08-12-68 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA AGENDA August 12, 1968 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation. 3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting of 7/22/68. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Electrical Franchise. 6. Ordinance - 2nd & Final Reading - Public Hearing (a) Financing Garbage Chassis, Ordinance #35-68-4. 7. Ordinance - 1st Reading. (a) Amending Sign Ordinance. (b) Amending Budget Ordinance #20-67-16. (c) Amending Personnel Ordinance. 8. Resolution - Transfer Funds - 1968 Budget. 9. Refund on Utility Bill - 710 Plaza. 10. Receive June 30th Audit - Water Accounts, and approve Auditor ' s bill for payment. 11. Approve purchases from Account #1501. 12. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets. 13. City Manager. 14. Commissioners. 15. Adjourn. �. �• MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1968 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: John W. Weldon Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo R. R. Rosborough, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner (Out of City) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-pro-tern, Commissioner Weldon. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough. Minutes of the meeting of July 22, 1968 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Rosborough, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Mr. Weldon recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Mrs. Florence Donaldson of Jacksonville requested water service to her rental property at 39 DeWees Street, North Atlantic Beach. The matter was discussed in which it was brought out that there were approximately 20 on the 2" line and 2 more have previously been approved. It was questioned whether we can spend City money to enlarge service outside City limits. It was decided that the City Manager would confirm how many are on line, then get with Engineer Parks and determine just how many can be served on the 2" line. We will advise Mrs. Donaldson our findings. It was reported that we have had one meeting with City of Jacksonville officials relative to our electrical franchise but there is nothing definite to report at this time. Mr. Weldon presented Ordinance #35-68-4 authorizing the borrowing of $2400.00 from First National Beach Bank to finance garbage chassis and thus take advantage of the cash discount, and read same in full. Said Ordinance had been posted in line with Charter requirements. Mr. Weldon then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on the Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against the Ordinance, Mr. Weldon declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Longo then moved that Ordinance #35-68-4 be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. An Ordinance amending Sign Ordinance #60-66-1, Section VIII as to time limit on City permitted non-conforming signs, was presented in full in writing. It would grandfather them in until such time as they required replacement, re-location, or material repairs. Mr. Longo moved the rules be waived and the amending ordinance be passed on first reading by title only, Public Hearing to be on Minutes 8/12/68 Page #2 August 26th at 8:00 P. M. , seconded by Mr. Rosborough. There was discussion in which it was agreed the amendment should cover just "signs and billboards for which permits have been issued by the City". There was question as to meaning of "material repairs" and it was advised this was left to discretion of Public official. Also discussed was whether they should remain up for indefinite period or special time limit. Mr. Holloway feels should limit to say 3 or 4 years - and it was brought out would have to go through this same discussion in 3 or 4 years as now. Mr. Longo and Mr. Rosborough accepted the Amendment suggested above, and after further discussion Mr. Weldon put the question and the vote was: Aye: Longo, Rosborough Nay: Holloway Whereupon Mr. Weldon declared the motion carried and Public Hearing will be August 26th on Ordinance as amended. An Ordinance was presented in full in writing covering Amendment to Budget Ordinance #20-67-16 to increase budget by amount borrowed to pay for the garbage chassis and body and increase appropriations account #1005 paying for these by the same amount. Mr. Rosborough moved the rules be waived and said Amending Ordinance #20-68-17 be passed on first reading by title only, Public Hearing to be August 26th at 8:00 P. M. , seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. An Ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance #50-65-3 as to personnel pay schedules was presented in full in writing. Mr. Holloway moved the rules be waived and said amending ordinance passed by title only on first reading, Public Hearing set for August 26th at 8:00 P. M. , seconded by Mr. Rosborough. Mr. Weldon questioned if this is schedule as agreed on in Committee and was advised that it was, and after further discussion he put the question and the motion carried. Public Hearing will be August 26th. Mr. Weldon presented and read Resolution #68-10 covering transfer of funds in the 1968 budget. Mr. Rosborough moved passage of said Resolution, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Copy of Resolution #68-10 is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. A request was received from Mr. Ralph W. Cerrato requesting refund on his utility bill at 710 Plaza as they had moved on August 12th and ordered water discontinued. It has been our policy since 1959 to collect quarterly in advance with no refunds as we do not require deposits. The owner of said property ordered water cut on before we received Mr. Cerrato's letter and was not charged for remainder of quarter as it was paid. Our bills show "payable in advance - no refunds". Mr. Holloway moved that this "payable in advance - no refunds" be established as policy as set forth on statement, seconded by Mr. Longo. There was a lengthy discussion of the policy and fact that they are told at time of cut-on as well as it being printed on bill. It is also explained that if they know at time bill is paid that they will move during quarter, we accept payment to time of moving with cut-off signed as of that date. Following discussion Mr. Weldon put the question and the motion carried. Minutes 8/12/68 Page #3 The Water Department Audit for first 6 months of 1968 was presented together with invoice from Auditors, Tyson and Meek, in amount of $200.00 to cover. Mr. Longo moved the Audit be received and invoice in amount of $200.00 be approved for payment, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Approval was requested for purchase from Account #1501 to cover portable generator, carrying handle, etc. , as covered by Purchase Orders #4841 and #4842 in amount of $555.00. Mr. Holloway moved approval as requested, seconded by Mr. Longo and following discussion question was put and motion carried. Police Department report for July, 1968, and Municipal Court Dockets for July 22nd, 29th and August 5th, 1968 were received for informa- tion and filing. The City Manager presented his report on study made on cost of maintenance of garbage containers as well as garbage service. He recommended that we remain status quo at this time. Copy of report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Vogel reported that U.S .F.&G. Company have a performance bond in favor of the City of Atlantic Beach for correcting drainage problems at Cul-de-Sac, Forrestal Circle, and at Saratoga Circle, Atlantic Beach Villa Unit #1. They advise that their principal is agreeable to furnishing the City $1, 200.00 in order that corrections covered under this bond can be made to the satisfaction of all con- cerned, and problem corrected and bond terminated, releasing the principal and bond company. This bond has been held by us since December, 1962 . The City Manager recommended we accept offer and correct situation ourselves as he estimates we can get done for less money. It was discussed and brought out that do not want to penalize anyone and only get what it will cost to make the necessary correc- tion. Mr. Longo moved that we authorize City Manager to settle on basis of having work done and billing U.S .F.&G. ,and upon payment to release them from bond, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Vogel advised he has an application for water to property of Ben W. Graham on Church Road in Atlantic Beach, and he will run a line across Church Road to his house which is across the road, but outside the City. At time they bought the property Church Road was not there, but when they put Church Road in, it divided his property with part in the City and part outside. He is asking that we bring water to his property inside City and he will be responsible for running across the road to his house. The meter will be inside City and our responsibility for upkeep and pressure ends there. There was discussion following which Mr. Rosborough moved we authorize City Manager to install meter in City of Atlantic Beach on this Church Road property, but it does not establish policy to furnish water outside City limits, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Following discussion Mr. Weldon put the question and the vote was: Aye: Longo, Rosborough Nay: Holloway Whereupon Mr. Weldon declared the motion carried. Minutes 8/12/68 Page #4 Resolution #68-11 was presented and read covering condemnation of the property known as Louie ' s Bar on Lot 14 and parts of Lots 13 and 15, Section H, Atlantic Beach. Notice was given owners on July 30th and was delivered by Chief of Police. Mr. Longo moved adoption of Resolution #68-11, and stipulated the owners commence within 15 days and take no longer than 30 days to tear down, seconded by Mr. Holloway. It was brought out in discussion that if he does not tear down his notice advised that City would do at estimated cost of $700.00 or less and place lien against property if not paid. Following further discussion Mr. Weldon put the question and the motion carried. Copy of Resolution #68-11 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Resolution #68-12 was presented and read covering removal of two old houses on Lot 6, Block 84, Section H, belonging to Louis Stuart. Mr. Longo moved adoption of Resolution #68-12 with specification that work begin in 15 days and be completed in 30 days, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Mr. Vogel estimated work can be done for approximately $250.00. Following discussion the question was put and the motion was carried. Copy of Resolution *68-12 is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Mr. Vogel presented request from Fletcher Athletic Association for a $50.00 ad in this year ' s football program. Mr. Longo moved we take the $50. 00 ad as we have in previous years, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Weldon advised the Florida League of Municipalities will meet in Jacksonville on October 27, 28 and 29, 1968, and he suggests City Manager be authorized to represent the City of Atlantic Beach at this convention. He feels any Commissioner should be permitted to attend and registration fee paid for him. It was concensus that the suggestion is good and since no objection, Mr. Weldon stated the City Manager is authorized to represent the City of Atlantic Beach, as well as any Commissioner who can attend, and registration fees will be paid by the City. Mr. Rosborough complimented Mr. Hilliard for work done on tennis courts on Seminole Road. He also advised that Mr. C. E . Powell has brought to his attention that some years ago he was required to put up $2500.00 escrow in order to extend a sewer line to Pepo Service Station and he has never been connected to sewer line, but says he is still using septic tank, and wonders as to what happened to his money. Mr. Weldon suggested that the City Manager be asked to review situation, make investigation and report at next meeting. Mr. Longo thinks yellow line on Sherry Drive is unsafe and gives optical illusion, and suggests we establish a center line. Mr. Vogel advised the center line will be a broken white line. This matter will be handled when Mr. Hilliard returns, and before school starts. Mr. Longo inquired as to whether we have any street lights available and Mr. Vogel advised we do have and will be glad to have suggested locations. Minutes 8/12/68 Page #5 Mr. Weldon is delighted with new Atlantic Beach signs that have been put up on Atlantic Boulevard and understands there will be others put up. Mr. Vogel advised there will be on Mayport Road, and one on Atlantic Boulevard at Bennett ' s Motel for those coming down AlA from the South. There being no further business, Mr. Weldon declared the meeting adjourned. �7/-�7. •o n' W. Weldon Attest: Mayor-pro-tem Adele S . Grage City Clerk CITY OF. . . • 04440 RESOLUTION #68-10 WHEREAS, the City Charter requires that the City Commission approve all transfers from one account to another, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that the following transfers be approved in the 1968 Budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS Account 1005 - Public Works Sanitation 300.00 Account 1007 - Public Works Dept. 700.00 SANITATION Account 503 - Garbage Containers 200.00 TRANSPORTATION Account 405 - Supplies 100.00 Account 406 - Shop Tools 100.00 TOTAL INCREASE AND DECREASE $700.00 $700.00 * * * * Passed by the City Commission on August 12, 1968. Attest: Adele S . Grage, City Clem (SEAL) • • ;, CITY OF411412444 &MAP.' I • , . August 12, 1968 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT TO CITY COMMISSION In compliance with request of the Commission that a study be made on cost of maintenance of garbage containers, as well as complete costs on garbage and trash as compared to the income for the Sanitation Department, I find that it is very difficult to ascertain the fringe costs related to Sanitation, ie, overhead, administration, maintenance, etc. The 1967 Audit indicates an approximate $8, 500.00 income over expenses, gross at the operating level. However, administration, maintenance, and other costs will liquidate this to the level of being equal to or slightly below total income. This analysis was based on 1967 ' s operation, and it should be remembered that we increased garbage container charges by 50% in the middle of the year 1967, and with the costs of operation and income being so close, we should see what a full year' s operation will yield. There- fore, I recommend that we maintain the status quo at this time. While working on the above, I made a percentage scale, listed below, which will give you a schedule of the breakdown, percentage-wise, of the income for operating the City for 1967: Ad Valorem Taxes (Current and Prior Years) 25% Licenses 5% Fines & Forfeitures 7% Electrical Franchise 2% Garbage Collection 11% Sewer Service Charges 12% Transfer from W.O.M. & R Account 8% Transfer from Water Revenue Account (Includes Cigarette Tax and Utility Tax) 22% Miscellaneous 8% 100% = $321, 346.07 The breakdown by Departments, percentage-wise, is shown in the following: Administration 16% Public Safety 25% Transportation 6% Sanitation 8% Public Works and Labor 20. 5% Sewer Department (Includes Transfer from Unbudgeted Reserve) 14.2% Continued next page )<f"R01 xI-A O' ')(FRO, Po' ' OPY '■ren ^ ^�fff CITY OF, , , AticuttiaBeach-Featida City Manager' s Report to City Commission Page #k2 August 12, 1968 Parks & Recreation 4% Capital Appropriations 6.3% 100% = $347, 312.72 Respectfully submitted, R. C. Vogel City Manager • • • • • • xi-i7p� XERO xi r+o RERO1 COPY. RESOLUTION NO. 68-11 A RESOLUTION LEVYING AND IMPOSING SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1110 FOR THE REMOVAL, SUPPRESSION OR ABATEMENT OF A DANGEROUS UNSAFE, DILAPIDATED OR UNSANITARY STRUCTURE, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 25-67-6 OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AGAINST THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY THAT IS HEREBY DECLARED TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, SECTION 1. It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that the certain structure, occurrence or condition upon that certain property described as: Sec. H E 1.0 ft of S 160 ft - 13 Lot S 160 ft of W 60.5 ft Block 15 and all of 14 Known as Louie's Bar 11,35 Atlantic Bonlpvard (Street Address) Owner Louis Stuart, et al to be a dangerous, unsafe, dilapidated and/or an unsanitary struc- ture, occurrence or condition as described and specified to the owners and interested parties by written notice heretofore served, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 25-67-6. SECTION 2. That the aforesaid conditions constitute a public . nuisance. SECTION 3. The City Manager, or his duly authorized agent, is hereby ordered to: remove entire building from property SECTION 4. The City Manager, or his duly authorized agent, shall cause a true copy of this Resolution to be posted upon the premises and a true copy delivered or mailed to the owner and interested parties. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. * * * * * Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 12th day of August 19 6& / • • (SEAL) Adele S. Grage, City Cler}( XI 170' XI 140 XI 1111 ,XI 110 r_ RESOLUTION NO. 68-12 A RESOLUTION LEVYING AND IMPOSING SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE REMOVAL, SUPPRESSION OR ABATEMENT OF A DANGEROUS UNSAFE, DILAPIDATED OR UNSANITARY STRUCTURE, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 25-67-6 OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AGAINST THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY THAT IS HEREBY DECLARED TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, SECTION 1. It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that the certain structure, occurrence or condition upon that certain property described as: Lot 6 Block 84, Section H, Atlantic Beach, Fla. Known as 122 W. 1st Street, Atlantic Beach, Florida Owner (Street Address) to be a dangerous, unsafe, dilapidated and/or an unsanitary struc- ture, occurrence or condition as described and specified to the owners and interested parties by written notice heretofore served, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 25-67-6. SECTION 2. That the aforesaid conditions constitute a public nuisance. SECTION 3 . The City Manager, or his duly authorized agent, is hereby ordered to: Remove debris of one house and to remove one house that is unsafe, unsanitary, and deemed not fit for human occupancy. SECTION 4. The City Manager, or his duly authorized agent, shall cause a true copy of this Resolution to be posted upon the premises and a true copy delivered or mailed to the owner and interested parties. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. * * * * * Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 12th day of August 1968. ace_e_&_ SEAL (SEAL) Ade-re S. Grage, City Cler XER% _-._. XERO.'_.__ xl r+0 nf'Y C',n1Y, I r O COPY