06-24-68 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA AGENDA 6/24/68 4111 1. Call to order. 2. Invocation. 3. Approval of Minutes of meeting of 6/10/68. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Public Hearing - Ordinance - 2nd and Final. Reading - (a) Pornography 6. Reports: (a) Personnel Ordinance. 7. Correspondence: (a) Certificate of appreciation - Fletcher Athletic Dept. (b) Municipal Code Corporation. 8. Approval Building Permits: (a) Copper Kettle Storage Room 9. Ordinance .- First Reading (a) Financing Garbage Body. 10. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets 11. City Manager 12. Commissioners i 13. Adjourn • J MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION ' HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1968, AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo R. R. Rosborough, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by the Reverend Father Terrell F. Solana. Upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried, the minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1968 were approved as written. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. Gene Morse, President of Beaches Junior Chamber of Commerce, stated that they are going to sponsor an AFL Exhibition football game between the Miami Dolphins and Boston Patriots at the Gator Bowl on August 23, 1968. He requested support and cooperation in this project. Mr. Howell advised we would give all support we can. Mr. J. U. Moorhead of Selva Marina Drive registered a protest as to the mosquitoes and was insistent in his plea that something must be done. The matter was discussed as to fogging, etc. and the fact that this is all handled by the East Duval County Mosquito Control District. It was suggested that all those with complaints call them, and Mr. Vogel will also contact them for the City. Mrs. Ann Arnott asked if we had any rules or laws as to surfers and bathers. Chief Stucki advised we do not have Ordinance cover- ing but have asked cooperation of bathers and surfers not to go in area where the others are. Anytime there is complaint, if they will see the lifeguards, they will move surfers. Mr. Henry Isaacs asked what is being done to enforce Sign Ordinance. Mr. Vogel advised he is following up with our Acting City Attorney, Mr. Ball. Ordinance #95-68-11 was presented for second and final reading. Said Ordinance makes it unlawful to sell or exhibit to a child or children pictures, books, movies, etc. which are offensive because they affront the prevailing standards of the adult community as a whole as to what is suitable material for children. The Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. Acting City Attorney Ball read the Ordinance in full. Mr. Howell presented some amendments to the Ordinance which do not change the substance of the Ordinance but make it more understandable. The word "minor" throughout the Ordinance is changed to "child" as defined in Florida Statutes 1965, Chapter 39. In Section III for "monetary considera- tion" is deleted, and Section IV is rewritten to comply with law Minutes 6/24/68 Page #2 as children under 17 are referred to Juvenile Court. Following reading of Ordinance and suggested amendments, Mr. Howell declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against, Mr. Howell declared Public Hearing closed. He advised letters had been received from various organizations including Palms Presbyterian Church, Pablo Pilot Club, Jacksonville Beaches Woman' s Club, Jacksonville Beach Fraternal Order of Police, and the Women' s Group of St. John' s Catholic Church supporting the Ordinance. A postcard type envelope was received from W. A. Womack, 1203 N. 16th Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, advising he "looked upon anti-pornography laws as an encroachment on individual freedom as are most laws". Mr. Longo moved passage of Ordinance #95-6811 on second and final reading as amended, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Weldon stated he thinks Ordinance is good, although the Supreme Court might not agree, he thinks we should make every effort to do all we can to enforce. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion carried unanimously. A Certificate of Appreciation by the Athletic Department of Fletcher High School was presented to the Commission and received for informa- tion and filing. A letter was read from Municipal Code Corporation advising that when we are ready to have our Ordinances codified they will be happy to arrange a meeting with the City officials on the matter. At this time the 1968 budget does not include this expenditure. It was agreed it was needed and very desirable that this be done. Mr. Weldon moved that we consider putting sufficient funds in 1969 budget to have this codification done, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Vogel presented an application from Copper Kettle, Inc. for a building permit to erect a temporary storeroom at the Sea Turtle Restaurant. It will be removed when further planned improvements are made on this property. There was a discussion and it was determined that temporary would not extend beyond 12 months. Mr. Rosborough moved approve building permit for a temporary storeroom to remain there for a period not to exceed 12 months, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. An Ordinance was presented in full in writing for first reading by Title only to authorize the Mayor-Commissioner, attested by the City Clerk, to borrow for period of 6 months the sum of $3200.00 from First National Beach Bank at not over 5% per annum interest. This is to finance remainder of recently purchased garbage body, taking advantage of a cash discount the dealer would allow. This can be done in line with Section 76 of City Charter. Mr. Weldon moved passage on first reading by Title only, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was set for July 8th, 1968 at 8:00 P. M. Copies of Municipal dockets for June 10th and 17th, 1968 were received for information and filing. Minutes 6/24/68 Page #3 The City Manager ' s report was presented for information and filing. Mr. Vogel advised that the Duval County Health Depart- ment has advised of a program for Federal Aid on rodent control and we would like to go along as long as it does not obligate us in any way. Mr. Vogel stated that Sieg and Ambachtcheer, Inc. advised that they are very happy to get bid and will be here in a couple of weeks to paint the water tank. He also had a request from Mr. McRae of Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company for a little more time to get started on our paving pro- ject. Due to an overload of work on projects they are committed on, it will be about three weeks from last Tuesday or around middle of July before they can get started on paving. Mr. Weldon noted it would be right in middle of summer season, however, Mr. Vogel advised it goes down in a hurry and will not take long. Mr. Vogel presented a proposal from Apperson Chemical Company to install a Neptune chemical feed system to keep scale and rust out of water lines. It will be approximately $2 .00 per day operating cost and the system will cost approximately $700.00. It will help eliminate clogged meters. It was agreed we would like to see tried but feel should consult with Mr. Parks first. Mr. Vogel says proceeding on condemnations and is getting good response. It was discussed, and Mr. Vogel stated we are making progress. Mr. Weldon advised he is disappointed at postponement on paving but understands. He asked if we are going to curb and gutter Sherry Drive. It was advised this is not in program for this year, but is in overall plan. He inquired as to beautifying the islands on Atlantic Boulevard, and following discussion it was agreed the City Manager should coordinate this project with State Road Department, Neptune Beach, and the Garden Circles. Mr. Rosborough apologized for being late and requested two changes in minutes. On page two the word "poles" should be inserted on first line after the numeral 23 ; and on page 3 on first line of third to last paragraph the word should be "asphalt" instead of "concrete" . The City Clerk was directed to make these corrections. He also asked about a tree surgeon who has contracted for work on Selva Marina Drive and contract included hauling away debris, but he has not done so. He asked that the City Manager contact the man. Mr. Vogel advised he is already working on it. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declar-d the mee ing adjourned. ,/7 / /d' i sy 4 I 1771,112 st: f William . Howell Mayor-Commissioner Adele S. Grage, City Cl4' k `'' CITY OF... -7)) 14 Attottic Auglie-Ratida -,---.... _---- ---„,..„.!„----_-:„.:::::: _ „...........-.................- - - -„F„,=-_-:::::7771 =I— CITY MANAGERS REPORT 6/24/68 The following is a summary of the work accomplished within the City and covers Monday, June 10 through Thursday,June 20th. The next report will include June 21. The man hours listed below are in addition to the regular routine hours consumed in regular maintenance and garbage pick up, etc. There were approximately 130 man hours spent on the trash trucks, 17 hours on the grader and 48 hours on cutting grass on public property. There were 20 man hours spent constructing a sidewalk on 12th Street from Beach to the Ocean. The sweeper was operated 28 man hours. Twelve hours were consumed in patching streets. About 20 man hours were consumed at the Sewer Plant. I spent about 16 hours with Mr. Edwards re-calibrating the effluent meter which measures the water as it leaves the Sewer Plant to the Inland Waterways. Three men spent about 4 hours installing drainage pipe at Atlantic and Begonia. B. J. Heilig Contracting Company has been clearing and grub- bing the land to be used for the practice field. This work is practically completed, however, there is still a lot of work to be done by City forces to bring this up to acceptable conditions for making it a playing field. I have tried to make this report as brief and concise as possible, however, if any of the Commissioners feel that it is not in detail enough or does not show enough locations where work was completed, I will be happy to include it in my next report. Respectfully, submitted, 7, R. C. Vogel City Manager .,