06-11-18 Handout Adoption and Authority✓ct 'revs
Suggestion to ensure the City Commission has complete authority to oversee all land development
Sec. 24-1. - Adoption and authority.
This chapter, together with all future amendments hereto, is adopted under the terms granted by the
Charter. The city commission does hereby exercise the power to classify land within the jurisdiction of
the City of Atlantic Beach into zoning districts; to review, approve or deny requests to change zoning
district classifications; requests for uses -by -exception; requests for variances and waivers to certain
provisions of these regulations; to hear appeals on any decisions; to review and approve or deny plats
for the subdivision of land; to refer to the Community Development Board for review any concern
surrounding any proposed land use or building project, whether or not a variance has been requested
and to make comprehensive plan amendments.
(Ord. No. 90-10-212, § 2(Exh. A), 3-8-10)
Sec. 24-48. - Community development director.
The community development director shall have the following authorities and responsibilities:
(a) To administer and implement this chapter and accomplish actions required by this chapter, including proper notices
as specified in this chapter or as otherwise required; the receiving and processing of appeals.
(b) To provide written instructions to applicants related to the required process for requests as required under this
chapter and to assist applicants in understanding the provisions of this chapter.
(c) To receive and initiate the processing of all zoning and land use related applications.
(d) To maintain all records relating to this chapter and its administration, as may be set forth in this chapter or otherwise
be necessary.
(e) To recommend to the community development board and the city commission, amendments to this chapter and the
zoning map, with a written statement outlining the need for such changes.
(f) To conduct necessary field inspections required to advise the community development board and the city
commission related to zoning and land use matters.
(g) To review preliminary development plans, applications for certain building permits, including site and lot plans, to
determine whether the proposed construction, alterations, repair or enlargement of a structure is in compliance with
the provisions of this chapter and the comprehensive plan. The building official's signature, stating approval, shall be
required on all development plans before a building permit shall be issued.
(h) To grant minor dimensional variances or minor variances to development design standards as set forth in this
chapter, excluding changes to lot area, impervious surface area, height and parking, provided the requested variance is
not more than five (5) percent from the standard or requirement requested to be waived. Such minor variances shall be
granted only one (1) time for any particular requirement on a single property and shall be granted only with written
justification as set forth within subsection 24-64(d) or as demonstrated to preserve a protected tree. Where such
variances are requested for side setbacks on both sides of a parcel, the cumulative to be waived shall not exceed five (5)
percent of the required setback for a single side. For example, where the required side setback is a combined fifteen (15)
feet, the maximum permitted to be waived on a single side or cumulatively on both sides is nine (9) inches. Similarly, for
20 -foot front and rear setbacks, the maximum permitted to be waived on either the front or rear or in combination is
twelve (12) inches.
Minor dimensional variances may also be authorized where an inadvertent surveying error has resulted in placement of
a building not more than four (4) inches outside of a required building setback line. In such cases, a letter of explanation
shall be provided by the surveyor, which shall remain part of the building permit file.
(i) To post signs and provide for proper published notice of zoning requests in accordance with section 24-52, and to
forward appropriate agenda information to be considered at the regular scheduled meetings of the community
development board to members at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date.
(j) To recommend for hire such persons as necessary to assist in the fulfillment of the requirements of the office and
delegate to these employees the duties and responsibilities assigned to the community development director as may be
necessary to carry out properly, the functions of the office.
(k) To forward to the Community Development Board for review any zoning and/or land development request
received, which may or may not have requested a variance, which a member of the City Commission brings to his/her
attention due to public concern causing negative impact to the surrounding area.
(Ord. No. 90-10-212, § 2(Exh. A), 3-8-10)