11-11-68 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA AGENDA November 11, 1968 1. Call to Order. 2 . Invocation. 3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting of 10/28/68. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Report on 44 - 6th Street. 6 . Ordinance - Public Hearing - 2nd Reading - Amending Ordinance 25-59-1 as to lintels. 7 . Resolutions: (a) Budget transfers - Resolution 68-30. 8. Landfill contract. 9. Neptune Beach Radio agreement. 10. Time Certificates - Water Accounts 11. Approve Call for Bids on: (a) Insurance (b) Petroleum products. 12 . Ordinance - 1st Reading: Trailer Parks . 13. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets . 14. City Manager. 15. Commissioners. 16. Adjourn. w MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1968 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo R. R. Rosborough, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: John W. Weldon, Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough. Minutes of the meeting of October 28, 1968 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Mr. Howell called on Mr. Ball as to steps to be taken by City relative to condemnation status of property at 44 - 6th Street. Mr. Ball advised no report except that the procedure as set up in Ordinance on condemnation proceedings be followed. Mr. Vogel reported that the inspector for the Hotel and Restaurant Commission has inspected the premises and given Mr. Glenn a list of items to be corrected in 30 days. Mr. Glenn, who was present, advised he has three (3) apartments rented at present, that he has rented both upstairs apartments to the lady tenant who lives there and two other ladies and they are using as one apartment. If he only has three apartments he does not come under the Hotel and Restaurant Commission but he intends to do things on report as soon as he can anyway. There was a long discussion in which it was brought out that Mr. Glenn just pays utilities on three apart- ments advising his fourth apartment was not ready for occupancy. It was advised that if he declares only three apartments then he can' t go back to four under the Zoning Ordinance as a non-conform- ing place - which this is, as it is in Residence A and was "grand- fathered" in - if it lessens its non-conformity cannot increase it back. In the discussion it was brought out that if he declares just three apartments he will only pay utilities on three and will not come under the Hotel and Restaurant Commission, but cannot go back to more than three; but If he declares four apart- ments then he must pay utilities on four and come under the Hotel and Restaurant Commission. He also advised he is not living there himself now. It was advised this is the only place on the list of condemned places that is habitable. The others were uninhabited and not suitable for occupancy. Mr. Vogel advised this place is 1 '' Minutes 11/11/68 Page #2 structurally sound, but exterior in bad condition. Our Ordinance does not cover esthetics, but health and welfare would apply. It was agreed that if Mr. Glenn's property is going to remain four apartments, he will have to get with Hotel and Restaurant Commission and see what he can work out. He advised he will get with them this week. Ordinance #25-68-7 amending Southern Standard Building Code as regards lintels was presented and read in full. The Mayor then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Notice of Public Hearing was posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one appeared either for or against the Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Rosborough moved passage of Ordinance #25-68-7 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Longo. Following explanation of the lintel requirements, the Mayor put the question and the motion carried. Resolution #68-30 covering transfers in 1968 budget was presented and read. Mr. Holloway moved passage, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Copy of Resolution #68-30 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. A contract between the City of Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville covering landfill from December 1, 1968 through September 30, 1969 in the amount of $1, 935.20 was presented. It was advised it is same as one previously presented by East Duval County Mosquito Control District except it is just for 10 months to coincide with the City of Jacksonville fiscal year. Mr. Longo moved contract be approved and that proper officials sign for the City, seconded by Mr. Holloway. It was advised the amount is determined by the number of those receiving service and just $2 . 93 per month more than the one which expired on December 1, 1968. It was advised they are landfilling in Atlantic Beach and will be landfilling in the Beaches area for sometime. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion unanimously carried. It was advised that our contract for radio service to City of Neptune Beach will expire on January 1, 1969. Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Longo as Chairman of Committee to handle negotiations with Neptune Beach and repert back. He is to choose Committee to work with him. Mrs. Grage advised that the Time Certificates for the Utility Revenue Bond Fund and Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund are up for renewal. The Atlantic National Bank has advised we can get Atlantic Savings Certificates of Deposit at 5°%. They are for 6 years but can be redeemed at any 90 day period if needed. The Time Certificates we now have only earn 4'°%. We can renew the Utility Revenue Bond Fund Certificate in amount of $29,627.21, which is present certificate plus the earned interest. The Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund Certificates will be for $15, 000.00 total, which is amount of present Time Certificate with the earned interest plus amount from Water System Renewal and Replacement checking account to make the $15,000.00 which is amount ,d. i " Minutes 11/11/68 Page #3 of reserve for this Fund as required by Water Bond Ordinance and set up in 1968 budget. Mrs . Grage requested that the Acting City Attorney go with her to see about the Certificates. Mr. Holloway moved that the necessary officials representing the City negotiate for new type certificates as stated, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Vogel requested authorization to call for bids on insurance and petroleum products for 1969. Mr. Holloway moved approval for call for bids as requested, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Bids to be received December 9, 1968. An Ordinance regulating trailer parks and tourist camps was presented in full in writing. Mr. Longo moved that rules be waived and said Ordinance be passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Public Hearing was set for November 25, 1968. Police Municipal dockets for October 28th and November 14th, 1968 were received for information and filing. Mr. Vogel advised parts have been ordered for the Chlorinator and we hope to have it working correctly soon. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. 4 /;;;7i liam SP. Ho ell Mayor-Commissioner Attest: OcQi- S . 0 , ; . Adele S. Grage City Clerk • ,. RESOLUTION 68-30 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, The following transfers and changes be made in the 1968 budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE GENERAL FUND No. 901 - Personnel - Parks and Recreation 150. 00 - No. 201 -- Personnel - Administra- tion - 150.00 TOTAL INCREASES & DECREASES - GENERAL FUND $150.00 $150.00 WATER FUND No. 1411 - Repairs & Replacements 1, 000.00 - No. 1413 - Utilities 1, 000.00 No. 1501 - Meters, Mains, etc. - 2, 000.00 TOTAL INCREASES & DECREASES - WATER FUND $2,000. 00 $2,000. 00 * * * * Passed by the City Commission on November 11, 1968. Attest: 0,_ALAL Adele S. Grage, City C1••rk (SEAL)