City Commission Members present:
Carolyn Woods, Mayor
Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tern
Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner
Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner(arrived at 5:43 p.m.)
Jimmy Hill, Commissioner
Staff present:
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Michael Classey, Chief of Police
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary
The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the police building project, was
called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Mayor Woods. She reported that Commissioner Daugherty called
stating he would be late due to traffic.
Mayor Woods explained the process and format of the workshop, stating this discussion is not to
design a police building but to discuss the process to prepare an RFP and choosing an
architectural firm to help us with this process.
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. No one from the audience spoke so
she closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
City Manager Hanson explained the State law called the Competitive Consultants Negotiation
ACT(CCNA)that directs how you hire professionals like engineers and architects. He further
explained the Request for Proposals (RFP)and the Consultant Selection process. He answered
questions from the Commission.
Mr. Hanson also explained the design build process versus design with architect oversight. He
stated to get the questions of how much you can get on this site, flood plain requirements, etc.
answered first would be his recommendation. He stated that would involve getting an architect
with the right experience to come in and look at the site,the current building,consider all the
flood issues and then tell them what they can build on this site,how many square feet, what
remodeling would be necessary for the current building, etc. He answered questions from the
Commission related to flood plain issues.
Mayor Woods stated they need to determine what they want in the RFP. She stated the basic
outline on the RFP is an explanation of why you are doing what you are doing and then you list
out the opportunities and constraints. Discussion ensued related to what to include in the RFP.
Mr. Hanson stated he would propose they have one architect and what was proposed last May
was to get an architect to determine what could be built on this site in terms of additional space
and in consideration of all the flood plain requirements and tell them what options they have to
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build a new space,what it would cost to renovate the existing building, and to determine what
relocation issues they may have. He stated he believes that is precisely what they would want an
architect to tell them.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated his preference is to go with design build from the get-go and
move forward. He stated that a design build company would have their own architect who could
come back and tell us what they would be capable of doing, instead of getting an architect and
then afterward get another builder,etc. Discussion ensued related to using a design build firm
only versus getting an architect first, etc.
Mayor Woods stated they need to stick to what needs to go into the RFP such as, the solutions to
the elevation, location on existing site,renovation to existing building,budget,design, future
expansion,policing style and what they need and want. Mayor Woods stated she believes they
should word the RFP so both design build firms and architects can submit proposals and they can
make the decision at that point. Discussion ensued.
The prospect of a design team was discussed who, along with the Police Department,will
determine what is needed and will work with the architects.
Chief Classey pointed out that he believes the building needs to be built according to
accreditation standards and although that may not be a current goal today he would hate to limit
the City in not accommodating those things because they are not big dollar items to be able to do
that and believes that needs to be in the back of everybody's mind. Discussion ensued.
Mayor Woods stated also a part of the RFP is the Space Needs Assessment. Commissioner Hill
stated they must have storage addressed. Chief Classey stated they are currently scanning.
Other items discussed to be on the RFP were Space Planning and determining a Design Team,
which the Commission stated should include Chief Classey. Commissioner Hill volunteered to
be on the Design Team. Mayor Woods stated there will be a design team that the architect will
work with and that needs to be put in the RFP.
Commissioner Woods stated related to the Building Structure it should be compatible with the
existing building and complementary to and in accordance with the Community Design
Guidelines. Discussion ensued.
Further discussion ensued over whether or not to bring in consultants and the building meeting
Code. Commissioner Woods reiterated that the building structure should be compatible with the
existing, complimentary to our Community Design Guidelines, energy conscious with
consideration of life cycle cost, and they should consider the cost to bring the building up to
Code. Commissioner Hill also pointed out that the air handlers in the existing structure were
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replaced but the ones on the Fire Station were not and asked if that is our responsibility as owner
of the building or is it the City of Jacksonville's responsibility. Chief Classey stated that is
Jacksonville's responsibility,by the Interlocal Agreement.
Design Requirements were discussed and it was agreed to also include the following in the RFP:
a. Multiple design concepts to choose from
b. Project schedule
c. Logistics schedule
d. 35 ft. height limit
e. Specify that site is east of ditch
f. No loss of parking
g. Cost Estimates within budget
h. Dispatch area
i. Future expansion possibilities
j. Server Room
k. Flex space
Mr. Hanson stated in choosing an architect he would recommend they have someone who has
done expansions and renovations of large commercial or industrial buildings while it is in
Chief Classey stated if there is consideration given to taking it to a second story they will have to
have a structural engineering report done,because it is not clear from the limited plans we have
whether that building will support a second story. Mr. Hanson stated that would be part of what
they would look at to determine what is the best way to get an expansion,whether to go up or
out. Discussion on the Design Requirements listed above ensued.
Commissioner Hill stated we need to get a generator for the City Hall building so we could have
that building as a secondary power and is something to look at in the future.
Mr. Hanson reported they are moving the Animal Control officers to an office in City Hall in the
next couple of weeks.
Commissioner Mark stated there is going to be a lot of money invested in this project and she
believes we would be remiss if we just threw money at it just to fix the problem and not really
plan for the future. Mayor Woods stated that brings up a good point of flex space because she
has heard a lot of space is not being used for what they originally thought it was going to be used
for so if we can ask them to design flex space so as needs change the use of the space is
comfortably changed.
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Commissioner Daugherty stated we are tasking our City Manager to go out and do this RFP with
the police department and yet at the next meeting Mayor Woods has proposed that we fire the
City Manager. Mayor Woods stated he wasn't here in the beginning and the first question
Commissioner Mark asked was who would actually do the RFP and basically it is a staff team
project so it's not one person; all different departments would have a hand in it, including Public
Works,the Police Department,Accounting and the City Manager. Commissioner Daugherty
asked how can he get involved if we fire him in a month. Mayor Woods stated there will be a
City Manager to be involved; we will not be without a City Manager. Commissioner Daugherty
stated he believes if we are going to really focus and try to get this moving we need to have
somebody in place that has experience in this and knows how to do this and he believes Mr.
Hanson is our only staff member who has that experience. Mayor Woods stated that is a
discussion for a different day, right now we are on the Police Building. Commissioner
Daugherty stated it directly affects the Police Building,which is why he is bringing it up. He
stated this was put on the agenda after he said he was going to be gone on the 25th and would like
to make the point that if they are going to try to get these things done and implemented we need
staff in place who have the experience and knowledge. Mayor Woods stated we will;that will be
up to us to have staff in place.
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Don Ford,338 6th Street,addressed the Flood Insurance Rate Map(FIRM) stating what they
are talking about when they set these elevations is what your insurance is going to cost you if
you set at this level. He stated you will get a discount,that's all. He stated that map changes
about every 18 years and we just had a new map come in this August. He stated they need to get
with their expert on staff and find out what the most recent rules are and he believes they will
find that that is a non-issue. He also spoke in favor of design build stating by putting together
the contractor and the architect you don't have the issue of where the contractor is trying to build
a building according to an architect's plans and something is left off that the contractor didn't bid
on and the City gets caught in the middle and has to pay the change order. He stated if they do
design build where the architect is on the staff with the contractor those issues will go away
because they designed it and are expected to build it to their design,which is one of the greatest
advantages of design build.
No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to
Commissioner Hill stated to the guys who have to work in the building, it will be a very nice
facility, way nicer than anything they are in at the end of this and it will actually happen. He
stated although it may not be exactly what everybody wants, it will be something they will be
proud to show up to work in and they won't have to be embarrassed to walk the citizens through
it. He stated it will last a long time and will serve their needs and the Commission won't leave
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them without it. He stated it's not their job to pick through it until they can't do their job; it's to
pick through it until they can.
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting
adjourned at 6:56 p.m.
C)624) )
Carolyn Woods
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk