01-27-18 Supplemental Handout City of Atlantic Beach
Town Hall Meeting
January 27, 2018
1. Medical Marijuana Dispensary Ordinance
- Dispensaries are allowed
- Cultivation and processing facilities are not allowed
- All restrictions apply equally to dispensaries and pharmacies
- Only allowed in the Commercial General zoning district
- Property must have frontage on Atlantic Boulevard or Mayport Road
- Dispensaries must be at least 500 feet from:
o Schools and child care centers;
o Religious institutions; and
o Other dispensaries
- Must follow all state requirements
2. Automotive Service Station Ordinance
- Gas stations
o New definition for gas station and fuel pump
o Only allowed in the Commercial General zoning district (removed from Commercial
o Limit of 7 fuel pumps
o Property must have frontage on Atlantic Boulevard or Mayport Road
o Enhanced landscaping including more trees
o Defined lighting restrictions at property lines
o Fuel pumps must be at least 100 feet from residentially zoned properties
- Convenience stores
o New definition for convenience store
o Allowed in the Commercial Limited and Commercial General zoning districts
- Car washes
o Only allowed in the Commercial General zoning district
o Must be at least 100 feet from residentially zoned properties
- Electric charging stations
o New definition for electric charging station
o Allowed in the Commercial General zoning district
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