07-09-18 Commission Minutes'l���, MINUTES s, Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, July 9, 2018 - 6:30 PM :3 �f Commission Chamber INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE Mayor Glasser introduced Ms. Diamond Adside the Youth Leader at the Roberts Mount Pisgah AME Church to lead the Invocation. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 John Stinson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Phyllis Nadeau, Associate City Clerk/Recording Secretary 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approve minutes of the Commission Workshop Meeting on June 18, 2018 Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes to the minutes. There were none. ACTION. • The minutes stand as submitted. 2. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR TO VISITORS PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. City Clerk Bartle called each speaker to the podium. • Patrick and Eileen Campbell spoke about the need for a stop sign at the intersection of Third Street and East Coast Drive due to speeding in that area. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 • Mark Tingen spoke in favor of the purchase of Selva Preserve, the good job the police officers did on Independence Day with the crowds, and the great dedication that CC Bartle shows in doing her job. 3. CITY MANAGER REPORTS A. City Manager's Report CM Gerrity acknowledged the retirement of Harry McNally who was with the City's Utility Department for thirty years. He also spoke about the recyclable market for glass and plastics and the cost of recycling. B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (July through September 2018) CM Gerrity relayed that Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) wants to come back and give a final presentation on the Mayport Corridor. Mr. Gerrity stated he is working on setting a date within the next couple months. Consensus was given to accept the 90 -Day Calendar. 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Norris: • Asked Chief Cook to report on the stop sign at the corner of Third Street and East Coast Drive. Chief Cook stated she has asked the City of Jacksonville to lend their traffic engineer's expertise. She is hoping to hear something within the next few weeks. Commissioner Stinson: • Asked Chief Cook to keep him updated on the Third Street and East Coast Drive issue. Chief Cook agreed to keep everyone updated. Commissioner Waters: • Announced the passing of a retired and long-term City employee, Jimbo Deming, who worked in the City's Public Works Department. She expressed her condolences to his family. • Asked CM Gerrity to look into the recycling issue and she will continue to look into the best recycling practices. Commissioner Kelly: Spoke about her visit to the recycling plant about six months ago, thanked the City for the employee luncheon, thanked Mr. Corbin for publishing the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) article, and the importance of a proactive approach to parking issues. She suggested an ad hoc committee or consulting with an engineer to address some of the problem areas in the City and addressing the parking issues. • CM Gerrity responded by announcing that Chief Cook and some staff have revised the Parking Ordinance. The conflicts have been resolved and will be going to the Parking Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource Committee (PPSARC). From there it will go to CA Durden for final review/approval. Mayor Glasser: • Spoke about the stalled paid parking program in Neptune Beach, the "Go Green" initiative being launched by the Beaches Town Center Agency, Jimbo Deming's passing, the statistics on opioid abuse in the City, and Jerry Holland speaking at the Town Hall meeting on Saturday at 10:00 AM. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS A. WAIV18-0006 Public Hearing Request for waiver as permitted by Section 23-8 to waive the required mitigation for tree removal on a residential property as required by Section 23-33 to allow the construction of a new single family home at 2347 Fiddlers Lane (Lot 54 Oceanwalk Unit One.) Community Development Director Shane Corbin went over the history of the Waiver and presented a slideshow. He reviewed the site content and detail, analysis and concerns, existing conditions, and grounds for a decision. Julie Hammond, property owner, addressed the Commission, presented slides showing the trees currently remaining on the lot, and reported on her research regarding over- crowded trees and the cost of mitigation. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing for comments. CC Bartle called the speakers to the podium as follows: Mike Borno spoke in favor of the Waiver. Bonnie Hansen spoke in favor of the Waiver. Discussion ensued regarding the Declaration of Covenants for Oceanwalk, foresting, permit processing, the applicant's mitigation cost research, placement criteria from the current Ordinance, hardwood placing, spacing, grandfathering, mitigation cost and tree survivability. Mr. Corbin confirmed the waiver being requested by the applicant is as follows: 1. To allow the mitigation in other areas of Oceanwalk. 2. To reduce the number of inches or number of trees. All questions were answered. Commissioner Stinson asked CA Durden if the Committee is permitted to consider offhand Waiver requests or if the Waiver request submitted would have to be amended. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 CA Durden asked Mr. Corbin how the Request for Waiver was noticed. Mr. Corbin replied it was noticed to Section 23-33 and not specific to off-site planting, the number of trees, or reduction in inches. CA Durden stated if the only Waiver that has been advertised is for Section 23-33 then this would be the only Waiver officially before the Commission. The Request to Waive Section 23-23 is not part of what has been advertised and noticed for this Public Hearing. She then asked Mr. Corbin if there was ever any Request for Waiver Noticed on Section 23-23. Mr. Corbin read Section 23-33 of the Code that was noticed. CA Durden asked if Section 23-33 is mitigation to be assessed, and specifically F1(e) "In the event that a property cannot reasonably accommodate required mitigation on- site, the property owner can get replacement credit for planting trees on an immediately adjacent neighbors property." She asked Mr. Corbin if there is anything in this section of the Code that addresses a straight out reduction in the inches. Mr. Corbin replied in the affirmative, and stated the Public Notice is as it appears on the agenda and covers both the number of inches and off-site planting. CA Durden again addressed Commissioner Stinson and stated she does not think the Waiver that has been requested to reduce the number of inches is actually relevant to Section 23-23 of the Code. The idea in 23-23 is simply to allow construction approved and permitted improvement for all reasonably economic enjoyment of the property. This is not her interpretation of the request. Her interpretation of the request is still within the confines of Section 23-33 (to reduce the number of inches and/or trees). As far as what has been advertised, if there is any opportunity to reduce inches and/or trees within 23- 33 then the Notice was correct and the second request can be taken up. Mayor Glasser asked CA Durden if a Waiver would be required if the tree mitigation requirements were not in effect when the applicant bought her property. CA Durden stated the current tree mitigation code came into effect on the date it was adopted. There is no grandfathering provision in Chapter 23 that addresses allowing the owner to mitigate according to the Code that was in effect when the property was purchased. Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. MO TION. To approve Waiver to Section 23-33(f)(1)e. to be able to plant trees other than on the owner's property or immediately adjacent to the neighbor's property. Motion: Blythe Winters Second: John Stinson Commissioner Stinson: Expressed concern about inconsistencies in the usage of tree mitigation funds and explained his reasons for being in support of granting the Waiver. He referred to the Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 last tree canopy study funded by the City which showed no great deterioration of the City's tree canopy at that time period. This Waiver has been proposed but has not officially been submitted, so if we grant the property owner the ability to plant trees somewhere other than on adjacent property, we have an obligation to consider WAIV 18-0006, a formal request. If we did not consider this, we would be denying her due process on her request. Commissioner Waters: Spoke about general Grandfathering clauses and the reasons for including them in Ordinances, the decreasing canopy in Atlantic Beach, her support of granting the Waiver with the conditions as stated in the motion, and the importance of protecting our canopy. She spoke about revising the Code so that it will help guide the way builders plan future projects in our City and help them avoid the need for a Waiver. Commissioner Kelly: Expressed her support of mitigation within the City limits should the Ordinance be revised in the future. Commissioner Norris: Cautioned the Commissioners about setting a precedent with the decision on this Waiver. She commented on the benefits of trees and healthy canopies, and the need to be specific when setting conditions in this Waiver. She expressed her belief that it is the homeowner's responsibility to stay up-to-date with changes in the laws. Mayor Glasser: Commented on emails from members of the Environmental. Stewardship Committee (ESC) who wanted to make it clear that no changes have been made to the Ordinance since their committee was formed. The ESC took a look at this issue at their last meeting and they are favorably inclined toward working out creative solutions so there is no net loss to our trees. Discussion ensued about the verbiage of the motion on the floor and it was deferred to CA Durden. CA Durden stated it was her understanding that the reason the Waiver was deferred was to allow the applicant to work out a creative solution with staff and then come back with a modified request, which is what we are deciding on now. Mayor Glasser asked if any of the Commissioners wanted to make an amendment to restrict the planting of the trees to the City of Atlantic Beach. CA Durden asked the applicant for confirmation on her current request in that it has two components that can be voted on separately, and is one of these components in Section 23- 33(f)(1)e that would waive the requirement for her to plant on her site or on an immediately adjacent site. Ms. Hammond replied in the affirmative. CA Durden announced that the application has been modified effectively. She then asked Ms. Hammond if she asked to have these two components voted on separately. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 Ms. Hammond replied in the affirmative. Mayor Glasser asked if anyone wanted to amend the motion before it is voted on. Commissioner Norris proposed an amendment to the motion that the planting take place within the City of Atlantic Beach limits. Amended Motion: To amend Motion to approve Waiver to be able to plant trees anywhere within the Atlantic Beach City limits. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. John Stinson There was no discussion and a vote was taken to accept the amendment to the original motion. Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Moved By) For John Stinson (Seconded By) For Ellen Glasser For Amendment to the motion passed unanimously. CA Durden clarified the motion is to waive the requirement for the tree mitigation to be planted on the owner's site or on an adjacent site, with the condition that the trees must be planted within the Atlantic Beach city limits. The Commission voted. Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris For John Stinson For Blythe Waters For Ellen Glasser For Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: To deny the second part of the Waiver to reduce the number of inches or number of trees. Motion: Brittany Norris Second. Candace Kelly Commissioner Norris: Stated she felt adequate mitigation has been appropriated for the applicant. Commissioner Kelly: Requested clarification from CA Durden. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 6. 7. CA Durden stated this is a Waiver to Section 23-33, where the mitigation requirements are located. The applicant is requesting to reduce the number of inches or number of trees. Mayor Glasser: Stated the number of inches imposed for mitigation on the applicant is onerous, wherever the trees are planted. Commissioner Stinson: Stated this is a unique circumstance and some relief should be considered for the homeowner for the number of trees and costs. Commissioner Waters: Spoke about the process undertaken by the ESC and how controversial it was for them. Commissioner Norris: Expressed concerns about the information given and presented by the applicant in the application process. Mayor Glasser: Thanked the ESC for their input and their efforts. She expressed her disagreement with the statements made by Commissioner Norris -regarding the applicant. This has been a very complicated process for the applicant and for Staff. Mayor Glasser stated Ms. Hammond has done the best that she could, as evident in her presentation. Mayor Glasser reiterated it is onerous what is being imposed on the applicant for mitigation, as well as the cost associated with it. Mayor Glasser clarified that the motion is to deny the reduction in mitigation, which means the applicant must mitigate 202 inches of trees. The Commission voted on the motion. Brittany Norris For John Stinson Against Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly For Ellen Glasser Against Motion carried with a vote of 3 to 2. CONSENT AGENDA None. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Board Member Review Committee Report Comissioner Stinson reviewed the report from the agenda, noting the number of vacancies, upcoming term expiration dates, recruiting and marketing options, code revisions, and mentoring new members. Discussion ensued about standardizing the Board Member Review Committee process, engaging alternates, term expirations and extending terms, how to improve the recruitment process, and how to proceed with code revisions relating to boards and committees. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 MOTION: To direct the City Attorney to revise the creation of ordinances and resolutions to accomplish the recommendations drafted by the Board Member Review Committee and the various Board and Committee Chairpersons presented to the Commission July 9, 2018, and to present the revised documents to the Commission as soon as practical. Motion: John Stinson Second. Candace Kelly CA Durden inquired if there were specific recommendations available from the Board Member Review Committee and the various Board and Committee Chairpersons that she can refer to. Commissioner Stinson responded there is a Synopsis in the agenda and he will also provide copies of minutes and notes from various meetings on the topic. Commissioner Norris: Spoke about the legal fees associated with this issue and budgeting. Commissioner Waters: Inquired about secession planning, and the requirement and purpose of alternate positions, and standardization. Commissioner Kelly: Spoke in support of Commissioner Stinson's proposal and about secession planning and training. CC Bartle spoke about the differences in the way the alternate members are utilized and the need for clarification. Mayor Glasser: Expressed concern about directing the City Attorney to solely address this issue. The City has staff assigned to these Boards/Committees and Mayor Glasser suggested staff coordinate with CA Durden, which will lessen the legal expenses. Ms. Glasser also expressed concerns about standardization. Commissioner Stinson: Spoke about the process for the proposed revisions and stated this will take coordination from everyone involved — Board/Committee members, staff, and the City Attorney. He spoke about the current process, stating it is dysfunctional and does not contribute to recruitment and retention. Commissioner Waters: Reiterated Commissioner Stinson's comments. Discussion concluded and the Commission voted. John Stinson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters For Candace Kelly (Seconded B3) For Brittany Norris For Ellen Glasser For Motion carried unanimously. 8. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 9. A. RESOLUTION NO. 18-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH HONORING FIFTY YEARS OF MUNICIPAL HOME RULE IN THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION AND COMMITTING TO AN EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVE TO HELP CITIZENS UNDERSTAND THIS BENEFICIAL RIGHT CM Gerrity reported this is about Home Rule powers, building governmental structure, and educating citizens. MOTION. • To adopt Resolution No. 18-26 as read. Motion: John Stinson Second. Brittany Norris There was a brief discussion about the importance of Home Rule, continued citizen education, and utilizing the upcoming Small Government Week in October. Blythe Waters For Candace Felly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For John Stinson (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Motion carried unanimously. ACTION ON ORDINANCES A. ORDINANCE NO. 25-18-44, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 8 FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; AMENDING SECTION 8-9, BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; AMENDING SECTION 8-25, APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT OR APPROVAL; AMENDING SECTION 8-53, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 8-55, MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 8-56, SUBDIVISION PLATS; AMENDING 8-57, MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING 8-62, LIMITATIONS ON SITES IN COASTAL HIGH HAZARD AREAS (ZONE V); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CM Gerrity explained this will correct scrivener errors in our previous Flood Plain Ordinance, update the new Flood Plain maps effective October 2018, and allows the City to remain active in the National Flood Insurance Program and Community Rating System. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers and Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 MOTION.• To adopt Ordinance No. 25-18-44 as read. Motion: John Stinson Second: Brittany Norris Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For John Stinson (Moved By) For Blythe Waters For Ellen Glasser For Motion carried unanimously. B. ORDINANCE NO. 15-18-15, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2018,IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,500,000 TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LAND WITHIN THE CITY FOR PASSIVE RECREATION AND CONSERVATION PURPOSES, SUCH LAND TO BE KNOWN AS THE SELVA PRESERVE; APPROVING A FORM OF LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DELIVERY OF SUCH BOND; PROVIDING FOR SALE OF THE BOND BY RESOLUTION FOLLOWING SOLICITATION OF COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS FROM COMMERCIAL BANKS AND NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER; SECURING THE PAYMENT OF THE BOND WITH A COVENANT TO BUDGET AND APPROPRIATE EACH YEAR FROM THE CITY'S LEGALLY AVAILABLE NON -AD VALOREM REVENUES SUFFICIENT MONIES TO MAKE SUCH PAYMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CM Gerrity explained this Ordinance allows for borrowing the money to make the purchase of Selva Preserve. He presented a breakdown as follows: • The loan amount is $1.4 million. • The terms are for 15 years. • The interest rate is 3.55%. • No penalty for prepayment of loan should the City wish to pay off early. CM Gerrity explained the purchase price is $1.35 million, $10,000 to Bond Counsel, $10,000 for Financial Advisor fee, Bank Bond Counsel is $5,000, and closing costs is $25,000. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 CM Gerrity introduced Jack McWilliams, Bond Counsel. Mr. McWilliams addressed the Commission and explained his role with finance with regard to underwriting, bond issues, and making recommendations/opinions. MOTION. To adopt Ordinance No. 15-18-15 as read by title. Motion: Brittany Norris Second: Blythe Waters Brittany Norris (Moved By) For John Stinson For Blythe Waters (Seconded By) For Candace Kelly For Ellen Glasser For Motion carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS A. Branding / Beautification / Signage - Initiative (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser spoke about creating an ad hoc committee, for a period not to exceed six months, to come up with themes, timelines, etc. then give to the ESC for review, then bring back to the Commission. Mayor Glasser stated the idea is to bring people from our community with a background in graphics, branding, marketing, and graphic design. Commissioner Waters: Spoke about the importance of branding and advertising. Commissioner Norris: Likes the idea of an ad hoc committee and spoke about the importance of being clear and specific on what is expected of them. Mayor Glasser: Spoke about the importance of coordinating with the other Committees. She stated she would not want Commissioners on this committee. There was discussion about doing an RFP to use Professional services for Branding / Beautification / Signage. Starting with this committee can help with the formation of the idea of what the City wants. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CC Bartle reported there is a new Records Clerk starting next week. 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Norris: No comment. Regular City Commission July 9, 2018 Commissioner Waters: Would like to have the ESC provide feedback about undeveloped lots. Commissioner Stinson: Stated he is available to meet with the Mayor and/or Commissioners about the standardization of Boards/Committees. He spoke about speeding reported on East Coast Drive and North Seminole Road and encouraged people to slow down. Commissioner Kelly: Spoke about code re -writes being important for how we want our City to look in the future. Mayor Glasser: Spoke about speeding on North Seminole Road and a pilot project for crossing signs. Inquired about the 18th Street shower and CM Gerrity responded a new location has been selected and the shower is now out of the road. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. Attest: d/1'01Vnd ci Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor Regular City Commission July 9, 2018