01-08-68 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION 1-8-68 AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. Invocation. 3 . Approval of Minutes of meetings of 12/25/67 and 12/26/67. 4. Recognition of Visitors. 5. Committee Reports (a) Bids - Selva Marina Unit #6 - Water and Sewer Extensions. (b) Library Service - Jacksonville. 6. Enlargement of Sewer Plant. 7. Appoint Committeesz (a) Personnel Ordinance. (b) Atlantic Boulevard lighting. 8. Fire and Police Chief Reports and Dockets. 9. City Manager. 10.Commissioners. 11 . Adjourn. 111 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1968 AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Arthur J. Longo Robert R. Rosborough, Commissioners and R. C. Vogel, Acting City Manager Oliver Ball, Acting City Attorney Adele S . Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. Upon motion of Mr. Longo, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried, the minutes of December 25, 1967 were approved as written. Upon motion of Mr. Weldon, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried, the minutes of the meeting of December 26, 1967 were approved as written. Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Mr. George Bull stated he had distributed to the Commissioners copies of a letter regarding the park area together with a lay- out of proposed Selva Marina Unit #7 of substantially the way the area will be developed. He still has had no decision from the City of Jacksonville on underground electrical lines. Copy of the proposed letter which he would like the City to write is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. There was discussion as to easements, the layout, and clearing of lots adjoining park until they are improved. Mr. Bull advised they will underbrush entire area, but leave trees for purchaser to decide which ones he wants. It was pointed out that the park area is being given to the City, also cleaning of lots would come under our lot cleaning ordinance. Following discussion Mr. Weldon moved that the letter substantially as written be placed in form on official stationery of the City of Atlantic Beach and signed by the Mayor and forwarded to Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr. Longo and carried. Mr. Weldon had no further report on Jacksonville Library service. Mr. Howell advised we have a deadline on starting plans for enlargement of sewer plant. The theory is that we engage services of a sanitary engineer to prepare survey to meet the recent laws on anti-water pollution. Mr. Howell therefore moved that we hire Mr. Walter Parks, Jr. to prepare the necessary survey in line with requirements of Florida Air and Water Pollution Control, and once this is done to move ahead to Federal Government to apply for grant, and Mr. Parks to assist City in preparing papers and Minutes 1/8/68 Page #2 making application to Federal Government, and that services be paid for from Account #2054, Sewer Reserve, seconded by Mr. Longo. It was brought out in discussion that the fee will be 11% of final amount. It is anticipated cost will run between $300,000.00 and $400,000.00 which would make his fee between $4, 500.00 and $6,000.00. Mr. Rosborough advised since Mr. Parks is familiar with system, as we're going to have to expand anyway, and since we are running almost to capacity, he thinks this is good move. Mr. Weldon stated he thinks Mr. Parks is one of best sanitary engineers in the State of Florida and we are fortunate to have him in our community. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion carried. Mr. Howell appointed the following Committee to study the Personnel Ordinance and bring back findings to Commission: Commissioner Longo, Chairman, the City Manager and Mayor Howell. Mr. Howell advised that on lighting for Atlantic Boulevard, the State is not going to light this highway and we are going to have to take some measures. Theoretically they are going to finish the project between now and June, and thinks we should have a Committee to see how we can get lighting on Atlantic Boulevard, and also have some discussion with Neptune Beach. He appointed as a Committee - Commissioner Rosborough, Chairman, Commissioner Holloway and Acting City Manager Vogel. Chief Vogel presented Police Department report for December 1967, the yearly report of that Department for year 1967, and Municipal Court docket for January 2, 1968. All were received for information and filing. Mr. Longo asked Chief Vogel to look into getting some kind of caution light at North end of City and Chief will get with County and see what can be worked out. Mr. Vogel asked for approval to call for bids on sewer and water lines crossing Mayport Road. Contractors have already started pre-construction and we will need to proceed with speed. There is going to be a meeting on this project at their engineer's office and he expects to get specifications then. He would like for bids to be received January 22, 1968. There was discussion following which Mr. Holloway moved approval be given to call for bids as requested, seconded by Mr. Rosborough and carried. Mr. Holloway inquired as to the concrete bulkhead dividing traffic lanes on Intracoastal Bridge and what are plans for widening the road at East end of the bridge. The sign that notifies motorists has been knocked down. It was advised that the road between the bridge and overpass at Mayport Road will be re-worked and widened and the concrete median will be extended to the overpass. Minutes 1/8/68 Page #3 Mr. Weldon inquired if anything has been done about unsanitary and unsafe buildings. Mr. Vogel advised no action yet as has been very busy, but will start and has had several complaints turned in. Five names were presented for placing on Service Plaque: Heywood Dowling, Jr. , U. S. M. C. Sgt. Leroy Everett, U. S . A. (Killed in Action) Fred W. Mills, Jr. U. S. N. Roger W. Mills, U. S. N. Thomas Neil Trotta, U. S. A. F. Appropriate Resolution on Sgt. Everett, who is the nephew of Robert Stewart one of our employees for over 20 years, will be prepared and presented at next meeting. Mr. Vogel advised that as soon as Atlantic Boulevard is completed he hopes to start campaign for all Atlantic Beach property owners to clean up and beautify their property. There being no further business the Mayor declare the meeting adjourned. r 'ri lia S . H.well Mayor-Commissioner Attest: . ' Adele S. Grage, City #'erk /raw January 10, 168 i;elva Marina Realty Company 321 Atlantic Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32003 Attention: Mr. George Bull Dear Mr. Bull: In furtherance to your request, made to the City Commission December 26, 1n67, relating to the extension of the City park in Selva Marina, northward in the area between the northerly extensions of Park Terrace Nast and Park Terrace West, according to the proposed plat of Selva Karina Unit No. 6, please be advised that the City will accept for perpetual care and maintenance the proposed extension of the park in substantially the size and shape as indicated by the r)ronosed lay-out of Selva Marina No. 7 by H. A. Durden & Associates dated January 3, 1c,6P (and future exten- sions thereof to but not North of Saturiba Drive) provided the following conditions aro met to achieve the results desired: (1) The park area is contiguously extended. (2) The area is graded to provide (a) a drainage course (b) to eliminate ponding, (3) The area is underbrushed and selectively cleared of trees to achieve, substantially, the same open appearance as in the existing park in Salve Marina Unit No. 2. (4) Mud pockets, if any, will be filled or stabilized so that a ridden power mower can be used under reasonable conditions. I trust this commitment on the part of the City Commission will enable you to proceed with the proposed development. Very truly yours, William S . Howell Mayor WSH/s C i -1 (p.A___,,t_c_st_i„.12_ ,,i2e,,i5 _ ,,) ,44,4))11,1e_ei. 112_44.. .e-C,' VI 416:.).6 w Solve Marina Realty Company, � 321 Atlantic Boulevard, • Atlatic Beach, Florida 32003 - Att tion: Mr. George Bull Dear Mr. Bull: In furtherance to your request, made to the City Cor:::�ission December 24, 1967, ' relating to the extension of the City parkin f�1va Marina, northward in the area between the northerly extensions of P,.-k Terruuc“ast and Park Terrace West, according to the proposed plat of Selva Marina Unit No. t:•, please be advisod that the City will accept for r::t7,ctual core and maintenance the proposed extension of the parl in suhltnntially .;e size and shape as indicated by the proposed lay-out of Selva farina No. 7 h• 4 A. Durden l', Associ tes dated January 3, 1966 (and future oxtennicns thereof to bnt not North f Saturiba Drive) provided the folloti'ieg conditions aro not to lchici•^ t c results desired: (1) The park area is cantipuonsly extended. (2) The area is graded to provide (a) a drainage course (b) to eliminate pending. (3) The area is und.rbrushed and selectively cleared of trees to achieve, substantially, the same open appearance as ins the existing park in Selva Marina Unit No. 2. 1 (4) Mud pockets, if any, will be filled or stabilized so that! a ridden power mower can be used under reasonable conditipns. I trust this commitment on the part of the City Commission will enable you to proceed with the proposed development. Very truly yours, etc. ,0`/f • . . lit 1 g/ Director of Public Safety Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Sir: The following is a report of the activities of the Atlantic Beach Police Department for the month of Dec , 19 67 : Total number of Arrests 57 Driving under the Influence 4 Other Traffic Arrests 37 All other Arrests 16 Written & Verbal Warnings 35 Answered 227 calls from citizens , assisted Neptune Beach - 13 times; assisted Duval County Patrol - 1 times; assisted Jacksonville Beach - 2 times; assisted Shore Patrol - 4 times. Investigated 14 accidents 0 Injuries Turned 5 service men over to the Military for disciplinary action. Sent to County on warrants - 2 Sent to Juvenile Shelter 16 Respectfully submitted, Imo / , Sgt. '(A. MEYNE Atlantic Beach Police Dept. Approved: eel" R. C. Vo el, Chief of Police