1021 Atlantic Blvd SIGN18-0011 Plantology sign permit CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 <� �• INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 SIGN -WALL MUST CALL BY 4PM FOR NEXT DAY INSPECTION: 247-5814 PERMIT INFORMATION: PERMIT NO: SIGN18-0011 Description: WALL SIGN Estimated Value: 2650 Issue Date: 7/19/2018 Expiration Date: 1/15/2019 PROPERTY ADDRESS: Address: 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 953-975 RE Number: 177602 0040 PROPERTY OWNER: Name: EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE INC Address: 1600 NE MIAMI GARDENS DRATTN:TREASURY DEPT NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33179 GENERAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Address: Phone: Name: TAYLOR SIGN & DESIGN, INC. Address: 4162 ST AUGUSTINE RD 4162 ST.AUGUSTINE ROAD JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 Phone: PERMIT INFORMATION: Please see attached conditions of approval WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit,there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county,and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts state agencies or federal agencies * A notice of Commencement is only required for work exceeding an estimated value of $2,500. For HVAC work, a Notice of Commencement is only required when HVAC work exceeds and estimated value of$7,500. City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Deparum t.) t° 800 Seminole Road SA 1\ l Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-6826 Fax(904)247-5845 z I E-mail: building-dept@wab.us Daterouted: City web-site: hap://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM 1013 Property Address: I � T LRI'D �lQ' nt review re tilted Ye No Applicant: 10. -/��I—�(_T anning ,Zoning tee mini for �0.. —s 0� h Public Works Project: v Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Dept Signatur" Review or Receipt Date M gency Review or Permit Required of Permit Verified Bept.of Environmental Protectionept.of Transportation River Water Management Districtrps of Engineersf Hotels and Restaurantsof Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: MApproved. ` ❑/Denied.. []Not applicable P(Circle one.) Comments: O L j per m r � 'Fo 40f r 3 SV ed W ke M BUILDI �jeYlrliYlS 872uv.rhS l4FPr0v-e-. PLANNING S ZONING Reviewed by: Date: d TREE ADMIN. Second Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. ❑Not applicable PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. ❑Not applicable Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05/19/3017 City of Atlantic Beach APPLICATION NUMBER Building Department (To be assigned by the Building Department.) 800 Seminole Road �U _ Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5826 Fax(904)247-5145 � z E-mail: building-dept@coab.us Date routed: City web-site: hftp://www.coab.us APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM Q 1oi3 Property Address: I �Z RTLR1\D7(Q t�?L. required Yes No Applicant: �Q.0-/ ISI' ��Q f1 franngmnZonfnogre Project: �0..�` �� h Public Works Public Utilities Public Safety Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified B Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: ❑Approved. Denied. ❑Notapplicable (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING&ZONING Reviewed by: ,v�Date: 6�Z TREE ADMIN. Second Review: Approved as revised. [-]Denied. ❑Not applicable PUBLIC WORKS Comments: L F X PUBLIC UTILITIES _`L/ro --7 PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by:��Date: /'(f—I FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ❑Approved as revised. ❑Denied. [-]Not applicable Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Revised 05119/3017 OFFICE COPY Building Permit Application Z� city of Atlantic Beach D ,� 800 Seminole Road,Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 1 �7t Phone:(904)247-5826 Fax:(904)247-5845 , (/ S ( CAN'COD 01 Jobes Permit Number: crip ' - E I - �Of��'7� r� Y 'IRE# Valuation of Work(Replacement cost)$ Heated/ od Non-Heated/Cooled "— • Class of Work(Circle one): Addition Alteration Repair Move Demo Pool Window/Door • Use of existing/proposed structure(s)(Circle one): Commerda Residential - Ifanexisting structure,is a fire sprinkler system installed?(Circle one): Yes No Submit a Tree Removal Permit Application if any trees are to be removed or Affidavit of No Tree Removal Describe inPetail the type of work tobe perfo med: h V I/U LY u P�Ah�Oo uiCfiCv6aY'k Ca 'r�r� x 13L" W = �.� Ylh C-hv19 Florida Product Ab roval# O for multiple products use product approval form Proziertv Owner information I. Name: G V I G hG Address: llYD0 Nu mlawl (AQYQGVI,f( or. Gty ate Zip�.�i l? Phone 7000 E MaI h call /A V VI/1!l^fl)fLL4Nk OIA11 Owner or Agent(If Agent,Power of At�oOAgency Letter Required) Contractor Information Name of panI VI c. Qu in ant: Address ! . Cil State Zi Office Phone � - Job Site/Con Num eF State Certification/Registration# E-Mall V Architect Name&Phone# _ Engineers Name&!honuZ# Workers Compensation Emmpt/Insurer/Lean Employees/Evpimtkn DMe Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated.I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all the laws regulationg construction In this jurisdiction.I understand that separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK,PLUMBING,SIGNS, WELLS,POOLS,FURNACES,BOILERS,HEATERS,TANKS,and AIR CONDITIONERS,etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT:I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER:YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECO G YOU OTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. is nature of Owner or Agent including Contractor_ (Signatu fContractor) Sin an sw/a�m/�to(or affirm ) efo me i day of SignSign mt_p,(pT,affir bef me this day of WIA �bv by V (Sig#ure of Notary) (SWature of Notary) p Crystal Johnson Crystal Johnson NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC t4JPersoiully Known OR STATE OF FLORIDA [ Personalty Known OR STATE OF FLORIDA [ I Produced IdendRratipn . �Canm#GG093696 I 1 Produced Identlgcatlon Comm#00093696 Type of Identification: pxp4w,.11212024 Typeofldentification: t Expires 4/12/ZD21 1NOTICE OF CONIMENCRINIKN'I. IFolio1 Na. L1X-©(/ ��.� "I L0 .. _.. 1111 UNI MRSI iNI D IwrAry pwo iweca Onl nnlx"�a'm•Th sill Iw mala m u�uml—1 m1PDY�and m mala:,xld.4v1xn'III I'WIN I I.-Im \- ,IM fu14 r f nal 'I Intl in lR Ntu 11,��({IM1LNI jYtI M1I NI I.DCscriPlMn Of Prup ny: IrY) I �Ir'fAl l/IfIV'/-'ll St I rl'Tahlna glv(r� Rte .Pb�'G 6tAGl� 32233 salS l) rLISen I Q Y �/.J1/I� w Pr no) 0/I?- 8130-27 17 2.Ucneval lhvrlpl nPl'Iml rovemenls: I T}� t' .3.Owner Informuoon: al Nome and Addrw:'[j�'�a�p.Qp,�A� �Jo I•t �,7r1.{ ,n 2014 MArye.$t'Gr,k Lol7pSNp BL�,, I-(., blImncN mPmperlY:.J 4V_f1L 32 -2 q Nosaw address ofsimple lillcllnlder(ifInt Ihun Oxine,): 4.Coolmelor Iolhmlalinn: a)Nallm and Addrv,:Taylor Sign& Design,Inc 4162 til.Auguuinc Rd.Jacksonville IT 32207 b)Telephonc NO:914.79,14652 Pox No:904-396-3777 S,Surety Information: 10 N;nnc mal Addrax: h)Phone Number: el Amount of mLanderalinn: E 6.Lander Inlixm ' n)Name and Ad,l b)I'Imne Number: _. _. _ .. . 7.P within the Slaw nl' tr dcsignaletl by owner Often ma n wn notices or other rbnt cumes nlny he xnnl cd an psidcd by 711. 717,I S(])(,1)],FloridaSlmuna: :0 Noma and Addrax; %.In addition to himxClf/hers II Owner Jcsignmes the fnlloving to w eivo n aroPr 1 line 11•nnr'z Nome a,prnvidcA in tieClem 713.i 3(I)111),19nrlda Slalw, ;d Name.,at A,1,1,,,:'/.I!xpimtinn Fine of Notice nIY'ommenccment Ithe expiration date is one year from lie dale if recording unless a different dole ie sps sifiad): wARNINO'10 r11INEWANN'PAI'MKN1'S MADE ByI'Ill.OWNER AFI'FIFIOF:4ae1RA 111%OF I'liE NO'I R I.OFF(IMNIFMf-W I Any. ION'DWRIK11 INIMOPER PA%MEN"IN UNDF.n CIIAMED 71A PARI1. SECT ION 713,11. 1 LORIDA NrA I'ITIA. AND t'AN OKADLI' 19 10014 PA%I%G 'TWICE: FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPKRIN. A NOI'0IF IIF COMMENCEMENO NPST ID: sWCORDY,D AND MISTMION'I IIRJ011 SFI I.IWFDRR'r11C FIRST IN%PEMON.IF I'OI'INN END (I DOfAl%FINANCING.CON5t I., III I'lll'OI'R 1.'NOhN AV ACrgONP:1'nY.PONA CONNY.\CINf.BOHAOD OF.fORDIM:I01'O NIII'ICF.(IF C(INx1r:NCFMF.NI NTATEOV CMPTV OI I(1. MIf�. M1x+ed Oen0.e�nlRNm,.xnxaµ� fIII,IT, 11.11 n was ac kl".leayN F.l n•..'ho 0Jal f �Pkj •Al�jl' –• ItyPr of vudlolily,e.&nllirm uunle almrne>mtar0f Grl f�.)u1C a-aW Deova.f Ipnp an helulf of mMlm Inrvumrn wee eaeeulall Personally Known Olt I-IMI11 H IdcmlliNow,Si,ruare 'F,,.f ldenak.00n Nome(Prim) ERM P.K1LLY .. wawPuNi0.State of"daOneness"Fle 910710 2019 IfY DAMnaI1*,kill,18, Doc#2D18170119,�OR BK 18482 PDP 1274, Number pa9ee:1 Recorded 07119'20181101 AM, RONNIE FUSSELL CLERK CIRCUIT COURT DUVAL COUNTY RECORDING 810.00 OFFICE COPY One Independent Drive Suite 114 Jacksonville,FL 32202 Regency 9046987000 Centers. RegencyCenters.mol June 27, 2018 City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION FOR PLANTOLOGY AT ATLANTIC VILLAGE DUVAL COUNTY To Whom It May Concern: This authorizes Taylor Sign and Design, Inc. as licensed sign contractor(or Agent or Subcontractor) for the tenant to secure permits, variances and perform sign installations, removals or maintenance at the property located at 1013 Atlantic Blvd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, Atlantic Village. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions 904-598-7710. l �� tton f By: LYll� Galaher, Property Manager Regency Centers, As Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA MEE UGHEeCOUNTY OF DUVAL iale of Flotlda////���� a Jen 24.2019 FF 184788 Not ublic, to and County Above My commission Expires: EasySea IS OFFICE COPY easyseals.com DESIGN CALCULATIONS w U a = -1Z n FOR SUz5,2 UJOO U m oO wlva � PLANTOLOGY 005z Ny WALL MOUNTED SIGNS a LL 1013 Atlantic Blvd—Jacksonville W }0} a2 m I— w � uu 11.1 VtwnW w C: S W Q GENERAL NOTES: 1. Design is in accordance with the Florida Building Code 6th Edition(2017) for use within and outside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). 2. -Wind loads have been calculated per the requirements of ASCE 7-10 as shown herein. 3. These engineering calculations pertain onlyto the structural integrity of those systems,components,and/or other construction explicitly specified herein and/or in accompanying engineering drawings. The Index: existing host structure(if any)is assumed to be in good condition, Pg 1 Cover capable of supporting the loaded system,subject to building department Pitt Wind toads approval.No warranty,either expressed or implied,is contained herein. pg 3 Anchor Design 4. System components shall be as noted herein. All references to named components and installation shall conform to manufacturer's or industry specifications as summarized herein. 5. Where site conditions deviate from those noted herein,revisions may be Y Engi � t1ir Qs, valid required or a separate site-specific engineering evaluation performed. `, 6. Aluminum components in contact with steel or embedded in concrete ``Z�' v"` P •.Fo, sh4tl be protected as prescribed in the 2015 Aluminum Design Manual, - No.672 Part 1. Steel components in contact with,but not encased in,concrete shall be coated,painted,or otherwise protected against corrosion. 7. Engineer seal affixed hereto validates structural design as shown only. ?Jp.• �� TE � Use of this specification by contractor,et.Al,indemnifies and saves Chris; X#67382 harmless this engineer for all costs&damages including legal fees& apellate fees resulting from deviation from this design. 1,. Easy SEta49rr,��ndell Auth a 31124 m, tuon,FL Hwy,N20D —Fasyswls..m Page 1 Boo namn,FL33432 ""J EasySea S CALCULATIONS FOR WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS ASCE 7-10 Design Wind Loads WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS OFFICE COPY Building Specs V- 130 mph Basic wind speed ASD Load Combo Coeff: 0.6 Exposure C Calculations 0= 9.5 3-sec gust speed power low exponent Kd= 0.85 Directionalityfactor zg= 900' Nominal In.of atmos.boundary layer Kzt= 1.0 Topographic factor Gcpi= 0 Internal pressure coeff A= 10 sq It Tributary area 130 mph - Exp"C" WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS ASD WIND PRESSURES SIGN CENTER -. CORNER n a n HEIGHT (Zone 4) t (Zone 5) $ x % 7- a UU g 15 ft 20.6 psf 26.2 psf 0.85 31.2 -1.10 -1.40 20 It 21.9 psf 27.9 psf 0.90 33.2 -1.10 -1.40 25 ft 22.9 psf 29.2 psf 0.95 34.8 -1.10 -1.40 30 It 23.8 psf 30.3 psf 0.98 36.1 -1.10 -1.40 35 It 24.6 psf 31.3 psf 1.01 37.3 -1.10 -1.40 40ft 25.3 psf 32.2 psf 1.04 38.4 -1.10 -1.40 45 It 26.0 psf 33.0 psf 1.07 39.3 -1.10 -1.40 50 It 26.5 psf 33.8 psf 1.09 40.2 -1.10 -1.40 55 ft upsf : psf 34.5 psf 1.12 41.0 -1.10 -1.40 60 k psf 35.1 psf 1.14 41.8 -1.10 -1.40 70 ft psf 46.6 psf 1.17 43.2 -0.90 -1.80 80 ft psf 48.0 psi 1.21 44.4 -0.90 -1.80 90ft psf 49.2 psf 1.24 45.5 -0.90 -2.80 100 ft psf 50.3 psf 1.27 46.5. -0.90 -1.80 110 ft psf 51.3 psf 1.29 47.5 -0.90 -1.80 120 k psf 52.2 psf 1.32 48.4 -0.90 -1.80 130 k psf 53.1 psf 1.34 49.2 -0.90 -1.80 140 k psf 54.0 psf 1.36 50.0 -0.90 -1.80 150 ft psf 54.7 psf 1.38 50.7 -0.90 -1.80 175 k psf S6.6 psf 1.42 52.4 -0.90 -1.80 200 k1 psf 58.2 psf 1.46 53.9 -0.90 -1.80 250 ft5 psf : 61.0 psf 1.53 56.4 -0.90 -1.80 Page 2 EasySeals CALCULATIONS FOR WALL-MOUNTED SIGNS Wall Sign Anchor Design OFFICE COPY Structure Dimensions & Loading Design wind pressure: P= 30.3 psf Sign type: Raceway Sign size: In = 30.0 inches (height) Wall material: Wood Cox or equiv,thickness to match Min Embed Anchor type/size: 3/8"Toggle Bolt(r) Ref: Powers Strap-Toggle,catalog Min Embedment: 0.5" Min edge dist: 3" Anchor tensile capacity: Tcap= 179.4 Ib (peranchor) Check Anchors for Pullout Total Reaction: Rt= 76 Ib/ft ...-P-h (along raceway) Anchor spacing req'd s= 56.8 in O.C. ...=(z•cap)/Rt Pairs of anchors at 57 inches on center(max) 4.8 feet on center ON,use pairs at 48" O.C.max. Ref anchor schedule for other anchor options. Page 3 OFFIGE GOP"' as g$ �y 8� � oho ;ga�� wr to _ W = o O o�� g fnl Q P .I IS v D 0 A' P e § l N 121, Z 1111 Rp g O — 141 SIR R if, tra � Y^ E .g W Is$ B ' N w S !yg sR ° m��.na W o f,atd �S O Y3daf � ; va d M aF � ig33 �a '�� m� � � � j OO • ': ! g9� 5 ! � �e P g o:3 a81 nr:A O e�6 99T SIOn HeIOAc=30Rmav Wallmmponen[s&claJtlllg: 1200N F .,FL,334320 CMdlenlangky ,-a V=130 mpb•FryoNBzC1.0,BC=O.05,(O85 Zone G:323.8pd Boca flat°ry FL 33033 FbtlEa pEtl6]3ffi - • •• Q uI 6lK .NAGte 25t durc RSDImtlCttR=0.6 �ZDne 5:t 30.3pf 1-0 373-3113 Cetl of Auth fl,tu P,t w OFFICE COPS' HTB TOGGLERO Bolt 3.3.16 33161 Prod of DeSCHPtion Product Description 33162 Mat ai speci6cerigna The Hitt)HTB TOGGLER8 Bott fastening • Plastic pull ring assists in setting system consists of a metal channel lock cap Technical Data threaded to accept a machine bolt,and Anchor Is adjustable for various Installation Instructions unique plastic legs and lacking cap for base material thicknesses providing easler installation as well 33.16.5 Ordering IM omali n fastening in a wide range of hollow-wall as minimizing inventory investment materials. . Remains mounted In the wall Product Features without screw for convenient handling,installation and reuse • Unique installation legs and locking • Available in stainless steel cap facilitate fastening in wide and carbon steel for different range of drywall and hollow wall materials up to 2-1/4"thick • Comprehensive pr pehensive offering with and • One piece metal channel provides without machine screws greater holding power Material Specifications Zinc plated metal channel material meets the requirements for AISI 1010 steel Technical Data HTB TOGGLER'Batt Allowable Loads' Toggler 1/e"Drywall 5/8"Drywall Hollow Cmmte Block Bop Hole Tension Shesr Tension Shear Tension Shear size Dia. W (M Ib (M ib M) Ib (M lb (M In. n. 3 8 1 30 70 11 45 95 123 140 180 12 1 4 1 35 55 05 7 50 99 105 4 180 12 240 3 6 35 ]o it 50 105 48 200 380 1 3/16"81/4" 3/8"&IPL" 1 3 35 1 85 ]8 50 22 110 4 240 (loss 420 1860 1 Based On using a safety factor of 4.0. TOGGLERe is the registered toxi marit of Mechanical Plastics Carp. installation Instructions Installation Instructions For Use(IFIL)are included with each product package. They can also be viewed or downloaded on-line at www.us.hitti.com(US)and www.hilfi.ca(Canada)-- "Service/Fachnical Info>>Technical Downloads>>Anchodng Systems". Because of the possibility of changes,always verify that downloaded IFU are current when used. Proper installation is critical to achieve full performance. Training is available on request. Contact Hitti Technical Services for applications and conditions not addressed in the IFU. Ordering Information Machina Machine Screw Screw BB Box Description Dia.(In.) Length On.) Die.pn.)' ft HrB TOGGIER•Balt 3/16'with SRH screw' 3116 2-12 12 10D HrB TOGGLER°Bolt Me'with PFH screw' 3/16 2-12 12 100 HTB TOGGLERP Bott 3/16"w/o screw' W16 - 12 100 HIB TOGGLER•ac01/4'with SRH screw' 1/4 2-12 12 100 HrB TOGGLER"Bolt 1/4"with PMH screw' 1/4 2-12 'so HTB TOGGLEW Boit 1/4"w/o screw' 1/4 - 00 HIB TOGGL Bolt 3/8""In SRH screw' 3/8 2-12 3/4 25 HrB TOGGLER•Bolt 3/8"w/o screw' we - 3/4 25 HIB TOGGLER'Bolt 12"wM SRH screw' 12 2-12 3/4 25 HTB TOGGLEM Bolt 12"w/o screw' 12 - 3/4 25 1 Round Head(Combination Slotted'PhllI05) 2 Phillips Flat Head 3 Machine screws not Included TOGGLER'is the registered trademark of Mechanical Plastics Gory. HIM.Nc.sA1-WG8188tte I wwwua.Mlawm Imeapetol l-eW818-SCW I wxwMM.wIMCM1o/Fulening Technical Gul0e2Jtt M9 OFFICE COPY i � � 1 q� e9t e r e jj i q pA ����� � � Y 6 �Si e61•SISi�Sii�S��j;74 SS � • ling cl.I If Eg aka ,, tt p t � S"E e e Ij S ' �0 tt; �3 it` 1 Iveskl t 1� I,l';•r jsnl��� � s li�lf�'SS` R{s e