12-09-68 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA AGENDA December 9, 1968 1. Call to Order. 2 . Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of 11/25/68. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Bids: (a) Insurance 1969. (b) Petroleum Products 1969. 6. Correspondence: (a) Glover Weiss. (b) Mrs. Jane Jelovchan. (c) Mrs. Donnell - Mexiteria Restaurant. 7. Ordinances - 1st Reading: (a) Budget 1969. (b) Franchise - Jacksonville Electric Authority. 8. Resolution 1968 Budget. 9. Public Works Report. 10. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets. 11. City Manager. 12. Commissioners. 13. Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1968 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon A. J. Longo R. R. Rosborough Louis C. Holloway, Jr. , Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Adele S . Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough. Minutes of the meeting of November 25, 1968 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Bids on Insurance for 1969 were next received. Copy of Proof of Publication of "Call for Bids" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Bids were as follows: McNeill Insurance Agency $8, 248.00 with option $8, 310.00 without option for all Items Nationwide Insurance Company (Edward A. Miller, Agent) On Item 9 only covering Hazard Insurance for Police and Firemen $10.00 per indi- vidual per year. Mr. Longo moved bids be referred to Committee for report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Commissioners Rosborough, Longo and Howell were named as Committee. Bids were next presented covering Petroleum products for 1969. Copy of certified Proof of Publication of "Call for Bids" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Bids were received from the following: American Oil Company Gulf Oil Corporation Humble Oil & Refining Co. McCall Service, Inc. Standard Oil Company (Ky. ) Minutes 12/9/68 Page #2 Mr. Rosborough moved bids be referred to Committee for tabula- tion and report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Commissioners Weldon and Holloway and City Manager Vogel were named as Committee. A note was presented from Glover Weiss regarding increase in his 1968 taxes. A request was read from Mrs. Jane Jelovchan asking that a prac- tice board be erected at one of the City' s tennis courts. It was discussed and advised can be done with little cost and Mr. Vogel was asked to take care of the request. A letter was presented from Mrs . Lucille Donnell requesting permission to increase the seating capacity at the Mexiteria Restaurant to 56 - the additional seats to be for a banquet room to be known as the "Fiesta Room" . They also plan to have coin operated music machine, pool and bowling games for the bene- fit of their guests. Mr. Vogel advised it appeared it was going to be a Penny Arcade type operation and he had therefore referred it to Commission. Mr. Donnell advised the machines were for use of his guests in the Restaurant. Mr. Vogel was advised as long as meets City ordinances, there is no action needed by Commission. An Ordinance #20-68-18 adopting the Budget for 1969 was presented in full in writing for passage on first reading by title only. Mr. Longo moved that Ordinance #20-68-18 adopting the budget for 1969 be passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Rosborough. Mr. Weldon stated the salaries represent 53% of the budget and the salaries given are way above the recently passed Salary Schedule Ordinance and virtually "wipe out" said Ordi- nance; and that the several department heads are scheduled for substantial raises. Also he stated he was astounded at amount received from Utility tax as it was originally to raise amount due on utility bond and not to increase general revenues. He proposed it be cut from 8% to 6%. Mr. Longo advised the raises to personnel in the budget with two exceptions were within the framework of the new salary Ordinance schedule and does not feel exhorbitantly high and that one of these exceptions was the water and sewer plant operator who is being required by state to secure operator ' s license to retain his job. Mr. Rosborough feels Salary Ordinance was for purpose of guide lines. Mr. Holloway feels so much raise is excessive of what intended. There was a lengthy discussion during which it was brought out our Policemen and Firemen are still under the scales used for Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach. Following further discussion Mr. Weldon made a substitute motion that an ordinance amending ordinance on utility tax be prepared by next meeting to reduce the utility tax from 8% to 6%, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and the vote was: Aye: Mr. Holloway, Mr. Rosborough, Mr. Weldon Nay: Mr. Longo, Mr. Howell The Mayor declared the motion carried. Minutes 12/9/68 Page #3 After further discussion Mayor Howell presented a substitute motion to add a Section III to Ordinance #20-68-18 as follows: "All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed" , seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. The Public Hearing on said Ordinance was set for 8:00 P. M. , December 23, 1968. An Ordinance was presented in full in writing granting a 5 year franchise to the Jacksonville Electric Authority to furnish electricity to the City of Atlantic Beach, for passage on first reading by title only. Mr. Holloway moved passage of said Ordinance on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Weldon, and following discussion the question was put and motion unanimously carried. Public Hearing on said Ordinance was set for 8:00 P. M. , December 23, 1968. Resolution #68-39 was presented covering changes in 1968 budget. Mr. Longo moved passage, seconded by Mr. Weldon. These changes are for purpose of paying off two notes due First National Beach Bank, loaned us to pay on garbage truck. Mr. Howell put the question and motion carried. Copy of Resolution #68-39 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Longo moved that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the two notes dated July 10, 1968 and August 13, 1968 at the First National Beach Bank from the mailable funds, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. The report of the Public Works Department through December 9, 1968 was received for information and filing. The reports of the Fire Department for October 1968 and the Police Department for November 1968 were received for information and filing. Chief Stucki advised he had no other report. A request was presented from the Florida State Road Department requesting the City to sign an agreement with the State Road Department to take over maintenance and operation of the traffic control devices on Atlantic Boulevard at Mayport Road, Penman Road, and 3rd Street. Mr. Howell stated we have not kept them up before, we did not put them there, they were put there by the Road Department and/or the Jacksonville Expressway Authority, and doesn' t know why we have to pay for them. They are on a state road. Mr. Weldon moved the City Manager write them and decline the request, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Mr. Holloway would like to see us do something about beautifying the median strips on Atlantic Boulevard. Thinks we should do something even if Neptune Beach doesn' t do anything. He asked the City Manager to come up with some plan. It was agreed that something should be done with those that do not have the ditches, and don' t see much that can be done with them. The City Manager will handle. Minutes 12/9/68 Page #4 There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Willi am S . Howel Mayor-Commissioner Attest: j}7 Adele S. Grage City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 68-39 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, SECTION 1. The 1968 Budget General Fund Accounts be changed as follows: GENERAL FUND Decrease Revenue - Account ##111 Misc. Collection $5,600.00 Appropriations - Account #1005 Sanitation 5,600.00 The General Fund Revenue to be: $368,814.00 Less 5,600.00 Net 363,214.00 The General Fund Appropriations to be: $368,814.00 Less 5,600.00 Net $363,214.00 SECTION 2. That the following transfer changes be made in the 1968 Budget: GENERAL FUND Increase Decrease Account #1005 Sanitation $5,600.00 - Account #1009 Drainage - $3, 500.00 Account #1051 Emergency - 2,100.00 TOTAL INCREASE & DECREASE $5,600.00 $5,600.00 * * * * Passed by the City Commission on December 9, 1968. Attest: Adele S. Grage City Clerk (SEAL) XrRO� XCR O'; %I.R(1 XCRU The Florida Times-Union W lacks le journal FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANYF� �F-<,T�ANTIc at-AU-" JI FLORIDA I Publishers November 12, 1968 CALL FOR BIDS JACKSONVILLL„ I)UV<AL COUNTY, FLORIDA Specification No.68•l� PETROL ElJM PROOl1 a City Sealed bids will be received tlantic STATE OF FLORIDA CommissFlorida, pntil he a oo p ,k E• s. Beach, Monday, December 9,;,:1948, for T.) on M Petroleum Products for the COUNTY OF DUVAL S furnishing year 1969 for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Specifications and contract documents pertaining thereto, may be examined office, City1 procured at the City Clerk's Before the undersigned authoritypersonally appeared - Each bid Should be addressed ed to the City T` Clifton p 1 P ---- --------- Hall,Atlantic Beach, Florida. tlant c Beach, Commis - ---,°'�a---"a---"++�+XQ� , who on oath says that he is marked i,a ddsto Pet tphb bid IeClerfileum rk Clerk's offend Ciao Hall, priorI The City reserves the rifotre ect any or, - Reta 1__ d ertiaing_(�,ger of The Florida Times-Union, and formalities in any all bids in and orrtonaccept the bid that out cause, ierestsfod9he CitofAtlantic Bea best m- Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, CITY COMMISSION in be i OF THE CITY OBy WILLIAM BEACH, HOWELL ORIDA rt, with or witn Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a___-.-.___ Mayor-Commissioner I ,'ATTEST: l Adele S.Grade,City Clerk in the matter of _Pet=_Q1e '7O $ - in the - - Court, was published in Florid Tim!'_Matto__- , in the issues of __Iov._20, 19 Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said - newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding _the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me thisROth day of Nev._--- . 6. 1948 ___e. / -- - - - CY& -1 'a . - If/ Notary Public, • tate of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires =_--5's5!12 The Florida Times-Union , lackr-onville journal !TY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLOPP: November 12, 1968 _ALL FOR a1DS Specification No. 68 INSURANCE COVERAGE FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Rids will be received by the City Co mission of the City of Atlantic Bea Florida,until 8:00 P.M., Monday, Dece Publishers her 9, 1968, for insurance coverage A 7� ♦� 1� properties, liabilities and interests of 1 JACKSON,V ILLI„ DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA City of JanuaryAt11969cto Beach, acembe 31,1peri 1969 accordance with specifications and do: • monis pertaining thereto. Bid shall be submitted in a sealed en' STATE OF FLORIDA lope addressed to the City Commissi: City Hall, Atlantic Beach, Floric COUNTY OF DUVAL ) marked "B on Insurance Coveragi and mailed or delivered in time to be ceived in the City Clerk's office, C Hall, prior to bid time. Premium for the Insurance Policies Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _ _ - - lating to the several coverages, as del eated in the specifications, shall not "lump sum" for total coverage, but is be shown as a separate and distinct it, t1a Clifton_ , who on oath says that he is for each policy. Further, the bidder sh : - indicate if coverage for any one or me units would be acceptable, or that t bidder will only accept coverage for t Ret$L1-Advaei8ling__lMena1 r of The Florida Times-Union, and entire line. Bidder shall clearly ident the proposed carrier of each item of a erage, by full name and location of hor off ice. JacksonvilleJournal, dailynewspapers atJacksonville in Duval County, The City reservesnbid,he right waive publishedY formalities in any to accept elabor tiers or explanations in connection wi any bid; to reject any or all bids Florida; that the attached copy of advertisementsbeing a- w__._ _ whole or in part; and to accept the b nr bids that, In its judgment, will be the best interests of the City of Allan! Beach. • Legal $Jti ce Specifications end Bid Form may be c tr" tamed at effiee of City Clerk, City Ha Atlantic Beach,Fla. C t$Y'COMM I S S I O N OF THE CITY OF in the matter ofnsurance__C'_over_Aga ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA By William S. Howell Mayor-Commissioner Attest: Adele S.Grage,City Clerk in the Court, was published in - Florida Tines_ -on in the issues of Nov.. 10 19e8_ Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class snail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2 _day of Notary Public, - tate of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires bR5/72