01-12-18 Comm Priority Goal SettingMINUTES CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION PRIORITY GOAL SETTING MEETING JANUARY 12, 2018 — 9:00 A.M. ADELE GRAGE CULTURAL CENTER IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Ellen Glasser Commissioner Candace Kelly Commissioner Brittany Norris Commissioner John Stinson Commissioner M. Blythe Waters (arrived 9:05 A.M.) Call to Order City Attorney Brenna Durden City Manager Joe Gerrity City Clerk Donna Bartle Deputy City Manager Kevin Hogencamp Facilitator Linda Lanier Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M. Introductions were made by everyone around the table. Welcome and overview City Manager (CM) Joe Gerrity welcomed everyone and stated this meeting is being broadcast on Facebook Live. Commissioner Waters arrived at 9:05 A.M. CM Gerrity reported his observations of the City's assets and stated his goals, as follows: Assets • Beautiful park system • Beautiful beaches • Involved citizen group • Outstanding General Fund Reserves Goals • Work on tying parks together • Make the City of Atlantic Beach a place where people want to work, have a career • Recognize our great employee workforce • Improve/increase employee retention, be competitive with private sector • Complete a salary survey • Improve customer service training CM Gerrity turned the meeting over to Facilitator Linda Lanier. Ms. Lanier welcomed everyone and thanked the Commission for completing and submitting their goal setting assignments ahead of time. 1 January 12, 2018 Priority Goal Setting Meeting Ms. Lanier explained the format for this exercise will be clarifying what the goals are and then establishing a priority for the order to achieve them. The materials submitted will be reviewed and then there will be a voting process. Ms. Lanier spoke briefly about the article `Strategic Leadership and Decision Malting for Elected Local Officials' (copy attached to agenda) wherein it states `Citizens take service excellence for granted...' and Ms. Lanier noted this is the minimum level that is expected of local governments by citizens. The time the Commission actually spends working together on City issues is limited to public meetings and/or workshops — approximately 20 hours monthly. Ms. Lanier stated this time needs to be spent focusing on what is important, which is goal setting. SMART Framework for goal setting • Specific • Measureable • Achievable/actionable • Results focused • Time based Next discussed were examples of and how to determine what is Urgent and/or Important. Ms. Lanier defined Priority as a topic that will receive particular, unusual and significant attention. For this exercise this will be for the time during 2018 and 2019. Infrastructure The Group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. • Re-evaluate 5 -way stop and traffic, installing roundabouts • Stormwater Master Plan, hiring a lobbyist for legislative action • Septic tank conversions • Public Utilities (water/sewer), initiate rate study, infrastructure and equipment upgrades • Master Plan for sidewalks, beach access • Infrastructure • Maintain conservation easement at Tideviews • Public Parking, parking garage partnership with One Ocean Following discussion the participants voted by using two green dots to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. City Services and Operations Ms. Lanier explained this discussion will start with City Services, beginning with Public Safety. The Group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. Public Safety/Police Department — set goals, improve recruiting and retention stats, achieve accreditation, community policing, provide resources and funding for training N January 12, 2018 Priority Goal Setting Meeting staff and volunteers, utilize NIMS (National Incident Management System) for emergency training • Infrastructure/fiscal resources supporting severe weather events, grow and maintain General Fund Reserves for emergency use, emergency management exercises for hurricane preparedness, terrorism and/or hazmat threat preparedness (NIMS) • Updated website ready March 2018, user-friendly, ADA accessible, mobile app, utilize experienced citizens/volunteers • Human Resources (HR) Ethics/EEO training for Commissioners, Boards, Committees and Employees, benefits/compensation/pension • Legal Counsel/fees, necessary expense to keep City out of court, provide monthly status reports • City-wide survey of citizens • Grant opportunities, working with Langton & Associates, provide monthly/quarterly status report • Commission Chamber — needs technology update Following discussion, the participants voted by using three green dots to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Codes, Land Use and Permitting Ms. Lanier explained this discussion will start with the building permit process. The Group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. • Overhaul building permit process, improve department organization, shorten wait time, utilize tracking software • Continue implementing Tree Code • Update Land Use Codes, define pervious and impervious ratio • Balance redevelopment and quality of life, neighborhood approach, property values • Code enforcement action for builders/developers in violation, publish violations/fines • Designation of Historic District and/or locations • Agenda management software • Town Center overlay district Following discussion the participants voted by using one green dot to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Marsh/Mayport Road The Group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. • Create plan for road diet to reduce speed limit • Create a `Main Street USA' feel • Establish a committee/task force to research ways to improve appearance, signage, landscaping, storage • Improve accessibility of road design for pedestrian crossing, wayfinding • Speed bumps on Main St. to slow cut -through traffic from Mayport Rd. 3 January 12, 2018 Priority Goal Setting Meeting • Bicycle route/bike-ability, create East Coast Greenway node, create Sunrise -Sunset Trail (East-West) connector, continue existing Plaza Rd. bike path to the Marsh, research grants/outside funding/support opportunities • Attract neighborhood grocery store • Study Mayport Rd. for road noise and pollution near the Mayport Flyover • Pros/cons of a Community Redevelopment Agency, research alternate programs to achieve similar benefits Following discussion the participants voted by using two green dots to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Quality of Life The group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. Teen Council Has been unfunded, inactive Part of Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) mission to have a Teen Council • Ask the kids what they need Citizens • Ask/survey citizens how they define quality of life Parks • Bike park, Splash park, Boardwalk • Parks Master Plan, review land use, prioritize acquisitions • Maintenance and standards Culture and Identity • Atlantic Theatre • Turtle Drop/Ball Drop for New Years Eve celebration Following discussion the participants voted by using two green dots to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Lunch Break 11:30 a.m.; reconvened at 11:50 a.m. Environment The Group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. Evaluate dune restoration practices • State/Federal programs • Emergency restoration sand fences • Turtle nesting issues • Walkovers rd January 12, 2018 Priority Goal Setting Meeting Preservation Properties/passive parks • Selva Preserve • Johnston Island • Beach — dunes, trash clean-up • Wetlands, marshes Trees • Budget line item for tree planting • Right-of-way planting • Maintenance • Acquire mitigation property Environmental Regulations • No plastic bags, food containers • Recycling education • Enforcement • Tour recycling facility • Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration Following discussion the participants voted by using two green dots to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Brandin The Group discussed and provided details about the following subjects, staff answered questions, and then the Commission voted. • Beautification • Signage - use state park format • Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) • Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) • Military community • Neighborhood branding • Preservation efforts — historic district, environmental assets, architectural, neighborhood • Arts, recreations, parks Following discussion the participants voted by using one green dot to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Commission Effectiveness The Facilitator, Linda Lanier, explained the importance of self evaluation and how it can help to be more effective. The following items were presented for discussion. • Video all public meetings — technology available only in Commission Chamber, costs involved per broadcast and/or live streaming, research how to provide for all meetings and locations • Legislative Agenda — Commission, City Attorney, City Manager and Staff monitor, also need to monitor City of Jacksonville/Duval County budget process and how it effects Atlantic Beach 5 January 12, 2018 Priority Goal Setting Meeting • Changing Mayor term referendum and addition of at -large representation • Focus on consensus building and common ground, improve effectiveness, leadership as a singular governing body • Monthly budget detail variance reporting — when approving expenditures provide fund source and balance • Budget model providing for `what if scenario evaluations, budget line item prioritizing • Fiscal resources for sustainability of City services and quality of life, review and maintain City's Reserve Fund, allocating use of excess Reserves, consider long-term borrowing options Following discussion, the participants voted by using two green dots to designate their choices for priority on the above topics. Final Ms. Lanier reviewed there are approximately 70 different elements to choose from to determine the final priority vote. The first part of the final task will be for each Commissioner to vote for five (5) items from the total list to determine their final choices for priority goals. Each will receive 5 pink dots for 5 votes. Discussion ensued and then a second round of voting took place, generating a collective, agreed upon priority goals for 2018 — 2019 as follows: • Update Codes • Parks Master Plan, including Preservation and Sunrise -Sunset Trail • Stormwater Master Plan • Mayport Road • Pursue USGBC Community LEEDS • Review Reserve Fund • Branding • Evaluate dune restoration • Video all public meetings Mayor Glasser thanked Ms. Lanier and everyone in the audience. She acknowledged Fortner Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy in the audience. The floor was opened for Public Comment: Suzanne Shaughnessy spoke about roundabouts and roadway designs, and roundabouts not exceeding more than four entrances for effectiveness. Mark Tomaski spoke in support of having workshops, open government, and videotaping all meetings for public viewing on the website. Debra Tomaski spoke about open government, and videotaping all meetings for public viewing on the website. There were no other speakers and Public Comment was closed. Closing comments from the Commission: G January 12, 2018 Priority Goal Setting Meeting Commission Kelly • Spoke about the Commission championing these issues. Commissioner Norris • Thanked Ms. Lanier for facilitating this meeting. Commissioner Waters • Spoke about displaying the priority list for public view. Commissioner Stinson • Thanked Ms. Lanier for facilitating and thanked everyone for attending. City Manager Gerrity • Thanked everyone for attending and making this a productive and realistic meeting. Facilitator Lanier Thanked the Commission for their participation and appreciated how well everyone worked together. Adjournment There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared t meeting adjourned at 1:36 PM. �l ATTEST: Ellen Glasser Mayor/Presiding Officer d G�J7iYtC(, Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk DLB/njp 7