09-23-68 v I `
September 23, 1968
1. Call to order.
2. Invocation.
3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting of 9/9/68.
4. Recognition of Visitors .
5. Bids on Comminutor.
6. Report of Committee on Bids for demolishing condemned
7 . Request for rezoning - George Bull.
8. Approve bills from Account 1501.
9. Report of Public Works Superintendent.
411 10. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets.
11. City Manager.
12 . Commissioners.
13 . Adjourn.
P. M.
Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
A. J. Longo
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
R. R. Rosborough
John W. Weldon
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
The minutes of the meeting of September 9, 1968 were presented
for approval. Mr. Weldon questioned the two "nay" votes recorded
in said minutes, and it was determined that the votes were
correctly recorded. Mr. Howell stated he voted against the motion
as recorded as he felt bid should have been awarded to low bidder
without going to Committee. Mr. Longo then moved minutes be
approved as written, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor not on the Agenda. Attention was called to the
confusion caused by the unshielded traffic lights on Atlantic
Boulevard. They are very confusing and should be covered like
those at 3rd and Atlantic Boulevard until they are ready for
operation. Mr. Vogel advised the contractor has not received
the new controls, and he will ask them to mask the lights until
they do get the controls so they can be properly used.
Bids were next received on the Comminutor. Only one bid was
received as follows :
Worthington Corp. , Harrison, N. J. $3,770.00
It was brought out that call for bids were mailed out to interested
companies, and also advertised in paper. Copy of proof of publica-
tion is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The matter was
discussed and it was brought out that what we anticipated was
only to cost about $900.00 or $1, 000.00. This must be more
equipment than expected for bid. Following discussion Mr. Holloway
moved the bid be rejected and new bids called to be received on
October 14, 1968, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
A report on the bids for removal of buildings was presented by
Mr. Vogel. He recommended that the bid be awarded to the B. & W.
Wrecking Company and Freeport Salvage Company on the items that
each was low on. He reported that the overall low bidder was
Burkhalter Wrecking Company but they are not interested in doing
less than 75% of the work. Mr. Rosborough moved that bids be
Minutes 9/23/68 Page #2
awarded in line with City Manager ' s recommendation to low bidder
on individual structures, seconded by Mr. Weldon. There was
lengthy discussion as to City' s responsibility and fact that we
called for a lump sum total bid on all structures but asked that
they be itemized on individual locations sc that City would know
amount of lien on each item. The report is only signed by the
City Manager. Following further discussion the Mayor put the
question and the call vote was :
Aye: Howell
Nay: Holloway, Longo, Rosborough, Weldon
There was further discussion including time limit to perform.
It was not in specifications but can be put in contract. Mr.
Longo said he was on Committee and that he recommended the bid
be given to the total low bidder, and he therefore moved that
the bid be awarded to Burkhalter Wrecking Company, low bidder for
contract at lump sum figure, with detailed amount on individual
jobs and we bill property owners in line with list provided by
contractor, seconded by Mr. Rosborough. There was further
discussion participated in by Mr. Burkhalter, Mr. Walt Dunbar,
Mr._ Gc:rge Bull and the C.:- missic;ncrs. In answer to a hypo-
thetical question asked by Mr. Howell as to a property owner
removing before Burkhalter arrived. Mr. Burkhalter says he is
not paid for work not done. Mr. Howell stated that the property
owners have been given ample opportunity to tear property down
and have not. Mr. Longo stated that the bid was called for on
a lump sum basis and should be so awarded. The question was put
and the motion unanimously carried.
A request was presented from Mr. George Bull for rezoning a tract
of land between the City' s yard and the lagoon from Residence
"AA" to Residence "C" to permit building of Garden Apartments
thereon. Mr. Bull, by letter, has asked property owners to sign
letter indicating they have been notified and hopes they approve.
There was a discussion with Mr. Bull as to plans, access, usage,
etc . Mr. Don Goodling who was present advised in line with our
Resolution Mr. Bull ' s request is in order. There was further
discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved Ordinance be drawn
for consideration at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Holloway. It
was brought out that following passage of Ordinance on first
reading it should be referred to Planning Board for report at
time of Public Hearing on second reading. The call vote was:
Aye: Rosborough, Weldon, Holloway, Howell
Nay: Longo
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
Approval was requested for purchase from Account #1501 of material
for use at Water Plant on Purchase Orders #4775, 4980 and 4981.
Mr. Holloway moved approval as requested, seconded by Mr. Longo
and carried.
Minutes 9/23/68 Page #3
Mr. Howell referred back to previous business and inquired if
Mr. Bull would like a special type zoning that would only per-
mit Garden type apartments where Residence "C" allows any type
being built. Mr. Bull advised he would like it to specify for
Garden type apartments.
The report of the Superintendent of Public Works was presented
for information and filing.
Copies of Municipal dockets for September 9 and September 16, 1968
were presented for information and filing. Chief Stucki advised
that two of his men are attending police officers school.
The contract for 1968-69 covering landfill with Bast Duval
County Mosquito Control was presented for approval. It will be
effective December 1, 1968 and the Mosquito Control Board would
like to have their contracts signed before the Consolidation
takes effect on October 1, 1968. The new rate would be $193 . 52
per month which is figured on basis of number of garbage collec-
tions made. The rate this year is $191. 33. Mr. Weldon moved
that action be deferred to a later meeting, seconded by Mr.
Holloway and carried.
There was a discussion on accidents that have occurred at Begonia
Street and Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Vogel suggested we only allow
right turns from Begonia onto Atlantic Boulevard. It was brought
out that cars making "U" turns or left turns at this point have no
"storage" lane as Atlantic Boulevard is narrower at this stretch
between the Canal Bridge and Mayport Road overpass, with only
room for two lanes on either side of the median. Mr. Holloway
moved that Mr. Vogel discuss the problem with the State Road
Department and report results at next meeting, seconded by Mr.
Longo and carried.
Mr. Longo again brought up the parallel parking in front of
Pic N' Save as seems no attention is paid to "No Parking" sign.
His concern is that someone may be injured coming between cars
in front of traffic. The matter was discussed. Chief Stucki
advised our police do patrol but cannot justify our keeping our
personnel tied up at this location. It was suggested that Pic
N' Save have own officer to patrol this shopping center.
Mr. Weldon stated it might be well advised to submit to the
Consolidated Government a request for a branch library to be
placed on Atlantic Boulevard and he would recommend we pass a
Resolution to establish a branch library along Atlantic
Boulevard - perhaps a formal Resolution at next meeting prepared
to present to the new Consolidated Government - to have such a
library available to Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach.
Mr. Rosborough asked regarding lights on Mayport Road. Mr.
Vogel advised they have started and they have 10 or 15 lights
up. He suggested we have one more light added at West end
Minutes 9/23/68 Page #4
of present lights on Atlantic Boulevard. Mr. Vogel will write a
confirming letter to the City Engineers on this.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the
meeting adjourned.
/z, . ! ItV
William S, owell
Adele S. Grage
City Clerk
The Florida Times-Union , Jacksonville Journal
Publishers SEG t SPE Yf
Flor � t1 lnu
STATE OF FLORIDA Zfor ass 11.6 submitted in
sealed enveloptrddressed to the Cily
Commission, Atlantic Beach, Florida,
marked "Bid on Comminutor for Sewer
"sant" and delivered or mailed in time
to be received in the City Clerk's office,
Cty H3II, prior to bid lime.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared -_._._____ .he city reserves the right to waive
8.w. Clifton ill bid li in in any bid; tot, an any dr
all bids in whole or In part, and to ac
, who on oath says that he is cent the bid that, in its judgment, will be
of the best interests of the City of Atlan-
tic Beach.
Retail Advertising Manager CITY OOMMISSION
of The Florida Times-Union, and CITY OF ATLANTIC
Jacksonville Journal, dailynewspapers atJacksonville in Duval County, i'" < City Manager
published ,fittest:
AAdele S.Grage
City Clerk
Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a..
Legal Notice
in the matter of Comnunutor for Sewer Plant
in the Court,
was published in
Jacksonville Journal
in the issues of Sept. 13, 1968
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are
each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said
- newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida,
The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and
each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval
County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding .the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per-
son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing
this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
`this 13th - day of
Sept. A.p, 19 68e4p
Notary Public,
State of Florida at Large.
My Commission Expires ._525/72_.