1 . Call to Order.
2. Invocation.
3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting of 4/8/68.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Ordinance - Amending Sign Ordinance #60-66-1 -
1st Reading.
6. Correspondence:
(a) Florida State Beverage Deptment - Commending
Officer Causey.
7 . Approve: Call for Bids - Street Resurfacing.
8. Reports :
(a) Personnel Ordinance.
(b) Atlantic Boulevard lighting.
9. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets.
10. City Manager.
11. Commissioners.
12 . Adjourn.
William S . Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon
Louis C. Holloway, Jr.
Arthur J. Longo
R. R. Rosborough, Commissioners
R. C. Vogel, City Manager
Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney
Adele S . Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Rosborough.
The minutes of the meeting of April 8, 1968 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough
and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none.
Mayor Howell presented for first reading an Ordinance amending
Sign Ordinance #60-66-1, in full in writing. The amendment re-
lates to directional signs, as to those permitted, size .and
number to be erected within the City. Mr. Longo moved passage
of the Ordinance on first reading by title only, seconded by
Mr. Holloway. There was a discussion as to heighth, and 10'
overall heighth to top of sign was suggested by Mr. Weldon.
Mr. Dale McKinney of the Ocean State Bank advised they have a
billboard on Mr. Otis Carr 's property on Atlantic Boulevard
which they have tried to keep attractive and maintain, and they
would like to keep the sign there. It was brought out in
discussion that this billboard is not permitted under any pro-
vision of the Ordinance as it is not on property of establishment
advertising. It is not covered by amending Ordinance as it is
too big, and advertises a business outside City, therefore in
line with provisions of Ordinance #60-66-1 it must be taken down.
The Ordinance could be amended to "grandfather" in existing
signs. Mrs. Frank Kerber stated that the petition presented at
time of passage of Sign Ordinance was supposed to have had 117
signatures in favor of Ordinance, but some of signatures of husband
and wife were by same person and not individually signed by each.
She feels if kept in good condition, why aren't they allowed to
have the sign? Mr. Robert Baer, representing his Father who owns
the Palms Motel on Sherry Drive, protested their having to remove
their directional sign which is not on their property, and the
sign has been there for years. He advised it would put them out
of business. There was further lengthy discussion in which Mr.
Henry Isaacs, Mr. Otis Carr, Mr. Batchelder of Modern Signs and
others participated. it was brought out that the recently
received notations from the Planning Board recommended among
other things a "grandfather" clause on non-conforming signs until
Minutes 4/22/68 Page #2
such time as conditions require replacement, relocation or major
repair. Mr. Longo would plead indulgence, to have laid out more
clearly as can 't justify Baer sign taken away if causes undue
stress, nor the Ocean State Bank sign. On question, Mr. Ball
advised these things should have perhaps been presented two years
ago, it is very legal having a period of time for non-conforming
buildings, structures, signs, etc. to be removed. Mr. Longo
stated would like to rescind motion, but Chair advised cannot,
but that he would entertain a substitute motion. Mr. Weldon
made substitute motion that "not over 10 feet in overall heighth
above ground level" be inserted in amended paragraph 11 of
Section II and that the said amending Ordinance with this addi-
tion be passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr.
Holloway. After further discussion the Mayor put the question
and the motion carried. Mr. Longo registered a "Nay" vote.
A letter was read from the Florida Beverage Department commending
Officer Shirley Causey for single-handed arrest of 3 bootleggers
and effected seizure of 2 automobiles, and the cooperation of
Chief Stucki in handling this matter. Mr. Weldon moved a copy
of letter be inserted in the personnel records of Officer Causey
with commendation of City Commission for actions, seconded by
Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Longo stated should be put in
Chief Stucki ' s record, also, and it was directed that minutes
so note.
Mr. Vogel presented request to call for bids for resurfacing of
certain streets as covered by Specification #68-9. Mr. Weldon
recalled there is curbing on Royal Palms Drive and Sailfish Drive
and will they pave entire distance between curbings. The Mayor
advised specifications stated to cover widths of existing pave-
ments. Mr. Rosborough advised Royal Palms Drive doesn' t seem to
need paving as surface seems good - lot of other streets worse.
Mr. Vogel stated this is a service street and does not have
asphalt paving, that is reason pot holes show up there and need
constant repairing - it needs asphalt top. Following discussion
Mr. Rosborough moved call for bids to be received May 13th, 1968
at 8 :00 P. M. , seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
There were no reports on Personnel Ordinance nor Atlantic
Boulevard lighting.
Chief Stucki advised we received new police car today. Also the
County advises they will put up barriers at South end of Seminole
Beach on the Beach next week which will enable us to close our
Beach on week-ends now.
The Fire Department report for March, 1968 together with Municipal
Court dockets for April 8th and 15th were presented for informa-
tion and filing.
Chief Stucki advised he knew of the Surfing Meet at County access
ramps but did not know whether County has assigned any extra men.
Minutes 4/22/68 Page #3
Mr. Vogel announced a meeting of the Beaches Safety Council Tuesday
night, April 23rd at 7 :30 P. M. in Jacksonville Beach Council
Chambers. He would like the Chief and Commissioners to attend.
Mr. Vogel requested that the rules be waived and approval given
to purchase a water pump for approximately $900.00. He stated
we pumped over two million gallons of water Sunday, and if we
take time to go through formalities of bids we could be in an
emergency for water. Mr. Holloway moved the rules be waived and
approval given to purchase pump as requested, seconded by Mr.
Longo. There was discussion during which City Manager was asked
to purchase at best price possible. Mayor Howell then put the
question and the motion carried, unanimously.
Mr. Vogel presented a map indicating the 40' easement Mr. Blow
wishes to dedicate to City as Parcel "A", and the triangular
piece in Saltair needed to complete the right-of-way as Parcel
"B" . Mr. Howell moved that we accept Parcel "A" and that the
City Manager and City Attorney be authorized to talk with owners
of Parcel "B" to determine what price the City might purchase
the property at and report back at the next meeting of the City
Commission, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried.
Mr. Weldon requested we move as promptly as possible and request
City Manager to get our Beach steps repaired.
Mr. Weldon stated that at least one building that we moved to
have condemned is in even worse condition. It is building on
Sherry Drive. Would like to know status as he has examined and
it is deplorable. Mr. Vogel advised he understood Mr. Joe
Conley was going to fix, but he will see him tomorrow. In the
meantime the owner of this property has died and understand his
sons are trying to fix up for a Beach home.
Mr. Howell advised he planned to call the Commission into
meeting probably next week to get into discussion with some
fiscal agents on the coming up sewer program, we have until
June 7th to apply to Federal Government for grant. Mr. Parks
is moving ahead as we have just about a month to complete a
list of things.
There being no further business, Mayor Howell decl-red the meet-
ing adjourned. �
r, • //
i 1i= S. Howel-
Attest: Mayor-Commissioner
Adele S. Grage
City Clerk