call. for Bids were received. Copy of proof of publication of the Call for Bids is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Bids were as follows: Riverside Chevrolet $4,675.76 Gordon Thompson Chevrolet 4, 770.00 White Truck Company 6, 116. 50 Mr. Goodling moved bids be referred to Committee for study and report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Bids are available to bidders or interested parties. Mr. Howell named Mr. Holloway, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hilliard as Committee. Mr. Bennett read the City Manager 's report, copy of which is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. There was a lengthy discussion of the lighting of Expressway, and as to understanding Expressway Authority furnishes money and State Road Department prepares plans, lets contracts and supervises work - also that there will be a meeting of State Road Department at Orlando, January 30th. Mr. Howell advised he understood there is to be a meeting of County Commissioners with State Road Department and Expressway Authority and he intended to be there, and pay his own expenses. Mr. Goodling suggested City Manager write Mr. T. R. Stokes, Jr. of the County Commissioners with a copy to Mr. Bob Harris requesting that we be advised when this meeting is to be held. The Committee on Property Assessments made a written report on their findings as to 1966 assessments. Mr. A. H. Dunlop and Mr. "Ted" Glocker, two members of the Committee were present. Mr. Dunlop advised they think the report is self- explanatory - that there is a wide variance in County and City assessments, but that other tax assessors would come up with another figure. Mr. Howell advised he has read the report and thinks the Committee has done a terrific job. He thanked the Committee on behalf of himself and the Commission for the time and effort spent and feels confident it will be of great help in leading down road to taxation that lies ahead. Mr. Dunlop thinks something should be done to get Atlantic Beach property nearer correct value. Copy of the report is on file in office of the City Clerk. Jacksonville Humane Society reports for November and December 1966 were received for information and filing. • • Minutes 1/23/67 Page #4 A report from Committee on bidding for 2 pickup trucks was presented by Mr. Parks. It recommended that we call for bids on 2 Standard 6 cylinder 1/2 Ton pickup trucks to be used in Water Department - one with body and one without body. A service body will be installed on one truck with locked compart- ments to carry necessary equipment for making repairs. Mr. Parks moved adoption of Committee ' s report and the recommenda- tions contained therein and bids to be received February 13th, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Bill Donnell requested permission to construct a golf driving range on the land just West of the Texaco Station at Royal. Palms Drive and Atlantic Boulevard. It will be on the landfill site and as cannot put permanent structure on this site for 5 years, is trying to get some income out of land. He plans a temporary building about 16 ' x 32 ' to house equipment. He does not believe it would be economically feasible to run the sewer line 950 or more feet from East side of Royal Palms Drive to the location - he would prefer septic tank to comply to State Board of Health regulations. There was a question as to whether such a project was permitted under Zoning Ordinance for Business "AA". There was a question as to whether toilet facilities would be required and if a septic tank would work in this landfill area. After much discussion Mr. Parks moved that the City Attorney render decision regarding zoning at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Howell advised he felt it was too complicated to make a decision tonight and called the question and the motion carried. The Ordinance covering indecent exposure was presented in full in writing for consideration by Title only on first reading. Mr. Parks moved passage on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Public Hearing was set for February 13, 1967 . An Ordinance providing for registration with the Police Department of persons employed by establishments that serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, and taxicab drivers, was presented in full in writing for passage on first reading by Title only. Mr. Holloway moved passage of said Ordinance on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Goodling suggested sending notice of Public Hearing to taxicab companies licensed in Atlantic Beach. The Public Hearing was set for February 13, 1967 . • Minutes 1/23/67 Page #5 An Ordinance rezoning all lots in Blocks 57 through 82, Section H, from Residence AC to Business B, was presented in full in writing for consideration by Title only on first reading. The Ordinance had not been sent to Commissioners in writing previous to this meeting, and therefore it will necessitate waiving of rules " - Mr. Holloway moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance passed on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr. Howell. Mr. Goodling asked if it had been to Planning Board. Mr. nennett advised yes that Planning Board had recommended rezoning in their minutes of November 2, 1966. Mr. Howell put the question and the motion carried. Public Hearing was set for February 27, 1967 . The Audit report for year 1966 together with invoice to cover in amount of $1, 200.00 were presented. Mr. Parks moved report be received and invoice be approved for payment, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Chief Vogel presented annual reports of Police and Fire Depart- ments for year 1966. There were favorable comments on complete and detailed reports. Mr. Goodling advised he has heard compliments from County Solicitor 's office as to cooperation of our Police Department and it is appreciated. Mr. Parks suggested reports be made available to the press. The reports were discussed and City Manager is to send copies to Mr. Bob Harris, County Commissioner, as regards financial assistance. Mr. Bennett asked for decision on Mr. Clarence Wilkerson's offer to give the City land set aside as Alleys in his unrecorded plat in Block 15, Donner 's Subdivision. The matter was discussed and Mr. Howell suggested that although they are being used they do not belong to City, but if we accept we will take over responsibility of upkeep, therefore it should be looked into further. Mrs. Grage advised she is preparing the Ordinance covering the transfer of $25, 000.00 more to the Sewer Fund and will have ready by next meeting. Mr. Dick Hilliard, Public Works Superintendent, received congratulations on his new son, Edward Allen Hilliard, born January 15, 1967. Minutes 1/23/67 Page #6 Mr. Parks thinks the City Manager, Mr. Hilliard, and other interested City employees are to be commended on the improved appearance of the City Park areas and roadsides in general. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. di 40 / 99( S. Howell Mayor-Commissioner Attest: CO-re - � . ' / r Adele S. Grage, City ClE,k CITY 4,44,41014 DearAN'Teaflida January 23, 1967 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT The Public Works Department in the last two weeks has been cleaning and picking up along road shoulders and have built headwalls at all culverts, after the Mosquito Control has opened up the ditch from Mayport Road to Church Road. The Mosquito Control operator is still working on the ditch in back of the trailer park in the County, and when they have completed this to Puckett Creek the water table in the Donner section will be lowered considerably. We have installed limerock and graded the bad section of Main Street. We have finished paving the crossover on Selva Marina Drive and have done considerable patching of the streets. You will note that we have done considerable work at the Jack Russell Park and at the Police Station, filling and levelling the ground so as to have more parking area at the Park and enabling us to do a better job of mowing through the summer months. We have placed a barricade around the Police parking lot so as to keep the cars off the grass. We have replaced all defective meters. I have written Fallin Bottled Gas Company of Jacksonville on January 16 regarding the hazardous condition at the Atlantic Beach Hotel which can cause bodily harm because of leaking gas pipes and the installation of the bottled gas tanks. After checking with Mr. Gene Richardson, Manager of The Place By The Sea Apartments, we find that the utility tax on gas withheld does not compare with what we have received here in the office. Mr. Wilkerson of Wilkerson & Borum is giving us, if we so wish, the Alleys that he owns on Parcel E, Donner 's Replat. This is located between Ardella Road and Jackson Road. We are at the present time using 20 feet along the Jackson Road side as a paved highway. These alleys are 20 ' wide running North and South and 10 ' wide running East and West. 47CITY ©F , . , =4 4441i/a Deadlifr'Te04idelk City Manager 's Report Page #2 January 23, 1967 I contacted Mr. Pittman, Director of Planning, Florida State Road Department, Lake City, Florida, and he stated that there is very little hope of us obtaining the lights along Atlantic Boulevard through the State Road Department. He did say that he feels that the sidewalk can be extended from Royal Palms Drive to Aquatic Pool Drive even though the contract for the road has been let. Mr. Pittman called later and advised me that the next State Road Depart- ment meeting is to be held at Orlando on January 30 and that they will be letting contracts on January 31. kA4-4/2 -1411211 Murray . Bennett City Manager MHB/s