02-12-18 Special City Council Meetg.February 12, 2018 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING PAGE 1
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12,2018, AT 9:00 A.M.
Pursuant to proper notice a Special City Council Meeting of the City Council of the City
of Neptune Beach was held on Monday, February 12, 2018, at 9:00 a.m., in the Council
Chambers, City Hall, 116 First Street, Neptune Beach, Florida.
Attendance: IN ATTENDANCE:
Mayor Elaine Brown
Vice Mayor Scott Wiley
Councilor Richard Arthur
Councilor Rory Diamond
Councilor Fred Jones
Chief of Police Richard Pike
Commander Gary Snyder
Director of Public Works Leon Smith
City Manager Andrew Hyatt
City Attorney Patrick Krechowski
Deputy City Manager Amanda Askew
Mayor Ellen Glasser
Commissioner John Stinson
City Manager Joe Gerrity
Deputy City Manager Kevin Hogencamp
Chief of Police Michelle Cook
Call to Order Neptune Beach Mayor Elaine Brown called the special meeting -to order at 9:00 a.m. and
led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Pay for Parking Councilor Arthur, Neptune Beach, gave a history of the parking project. He stated that it
Discussion was a combination of the merchants, City of Neptune Beach and City of Atlantic Beach
looking at parking solutions in the Town Center and what can be done to fix the parking
issue. He added that with technology today a seamless, integrated parking solution
could be implemented across the Town Center.
Commissioner John Stinson, Atlantic Beach, explained that Atlantic Beach recognizes
the parking issue and formed a committee that has met every two weeks. The committee
heard presentations from the Beaches Town Center Agency and made a
recommendation to the City Commission for the City Manager to meet with Neptune
Beach officials and Beaches Town Center Agency to develop the parking solution. The
recommendation was approved and Atlantic Beach is ready to move forward.
Mayor Brown assured the public that Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, and the Beaches
Town Center Agency are looking out for the residents and they are the priority when
moving forward with this project.
Vice Mayor Wiley, Neptune Beach, questioned how the proposed system would solve
the problem of turnover when a customer can buy more time. He also added he had
concerns with cars parking in residential areas.
Councilor Arthur stated that a consolidated system is needed to avoid a third party that
would come in and contract with the private lots. He explained that the pay for parking
tries to influence the behavior of the customer based on rates to create the desired
occupancy rate.
Vice Mayor Wiley commented that there is much groundwork that needs to be done.
Councilor Arthur said that the purpose of today's meeting was to get consensus and
provide direction to City staff to work the numbers and look at legal aspects.
Mark Rimmer, RTA Consulting Services, stated that the turnover issue would be
addressed by having certain spaces with designated time limits that would not allow
additional time to be purchased. There are private lots that would be for those patrons
only. There would also be off-street spaces that would have time limits and there would
be spaces available for those customers who wish to stay for longer periods.
Councilor Diamond, Neptune Beach, stated he supports the pay for parking system and
also has concerns regarding turnover. He also said that it should be easy to understand
and most importantly the parking should be cheap if not free to citizens.
Mr. Rimmer explained that the parking project started out as a management program
then there was a cost associated with that and how to generate enough revenue to pay
for the operations. He added that being able to retrieve the data and constantly analyzing
It would be part of the process as it progresses. He stated that for the first six months,
the numbers would be reviewed daily.
Councilor Diamond questioned how long it would take to get an idea of the dynamics of
the system once it is operating. Mr. Rimmer stated that for the first six months, the
numbers would be reviewed daily and weekly meetings should be held to go over the
numbers from the previous week.
Councilor Jones, Neptune Beach, stated there should be price sensitivity and time limits..
He added the only way to actually see the groundwork is to get it implemented and
evaluate the results. He added that there should be a definitive mission statement
outlining the goals of the program.
Mayor Brown stated that the revenues would be designated as an enterprise fund so the
needs of the City could be met. She agreed the process should be easy and should be
something people are willing to pay for as it is going to good use.
Mayor Brown asked Mr. Rimmer about the enforcement aspect of the project.
Mr. Rimmer stated the enforcement is done using golf carts that could make between
three or four complete rounds through the Town Center area every hour. A picture of the
license plate would be made and marked with GPS. The proposed idea is everyone gets
one notification the first time. The second violation would be an invoice. If that is not
paid, then the normal parking ticket process would be followed.
Neptune Beach Police Chief Richard Pike confirmed the violation process that Mr.
Rimmer explained and stated that there may be some ordinance changes that need to
be made pertaining to the parking system and any fines that would be set.
Councilor Jones asked at what point would a violation be reported to the Department of
Motor Vehicles. Mr. Rimmer answered that the system would have the capability
interface with the FDLE and the local police department.
Councilor Diamond questioned how someone without a Smartphone would use the
kiosk. Mr. Rimmer stated that the customer could input their license number into the
Councilor Diamond -inquired about penalties for the different areas and what kind of
signage would notify the customers what the penalties are.
Mr. Rimmer stated that the idea Is to get as much continuity as possible. He added that
he recommends that once any kind of agreement and consistency is in place, the
education process should begin.
Councilor Arthur stated that he would like to get a consensus on the management,
enforcement, rate matrix and citizen permitting aspects.
He stated that under the management piece, Neptune Beach would purchase the kiosk
package and the revenues would be disbursed by Neptune Beach. The contract would
be under Neptune Beach to reduce the fees.
There are options for the enforcement piece which could include in-house or a third
party, non-profit organization with each property owner having a contract with that
The rate matrix Is the third piece and representatives from Beaches Town Center,
Neptune Beach, and Atlantic Beach would need to make a determination on the rates
and how that would work.
Citizen permitting is the fourth piece. He stated there were examples of other cities'
citizen permitting programs.
Vice Mayor Wiley stated that the management piece should be handled by Neptune
Beach. He added that Neptune Beach Public Safety should handle the enforcement.
Neptune Beach City Attorney Patrick Krechowski stated he had concerns with a private
entity sending a notice telling Neptune Beach to issue a parking ticket and he added that
Neptune Beach could not issue a ticket on private property and impact someone's driving
record. The private lot enforcement would have to be up to them.
Atlantic Beach Police Chief Michelle Cook stated that there is a °public parking specialist"
position who has the authority to issue parking tickets. There is required state training
for this position. She explained the ticketing process using a public parking specialist.
Atlantic Beach City Manager Joe Gerrity. explained that Atlantic Beach passed a
resolution on November 13, 2017, for the City of Atlantic Beach to proceed with pay for
parking and to negotiate the details with Neptune Beach. He added he has no interest
in signing an agreement to enforce parking on private lots. He also said that Neptune
Beach would manage the paid for parking program.
Atlantic Beach Mayor Ellen Glasser stated she had concerns with private lots. She added
to get the City lots up and running and review that process first.
Councilor Arthur stated it is Important to have enforcement over the entire area and have
a collective rollout. He would like to have one enforcement solution to present to the
private lots.
Recommendation Mayor Brown stated her recommendation is to move forward with the management and
for Management enforcement structure for Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach limited to what can be
and Enforcement controlled. She requested the City Attorney look for an umbrella contract for the public
parking specialist. She confirmed that she wanted to see both an Internal person and a
third party structure.
Councilor Jones stated he had questions regarding the cost and resources difference
with a third party or in-house.
Vice Mayor Wiley stated he supports moving forward in order to get more information
and comparison to get to the next level.
Councilor Arthur questioned if the system is handled internally, what does that mean for
the system and could we model the third party as they do in Daytona Beach.
Councilor Jones suggested contacting cities that used third parties, such as Daytona
Beach and inquire how they reached their decision to go with a third party administrator.
Rate Matrix Mayor Brown suggested Council confer with the City Manager regarding the rate matrix.
Citizen Permitting City Manager Hyatt stated City staff suggested a reduced rate.
Councilor Arthur stated he mentioned a 50 percent discount. He asked Commissioner
Stinson if Atlantic Beach had discussed this issue.
Commissioner Stinson answered that the conversation they had regarding citizen
permitting had been complicated by the fact that it could jeopardize the beach
renourishment funding.
Councilor Arthur explained that a virtual permitting system had been discussed. He
recommends a discounted percentage piece of 50 percent as a baseline.
Vice Mayor Wiley commented that there should be a discount and would like to get
citizen input and see what some other cities offer.
Councilor Diamond stated he would like to offer free parking for citizens, but he would
reach out to citizens for input.
Councilor Jones commented that what is important is what are the guiding principles of
the parking program and the potential benefits. He added it also important to educate
the citizens on how the parking system will work.
Mayor Brown stated that there should be an educational piece informing citizens what is
in place that has to offset costs to them such landscaping and other infrastructure.
Councilor Arthur suggested a separate zone for free citizen parking.
Public Comment Tom Patton, 1827 Leeward Lane, Neptune Beach, questioned if the City of Neptune
Beach would be making the entire :investment for the hardware and software for the
system. He stated he supports a reduced rate for residents of Neptune Beach.
Mayor Brown concluded that the costs for the system would be shared by everyone.
Adjournment There being no further business, the special meeting adjourned at 10:43 a.m.
Elaine Brown, Mayor
Cathenne Ponson, City Clerk �� n
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Ellen Glasser
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk