05-07-18 Roundtable Meeting MinutesCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH
MAY 7, 2018
4:30 PM TO 6:00 PM
Mayor Glasser, Mayor
John Stinson, Commissioner Seat 2
Candice Kelly, Commissioner Seat 4
Blythe Waters, Commissioner Seat 3 (arrived at 4:42 pm)
Brittany Norris, Commissioner Seat 5 (arrived at 5:11 pm)
Joe Gerrity, City Manager
Kevin Hogancamp, Deputy City Clerk
Brenna Durden, City Attorney
Call to Order — Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm.
Mayor Glasser explained Sunshine Laws related to transparency, the reasons for the
meeting, public comment, and the processes involved in a Roundtable Meeting.
1. 10th Street:
■ History of Commission Review since on/about 2015.
■ 10th Street Walkover/ADA Accessibility.
Mayor Glasser gave a brief history on Commission Meetings between 2015 and 2016.
She asked Commissioner Stinson if parking reconfiguration was a discussion topic in
these meetings.
Commissioner Stinson stated the issues discussed in 2016 meetings were mainly about
congestion problems around little Plaza and 10th Street. There were several proposals
made that were never formally adopted. He spoke about appropriation of funding for a
beach walkover in the fiscal year 2017/2018 budget for about $75,000. The funds were
given without direction to the City Manager as to where the funds should be spent. The
decision was made to start building beach walkovers due to dune survival through storms
being much better in areas where walkovers exist.
Mayor Glasser asked Commissioner Stinson to verify that issues relative to the south gate
and the parking reconfiguration were not being discussed in the context of a walkover or
an American Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp at that time and that the issue came up as a
separate process and was added into the 2017/2018 budget cycle.
Commissioner Stinson confirmed this assessment and stated, since there was never a
formal presentation of the plan, he does not know the exact details. In the budget
preparation for fiscal year 2017/2018 there were no requests for a walkover specifically
at 10th Street by any Committee member and the overall decision was to build walkovers
where there were none. Per Mayor Glasser's request, Commissioner Stinson explained
the reasoning for building walkovers at our beach accesses is research and data
supporting better dune survival.
Mayor Glasser asked Commissioner Stinson about the number of walkovers that were
discussed. Commissioner Stinson stated there was no long-term plan discussed about
building walkovers at every beach access and the idea was to build one or two walkovers
and see how it went.
Commissioner Waters stated she recalls the consensus from those meetings was to
improve ADA accessibility and if a walkover was to be built then it should be ADA
accessible. Kevin Bodge spoke to the Commission at that time about the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) Standards and what is allowed to be re -built. It was
considered by the Commission to be of benefit to the community as a whole.
Mayor Glasser asked Commissioner Stinson his reasoning for presenting the issue to the
Parking and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource Committee (PPSARC). Commissioner
Stinson stated it was brought to the PPSARC because the walkovers will effect parking
and pedestrian safety and he wanted to utilize the PPSARC as early as possible to avoid
possible future complications.
Mayor Glasser clarified how the various processes work with regard to the budgeting of
the walkover project.
Mayor Glasser asked Commissioner Stinson to present anything else from past meetings
he thought might be relevant. Commissioner Stinson stated the issue of walkovers were
discussed at a meeting with Mr. Van Liere and members of the Cloister Homeowners'
Association on December 31, 2015 and a public meeting was held January 7, 2016 at
Adele Grage. On February 24, 2016 he made a recommendation to the City Commission
about the 10th Street beach access congestion and made suggestions on parking
Discussion ensued about the PPSARC survey of the 10th Street area and their inventory
of parking spaces across the City.
Mayor Glasser suggested the Commission wait until after pending litigation is complete
before making any decisions about beach access parking reconfigurations.
Commissioner Stinson stated the outcome of the upcoming action in relation to 10"
Street congestion will either result in traffic remaining the same or getting better.
Discussion ensued about holding a Town Hall meeting regarding the plans for the 10th
Street beach access walkover and getting City staff's input on the plans and processes.
Mayor Glasser explained the difference between handicapped accessible ramps and
Certified ADA ramps. Currently the City of Atlantic Beach does not have a ramp that
meets ADA Standards.
Commissioner Waters spoke about the fundamentals for guiding a conversation about
beach walkover accesses for the community as a whole.
Discussion ensued about community objections to size and configuration versus
placement and the line -of -sight to surrounding residents.
Commissioner Stinson spoke about the PPSARC's discovery of parking spots on City
property that are not accessible to vehicles presently and the distribution of these parking
spots elevating a lot of traffic congestion.
Mayor Glasser recommended the following:
1) Schedule a Town Hall Meeting to get public input and get City staff's expertise
regarding rights -of way, options for ADA access ramps, and handicapped parking.
2) Have Commission take this issue from the PPSARC, and
3) Wait to make any decisions until litigation is final.
Commissioner Stinson opposed the recommendation of taking the issue from the
PPSARC and suggested a joint Town Hall Meeting.
Mayor Glasser reiterated the importance of utilizing City staffs expertise as a guideline
in making decisions. Commissioner Stinson stated the PPSARC also relies on City staff
in making their decisions and reminded the Commission of their reasons for forming the
PPSARC. Mayor Glasser stated she was not suggesting the PPSARC was not doing a
good job but, due to the complexities involved, the Commission should take ownership.
Mayor Glasser asked if there were any other comments on the recommendations. There
were no further comments.
2. Parking and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource Committee.
Mayor Glasser asked Commissioner Stinson for a report on the issues being addressed by
the PPSARC in terms of parking solutions. Commissioner Stinson stated the PPSARC is
currently working on clearly identifying parking spaces throughout the City. Three
recommendations have been approved by the City Commission. The current effort is to
continue to focus on lighted crosswalks, striping of crosswalks, and anything the public
brings to them as an issue and asks them to consider. Two members have resigned.
Mayor Glasser asked about the processes and priorities for making recommendations
regarding designation of parking and how complaints are handled by the PPSARC.
Commissioner Stinson explained the processes by referring to the Ordinance that created
the PPSARC. The Liaison between the PPSARC and the Atlantic Beach Police
Department is Sergeant Jevic who attends every meeting. He gives his insight into
problem areas. Those issues are then discussed and recommendations are agreed upon
and taken to the Commission. The PPSARC cannot make any decisions without the
Commission's approval.
Discussion ensued on how the introduction of the Paid Parking Solution changed the
planned parking outlook. Mayor Glasser gave an update on the Paid Parking Solution
Commissioner Waters asked Commissioner Stinson if the PPSARC could provide a
priority list. Commissioner Stinson stated a priority list could be generated of general
ideas that tie into a vision process; however, the issue will then become how to go about
tackling one issue at a time.
Discussion ensued about short-range goals within long-term plans that are guided by
budget and revenue from the Paid Parking solution.
Commissioner Stinson stated that the PPSARC can develop a Parking Master Plan but
they will need more resources in order to achieve this plan. However, a priority list can
be made and exchanged with the Commission. The priority list will be on the next
PPSARC agenda, and going forward the City Clerk will distribute the PPSARC agenda
and minutes to Commission members.
Commissioner Norris recommended the PPSARC take inventory on parking throughout
the City as a whole, compile the information, and submit it to the Commission first in
order to give the Commission a good overview to guide the PPSARC in making a priority
Commissioner Waters asked Commissioner Stinson why some of the information
gathered by PPSARC has not been done as funds were allocated in the last budget cycle
for that. Commissioner Stinson recalls funding was not allocated as the cost was minimal
to do what needed to be done. Paid Parking was presented to the PPSARC early on and
the move to evaluate that took priority. Commissioner Stinson spoke about the
challenges presented in taking inventory and the time it is taking to compile that
information, the appropriate time of year to calculate the information (winter vs.
summer), and the need for a parking counter.
Discussion ensued about getting the PPSARC the resources they need, the need to adhere
to the Parking Ordinance and the Police Department's ability to determine where citizens
can and cannot park.
Commissioner Stinson reiterated what he understands the Commissioners want him to
• Update on the Paid Parking Solution,
• Priority List from the PPSARC,
• List of data to be collected to accomplish the work needed,
• List of what is needed from the Commission to help gather the information, and
• Workshop.
Commissioner Waters asked Commissioner Stinson if the PPSARC would benefit more
from a permanent staff liaison as opposed to a police liaison. Commissioner Stinson
stated not at this time but may need this status in the future as goals increase to planning
five to ten years ahead.
Commissioner Stinson spoke on the Paid Parking program and the update Jay Handline
gave the PPSARC at a recent meeting. He reported that Mr. Handline spoke about talks
of a private enterprise managing the program. He stated that City Manager (CM) Gerrity
is up-to-date with what is happening within the City of Neptune Beach and where the
process is in terms of progress.
3. Board Member Review Committee Briefing
Mayor Glasser stated the Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) will
be doing a briefing at the next Commission Meeting. They will be asking about the
status of reducing the number of their members from nine to seven plus two alternates in
order to better establish a quorum for their meetings and to be more efficient.
Commissioner Stinson stated he does not know why the issue has stalled and he
explained the process of selecting members. He spoke about term limits on alternating
years, third-quarter recruiting, fourth-quarter interviews, making selections, and bringing
them in for training. He stated the biggest complaint he hears from applicants is not
hearing back from anyone. Marketing and streamlining this process should be discussed
in order to attract volunteers as this is a problem.
Discussion ensued about losing members, the value of alternates, ideas to recruit, and
getting the word out about the need for new members. Commissioner Stinson offered to
draft a recommendation to the Commission and suggested the Commission seek out the
City Attorney's opinion on reducing members.
Commissioner Waters brought up the need for diversity from all the different districts
and determining a uniform number based on how many people come to each committee
from each of the different areas of the City.
Discussion ensued about a Town Hall Meeting and it was decided that the dates for this
meeting will be discussed at the Commission Meeting on Monday, May 14, 2018.
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Glasser adjourned at
6:02 pm.
- lkld�
Phyl 's Nadeau (ACC)
Associate City Clerk
Ellen Glasser
Mayor/Presiding Officer