04-23-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1990 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 9, 1990 2. Recognition of visitors: 3. Old Business: A. Acquisition of the Thelma Griffin property in Section H 4. Consent Agenda: A. Jan Johnson of Greenpeace requests permission to use an all terrain vehicle (ATV) on the beach from May thru October 1990 for sea turtle beach surveys 5. Committee Reports: A. Chairman of the Awards Committee, Commissioner Edwards with a report and recommendation relative to bids opened April 18, 1990 1. 8990-11 Janitorial Services 2. 8990-12 Handrailing at Atlantic Beach Sewage Treatment Plant 3. 8990-13 Brush Chipper for Public Works 4. 8990-14 4 Portable Samplers for Wastewater Treatment Plant 5. 8990-15 1 Gorman-Rupp 4" Diesel Engine 6. 8990-16 Repair/Painting of 2 Sludge Hauling Metal Containers 7. 8990-17 Remington Slide Action Shotgun 8. 8990-18 Reseed Grounds of Pollution Control Facility 6. New Business: A. Recommendation for acceptance of sanitary sewer in Section H, Rose Street between Levy and West Plaza (William Howell) B. Presentation of wetwell rehabilitation (Tim Townsend, Division Chief) C. Presentation concerning dechlorination of Buccaneer Plant (Harry McNally, Acting Public Services Director) D. Presentation relative to noise (David Thompson, Police Chief) E. Consolidation of beaches-wide solid waste committee (Mayor Gulliford) F. Discussion and relative action regarding the request of Mr. Tom Morton of Ragtime to barricade the streets between Atlantic Blvd. near the ocean to East Coast Drive May 19, 1990 from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. to hold a "Sock Hop" in the street this date with the "Sock Hop" scheduled 4 p.m.- 10 p.m. G. Appointment to Code Enforcement Board to fill unexpired term of Allen Salfer, with term to expire 10/1/92. H. Change order in relative to a garage door for the expansion of the Public Works Building in the amount of $4,941.00 (Harry McNally, Acting Public Services Director) I. Offer for purchase of an easement relative to Beach Access Initiative Program (Kim Leinbach, City Manager) 7. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: 8. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINIMS OF THE REGULAR JIAR MEE1 IN G OF THE MANTIC BEACH CITY COW- V V MISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1990 AT 7:15 PM O 0 T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor E E Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D Glenn A. Edwards Adelaide R. Tucker John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S O E AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 9, 1.990 Cook x Edwards x x Notion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of April 9, Tucker x x 1990 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors None 3. Old Business: A. Acquisition of Thelma Griffin property in Section H In view of the fact the City Attorney had not had a response from the owner of lot 16 adjoining Ms. Griffin's property, the decision regarding the purchase of the Griffin property was postponed until the next meeting and the City Attorney was instructed to try to contact the owner by telephone. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Jan Johnson of Greenpeace requesting permission to use an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) on the beach tun May through October 1990 for sea turtle beach surveys Cook x Edwards x x Notion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda Tucker x x Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 5. Committee Reports: A. Chairman of the Awards Cb mittee, Catm_issioner Edwards with report and recommendations relative to the bids opened April 18, 1990 Bid No. 8990-11 - Janitorial Services Commissioner Edwards reported seven bids had been received for janitorial services at five city facilities. Of the seven bids PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. MS Y N received, only the bid of Atlantic Janitorial Services included all the required documents. Cook x x Motion: Award bid to Atlantic Janitorial Services for Edwards x x cleaning city facilities at an annual contract Tucker x amount of $25,320.00 Weldon x GUlliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Bid No. 8990-12 - Hand Railings at Atlantic Beach Sewage Treatment Plant Commissioner Edwards reported of the four bids received only Dial's Welding and Fabrication, Inc. , the second low bidder, furnished all required documents. Cook x Motion: Award bid for hand railings at Atlantic Beach Sewage Edwards x x Treatment Plant to Dial's Welding & Fabrication, Tucker x Inc., in an amount of $21,209.00 Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Bid No. 8990-13 - Brush Chipper for Public Works Commissioner Edwards reported four bids were received of which the two lowest bids did not meet specifications. It was therefore, the recommendation of the committee that the bid of Vermeer Southeast Sales and Service be accepted as the lowest and best bid. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Award bid for brush chipper to Vermr Southeast Tucker x Sales and Service in the amount of $13,980.00 Weldon x Gulliford x Commissioner Weldon inquired how the machine would be used and was advised it would be hauled behind a truck and the chipped material would be used as much as possible in the parks, and it was hoped in the future the city would compost the material. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Bid No. 8990-14 - Four portable samplers for Wastewater Treatment Plant Commissioner Edwards reported of the two bids received, only the bid of ISCO met the specifications and it was the recommendation of the committee to award the bid accordingly. Cook x Motion: Award bid for four portable samplers for the Edwards x x Wastewater Treatment Plant to ISCO of Lincoln, Tucker x Nebraska, in the total amount of $11,864.00 Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Bid No. 8990-15 - One Goran Rupp 4" Diesel engine for Sewer Plant Commissioner Edwards reported two bids had been received. In view of the city's endeavors to achieve pump standardization, the committee recommended the city award the bid to Highway Equipment & Supply Company. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. M S Y N Cook x x Notion: Award bid to Highway Equipment and Supply Company Edwards x x for one Gorman Rupp 4" diesel pump in the amount of Tucker x $9,450.00 Weldon x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote, it was clarified that the bid amount was for a pump, diesel engine and trailer. With no further discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Bid No. 8990-16 - Repair and painting of two Sludge Hauling Containers Commissioner Edwards reported seven bids had been received and the committee recommended award to the low bidder. Cook x Notion: Award bid to Atlas Electric for repair and painting Edwards x x of two sludge hauling containers in the amount of Tucker x $2,842.00 Weldon x x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote, Commissioner Tucker pointed out Atlas Electric had been before the Code Enforcement Board and Commissioner Edwards said the city had been satisfied with the work of Atlas in the past. The question was called and the motion carried on a 4 - 1 vote with Commissioner Tucker voting Nay. Bid No. 8990-17 - Nine Remington Madel 870P Slide Action Shotguns Commissioner Edwards reported the lone bid met all specifications and it was the committee's recommendation the city award bid to Lawmen's and Shooters Supply, Inc. Cook x Notion: Purchase nine shotguns from faumen's and Shooters Edwards x x Supply, Inc., at a unit price of $329.29 for a total Tucker x cost of $2,963.61 Weldon x x GUlliford x In response to a question from Commissioner Weldon, Chief Thompson said the department had only three operational shotguns. The department had twelve patrol cars and this would allow for one shotgun to be allocated to each patrol car and the drivers would be responsible for the maintenance of the shotguns. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Bid No. 8990-18 - Re-seeding grounds of Pollution Control Facility Commissioner Edwards reported two bids were received and the committee recommended award to Jax Utility Management, the low bidder. Cook x Notion: Award bid for the reseeding of the pollution control Edwards x x facility to Jax Utility Management in the amount of Tucker x x $2,350.00 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. M S Y N 6. New Business: A. Recommendation for acceptance of sanitary sewer in Section H, Rose Street between Levy and West Plaza Billy Howell, Section H Project Manager, pointed out on a map a sewer line which had recently been installed (green) . He reported it had been televised and had passed the compaction tests and asked that the city accept this line for maintenance. He also pointed out lines which were in existence prior to the project (yellow) , and other lines which were ready for televising and compaction testing (blue) . Copy of map is attached hereto and made a part hereof. He asked that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to accept the lines on behalf of the city when satisfactory compaction and television reports have been received and the engineers have indicated that the lines are acceptable. The City Manager said he and the staff would work with BHR but he did not anticipate any problem. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Accept for maintenance that portion of sewer line on Tucker x Rose Street between Levy and West Plaza (Green on Weldon x x attached map) Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Notion: Authorize City Manager to accept lines (blue on Cook x x attached map) subject to satisfactory compaction Edwards x test, televising, and approval of Bessent, Hammack & Tucker x x Ruckman Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously B. Presentation of wetwell rehabilitation Withdrawn C. Presentation concerning dechlorination of Buccaneer Plant Mr. McNally reported a figure of $242,000 had previously been discussed for a dechlorination chamber. He said he had been in touch with the Department of Bio-Environmental Services and had worked out an arrangement whereby the city could work with several small contractors and do the work in-house for an amount of approximately $8,000 - $10,000 and bring the plant into compliance. Cook x Motion: Authorize the work under the direction of city Edwards x x staff, at an amount not to exceed $10,000 Tucker x Weldon x x Mayor Gulliford said he had received a number of compliments Gulliford x regarding Mr. McNally's work and his positive attitude and thanked him for the fine job he is doing for the city. There being no further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN D. Presentation relative to noise Chief Thompson said outdoor activities increased in the summer months and he had already received complaints regarding noise. He said the city code regarding noise was difficult to interpret and he requested that this section be revised or re-written. The City Attorney pointed out that Jacksonville Beach had recently adopted a new noise ordinance and it was decided to review it and make any modifications deemed necessary. E. Consolidation of beaches-aide solid waste cannittPP Mayor Gulliford reported at a recent meeting of the three beaches mayors, the possibility of forming a beaches-wide committee on solid waste had bccn discussed. He said the three beach cities working together, could address problems which could be too extensive for any one city alone. He said it had been suggested the committee consist of five members from each city. He offered the names of Kim Winston, Mark McGowan, Allison Johnson and Rose Blanchard, and Commissioner Edwards volunteered to serve as the City Commission's representative. Notion: Appoint representatives to the Beaches- ride Solid Cook x x Waste Committee in accordance with the Mayor's Edwards x recommendations, and Commissioner Edwards as the Tucker x x City Commission's representative Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. F. Discussion and relative action regarding the request of Mr. Tam Morton of Ragtime to barricade the streets between Atlantic Boulevard near the ocean to Fast Coast Drive on May 19, 1990 fan 6:00 AM until 10:00 PM to hold a "Sock Hop" in the street this date, with the "Sock Hop" scheduled frau 4:00 - 10:00 PM David Hansford, 358 Ninth Street, owner of the Sun Dog Diner, spoke to the matter since Mr. Morton was not in attendance. He said there would be other activities throughout the day including a bike race, rides and games, and the event was a cooperative effort of Ragtime and the Sun Dog Diner. Neptune Beach had granted permission on condition that an adequate number of off-duty police would be employed and that arrangements would be made for additional garbage container and collection. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Grant permission to barricade streets and hold Tucker x activities as requested Weldon x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote, Chief Thompson said he had discussed the matter of off-duty police officers with Mr. Hansford. Regarding consumption of alcoholic beverages, Mr. Hansford said Mr. Wilder of the Bureau of Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverages would be in attendance and would make sure state law was observed. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN G. Appointment to Code Enforcement Board to fill unexpired term of Allen Salfer, with term to expire October 1, 1992 In order to allow more time for the Commissioners to suggest nominations to fill this vacancy the Mayor asked that action on this item be deferred until the next meeting and that suggestions for potential candidates be forwarded to the City Manager. H. Change Order relative to a garage door for the expansion of the Public Works Building in the amount of $4,941.00 Mr. McNally reported it had been anticipated the ends of the extension to the public works building would be left open until such time as funds were available. The contractor was willing to install the doors at no additional fee and the price quoted was the lowest of three estimates. Mr. McNally said he had confirmed with the Finance Director that funds were available. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize installation of doors on the extension of Tucker x x the public works building at a Dost of $4,941.00 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. I. Offer for purchase of an easement relative to Beach Access Initiative Program The City Manager reported in connection with the DNR's Beach Access Initiative Program, the city had received an offer in the amount of $19,950 for the purchase of the 20th St. beach easement. He said he was unaware the city had applied for this grant and Don Ford reported it had been his understanding the grant was intended to pay a portion of the cost of condemnation of the property. Discussion of the agreement ensued and it was the consensus of the City Commission that, by execution of the contract, the city would sell its interest in the beach access to the state, which would not be in the best interests of the city. After a complete discussion of the matter the Mayor asked the wishes of the Commission. Since no one moved to accept the offer, the City Manager was instructed to contact the DNR and notify them the city would decline the offer. 7. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: The City Manager reported: On a Governor's proposal to reduce the local government half-cent sales tax. He said the proposal was for the Legislature to adopt a 3% service fee on local government half-cent sales tax which would result in reduction of to the City of Atlantic Beach by approximately $20,000. He asked that a resolution opposing this concept be drafted and circulated to the Legislative Delegation and the Florida League of Cities. PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN Nbtion: Draft resolution stating opposition to the proposed Cook x x change and circulate to the appropriate parties Edwards x x based on approval of the City Commission at this Tucker x meeting Weldon x Gul.liford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. - The American Legion will recognize the General Government, Police and Fire Departments of the City of Atlantic Beach at 8:00 PM on May 11, 1990, and invited the Mayor, Commissioners and spouses to attend. - Asked Harry McNally to report on a breakdown at the Atlantic Beach Sewer Plant. Mr. McNally said a center bearing at the Davco plant had broken and caused considerable damage. It was an emergency situation which demanded immediate attention and the exact cost of repairs was not known at this time but the invoices would be brought to the City Commission for their approval. The City Clerk confided that the Commissioners had received a copy of the revised schedule of occupational license classifications and fees. She was authorized to have an ordinance drafted for consideration by the City Commission. Commissioner Edwards reported he had attended a Neighborhood Watch meeting in City Hall and had found it interesting. He encouraged participation of the other areas of the city which had not yet become involved in the Neighborhood Watch program. Catinissioner Weldon commented on a recent newspaper article regarding the volunteer work city employee Calvin Blair has been doing with the youth in the Donner Park area. Commissioner Cook asked for a report on the progress being made with the construction of the new city hall. The City Manager said work was progressing and he had not heard of any problems. Don Ford said the footings had been set and were awaiting the results of the compaction tests. Commissioner Tucker complimented the City Clerk on her revision of the occupational license classifications and fee schedule, and in particular, the sample agreement with the Florida League of Cities for the collection of insurance tax which the city had not previously been able to collect. Catmissioner Tucker also asked for clarification regarding the procedure for authorizing the preparation of ordinances. The Mayor explained the Mayor or any Commissioner could submit a proposed ordinance and the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney may assist the Commissioner in drafting the ordinance. The draft is PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF APRIL 23, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN presented to the City Commission at least three days prior to the meeting where action is to be taken. Mayor Gulliford inquired into the feelings of the Commission regarding the acquisition of land adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant. The City Manager was asked to look into this and the Mayor said he felt monies could be taken from restricted sewer funds so long as the property acquired was designated to be utilized only for future wastewater treatment plant expansion. It was agreed the additional land was needed and a figure of $200,000 was suggested. Mayor Gulliford also reported the Baptist Medical Center had asked that a second hospital board be established. This board would be advisory in nature and its function would be to oversee the internal operation of the hospital and to represent the health-care needs of the beaches citizens. He asked the Commissioners to give some thought to appointments to this board and make suggestions to the City Manager. The Mayor confirmed that the hospital board of which Ms. Kerber is a member, would continue to have oversight in the financial operation, particularly taxing. He inquired regarding the millage and Ms. Kerber said the rate could go to 1.5 mills this year. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. / '1\ Wi li I. Gu "or. . Mayor/Presiding Oi ATTES T: Ma en King, City clerk 0 9 o � r yco �ro Ci W - N J- ill 1 8 Ot YI 1- 1 rr If ti te nQ Qst ' L n 1 g . N 0 u0? b'�bgLztro I ..�r---� �V, gVS.)I.I eat „ _ 'yo, alo 000• 1: a) L L I - “.12 --Ear--- 1,91- • ra ea aro i726.__---- - 000-1:1)/.I t 62 " f b" 010. V.10.t1 L O r o 0 • V 6,6 000 -n41LL1 My. S2os oro. a 0 t 9. a• 2 4 1 H i -r ra4 -Slot h 000-IGi)L1 1332115 _Lanoln 1111111111101 e 111111111111 •0 - • 024}LI r 0 LicJLI .JI0d' O •Q•JLI Gi7). . po - -.4 -F)olA/. .L33�1S um 1 m Ewe nu 133211S w w a• N • N. 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