2, 1994.
Present were: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor
Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner
J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner
Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner
Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager
Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager
Ann Meuse, Finance Director, and
Maureen King, City Clerk
Absent: Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner ( Ill )
The meeting, which had been called for the purpose of discussing
the past budget procedures and proposed schedule and budget
strategies for the next fiscal year, was called to order by Mayor
The Mayor identified the function of the budget as a policy
document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a
communications device. It was his wish that the City Commission
focus on the budget as a policy document and a financial plan. He
outlined several different budgeting methods and suggested that
staff present the budget in such a form as to allow comparisons of
actual expenditures for previous years . He felt the City
Commission needed to identify their goals early so that department
heads could address those goals in their budgeting process. He
asked the City Manager to explain the process and schedule which
had been used in the past.
Kim Leinbach gave an overview of the budget process . He indicated
that he met with the Finance Director to plan forms and schedules
and make preliminary projections of revenues. The department heads
were required to submit their budgets in April or May. The City
Manager would then meet with department heads and make budget cuts
where necessary in order to present a balanced budget to the City
Commission. He explained that during the preliminary stages of his
work on the 1993/94 budget he had requested a policy statement from
the City Commission and he felt it was important for the City
Commission to give that type of direction so he and the department
heads could establish budgeting priorities based on the priorities
set by the City Commission.
The Mayor requested that a budget calendar be established as soon
as possible and asked the City Manager to determine when the
tentative millage must be set.
Commissioner Rosenbloom questioned how much the City Commission
should be involved in the structure and management of the budget
vis a vis setting budget policy. He felt it was the responsibility
of the department heads to provide for the needs of their
Page Two
Minutes - Workshop Meeting
February 2, 1994
departments, keeping in mind the goals of the City Commission. He
indicated that if projected revenues for the coming year remained
constant or were reduced, then if the City Commission wished to
expand services such as parks and recreation, they would have to be
willing to consider a tax increase.
Following further discussion, it was consensus that the city should
try to avoid the need for a tax increase for two years.
Commissioner Weiss commented on the difficulties experienced in the
review and approval of the current budget. He felt the objective
should be to provide good government at value-for-money rates and
if it was determined a tax increase was necessary, greater effort
should be made to educate the public regarding the needs. However,
he felt it was time to get back to basics and, if funds were
available, then provide the services which are nice to have but not
essential . He further suggested that some expenditures could be
spread over a two-year period. Discussion ensued regarding which
should be identified first, the revenues available or the needs,
and Commissioner Weiss indicated he preferred that the needs be
identified but that they should be justifiable.
The City Manager inquired at what stage the City Commission wished
to be involved in the budget process and the Mayor indicated it
would be beneficial for the City Commission to give some direction
to city staff in the early stages. Jim Jarboe pointed out the
difference in the role of the City Commission and the role of the
adminis-tration in the budgeting process. He stressed the need for
the City Commission to determine the direction they felt the city
should be going and establish a firm budget policy. It was then up
to management to estimate the cost and options available to
implement the desired policy. Commissioner Rosenbloom challenged
staff to advise the Commission if they were becoming involved in
administrative matters.
The Mayor reminded those present that a planning session had been
scheduled for Saturday, following which he felt the City Manager
would be in a position to make recommendations regarding policies
along with a time line when the stated goals may be accomplished.
There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 8 : 50 PM.
Mau een King /(.. 1'\-1
City Clerk