05-29-18 Workshop Meetg MinutesMINUTES Commission Workshop Meeting Tuesday, May 29, 2018 - 5:45 PM Commission Chamber CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ATTENDANCE: Present: Mayor Ellen Glasser, Seat 1 Commissioner John Stinson, Seat 2 Commissioner Candace Kelly, Seat 4 Commissioner Brittany Norris, Seat 5 Absent: Commissioner M. Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem, Seat 3 Also Present: City Manager Joe Gerrity City Attorney Brenna Durden Community Development Director Shane Corbin City Planner Derek Reeves Recreation Director Timmy Johnson City Clerk Donna Bartle Associate City Clerk Phyllis Nadeau 1. PARKS AND MARSH MASTER PLAN A. Presentation by Community Development Director Shane Corbin on Parks and Marsh Master Plan Update. City Manager (CM) Gerrity reported there will be a presentation on the Parks and Marsh Master Plan Update (Plan) and introduced Community Development Director (CDD) Corbin. CDD Corbin explained the project was undertaken by staff rather than a contractor and presented a slide show titled Parks Master Plan Update City Commission Workshop 5.29.18 (which is attached hereto and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). He reviewed the process utilized by the Commission for determining City priorities for 2018-19, which includes a Parks Master Plan. To accomplish these goals staff applied a standard seven (7) step process used by Planners for Comp Planning. CDD Corbin reviewed the slides, as follows: 1. Identify issues 2. State goals 3. Collect data Commission Workshop May 29, 2018 Page 1 of 3 4. Evaluate data 5. Develop recommendations 6. Evaluate alternatives 7. Implementation and monitoring Issues/Goals to address are as follows: • Provide multimodal links for parks • Need more ADA compliant facilities/parks • Maintain existing facilities/parks • Add facilities/acreage • Adequate level of service • Prioritize funding CDD Corbin explained staff has inventoried and mapped the existing sixteen (16) parks, currently in draft form and pending completion of identification, facts sheets, and historical data. He provided a review/explanation of the Tentative Work Plan Schedule, as detailed on the slide. CDD Corbin stated there is ongoing research for any grants that may be available to the City. He explained the National Parks Service has a program that provides technical assistance only, no funding programs. Staff contacted their Florida Regional office, they are interested in participating in this Plan, and a meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2018. B. Commission Discussion Commissioner Kelly inquired about connecting Atlantic Beach with the East Coast Greenway. Planner Reeves responded staff is working with the East Coast Greenway in connection with the All Beaches Project and the Neptune Beach Third Street Parallel. CDD Corbin stated he will add this to their communications with the National Parks Service for connectivity and multimodal access. Mayor Glasser inquired about integrating and updating bike paths in the new Plan and how much of the existing Marsh Master Plan can be used in the new Plan. She also inquired about a Mission Statement, possible interference with ongoing projects, and anticipated costs. CDD Corbin responded there will be discussions with the National Parks Service regarding the bike paths and discussions with the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) about the Marsh Master Plan. He stated there is no Mission Statement now but will work on one. Mr. Corbin stated there will be no costs associated with the Plan update as long as it remains in-house with staff. CM Gerrity confirmed that all currently scheduled projects will continue during the establishment of this new Plan. Commission Workshop May 29, 2018 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Rick Carper addressed the Commission about the benefits of hiring an outside consultant for this new Parks and Marsh Master Plan Update, stating it will free up staff to focus on other things. 3. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Glasser adjourned the workshop at 6:10 PM. Attest: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor DLB/njp Commission Workshop May 29, 2018 Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop Parks Master Plan Update City Commission Workshop 5.29.18 Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop Parks Master Plan —Strategic Goal #3 PRIORITIES ADI,F TL L PARKS MASTER PLAN A Quality of Life and Environmental initiative planning for and encouraging recreation, conservation and community health opportunities. Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop Parks Master Plan Final Ms. Lanier reviewed there are approximately 70 different elements to choose from to determine the final priority ,rite. The first part of the final task will be for each Commissioner to vote for five (5) hems from the total list to determine their final choices for priority goals. Each will receive 5 pink dots for 5 votes. Discussion ensued and then a second round of voting took place, generating a collective, agreed upon priority goals for 201 S -- 2019 as follows: • Update Codes • Parks Master Plan, including Preservation and Sunrise -Sunset Trail • Storrnwater Master Plan Mayport Road • Pursue LTSOBC 'Community LEEDS • Review Reserve Fund • Branding * Evaluate dune restoration �• Video all public meetings Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop Applying the Planning Process 1. Identify issues 2. State goals 3. Collect data 4. Evaluate data 5. Develop recommendations 6. Evaluate alternatives 7. Implementation and monitoring Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 1. Identify issues ■ Few multimodal links between parks ■ ADA compliance ■ Facility maintenance ■ Need for additional facilities or acreage ■ Prioritization of funding Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 2. State goals • Provide multimodal links between parks • Provide ADA accessibility ■ Maintain existing facilities ■ Add facilities ■ Provide adequate level of service • Prioritize funding Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 3. Collect data ■ Mapping City of Atlantic Beach Parks Map 1. Aquatic Dog Park 2. Bull Memorial Park 3. Donner Park 4. Dutton Island Preserve 5. Fairway Villas Park 6. Fraizer Park 7. Howell Park B. Jack Russell Park 9. Johansen Park 10. Jordan Park 11. Marvin's Garden Park 12. Rose Park 13. Rose Park Dog Park 14. Tideviews Preserve 15. Veterans Park 16. Waters Park DUTTON ISLAND PRESERVE ammretrio ON®® em Iran MOWS ®�Il1ii ® Restrooms Tennis © Skate Park O Picnic Tables Raquetball Amphheater S Grills Basketball E Kayak Launch EConcessions 0a Baseball Fishing Playground (y Atheletic Field Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 3. Collect data History 11•• CJD. 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A.A.1111.4•• •••••••• 4.,*4411.04•44.060to.aakirsiore %imam f • H' ±-• 3!' ••.4.744,71 01010.1110.ektoold..,060401•00moomm.1111,1 • limmoilll•••••••••••••• • inwienowain 011 yompallr. ••••••••••••411 •••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••••.......omme....r.......••••••••• AZA"•;, - April 2012 Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 3. Collect data ■ Existing conditions inventory • How many of what where? o Parking o Nature trails o Tennis courts o Soccer fields o Kayak launches o Camp sites o Skate parks o Shelters o Basketball Courts o Etc. Bul .Memorial Park Fact Sheet CHARACTERISTICS Address: 716 Ocean Blvd Park Type: Active Size: 1.44 acres RET:. 170235-0000 PARKING On-site: None On -street 4 parallel (East Coast Dr}, 13- 90 degree (Ocean Blvd) Handicap: 1 (Ocean Blvd) Bicycle: AMENrES Outdoor Amenities 1 Tennis Court 1 Shaded Playground 1 10' by 10' Covered Area 1 3 -Point Basketball Court 1 Tetherball Poll 1 Unisex Bathroom 1 Drive -up Mall Drop Box with 10' by 10' Covered Arca Oyer Mall/Newspaper Boxes Community Center Amenities (Adele-6cag Cultural Center) X Total Square Feet X Square Feet of Rentable Space X Seat Auditorium with X by X Stage 2 Offices (Recreation Department) Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 3. Collect data ■ Public engagement — What do you want / not want? • Open house meetings • Survey • Stakeholder meetings: • City Commission • City staff • Neighborhood groups • Home Owners Associations • Preserve Atlantic Beach • Real estate investors • North FL Land Trust Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 4. Evaluate data ■ What do we have? ■ What did we hear people want? ■ What does our needs assessment tell us? o Acreage LOS —acreage per 1,000 residents. o Indoor Recreation Facility Square Footage LOS —Indoor square footage per capita. o Facilities LOS — Number of residents that have access to a single recreation facility. o Access LOS — Access to facility within a given distance. Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 5. Develop recommendations • Jack Russel Park —Replace basketball goals • Howell Park— Increase tree planting • Rose Park —Replace soccer goals • Donner Park — Add swing sets Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 6. Evaluate alternatives Environmental Stewardship Committee ORDINANCE NO. 5-17-64 (a) Environmental Stewardship Committee Purposes. It shall be the purpose of the Environmental Stewardship Committee: (1) To study and make recommendations to the City Commission and City staff with respect to the City's: a. Maritime forest; b. Parks and open spaces; c. Beautification of public and private spaces; and d. Environmental stewardship. (2) To act as a motivating and coordinating body to encourage joint public and private participation in promoting these purposes. Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop The Planning Process 7. Implementation and Monitoring • City Commission will make final decisions on recommendations or alternatives. • Adopt the plan. • Staff will evaluate over time. Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop National Parks Service Partnership Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program Florida News tlick here fora print264e copy Naaon]I Park Service . Pant Vedm Gmmweiyand PraerveMiaow Ponte Vedra Greenway and Preserve Initiative The project goal is to designate. preserve and develop a nature•hased railhead and alternative mobility corridor ormore than seven miles for a multWsc. raNiascpamted pathwaytor cyding and pedestrian use. The National Park Service will provide assistance with troll planningand design. park land acquisition. and technical issues. as well as a researchin grant opportunities and assisting with grant writing. Project Partner. Ponta Vedra / Palm Valley Greenway& Preserve Alliance NPS Contact Jalmo Douaek•Radne & Bill Lane Location: Ponte Vedra.Palm Valleyand St John's County. Florida ,CM Cable harR OMR woargin YY ey Ofeen rrynra... and Cram. Crea: Pao octan r hIlutinv �;rl. [CAR, USG ISI I' Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop National Parks Service Partnership Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program Our Services Our assistance is tailored to your needs. Examples of the types of assistance we provide are listed below. Visit our website to learn about current projects: httE,s:;/www.nps.govlorgsh-tca/comrrnmitv-prolects.htrn Define project vision and goals • Inventory and map community resources • identify and analyze key issues and opportunities • Engage collaborative partners and stakeholders • Design coznnunit3,' outreach and participation strategies ■ Develop concept plans for trails. parks, and natural areas • Set priorities and build consensus ® Identify- funding strategies • Develop a sustainable organizational framework to support the project • Create project management and strategic action plan= ® Coachirtg teams, groups, and partnership networks Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop Tentative Work Plan Schedule City of Atlatn i c Beach Parks Master Plan Work Schedule 2018-2019 DATE March April May June July August October September November December January February March TASK Project Prep/Scoping Collect Data Kickoff/Open House Stakeholder Meetings Drafting First Draft to ESC Second Draft to ESC City Commission Attachment A 5-29-18 Workshop Questions?