JANUARY 22, 2018 -6: 30 PM
Mayor Ellen Glasser City Attorney Brenna Durden
Commissioner Candace Kelly City Manager Joe Gerrity
Commissioner Brittany Norris City Clerk Donna Bartle
Commissioner John Stinson Recording Secretary Nancy Pyatte
Commissioner M. Blythe Waters
Invocation and pledge to the flag
Mayor Glasser announced Commissioner Norris will introduce the person who will do the invocation.
Commissioner Norris introduced Mr. Wells Todd and stated she considers him to be a modern civil rights
leader and invited him to lead the meeting. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Call to order
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6: 35 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll and Mayor Glasser
noted that a quorum was present.
Mayor Glasser acknowledged the Jacksonville Jaguars and thanked them for a great season.
1. Approval of minutes
A. Minutes of the regular Commission Meeting on December 11, 2017.
There were no corrections to'the minutes. Mayor Glasser stated the minutes stand as submitted.
2. Courtesy of floor to visitors
Mayor Glasser welcomed former Mayor Mitch Reeves and Representative Cord Byrd' s office
Mayor Glasser acknowledged attendance of the new Community Development Director Shane Corbin.
City Manager Gerrity provided a brief introduction of his background and experience.
Mayor Glasser opened Courtesy of the Floor and explained the process for public comments.
City Clerk Bartle stated there was one speaker request:
Mitch Reeves, spoke about agenda item 8E Rules of Conduct and Procedure at meetings, and spoke about
making changes, about communicating with citizens, and about transparency.
Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor.
3. Unfinished business from previous meetings
4. Consent Agenda
Mayor Glasser read the consent agenda into the record.
A. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Monthly Activity Report for
December 2017 and Monthly Financial Reports for November and December 2017.
B. Approve the contribution request as recommended by the Cultural Arts and Recreation
Advisory Committee.
C. Declare this list of property as surplus so that the items on it may be disposed of in the most
beneficial way to the City.
Motion: To approve Consent Agenda items A, B, and C as read.
Moved by Waters, Seconded by Norris
Roll call votes:
Aye: 5 Kelly, Norris, Stinson, Waters, Glasser
Nay: 0
5. Committee Reports
A. Environmental Stewardship Committee ( ESC) report on Beaches Town Center
landscaping project.
Bruce Andrews, ESC Vice Chairman, addressed the Commission. As detailed in the agenda memo, he
presented a summary of the ESC meetings held December 13, 2017 and January 10, 2018, wherein they
addressed the proposed landscaping renovation at the Beaches Town Center. The total estimated cost is
130,000 and the City of Atlantic Beach is requested to contribute one third, with the remaining amount
coming from the City of Neptune Beach ( 1/ 3) and the Beaches Town Center Agency ( 1/ 3). It was noted
that Atlantic Beach property occupies less than one third of the Town Center.
The proposed plan is to replace all the existing plants in Town Center public areas, install new irrigation,
some hardscaping, i.e. retaining walls, large coquina boulders and ground rock cover. Mr. Andrews stated
the plan includes a large, multi-trunk palm and surrounding freeze/weather tolerant plants to be planted in
the circle at the end of Atlantic Blvd.
The planting of the multi-trunk palm may preclude having the traditional holiday tree, and there are
concerns it could be viewed negatively by the citizens. The ESC feels, if this becomes an issue, it should be
addressed by Staff or Commission.
Mayor Glasser stated this can be addressed later in this meeting by City Manager Gerrity.
6. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 18-02
Mayor Glasser read the Resolution by title.
City Manager Gerrity explained there is $ 20,000 allocated in the Public Works budget for anticipated
landscaping and the balance will be allocated from the Convention Development Tax account. He asked
the Commission to approve this proposed project to participate with Neptune Beach and Town Center.
There were inquiries from the Commission about the maintenance, about the new plantings being suitable
for this area/ weather, about the one-third cost share, about the reasoning for complete plant removal/
replanting and landscape redesign, about the rocks, and about the multi-trunk palm being adaptable to the
City Manager Gerrity stated the City maintains the medians (and will continue) on Atlantic Blvd. and splits
the landscaping costs at the flyover with Neptune Beach. Moving forward Neptune Beach will be
responsible for the maintenance at Town Center. The Town Center Agency states the Town Center is old,
not well maintained, and in need of a new look.
Sarah Dark, ESC, responded and confirmed all the plant species are appropriate for our
weather/environment. It was confirmed the multi-trunk palm will be a Sylvester Palm, which is displayed
in the proposal from Rockaway Landscape Design.
Motion: To adopt Resolution No. 18-02 authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to
exceed $ 43,334 for Beaches Town Center Landscaping; appropriating $ 20,000 from the
Public Works Department Street Division Account and $23,334 from the City' s Convention
Development Tax Account for this purpose; authorizing the City Manager to execute any
necessary contracts as necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Resolution; and providing
an effective date.
Moved by Waters, Seconded by Kelly
Commissioner Norris thanked the ESC for an excellent job with this proposal. Ms. Norris expressed her
only concern is about removal of the Christmas Tree.
Commissioner Stinson expressed his concern about removal of the Christmas Tree. He spoke about
repurposing some of the removed landscape and inquired about the landscape maintenance for Town
City Manager Gerrity stated their will be a new landscape maintenance company for Town Center.
Commissioner Waters spoke about the landscaping needing improvement. She stated there can be a palm
tree lighting for the holidays. Ms. Waters stated she supports the partnership with Neptune Beach and
Town Center to refresh this area.
Commissioner Kelly expressed appreciation for the ESC and this proposal. She thanked the City Manager
for providing the budget sources. She spoke about repurposing the removed plants and using elsewhere.
Mayor Glasser commended the ESC for their action on this. She spoke about the partnership of Atlantic
Beach, Neptune Beach, and Town Center for this area and is pleased there will be a new landscape
maintenance company. Ms. Glasser stated the holiday tradition can continue, now with a Christmas Palm
Tree lighting.
Discussion continued about the maintenance and if that is also a three way split for costs, the possibility for
merchants to participate, Town Center wanting to upgrade, and new irrigation costs in the proposal. There
were some unanswered questions about identifying what plants can be repurposed and verification of
improvements with new watering resources.
Motion: To defer action on adopting Resolution No. 18-02 to February 12, 2018 to allow time for
answers to fmal questions.
Moved by Stinson, Seconded by Norris
Mayor Glasser questioned City Attorney Durden, asking if it is appropriate to call on an expert in the
audience to answer these questions? Ms. Durden responded yes.
Mayor Glasser called on Joshua Messenger to address the Commission.
Joshua Messenger, 220 Hopkins St., Neptune Beach, addressed the Commission stating he has been
involved with this from the beginning. He explained the current irrigation system is in disrepair, causing a
lot of waste. The new system will have drip irrigation and low flow fixtures which have less water
evaporation, less waste, and less water usage. He stated the plants are appropriate for the area and noted
that Rockaway has agreed to do the design work for free.
Mr. Messenger spoke about the plants and saving what is healthy to repurpose. He stated to install new
irrigation they have to rip out all plant beds. Also, conduit for lighting will be installed under the new
plantings and be ready when funding is available at a later date.
There was a brief discussion about the water source and location of wells.
Commissioner Stinson withdrew his motion. Commissioner Norris withdrew her second.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: 5 Norris, Stinson, Waters, Kelly, Glasser
Nay: 0
7. Action on Ordinances
8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Public Hearing-UBEX17-0004
Request for a use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-111( c)( 3), to allow on-premises
consumption of alcoholic beverages in accordance with Chapter 3 of the code at 461
Atlantic Boulevard.
Mayor Glasser read the request.
Planner Derek Reeves addressed the Commission, stating this application is to allow for the sale of liquor
for on-premises consumption for a new restaurant located on Atlantic Blvd. and Sturdivant Ave. Mr. Reeves
referred to the drawings and site plan on display explaining this is new construction on an existing vacant
lot for a proposed 150 seat BBQ restaurant serving beer, wine, and liquor. He stated this will be the only
full service restaurant with on-premises services between Town Center and Sailfish Dr. in Atlantic Beach.
The Community Development Board (CDB) had this application before them on January 16, 2018 and they
voted to recommend approval of this use-by-exception which is now before the Commission for
The applicant' s Attorney, Steve Diebenow, took the floor to address the Commission. Mr. Diebenow stated
the CDB also approved a parking variance application in addition to the use-by-exception application. He
stated the application meets all the requirements as per the Code and Mr. Diebenow displayed renderings of
the proposed restaurant that showed the exterior elevation and the interior design.
Public Hearing
Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers and Mayor Glasser closed the Public
Mayor Glasser requested the Commission to give any disclosures of ex parte communication pertaining to
this application.
Commissioner Stinson stated he knows a couple of the applicants and one of their representatives, and has
been aware of the proposed project. He stated his only conversations with them have been to let them know
who they should contact in the City regarding their plans.
There were no additional reports of ex parte communication.
Commissioner Norris stated she received emails from citizens who reported there was incorrect
information submitted for the parking variance, stating the church should not be considered for parking
spaces for this restaurant.
Planner Reeves said he also heard that. He stated there are other properties included in the parking variance
request for providing a shared parking agreement for off-site parking in connection with the Town Center
Agency (TCA). One is the former Kmart shopping center, and when that property gets developed the TCA
has committed to tracking their parking. Planner Reeves explained that in the event that full parking for the
150 seat restaurant is no longer available to the restaurant, the restaurant will be required to remove seating
to comply based on the number of parking spaces available to them. Their seating count could also affect
the type of state alcohol license issued.
Discussion ensued inquiring how the TCA will track parking. Planner Reeves spoke about the affidavit
submitted by the applicant for the parking variance application that identifies all available parking, who
they have commitments with, and the number of spaces left daily. Mr. Reeves stated there are at least 177
parking spaces available.
Commissioner Waters inquired about the shared parking agreement, the use of valet services, and the 600
ft. distance for off-site parking. Planner Reeves referred to the map on display to confirm the 600 ft.
distance and the parking variance approved by the CDB.
Commissioner Kelly had questions about the liquor license being dependent upon parking, and the parking
being dependent upon the church and former Kmart shopping center. Ms. Kelly asked what the parking
plan is in the event the church or Kmart lots were no longer available.
City Attorney Durden addressed the Commission to provide clarification about the variance approved by
the CDB which was to allow for off-site parking within 600 ft. of the restaurant. If the off-site parking was
within 400 ft. then no variance would be required. Ms. Durden stated that the applicant identified the four
sites located within 600 ft. are the Community Presbyterian Church, an adjacent office building, the former
Kmart shopping center, and the Amerus Bank. City Attorney Durden explained the variance was approved
and is final, unless there is an appeal as per the Code. Ms. Durden stated the CDB can make a
recommendation to the Commission for a use-by-exception, which is before you, to allow for the sale of
liquor for on-premises consumption.
Commissioner Stinson asked how many spaces are confirmed at the church and the adjacent office, and if
there is a time limitation, and what the hours of operation are for the restaurant. Planner Reeves responded
there are 60 to 120 spaces at the church, dependent on the day and time, 15 spaces at the office and use is
limited to weekdays after 6: 00 PM, more hours on weekends. The restaurant is open for lunch and dinner
Mayor Glasser stated she also received emails questioning if the TCA has access and control of parking at
the Community Presbyterian Church. Ms. Glasser inquired about code restrictions for crossing arterial
roads for accessing off-site restaurant parking. Planner Reeves responded there are no restrictions. The use
of valet service and/or Beachside Buggies moving people across the street is not violating the code.
Mayor Glasser expressed concerns about the agreements made for parking.
City Attorney Durden explained the approved variance allows the applicant to choose from the four
identified parking locations where the parking can occur. City Staff will negotiate a final agreement with
the applicant specifying the four locations, and that off-site parking will be at one or more of the four
locations, and that the applicant is obligated to immediately advise the City of any changes to the parking.
Ms. Durden stated this agreement will include the provisions of the variance granted by the CDB.
City Attorney Durden further explained the need for the number of parking spaces is based on the
restaurant seating, and their State alcohol license to serve liquor requires a minimum seating number.
Failure to comply with the City and/or the State will affect the restaurant operation.
Motion: To approve Use-by-Exception UBEX17-0004 as read by title, per Section 24-111( c)( 3) to
allow On-Premises Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Code at
461 Atlantic Blvd.
Moved by Stinson, Seconded by Norris
Discussion ensued about the alcohol service being in line with the operation of the restaurant and about the
challenging parking issues in Atlantic Beach. It was noted the CDB is satisfied and granted the parking
variance and, in addition, City Staff will negotiate a final agreement with the applicant specifying the four
locations for off-site parking. There was agreement that alcohol service will not be detrimental to the
surrounding businesses.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: 5 Stinson, Waters, Kelly, Norris, Glasser
Nay: 0
B. Public Hearing- WAIV18-0001
Request for a waiver as permitted by Section 24-46(d) to waive the prohibition of pawn
shops within the Commercial Limited zoning district as required by Section 24-110( a) at
1487 Mayport Road.
Mayor Glasser read the request.
Planner Derek Reeves addressed the Commission, stating this application is to allow a pawn shop located
at 1487 Mayport Rd., in the existing Mayport Square shopping center ( B & K Properties), which is part of
the Mayport Business Overlay District. Mr. Reeves stated this business has a State of Florida pawn broker
license and is currently operating in Jacksonville Beach and looking to relocate to Atlantic Beach. He
referred to the drawings and site plan on display showing the location and that it is in the Commercial
Limited (CL) zoning district. Mr. Reeves stated the business is strictly a retail jewelry and pawn shop and
does not deal with weapons/guns, and he stated their hours of operation. There are two other pawn shops in
Atlantic Beach.
Public Hearing
Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing.
City Clerk Bartle called the speakers:
Sally Harper spoke in favor of this application. Ms. Harper stated she is the owner of the proposed pawn
shop,A l A Prestige Jewelry and Pawn.
Kelly Erhayel, representing Mayport Square shopping center, spoke in favor of this application. She also
spoke about a negative Facebook posting that referred to this area as ` undesirable'.
Mike Townsend spoke in opposition to this application and suggested the business just open as a retail
jewelry store.
Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing.
Motion: To deny WAIV18-0001 as read, to waive the Prohibition of Pawn Shops within the
Commercial Limited Zoning District as required per Section 24-110( a) at 1487 Mayport Rd.
Moved by Waters, Seconded by Norris
Commissioner Kelly inquired if this application went before the CDB. Planner Reeves responded that the
CDB does not receive requests for waivers.
Commissioner Norris stated she lives in and represents this district in Atlantic Beach. She spoke about the
perception problem in this area and acknowledged everyone, residents and businesses, works hard to make
improvements. Ms. Norris stated she supports the current code prohibiting this type of business in this
Commissioner Stinson spoke positively about current growth in the shopping center and that no tenants are
protesting this prospective business. He acknowledged this is a tough decision but stated it is important to
uphold the City' s code.
Commissioner Waters spoke about the City code and that it does not state how a pawn shop can look on the
outside and most have bars on windows, neon lighting, etc. Ms. Waters stated she supports the current code
prohibiting this type of business in this location.
Mayor Glasser spoke about using restraint on social media and that it disturbed her to hear there were
negative social media comments made pertaining to this request. Ms. Glasser stated the code provisions do
not allow pawn shops in this zoning district and this application does not meet the specific criteria set out
to consider a waiver.
A brief discussion ensued about studies conducted on pawn shops and the results showed no causality
between pawn shops and crime.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: 5 Waters, Kelly, Norris, Stinson, Glasser
Nay: 0
C. Appointment to the Board Member Review Committee
Mayor Glasser addressed the Commission and provided background stating the purpose of this committee
is to fill vacancies on the various citizen committees. A vacancy was created when Commissioner Kelly
was elected to the Commission; she was previously on this committee. Candidates were interviewed and it
is recommended to appoint Kenneth Reeves to serve for the term beginning January 26, 2018 to January
25, 2020.
Kenneth Reeves addressed the Commission and provided a brief history of his life in Atlantic Beach. He
thanked everyone for this opportunity, stating he will fulfill the goals and objectives of the Board Member
Review Committee.
Motion: To appoint Kenneth Reeves to the Board Member Review Committee for a term as stated .
Moved by Stinson, Seconded by Norris
Congratulations were extended to Mr. Reeves by the Commission.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: 5 Kelly, Norris, Stinson, Waters, Glasser
Nay: 0
D. Restriction of Tree Mitigation Funds Collected from Tree Removal Permitting( discussion)
Commissioner Stinson addressed the Commission about the Tree Mitigation Fund ( Tree Fund) and his
recommendation to have the Environmental Stewardship Committee ( ESC), including the Tree
Subcommittee, have oversight of proposed expenditures of the Tree Fund. As detailed in his memo, he
reviewed the Finance Department audit of expenditures of the Tree Fund and the description of those
expenditures. Mr. Stinson reviewed and spoke about the Tree Study done in 2014.
Commissioner Waters inquired if the ESC would be provided guidance for use of the funds, i.e tree canopy
maintenance, arborist services, etc.
Commissioner Stinson stated the ESC could provide suggestions for use of the Tree Fund.
Commissioner Norris stated this was a creative idea.
Commissioner Kelly stated it could be an option for the Tree Committee to oversee the Tree Fund. She is
in favor of a volunteer citizen committee being involved with the tree ordinance but not for them to oversee
the Tree Fund. Commissioner Kelly inquired if there was staff assigned to oversee the tree ordinance. City
Manager Gerrity responded that Planner Derek Reeves oversees the tree ordinance now, and this will move
to the new Director of Community Development.
Mayor Glasser stated she is comfortable with the ESC providing recommendations to the Commission for
uses of the Tree Fund. The ESC is an advisory committee, not a regulatory committee.
City Attorney Durden spoke about required changes to the ordinance in order to add provisions for how the
Tree Fund could be used. Not only would this provide clarity in the code regarding these funds, it will
allow for these funds to become a budgeted line item. Then the ESC could make recommendations to Staff
for proposed uses and budgeting.
Planner Reeves read from the code where it states how the Tree Fund can be used and distributed, as
designated by the City Commission and following the City' s purchasing procedures. Mr. Reeves then read
the listed definitions for how the Tree Fund can be used.
Commissioner Stinson inquired if the City planted trees behind the Dollar Tree using the Tree Fund. Mr.
Reeves responded the Commission approved this in 2016, authorizing a grant application from the Forestry
Program, for planting trees on public roadways, not specifically for the Dollar Tree.
Commissioner Stinson continued to speak about setting parameters for staff and the ESC to follow,
working together for recommendations for use of the Tree Fund, and improving transparency.
City Manager Gerrity explained that, going forward, when spending from the Tree Fund it will be in the
budget and will come before the Commission for permission.
CONSENSUS: Ask the ESC for their recommendation.
Mayor Glasser called for a recess at 9: 11 PM. The meeting reconvened at 9: 19 PM.
E. Sec. 2-19. Rules of conduct and procedure at meetings. ( discussion)
In this section, Rule 7 addresses the order of business at the meetings. Mayor Glasser spoke about making
changes to the order of agenda, the workshop where this was discussed, and that changes have been tried at
a few meetings. Mayor Glasser stated one of her goals was to include and involve the City Manager at the
beginning instead of at the end of the meetings. Another goal was to hear from Commissioners at the
beginning instead of the end of the meetings. Mayor Glasser stated her research on changing the order of
the agenda revealed it can be done with the agreement of the Commission, or it can be done by a motion
and a vote. Also her research revealed, due to the Sunshine Laws, it is beneficial to have Commissioners
heard early in the meetings when there is full attendance by our citizens, as opposed to later in the evening.
Mayor Glasser stated it has never been her intention to obstruct transparency, only to provide information
to the people we represent.
Mayor Glasser stated her recommendation is to adjust Sec. 2-19 to allow the Commission to set the order
of business, subject to the approval of the Commission, to place City Manager reports and reports of the
City Commissioners to follow Courtesy of the floor.
City Manager Gerrity expressed his frustration with the order of the agenda.
Commissioner Waters stated she agrees with the proposal to move City Manager reports and reports of the
City Commissioners to follow Courtesy of the floor. Her question was to the process used to achieve this—
should it be done at each meeting or done by a rule change in the ordinance.
Mayor Glasser commented that the process needs to be simple and flexible.
Commissioner Stinson expressed opposition to changing the agenda order, allowing only three minutes for
speakers during Courtesy of the floor, and stopping the meetings at 10: 00 PM with the carryover of
unfinished business. Mr. Stinson stated the public is allowed the opportunity to speak on each agenda item
that requires action by the Commission.
Mayor Glasser clarified that a deadline for meeting times and a time allowed for public comment are not
addressed in Sec. 2-19 in the Rules.
City Attorney Durden addressed the Commission about proposing changes to Rule 7 in order to provide the
maximum flexibility, but still having an order established for the agenda. She suggested doing both of the
following simultaneously: 1) Change to the ordinance by adding language that would indicate the order is
set periodically by the Commission by resolution, and 2) Have a resolution establishing the order of the
agenda. She commented about the importance of having the City Manager and City Clerk advise and make
recommendations about the order.
Discussion ensued and City Attorney Durden summarized her understanding of the discussion since she
would be the one drafting the documents.
Mayor Glasser asked for consensus.
CONSENSUS: To direct the City Attorney to draft the changes needed for moving the City
Manager Reports and Reports from City Commissioners to after Courtesy of the Floor, leaving the
City Attorney Reports at the end, and allowing an opportunity for closing comments.
9. City Manager
A. City Manager' s Report
City Manager Gerrity stated the Selva Preserve Plat will be on the February 12, 2018 agenda for
Mr. Gerrity spoke about the proposed BBQ restaurant and parking issues discussed previously. He stated
that he has heard there is no parking agreement with the Presbyterian Church and the Town Center.
Regarding the fallen trees in Shermans Creek from the 2016 and 2017 hurricanes, the City Manager stated
correspondence has been sent to homeowners advising that the City is in the process of removing the trees
and cleaning up the area. The letters are letting the residents know we will need to access their property.
City Manager Gerrity reported a letter has been sent to the owner of the blue house about addressing the
construction issues (next to Adele Grage Center).
Mr. Gerrity stated there have been major plumbing issues at the Adele Grage Center. Work is underway.
He stated the Town Hall meeting will be on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 10: 00 AM, in the Commission
City Manager Gerrity expressed his thanks to Planner Derek Reeves for the work he has done and
continues to do for the City. He is very knowledgeable and will be a big help to the new Community
Development Director, Shane Corbin.
City Manager Gerrity asked for the ESC to look into tree planting practices. Deputy City Manager
Hogencamp will follow up on this request.
B. Accept the 90-Day Calendar( February 2018 through April 2018).
City Clerk Bartle inquired if there will be a February Roundtable meeting on February 9, 2018, at 1: 00 PM.
Mayor Glasser responded yes and spoke about the concerns about the scheduled time. She asked for
patience while trying to coordinate everyone' s busy schedules.
With the exception of Commissioner Stinson, the Mayor and Commissioners confirmed they will be in
attendance at that meeting.
CONSENSUS: To accept the 90-Day Calendar as submitted.
10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
Commissioner Norris
Addressed the comment about the negative posting on a FB page.
Commissioner Stinson
Requested the City Manager share the resume of the Community Development Director, Mr. Shane
Corbin. City Manager Gerrity stated he will forward a copy to the Commissioners.
Stated he enjoyed hearing about the Institute of Elected Municipal Officials conference attended by
fellow Commissioners
Commissioner Waters
Welcomed the new Community Development Director, Mr. Shane Corbin.
Spoke about the Continental Hotel Event Historical Marker.
Commissioner Kelly
Spoke about the League of Cities training, stating it was very informative.
Spoke about the Martin Luther King Day celebration and awards presented.
Stated she will be attending Legislative Days next week in Tallahassee.
Stated when she is watching live-streamed City meetings at home she cannot see what is on the TV
screens, only the picture below.
Spoke about the accomplishments made at the City' s goal setting exercise and inquired what was
City Manager Gerrity responded that Kevin Hogencamp is preparing a summary to make available. Mr.
Gerrity stated there are plans for a laminated poster to be on display in the Chamber listing the goals.
Mayor Glasser
Stated that the camera does not capture Commissioner Stinson.
Thanked Commissioner Waters for mentioning the Continental Hotel event.
Commented that the goal planning session was very productive.
Spoke about the Martin Luther King Day celebration, and recognition for Recreation Director
Timmy Johnson and the work he has done.
City Attorney Durden
10A. Appeal petition submitted by Lori Gaglione
City Attorney Durden stated that a hearing needs to be scheduled by the City Commission at a time
specific, prior to a regularly scheduled Commission meeting. To ensure a quorum, Ms. Durden requested
12th 26th
availability confirmation for either the February or the February meeting dates, at 4: 30 PM or 5: 00
PM, taking at least one hour. This hearing is for an appeal of a variance, a request for a six ft. fence instead
of the allowed four ft. fence.
Spoke about the upcoming Town Hall meeting. She will present a draft ordinance for medical
marijuana and a draft ordinance for automotive service that will need an extension.
Spoke about the revisions to Sec. 24-51, the notices of hearings and signs for land use hearings. The
CDB reviewed and made some suggestions and it will go back to the CDB in February for final
Spoke about the FLOC materials received at the conference and stated the City Clerk will make
copies for staff.
Extended her thanks to Planner Derek Reeves for his work and welcomed the new Community
Development Director, Shane Corbin.
Extended her thanks to Commissioner Waters for her help on the draft ordinance for retail pets and
provided copies to the Commission.
Spoke about the Legislature and provided copies of the FLOC report to the Commission.
Stated she will be working on the Comp Plan and LDR Rewrite with Shane Corbin and Derek
Reeves in order to provide an update to the Commission.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 10: 10 PM.
ATTEST: a Glasser
Mayor, Presiding Officer
04,74-z-0--1t&7 yt.dt4,14/
DonnaDonna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk