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5-2118 Handout- Jeff Weil
Atlantic Beach 10th Street Improvements - Concept Plans: Existing Conditions jJL -_7111, -10.1011600 --=--141 - -- - - 6 c Utilitms tiroaahotzL- ROW i 10 Unit owhorii6s: X.47 13.3e 13. X Es 13.6 "13.54 • Att. e Nom ,iii001111" c.2.-Tclisang Oth Sire 4 Reach Plaza, Citizen Maintakied Al-r,oat .71zeteez 5/206 -...,..1•411.0 1 1 _ 1 gki----7-1 -'----------- - / 1 / .,...-, I '''' 410 ...Public Parki / e2 ng ,,,pt,z-ces iri Re-ntiribtiTent C an* 3Cti3 --' (Associated with .. ., l --',/ (60 /. 4/9'30A1) / 1 1R -E4 : , i 1 - ..--------- ------- -.' 'i - :39 `—ceirf 1.1.40 = 12.45 A'r! 4' ,,rs___... ......._ . ‘ . _..A......., .v., , e-----sv, 13.4? --....,...,cy• (.i 1 11.33.820137t. - :733.4.'.1-tY-P-ili.6.P17. v r 13.76 13.37 1104WISt t. Oth (40' •Vfl. 13.60 - • • _ 1! IV 11,11111.1r a • •:•-• umorralr _ -; cr. - — No TurnrAround At End of 10th Sreet, - Acquires BLcking State of Florida Lands --:, • • +- ••••• Vehicular Conflict Area: Itioistees Gated Ingress and Egresi Requkes4isitors To StopiaROW -ND '4 -r. • .9-.9 Anytirricts Will Require FDEF- Perrni North 20L LTV r Scale: 1"=20' • 40 Cloister Condorniniunr-§ "10.00 kw.. design a.— Atlantic Beach I OM Street Improvements Concept Plans: Option A: Existing ROW with I -Turn Around (Parking Loss 1-4 Spaces, Depending if golf cart parking will qualify) EcerHffTeci,v-c;ci Beach Fisaa T -Tum &mune; New Palm Trees (Reces Pavement Cut) Delo Putting Sigalcr--, SidetlimfA Cenriedit_41 (Reqmircz E8C&PAGUlt From T 4.0 siampig , 1/4 Aui 6 7°116aCes P-Oace E - C,, ill 711 "Now lipoptptis -11111111 1.. 1176 I • 18' Pavement Width' , 4 .-she gommule 20L 40 0 LL _ L Scale: 1=20 [ Fr.r L LLLL k A fag. 11111•Gi le -al VI. ip -Leeks Sp,ces (c5or.p r).9 lf-)/ , 1 r ',.ei., / ,,, 2 -Way Traffic 161 PaVeMent Width 1;11^4■110-siri•;worsirlisiorisiir irvlogirirs virora elms& Potential Pull Over Space and Relocation of Gate- key Pad 1 g igg11.1 g —111./MMI gligiggThl lk l'71'StiOlivie)- •••.:4/ .11.1111-11-1.11/10 • RXE 1,19BUdesign,, • Atlantic Beach 10111 Street Improvements Concept Piafi; option B: ROVE Acgc_risi nn with (Parking Loss 1-7 Spaces, Depending if coif cart parking will qualify) C Loop -Turn Araui�n One -Way (Required Enemente FretT.1 Frcl,erq, O �61c..,:3} New Palm Tres ([eq's Pavel- f f Cu -' -Lases Sc�_•: 9 /1\r\f-fsy Traffic Pr wrEept Mtn � L fjSK_ _-f�SZ1t- I a' f 13.2 13.6 13.763 SV New Beach Plaza & Dune Cross Over (Requires. community Support and FDEP Permits) 4114 13,64 3.88 t\orill 40 2O IL!). -1(1 -Mi L rj f_ r .L 3-L L Lz Scale: V=20' L^ BURKE oes:gn-, .904-2704 7751 t t n:qn' ma I vt.v., btu*edas gn.rsr.; Atlantic Beach 10th Striae' iniptiovements conc274 1-."1,1)s: iTtr(-)11 c (Parking Loss 0 Spaces, if no modification made to exisiting) 41110cio :j f [011 I I, li ..• . A . i \ i , .; . •••:,11 1-. ,..,1•, p .1 .1- • f,_ I / i 11 1 11 1 I '0..-' 1 '' 4. l':.. .1447 3....—, - _1 11 L ,_:_:-___..jc.k__1'• w______'''—__: i 11 1--------- ___:_:_ „------------7.,, /---------i, ------------- 7 --------,- • it- \z"..., .; ---,''-.---'-'''--s - / 1 A 34* r.3 • • v. . ‘ 1 • .."--1- r,--, ' , 4 0,0 J ntr " •tt,ij .; * bi4.2 t.t.-.....- .-. ECE ',140c -rt-ept' ItAINSOMP . , • Buit_DMG • - Eva) 0-1 "I1T, ID" I • • C , t , ittr----ts , W _ t __ _ _ _---•"- - ' 17,-; '4,:, t;, -.1b IV_ 0 20 40 iTi-r-\Trpr tt. r L Scale: 1'=20' Key riald tielt.calte F'eda*iviafn ilk i--"-) ''--- t•- -,_. I 1211. 11.,211.30q- Lito 1,71:3.. 7.--7.--27713; ta2cr4lt:Ir,.21 721771 k; r 4 r4J.ttto 13.68 „ft?) 6 ,. • t• i, •• . *;'.:I.; !' -- . " - . .....-- ..•••••-'-.. . - - •. • • , ,, \ --- — - ---r- .., , ,4,,_,1 0 70.: ‘ 10 \.../ ...°1 t •t•••• -•i y 1 Parking Ewe-, PeEkii-tv apacc3-- Recanficwred Entry Gat-a- Gne Way Yllb'e.LIC-E4 C[FC;11[EttC911- 177.-Hi'aC1J1-1AVG -tt - • #\ Cg: i1bURXE 11.4designc stt.1 Atlantic Beach 10th Street improvements Concept Plans: Surrounding Area-Additonal Parking Opportunities lal To Add Par, lel Parking ,+-£SP eaf1 Blvd. Has 50 ROW t acLewal 0 60 • f JR: I Scale: 1'=60' Nc rth1 120 hkr al3U design inc x04.270.0751. G��rku4'csgnGgn,aJio_r