17-SPPR-501 CC - Presentation- Derek ReevesRequest for plat approval as required by
Chapter 24, Article 4 of the Code of
Ordinances at RE# 172027-0100.
Site Context and Detail
Site Context and Detail
RL (Residential Low)
Future Land Use.
RS-1 (Residential Single-
Family) Zoning.
Proposed Plan
Subdivide 7.21 acres
into 11 lots.
Each lot would be for
a single-family home.
Lots accessed by a
new private road.
Starts at 11th Street
Ends in a cul-de-sac
Emergency access at
Selva Linkside stubout
Analysis and Concerns
RL Future Land Use allows up to 6 units
per acre
Wetlands, drainage ditches, etc. are
excluded from area
Current buildable land is 3.21 acres
19 units or lots allowed, 11 lots
RS -1 Zoning requires:
Lot depth: 100 feet, met
Lot width: 75 feet, met
Lot area: 7,500 square feet, met
Proposing to fill 1.12 acres of wetlands
Proposing to create and restore 1.18
acres of wetlands
0.48 acres created
0.7 acres restored
Proposing to enhance 2.07 acres of
existing wetlands
Analysis and Concerns
50 foot buffer from water
Top of bank
Buffer line
Outstanding comment:
Section 24-272(c) requires
buffer to be measured from
mean high water line
25 foot upland buffer from
Wetlands line
Average buffer line
Tree removal.
Possible Waiver
Section 24-272(d)(4) allows a
berm/swale system to
replace the 25 foot upland
buffer from wetlands.
Increase the amount of
wetlands preserved
Decrease the amount of fill
25’ Buffer
25’ Buffer
CDB Recommendation
The CDB considered this application on January 16, 2018.
They unanimously recommended to approve the plat if:
the applicant received a waiver from the Section 24-272(c)
requirement allowing the 50 foot waterway buffer to be
measured 10 feet landward from the top of bank of
Sherman’s Creek.
The CDB also recommended a waiver to allow a
berm/swale system in place of the 25 foot upland buffer as
permitted by Section 24-272(d)(4).
This item is for discussion only.
The Commission may ask staff to bring additional
information/answers to questions to the next meeting;
Get consensus to set a public hearing for February 26th.
Commission Action