November 25, 1968
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation.
3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of 11/11/68.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Ordinance - Public Hearing 2nd Reading -• Regulating
Trailer Parks, etc.
6. Correspondence: Yucca Garden circle.
7. Atlantic Savings Certificates - Water Accounts.
8. Committee Report:
(a) Neptune Beach Radio agreement.
9. Presentation 1969 Budget by City Manager.
10. City Manager ' s Report.
11. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets.
12. City Manager.
13 . Commissioners.
14. Adjourn,
AT 8:00 P. M.
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
Arthur J. Longo
R. R. Rosborough, Commissioners
Oliver C. Ball, Acting City Attorney
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Richard H. Hilliard, Supt. of Public Works
Absent: R. C. Vogel, City Manager
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosbprough.
The minutes of the meeting of November 11, 1968 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Longo and
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none.
Mayor Howell then presented for second and final reading Ordinance
#77-68-1 regulating trailer parks and camps and read same in full.
He then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said
Ordinance. Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with
Charter requirements. As no one spoke either for or against said
Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Longo
then moved that Ordinance #77-68-1 be passed on second and final
reading, seconded by Mr. Rosborough. Mr. Holloway feels Ordinance
leaves much to be desired as regards the trailers themselves as to
their construction and safety. There was a lengthy discussion during
which Mr. Weldon advised he felt Paragraph 8 under Section II is
totally inadequate and does not specify when a trailer becomes a
permanent house. Mr. Howell feels Paragraph 8, Section II, is
irrelevant to balance of Ordinance which deals with regulating of
trailer parks themselves, not the trailers. This was agreed.
Whereupon Mr. Longo made a substitute motion that Ordinance *77-68-1
be passed on second and final reading and that Paragraph 8 of
Section II be eliminated therefrom, seconded by Mr. Rosborough
and carried.
Mr. Holloway asked that an Ordinance be drawn as to requirements
on trailers and mobile homes. Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Holloway
as Chairman of Committee to draw up and he is to choose his
A note was read from the Yucca Garden Circle commending the City
for their work toward beautification in eliminating old and un-
sightly structures.
Minutes 11/25/68 Page #2
Mrs. Grage advised that the Atlantic Savings Certificates for
Water Funds were secured as directed as follows :
1-Utility Revenue Bond Fund $29,627 .21
1-Water System Renewal & Repl. Fund 8, 586.84
1-Water System Renewal & Repl. Fund 6,413.16
Mr. Longo reported that Mr. Vogel and Chief Stucki worked with
him as Committee on the agreement with City of Neptune Beach for
radio service. He presented the proposed agreement which was
for 3 years at $4,200.00 per year payable $350.00 per month. This
is an increase of $1,200.00 over present agreement, otherwise
the agreement is same as present one. The Committee recommends
acceptance of this agreement effective January 1st, 1969. Mr.
Weldon moved acceptance as recommended, subject to approval of City
Attorney, and to be signed by proper officials, seconded by Mr.
Rosborough and carried.
It was advised that Mr. Vogel' s brother-in-law, Mr. Japour, was
the man killed in the robbery of the Daylight Store in Jacksonville
this past week-end. Mr. Vogel is attending a Rosary for Mr.
Japour tonight.
The proposed budget for 1969 with message was presented in full.
This budget will be presented for passage on first reading at the
December 9th meeting.
The City Manager ' s report for November was presented and discussed.
On the Comminutor the upper part can be repaired for a little less
than $900.00. The lower part is 0. K. at present. We should get
a letter from the Company as to what they propose to do. After
further discussion Mr. Longo moved that the rules be waived and
the City Manager be authorized to spend not over $900.00 to repair
top part of Comminutor, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
There was a discussion of blind corners in Atlantic Beach and Mr.
Howell appointed Mr. Longo, Chief Stucki and Mr. Vogel as Committee
to look into this matter and make recommendations.
Police Department report for October, 1968, and Municipal Court
dockets for November 11th and 18th were received for information
and filing.
Mr. Rosborough complimented Mr . Hilliard on work being done on
streets in Donner Subdivision.
Mr. Howell read a letter he had received from Mayor Hans Tanzler
of the City of Jacksonville in which he advised he will ask the
Library Board to give every consideration to making a branch faci-
lity in the Beach area a priority item. We also received letters
from Cecil C. Bailey, Chairman of Jacksonville Board of Library
Trustees and Walter Dickinson, Councilman District I, regarding
library facilities at the Beach.
Minutes 11/25/68 Page #3
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting
.01 ALIA Ali
Attest: P 1 am •well
j Mayor-Commissioner
Adele S. Grage '
City Clerk