04-08-68 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION 4/8/68 AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Invocation. 3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting of 3/25/68. 4. Recognition of Visitors_ 5. Bids Painting Water Tank. 6. Cox4BPond c e: (a) Florida League Municipalities - Water Resources. (b) Selva Marina Club - App aciation. Res Burglary. 7. Ordinances: Public Hearing - 2nd and Sinai Reading: (a) Cigarette Tax. (b) Approve adoption County Tax Roll. 8.Reports: (at) Personnel Ordinance. (b) Atlantic Blvd. Lighting. (c) Sign Ordinance Amendment. (d) Request - Jamestown Apt. setup. 9. Approval: Purchase from Account $1501 - Approx. $135.00. 10. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets. 11. City Manager. 12. Commissioners. 13 . Adjourn. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1968 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo Robert R. Rosborough, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. The minutes of the meeting of March 25, 1968 were presented for approval. Mr. Weldon advised there was an apparent typographical error on page three, second paragraph, third line, the word "substantial" should be "substantive" . Mr. Holloway moved approval of the minutes as corrected, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. John Thorne of the Players-by-the-Sea presented a letter from the Oceanside Arts Council, Incorporated, outlining proposals to the governments of the three Beach Cities as regards their plans and program for the cultural and economical betterment of the Communities. They also requested financial support and sponsorship of the Annual Arts Festival to be known as "The Arts in May" . Mr. Howell advised that he is in sympathy with project but under our Charter we cannot donate tax money for causes or productions of this nature. There was discussion as to the 8 projects, cost of tickets, fact that Jacksonville Beach has contributed $600.00, programs to be used and placing of ads therein. Since there is certain amount of discretion as to advertising, perhaps the City Manager can work out something, but we cannot donate. The matter was referred to the City Manager. Mrs. Laura Larkin, Recording Secretary for the Beaches Safety Committee, invited each to come to meeting on April 23rd. , 7 :30 P. M. at Jacksonville Beach Council Chambers. She gave out Safety bumper stickers. Bids were next opened on exterior cleaning and painting of Water Tank. Only one bid was received which was from The Leary Construction Company who furnished a bid covering work to be done at specific costs from 1968 to 1972 at a total cost over 5 years of $14,000.00. They advise they have never been able to find a bonding company which will furnish a five-year warranty Minutes 4/8/68 Page #2 bond. Mr. Howell stated that under the circumstances we should redraft specifications and re-advertise for bids. Mr. Weldon so moved, seconded by Mr. Holloway. There was discussion during which it was suggested get specifications from paint manufacturers and use, getting whatever warranty can from paint manufacturers. Mr. Howell put the question and the motion carried. A letter was presented with a Resolution from Florida League of Municipalities as to Florida Water Resources. The letter was received for information and filing. Mr. Weldon inquired regarding plans by Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. regarding sewage disposal. Mr. Vogel advised he had talked to Mr. Parks this week and he is working on plans. A letter was presented and read from the Selva Marina Country Club expressing appreciation of fine work of our Public Safety Department, former Chief Vogel and Patrolman Shirley Causey in investigating and apprehending the person suspected of the theft at the Club. Mr. Weldon moved the letter be received for information and filing and a copy be placed in Patrolman Causey's personnel record, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Ordinance #70-68-4 covering cigarette tax was presented for second and final reading and was read in full by Mayor Howell who declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Notice of Public Hearing was posted as required by Charter. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Longo moved the passage of Ordinance #70-68-4 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Ordinance #70-68-5 providing for the Tax Assessor to adopt the Tax Roll assessments prepared by the Duval County Tax Assessor in the preparation of the City of Atlantic Beach Tax Roll was presented and read in full. The Mayor then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Notice of Public Hearing was posted as required by Charter. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance,the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Rosborough moved the passage of Ordinance #70-68-5 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Mr. Longo reported that Chief Stucki was securing information for salary schedules from the Florida Chief of Police Association, and as soon as this is received he and Mr. Vogel will get together on the Personnel Ordinance. Mr. Rosborough reported the Chief Engineer for City of Jacksonville Electric Department advises they have made a survey, but copy of letter sent to him is not in detail. Just made survey from Ocean to Waterway on North side of Atlantic Boulevard but we only anticipate going to Mayport Road. Dr. Corwin, Neptune Beach Councilman, is getting with City of Jacksonville Beach. He hopes to have more details for report at next meeting. He also Minutes 4/8/68 Page #3 reminded that our electrical franchise comes up for consideration in the Fall and would suggest Committee be appointed to negotiate or at least discuss with Jacksonville Electric Department. Mr. Howell advised that he has had conversation with Mr. Clyde Simpson and they are to get together in his office with new Electric Authority so can start negotiations . Mr. Rosborough advised the 400 watt lights give considerably more light proportionately at less cost. Mr. Weldon inquired if totally impractical to consider lights in media, and it was advised that it was considered but limerock already down and lights in center seem to get hit, and would be more expensive. Mr. Weldon still thinks distinctive possibility to contact former City of Boulogne as there are beautiful fixtures standing there unlighted and unused. Will look into. Mr. Ball presented two suggested amendments to Sign Ordinance #60-66-1 as to directional signs as covered in Paragraph 11, Section II. They were discussed as to size, heighth, and wording of "designated by City Manager" . It was suggested it should read "approved by City Manager" . Mr. Howell suggested the Commissioners look over copies, and will be considered at next meeting. Mr. Vogel advised he has talked to Mr. Barbee relative to Jamestown Apartments and understood he would be here tonight with plans they had discussed, but he is not, so matter will be considered at later date. Approval was requested for purchase from Account #1501 in €stimated amount of $135.00, Purchase Order #4467, for meter, meter boxes, etc. to make cut in at new Pizza Hut. Mr. Longo moved approval of purchase as requested, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Police Department report for March, 1968, together with Municipal Court Docket for April 1st, 1968, were received for information and filing. Chief Stucki advised that he has been in touch with the American Red Cross representatives and they are to furnish list of qualified personnel for life guards for this summer. As soon as they compile list he plans to interview the boys individually and hire ones feels best qualified. He is also interviewing applicants for recreation positions. Mr. Vogel requested approval to attend short course for City Managers to be held at Cocoa Beach from April 28th to May 1st, 1968. Mr. Weldon moved City Manager be authorized to attend the school, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Vogel stated at last meeting he had mentioned taking some curves out of East Coast Drive and Ocean Boulevard and he would like approval to do this at estimated cost of $800.00. Mr. Weldon moved the City Manager be authorized to proceed, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Minutes 4/8/68 Page *4 • Mr. Vogel advised that Mr. Wilton Smith, Recreational Director at Jacksonville Beach, had requested use of our tennis courts on Seminole Road for the tournament, as we have allowed in the past. If there is no objection from the Commission he will grant request and put up the usual "reserved" signs. There were no objections. Mr. Vogel requested approval to purchase an auxiliary engine for garbage truck at cost of approximately $800.00. It is an emergency need and can only be secured from one place. Mr. Longo moved the rules be waived and the auxiliary engine pur- chased as requested, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Vogel advised a Masonic Lodge has requested use of our Park for family picnic which he granted. Mr. Rosborough noted that the Park needs cleaning up and it seems a little unsafe around play equipment with the roots, especially around the Merry-Go- Round and swings. Also, the swings need repairs. Mr. Rosborough advised that some of our good citizens have noted the curbing being put around the Plaza Parkway and had noted there is a Parkway in Selva Marina Drive that could be beautified by curbing. Mr. Howell advised we are moving ahead with our plans on side- walks, and will soon start passage of Ordinances on assessments for sidewalks. The delay in delivery of police car is due to factory strike still on. Mr. Longo inquired as to trailer parked at Place-By-The-Sea and it was advised it is not being used for living quarters. Mrs. Frank Kerber inquired as to meaning of Jamestown Apartments. Mr. Vogel advised they are similar to triplex apartments - two buildings facing each other. Each apartment will be 850 square feet and have two bedrooms. She also stated she understood going to repair sidewalks, and does this include streets that do not have curbs or sidewalks. Mr. Howell advised strictly repairs to existing sidewalks - North and South streets to be worked first, those most heavily traveled. There being no further business, Mr. Howe 1 •- • .red the meeting adjourned. . ,i/L A( _4 i liam S. Howel Attest: Mayor-Commissioner (2412-121-R- /\- . Adele S. Grage City Clerk