8-20-14 Budget Workshop MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 20,2014 AT 5:00 PM City Commission Members present: Carolyn Woods, Mayor Mark Beckenbach, Mayor Pro Tern Jimmy Hill, Commissioner(arrived at 5:03) Maria Mark, Commissioner Staff present: Nelson Van Liere, City Manager/Finance Director Mike Classey, Chief of Police Donna Kaluzniak, Public Utilities Director Rick Carper, Deputy Public Works Director Timmy Johnson, Recreation and Special Events Director Jeremy Hubsch, Building and Zoning Director Keith Randich, IT Director Jeri Benjamin, Deputy Finance Director Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk ABSENT: Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner (Being ill, Mayor Woods excused him giving him the option to call in to the City Manager's cell phone if he had a question while he watches the live-streamed video from home.) The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by Mayor Woods and she turned the floor over to City Manager Nelson Van Liere. Departmental Presentations: Building,Planning and Zoning Building and Zoning Director Jeremy Hubsch presented his budget (Handout: Review of Building, Code Enforcement and Planning and Zoning Departments 2014/15, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). He gave a slide presentation and explained the Building Department is an enterprise fund so the permit fees can only pay for the enforcement of the Florida Building Code. He explained flood plain management, housing code enforcement, and zoning code activities are not allowed to be funded through the Building Fund; they have to come from the General Fund. He stated, therefore, within the Building and Zoning Department there are two separate funds. He explained, due to a very strong year of construction,the revised projected revenue has been increased from $281,550 to $398,000. He showed a graph of the construction value in Atlantic Beach, stating it has increased from $13 million in 2009 to a projected total of$36 million for 2014. He presented a slide of the Building Department Expenditures and Revenue, stating revenue is steadily going up. Mr. Hubsch and Mr. Van Liere answered questions from the Commission. Referring to the slide on Building & Zoning Staffing, Mr. Van Liere explained the personnel allocations between Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 2 General Fund and Building Permit Revenue Source. He answered additional questions from the Commission. Mr. Hubsch explained the slide on the Building Department Permits and Inspections, stating the permit and inspection load is pretty similar to how it was last year, so even though they are getting more construction in, it is just higher value construction. He stated as the economy does well, people are doing more extensive renovations and new construction projects. He showed the slide on the Planning Department Trends for 2014/2015, explaining each of the projects. He also showed a slide of the potential CRA Area. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued regarding exploring opening Hanna Park to bikes and pedestrians at Seminole Rd., bus shelters, redevelopment plans for Mayport Corridor, and Town Center issues related to parking. Commissioner Daugherty called in stating he does want to attend the International Council of Shopping Centers conference and will get with Mr. Hubsch regarding details. Public Safety (Handout: Atlantic Beach Police Department Budget Workshop August 20, 2014, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B). Chief Mike Classey gave a slide presentation on the Police Department, explaining the mission statement for the Atlantic Beach Police Department is to provide for the safety and protection of lives and property through courteous and professional public service, timely response to problems, and relentless pursuit of criminals, while always respecting each person's dignity. He further stated this leads into the Community Oriented Policing policy they operate under. He stated the time to build relationships with the community is before something bad happens. He presented a slide on Personnel stating they are the same numbers as far as officers that they had last year, and are split between three basic Divisions: Patrol — Includes Community Oriented Policing (COPs); General Investigations; Crime Suppression Unit (CSU). He stated they have the same number of Civilian Staff as last year, under the Divisions: Emergency Dispatch; Records (includes property and evidence); Animal Control; and School Crossing Guards(which are part-time). He presented a chart of Statistical Data stating the Commission sees these numbers quarterly. He stated we have the lowest crime rate per capita for both the County and State. He showed slides of the Patrol Division and Records Division as follows, explaining each: Patrol Division • Twenty officers and supervisors assigned. • Eliminated 1 Commander position (a desk assignment) and replaced with a Patrol Lieutenant (field assignment). • Will have 2 Patrol Lieutenants each supervising 2 squads. • There will be a Lieutenants working in the field with officers 7 days a week, 10 hours a day. • They will work a split shift between days and nights. Records Division • Re-allocated a part-time Records Clerk position into a full time Office Manager position. • This position is required to fill the gap created by the elimination of a Commander position. • Permitted a senior management level sworn position to be re-assigned to Patrol in a field assignment. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 3 • The Manager will be responsible for higher level administrative projects and tasks previously performed by a higher paid Commander. • This employee will also supervise the civilian Records staff reducing the number of direct reports to the Support Services Commander. Chief Classey further presented the Organization Chart 2014 showing the proposed changes. He stated he believes this is a much better allocation of duties and responsibilities and makes a lot more operational sense. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued about the COPS program, security surveys and street lighting. Mayor Woods stated she would like to see Commissioner Hill ride with the police and identify areas that need improvement. Chief Classey stated if Commissioner Hill is talking about facades and entranceways he is getting back into Mr. Hubsch's area because that gets into a planning and zoning portion. He stated the police look at it from a safety and security standpoint and when they look at streetlights they look at them from the standpoint of vehicular and pedestrian safety; unless there is a real hot spot of an area that is just crime ridden and they want to add in some extra street lights that may not be needed but would be helpful for preventing crime. He asked that Commissioner Hill let him know if he has some particular locations he has identified from a safety and security standpoint that need additional valuations and he will be happy to take a look at them. Commissioner Hill stated both Rose Park and the new dog park have some issues and Plaza, coming east,would be areas of concern. Further discussion ensued. Chief Classey gave an update on the Emergency Management explaining the Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). He stated the City Hurricane Plan was updated last year and the Department Hurricane Plans are being reviewed and revised. He stated they have established minimum training levels by position. He stated both he and Commander Vic Gualillo serve on several committees and work groups including Loss Mitigation (LMS), the Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Council (SEPPC) and Duval Prepares. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. He stated we were awarded a Loss Mitigation Strategy (LMS) grant for $155,000 to do some sewer upgrades. He stated we also have a pre-mitigation grant that is pending for a new generator. Citizen Police Academy Chief Classey showed slides on the Citizen Police Academy, as follows: • A 10-12 week program that meets one evening per week (3 hours) and one Saturday during the program. • Local residents will be taught about a variety of topics,to include: • Communications • Investigations • Traffic/DUI • Patrol • Crime Prevention • Firearms • Defensive Tactics/Taser/Pepper Spray • Promotes open lines of communication between citizens and police officers. • Local residents better understand police work in Atlantic Beach. • A great opportunity for the police to inform the public of what we do, the challenges we face, and obtain citizen input,assistance and support throughout the community. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 4 • First CPA class survey resulted in a 4.7 rating on a 1 to 5 scale. He answered questions from the Commission. Accreditation Chief Classey explained they went under contract for accreditation in February and have two years to get through the accreditation process. He stated the policies are all in line but then you have to show compliance with your policies and they are about 40% complete. He stated he anticipates having the final assessment completed and being awarded accreditation some time next summer. He also explained the benefits of accreditation which were outlined in a slide. Chief Classey presented slides on the budget and future capital purchases, as follows: General Fund Police Budget • Total - $4,168,011 • Capital purchases • Wireless download computer system for the in car video cameras - $20,000 • New Portable radios - $17,000 • Three marked patrol vehicles - $120,000 • Mobile surveillance camera system- $7,000 • New video system for interview room,holding cells and sally port- $13,000 Future Capital Purchases • Police Building — RFP for complete A & E services has been distributed for advertising and responses are due by September 9, 2014 • Replace all mobile and portable radios over next 5 years—Approximately$300,000 • Replace Computer-Aided Dispatch/Record Management System within 2 years—Approximately $300,000 to $400,000 He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. (Commissioner Mark left the room at 7:04 p.m. and returned at 7:06 p.m.) Chief Classey presented slides on FY 2015 Grants; Police Special Revenue Funds including Police Training Fund, Radio Communications Fund; Forfeiture Funds; Lifeguards and Junior Lifeguard Program; and Fire/Rescue Services, explaining each. He answered additional questions from the Commission. Commissioner Beckenbach addressed the question that was brought up related to the RFP for the Police Building. Chief Classey stated the consultant assisted him and drafted the RFP for Architectural & Engineering services for Construction Manager, which was the direction the Commission wanted to go. Mayor Woods stated the legal opinion was that that firm was not able to carry forward so they helped the Chief put out an RFP for the Construction Management form of moving forward, which was what they all decided was the better way for us to control what we get and what we spend. Commissioner Beckenbach stated they did that at that moment in time but he felt uncomfortable making a decision right at that point and had assumed they were going to have a discussion. He stated, however, it sounds as though the RFP has already gone out. He stated they put in the original RFP that it was to be design- Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 5 build and they discussed the design-build. He stated he went back and reviewed why they discussed design-build. He stated that was because they wouldn't have overages but if you have any change order with a construction management, it will be on us. He stated, on a design-build, if they mess up there is no increase in the amount of money. City Clerk Donna Bartle read the consensus that was reached at the workshop. Discussion ensued. Chief Classey explained the process. Mr. Van Liere stated the contact point for this project will be Chief Classey but our Building Official will be responsible for inspecting the work just like he would any other commercial project. Mayor Woods adjourned the meeting at 7:20 for a break. She reconvened the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Parks and Recreation (Handout: Department of Recreation and Special Events, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment C). Director of Recreation and Special Events Timmy Johnson gave a slide presentation on the Department of Recreation and Special Events, explaining the growth since 1994. He stated the proposed Budget for 2014-15 is $364,353 listing the events and programs that fall under his Department, i.e. the Easter Egg Hunt, Tree Lighting, Springfest, Tennis, Habitat Education Program, Afterschool Program, Tutoring, Public Computers, Toy Party, Clothing Drive, Dance/Fitness Programs, Fun Run, Tennis Tournaments, Flag Football, Fitness Program, Summer Camp, Arts in the Park, Art Walk, Art Exhibit, Songwriters Concert, Acoustic Nights, Wild Wonders, Bowl Bash, Twilight Movies in the Park, October Festival, Family Campouts, Easter Egg Hunt, Artisan's Faire, Christmas Tree Lighting, and Shakespeare in the Park. He showed charts of the 2013-2014 Events in Review, stating there are 209 reoccurring rentals that take place throughout the year as well as a contract with ABET which includes rehearsals, building sets and meetings. He stated they also oversee contracts with the Atlantic Beach Athletic Association (ABAA), Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre (ABET), Tennis Pro, and Atlantic Beach Elementary. He stated they currently also have contracts with the Dog Trainer and Yoga instructor but they will not be renewing their contracts in 2015. Mr. Johnson showed slides of the various functions/events that are held at the Adele Grage_Community Center, as follows: • Department of Recreation& Special Events Offices • Art Exhibits/Art Walk Receptions • Parties—Birthdays/Anniversaries • Meetings/Conferences • Fitness Classes • Memorials • Weddings—Ceremonies/Receptions • Summer Camps • Public Computers He answered questions from the Commission. He stated they have selected a person to fill the position at the Baker Center and following references, etc. they are hoping to have that person on board in the next couple of weeks. He further showed a slide of the various functions/events that are held at the Gail Baker Center, as follows: Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 6 • After School Program • Tutoring/Homework Assistance/JEA Assistance • Senior Program • Summer Camp/Lunch Program • Field Trips • Sports—Tennis, Fun Runs, Cheer • Twilight Movies at the Parks • October Fest • Angel Toy Party • Parties—Birthdays, Anniversaries, Reunions, etc. • Facility Rental for Receptions, Showers, Special Events, etc. Commissioner Daugherty called in a question about the facility rental rates at Adele Grage asking if we are priced right now, which Mr. Johnson answered, stating he believes we are priced right. Mr. Johnson stated we have a part-time person who runs the activities at the Jordon Center and we have a contract with Beaches Habitat to assist us with the education program. He showed a slide of the various functions/events that are held there, as follows: • Homework Assistance • Afterschool Program • Parties/Games • Dance and Fitness Groups • Sports—Flag Football • Habitat for Education Program • Rentals for Receptions, Meetings, Showers, etc. • Park Rentals for Special Events, Gospel in the Park, etc • Easter Egg Hunt • Cooking Classes He answered questions from the Commission. He explained there are a few outside agencies that we provide funding to, as follows: Atlantic Beach Elementary School (for their enrichment program and art program and mowing the lawn around the flagpole - $21,320 Mayport Middle School - $12,000 Beaches Resource Center $2,000 Dial-A-Ride $1,500 Beaches Fine Arts $3,000 Recreation Discretionary $4,000 Total $43,820 Commissioner Hill suggested that they consider replacement of the flagpole at Atlantic Beach Elementary, if they pick a project that is community-based and civic related. Mayor Woods stated that would be more up Friends of Atlantic Beach Elementary's alley and the Duval County School Board. Mr. Johnson stated their money is earmarked but FABE would have funding for that if he just reaches out to them. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 7 He explained the upcoming City-sponsored events: Shakespeare in the Park, Wild Wonders, Bowl Bash, Mid-Week Market, Movies in the Parks, Family Fun Day/Campout, Easter Egg Hunt, Angel Tree, and Tree Lighting. He showed a slide of the functions of the administration, as follows: • Perform administrative and operational duties. • Provide customer service to residents, customers, and visitors. • Field questions about Parks and Recreation issues plus other City concerns. • Manage residents and customers requests for Special Events—Reservations/Rentals. • Collect fees, issue receipts and make deposits for payments; prepare documents for department audit. • Inventory supplies,make purchases and track spending for the department and committee. • Coordinate with other departments in preparation of events; oversee Public Works employees during events. • Actively administer the after school program in the absence of the Center Coordinators. • Actively administer events at community center in absence of the Center Coordinators (flag football, Egg hunt, fun run, October Fest, etc). • Maintain website, Facebook and department calendar. • Prepare media releases, flyers and newsletter articles. Mayor Woods asked if ABET has discussed Theatre in the Park anymore. Mr. Johnson stated they have not mentioned it to him anymore since they had that discussion. He stated he did discuss with her changing out their lights which they could use the $4,000 discretionary money for. Discussion ensued about the possibility of having Marsh Fest every year with the help of the Recreation Committee. Mr. Johnson answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. IT Department (Handout:Information Technology 2014-15 Budget, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment D). IT Director Keith Randich gave a slide presentation on the IT Department outlining their Responsibilities, stating they provide technology services to all City departments. He stated the services include all the servers that run their applications, the networks that tie everything together, and the support of all the devices that are on the networks. He stated they do the procurement for the City. He answered questions from the Commission. He explained the 2015 IT Budget, as follows: Total Budget $822,706 Operating $599,206 Salaries and Benefits $292,076 Maintenance and Repairs $198,130 Various operating expenses $109,000 Capital $233,500 Phone System $102,500 Laptops for Public Safety $32,500 Email Server upgrade $25,000 Various server, radio and video equipment $73,500 He answered questions from the Commission. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 8 He showed a chart of the Ten-Year IT Capital Expenditure Plan, stating the next couple of years are a little higher than they have been in the past and quite a bit higher than they are going to be down the road due to the major capital projects planned; one being the new phone system and the other the software application called One Solution, which is a multi-year project. Mr. Randich explained the new phone system stating we are moving to a digital phone system for City Hall, Police, Public Works, and many of the Water Plants. He answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Hill stated he wants to discuss, as a body, that they make sure they have a human being answer phones during business hours; he doesn't want an electronic answering in a city of this size unless it is absolutely necessary. He stated he believes we are small enough to provide that layer of service and during this technology jump he, as a citizen, doesn't want to go to a digital message. Mr. Van Liere stated he believes you will always have the option to get to the receptionist. He said right now though our 911 call takers are the receptionist for the police officers and they don't need to be doing that, so this will expand the police capabilities there. He stated they will always have someone at the front counter who can answer the main extension so they can talk to a human if that is what they want. Mr. Randich stated it will take a few months to complete the installation and they will start in City Hall before going into the Police Department. Mr. Randich explained the SunGard One Solution Migration stating they are currently installing the One Solution product for Community applications. He stated the Code Enforcement went live last week, Building Permits training is starting this week, and Business Licensing will be finished up in November. He stated they want to make sure things are working well and they are gaining some familiarity with the system and then will do Finance and Utility Billing in subsequent years. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. Commission and Administrative (Handout: City of Atlantic Beach Administration, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment E). Mr. Van Liere gave a slide presentation on the Administrative Budget showing the budget for the General Fund, as follows: General Fund • City Clerk $288,265 • City Manager 230,244 • Finance and Accounting 906,827 • Information Technology 822,706 • Human Resources 194,531 • Legal Counsel 132,000 • Total $2,574,573 Commissioner Beckenbach asked about the City Clerk's budget stating he would like to see a separate line item so the City Clerk doesn't have to come to the City Manager in order to buy a recording device. He stated if the City Clerk needs something to make sure she does her job to the best of her ability she should be able to use money out of her own budget in order to buy that product. He stated he also believes the City Clerk should have control of the video and shouldn't have to go to the City Manager to see if they have the funds. He stated she is the person in charge of the recording and the records of the City, and he doesn't believe the City Manager is. Mr. Van Liere explained the whole process starts with Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 9 her proposing a budget and he didn't change any of her budget. He stated the budget in their books is what she wanted to spend money on. He stated if something arises during the course of the year, such as them wanting a different video, and she doesn't have the money, maybe he or IT have the money. He stated it is all City Administration and they aren't under strict guidelines that the City Clerk can't use someone else's money if it is for the right purpose. He stated if there is consensus that the Commission wants to buy something, if it's not in her budget they will go looking for the money. If they can't find the money for it then they would come to the Commission and ask them to plus up the budget. He stated the other way to do that would be to budget extra money that they might not spend just in case they come up with something during the year, like a contingency pot. Commissioner Beckenbach stated just as the City Manager has the ability to sign off on contracts/purchases up to $25,000, he believes the City Clerk should have that same ability to sign off on a certain amount, especially when it has something to do with record keeping. He stated the reason he says this is because that is the City Clerk's position and her responsibility and there shouldn't be anybody else she has to go to except for the Commission. Mr. Van Liere stated they are here tonight to pass a budget and the budget is to limit the Commission from overspending the taxpayers' money. He stated the budget is the control mechanism so tonight they are to look at her budget and say this is how much we are authorizing you to spend in your department for this year and then if you want to spend more than that you can come back and ask for more through a budget ordinance. Mr. Van Liere stated he is being a little more flexible in that he will look outside her particular budget when he can and if something comes up in the middle of the year and it is appropriate and all of the Commissioners want it, there is no sense in him coming to them for a budget ordinance to add $10,000 in her account when on the next page he has $10,000 for the same administrative purpose. He stated he knows, in the past, people have used the budget as a way of rebelling against what they might not have wanted the Commission to do; but he looks for a consensus, i.e. if you want more cameras, more videos, etc. he will accommodate them in every way he can and come to them only if he has to come to them to ask for more money. He stated this is not him constraining the City Clerk's operation. Commissioner Beckenbach stated what he wants to make sure is that if they should want to have more videos, it goes to the City Clerk and not to anyone else. Mayor Woods stated she would hope that they have hired a City Clerk who feels empowered enough to take matters in her own hands and say when she has a problem in getting something she needs. Discussion ensued. City Clerk Bartle stated Mr. Van Liere is right that a lot of times it is things that come up after the budget so they are unanticipated and then you have to get a feel for what the consensus was. She stated she does have to involve IT for any of these type of issues and IT doesn't work for her; they work for the City Manager. She stated if the City Manager has a different understanding about her needs or the Commission's needs then he is going to steer in a direction that he understands. She stated IT knows the aspects of it as far as what type of hardware, etc. there is, but she is more the user so she needs to make sure it is easy to use. She understands a Commissioner needs to be able to just walk in there, turn it on and let it do its thing and not be overkill, whereas an IT person may try to look for more bells and whistles instead of simplify; so sometimes you are going to have those differences of opinion. She stated she definitely wouldn't be able to do it without IT and wouldn't want to be out there on her own making these type of decisions but it would help if they get clear consensus on what everyone wants and she will try to do a better job bringing it up at Commission meetings so she can get a consensus, if they have any issues. Commissioner Beckenbach stated to clarify, it sounds as though everybody understands that there is a separation and that at any given time the Clerk has the same privilege of putting a budget item on the agenda. Commissioner Hill agreed stating the City Clerk's position is almost an island in itself and it doesn't operate that way at all times here so he would be in favor of pursuing that at an appropriate time to get that layer built in. Mayor Woods stated they are going through that right now with the Charter Review Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 10 and although they can't speak to the Committee members directly, they can speak with the City Clerk or the City Manager and they can carry your thoughts to the Committee. Director of Public Utilities Donna Kaluzniak stated she believes it is clearly defined in the Charter and believes the City Clerk is aware of her position because in the past she has basically made everyone aware of her position when she hired Nancy and upgraded the position and had a conflict with the City Manager and therefore took it to the Mayor and Commission as her working directly for them. She believes she is aware of it and knows when and how to address situations if there is some kind of conflict. Commissioner Hill stated he just wants to make sure through the process that the City Clerk advises that they restore all power to that position that is supposed to be there. Commissioner Beckenbach stated as they are looking at a new City Manager he wants to make sure that, as they move forward, that if there is a new City Manager that comes into play that that City Manager knows that there is a position that is accepted by the City Commission as being separate and equal. City Clerk Bartle added that she has had to step it up a bit with having the City Manager and City Attorney gone and she had to get involved in things that she normally wouldn't have been as involved in and part of it was because of the transition because she does work so closely with the City Attorney and City Manager. He detailed why the Finance Budget is larger than the others. He showed a slide of the allocations and broke out the major items in each, as follows: Resource Allocation • Personal Services $1,685,538 • Operating Expenses 659,585 • Capital Outlay 229,450 • Transfers 0 • Total $2,574,573 Major Items Included • Clerk • Election Expenses • Printing and Publications • Finance& Administration • Audit • Postage • Printing • Information Technology • Communications • Maintenance Contracts and Repairs • Computers and related equipment • Phone System • Servers • Legal Services Mayor Woods pointed out that there was a lot of discussion about how much more the legal services would cost us but actually it has gone down by $4,500. Mr. Van Liere added that those charges are not entirely Mr. Komando's charges;there are some legal bills that are not the City Attorney's. Mr. Van Liere showed slides of funds under General Government, explaining that General Government includes items like general liability insurance and a new Building Maintenance Division that has three Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 11 people in it and it also includes $50,000 for custodial services for all locations for a year. He stated the $85,000 under Convention Development is transferred to the Capital Project Fund for Marsh Master Plan. He further explained each line item. Discussion ensued. Mr. Van Liere answered questions from the Commission. Mr. Van Liere further explained the Capital Project Fund stating that includes the funds for the Police Building and the two Overlooks and Kayak Launch. He stated he has proposed this balanced budget, and it could be adopted the way it is. He stated he has put together the budget ordinance based on these numbers for the next agenda for September 8. Follow Up Topics Mayor Woods expressed concern about the Maintenance budget, stating if they need to bump up the Maintenance and Repair budget she believes now is a good time to get consensus. Commissioner Mark asked about the Public Works yard. Mr. Van Liere stated he has had discussions with the Public Works Director and Rick Carper about doing some work out there, moving some things around and putting some metal buildings there that can house their expensive equipment. He stated they discussed spending this year, coming up with the plan of exactly how they want the yard layout and put it in the following year's budget. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Hill stated he would like a line item to do an inspection on all of our buildings that are occupied by employees and make that a maintenance budget item ongoing into the future. He also asked for consensus from the Commission to budget some money for the pedestrian, bicycle and low-speed vehicle project. He stated it would be to identify sites for bike racks and parking for low- speed vehicles. He stated he believes they could start with $20,000. He further stated he would like to designate, through signs at our entry points, that we are a pedestrian/low-speed vehicle friendly community. It was the consensus of the Commission to add $20,000 for low speed vehicle and bicycle parking investigation. It was the consensus of the Commission to add$50,000 for Maintenance. Mayor Woods asked if they need to budget for the lighting survey and installations that Chief Classey and Commissioner Hill are going to work on and have they budgeted any money for Mayport Corridor improvements. She stated she would like a commitment to move on Mayport Road. Commissioner Mark stated she believes there are some preliminary steps that need to be taken before you even talk about the money part. She stated Councilman Gulliford set aside about $200,000 as a seed money for the Mayport CRA. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he doesn't believe we should earmark money right now for anything because he would like to hear what they are going to earmark it for. He stated they have done a lot of work on Mayport Road. Mayor Woods stated she would like to see a commitment so they actually follow through with the meetings and workshops to get the project started. She stated if they haven't committed any funds then there is no real incentive to stick to a time plan and do what needs to be done to get to that point. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he would like to have a workshop where they can discuss it and determine how much money they are Minutes–City Commission Budget Workshop August 20,2014 Page 12 talking about. Mayor Woods stated she would like to commit $50,000 to start this process and if they need to come back with a budget amendment they can do that. Further discussion ensued. Mr. Van Liere stated the money they are talking about would come straight from fund balance; it is already in the bank. He stated they don't have to find revenue to fund it; they just have to say this is what they choose to spend it on. He stated he will come to them with a budget ordinance after they find out what the product is going to be that they are selling to the community. Mayor Woods asked if they want to put any money in the budget for lights. Mr. Carper stated it doesn't cost us a nickel to get a light installed; it just goes on to their monthly bill. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors Chris Jorgensen, 92 3n1 St. W., referred to the Marsh Plan, stating he believes concrete slabs are more cost effective than wood for the boardwalks. Stated he finds the budget process absolutely fascinating. He stated he supports getting the HRO on a referendum. Mr. Van Liere stated although this has nothing to do with the budget, there is an issue with the sign at the entrance to the Selva Marina and Sevilla neighborhoods. He stated they have received some complaints that the neighborhood signs were removed and instead there will be a sign for the Atlantic Beach Country Club. He stated ABCC has in their approved SPA to put their sign there and they removed the other sign. Commissioner Hill stated he also received calls from citizens who stated they have lost the identity of their neighborhood. They stated the Selva Marina sign is gone and it now says Atlantic Beach Country Club. He stated what they have now is an advertising sign on Atlantic Beach property, which is a monstrosity. He stated, from what he was told, it is a tower, not a wall and not a sign, which violates every ordinance we have in every way as far as an advertising sign. He stated he doesn't know how we can, on Atlantic Beach property, allow an advertisement for any business. He stated his understanding of Selva Marina's original sign was that it was the neighborhood sign, not an advertisement. Discussion ensued. Mr. Carper stated, in the ordinance, the Commission gave ABCC permission to take down the wall that had the subdivision signs on it. Mr. Van Liere asked if the Commission wants him to ask Mr. Komando to review this situation. He stated they cut trees down too, but Mr. Carper stated the trees were calculated in their mitigation calculation. Commissioner Hill asked if there is money required to re-engage in the concept of a tree ordinance of some kind. He stated he believes they need to reassess that issue. Mr. Van Liere stated he doesn't know what they would spend money on; he believes he is just talking about legislation. There being no further discussion by the City Commission,the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m. 61—) Carolyn Woods Aamtetriddittie. Mayor Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk ATTACHMENT A 8/20/2014 , 4 . P. . 4' . 'ar This is to show activities of the Building Departm , " associated with enforcement of the Florida Building Co c, nt t related to expenditures and revenue t *411 ■ ► '- Enterprise Fund ConceptI • Building Department permit fees pay for the activities related to enforcement of the Florida Building Code.By Florida law permit fees may only cover building code enforcement activities. • Floodplain management, housing code enforcement and zoning code activities are not to be funded with building permit fees. • The Building Department has been supported by the General Fund related to other non-building code activities. 1 8/20/2014 2014/15 Budget Projection • 2013/2014 Initial Projected Revenue : $281,550 • 2013/2014 Revised Revenue Projection: $398,000 Large Projects FY 2013/2014 (Construction Value) • Atlantic Beach Country Club-$5.7 Million • Fleet Landing Nancy House-$5.4 Million • Panera Bread-$1.7 Million • 35 new homes-$14.1 Million • Numerous renovation projects r u e , r . , Beach 40,000,000 35000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 im,aw.0 Construction value $13,176,637 514,481,654 16,402379 $22,566,505 $25,074,224 $36375427 of Permits in Atlantic Beach 2 8/20/2014 Building Department Expenditures and Revenue 500,000 400,000 300,000 •Expenditures ■Gen.Fund 200,000 IIIIIIII ! IIII . 100,000 II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 Jm0 2011 2012 2013 2014(pmi.n.d) 2015( 5d,,...di Revenue 200,583 217,168 243,503 284,792 299,024 398,000 446,000 Expenditures 291,103 288,070 296,332 253,752 261,215 269,211 337,580 Gen.Fund Expense o 55,000 60,000 0 31,000 0 0 Building Department Permits and Inspections 5000 4000 3000 2000 •Permits issued •Inspections woo 0 1 I 1 1 1 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ,0i.a dl Permits Issued 1,756 2,064 2,031 2,799 2,376 2,871 Number of Inspections 3,335 4,006 3,9i6 4,751 4,704 4,651 3 8/20/2014 Building and Zoning Staffing (FY 2014-2015) Building Department General Fund (FY 2013-2014) /Building Department General Fund Position Position Director 01 Building 20%(+20%) 80%(-206) Director of Building and 64% 36% and Zoning Zoning(Building Building Official 100%(+36%) (-36%) Official) Redevelopment and 0% 100% Deputy Building 100% 0% Zoning Coordinator Official (Building Zoning Director) Code Enforcement 0% 100% principal Planner 0% 100% (ZoningTechnidan) Zoning Tedmidan 0% 1006 Building Inspector 100% (Deputy Building Admin Assistant 85%(+45%) 15%(-45%) Official Code Enforcement 0% 100% Building Permit perk 806(+40%) 20%(-40%) Admin Assistant 40% 606 Average ca 55%(+206) 45%(•20%) Building Permit Clerk 406 60% Average Allocation 35% 65% y .,.' nning Department Tren • s 2014/2015 • North Florida TPO Beaches Bike/Pedestrian Study:$54,7oo funded by TPO (Completion Date 2015) ® Florida Planning Technical Assistance Grant:Applied for$25k for Community Visioning/Strategic Planning • Exploration of Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for Mayport Road Corridor ® CDBG Grant Writing and Administration (Awarded $82k)-Francis Street Drainage • Participating in Scenic AIA Corridor Designation with partners 4 8/20/2014 r ___ rg aix2a.,.. `.a,1 n,.:.hp. , N", . a r: r', 'c •s•.+ --• . nning Department Tren • s 2014/2015 • Exploring opening Hanna Park to bikes and pedestrians at Seminole Road • New Bus Shelters along Atlantic and Mayport • If not going forward with CRA, the creation of a Mayport Redevelopment Committee and redevelopment plans • Attending International Council of Shopping Centers and American Planning Association Conferences • Continue forming strong relationship with Beaches Town Center Agency and partner city Neptune Beach. • Transitioning to new computer system"OneSolution': Will improve efficiency _ Potentia I CRA Area ff dr 1"iR (d".1 ��®„ .9" 17/- i k s,d CIn j du _ d:::, ms ly dr $ robe„-s s a- e I rpaa / y eager St slants ,ro I I m S x s memos 11 edea ro E g -00e a o a ,3 L4th 51 '-- 1 - 10h W Vi 3 8 j ` �I a (� r�ry, M'% f Si-� � �. c_ 1 - _ �wnt - `"i � a - EE . hb -_ 11_6.1.-1i- may'-..8. IRA_,:,` '� t: 4 I1 I Sh c,�'T'1ray��n iv `S-{" @ ',;!.;. -4�vd .-/ ■ ■ •••),.,,,4lb '' ar ` F ''t- j. 4-.t.� / 1 -_-�- 1 4, �,-"1-h 1 ,, za, ;�'�j,, ia ---'1sf a. - I I A r l )1 00 mmnaxa "17-87711 ,'''T..""'''' •b a ____.``_._-. )00 Feet I -.. t 4--fPmnnal--- 5 ATTACHMENT B 8/20/2014 Budget Workshop August 20, 2014 g, b. Ary Atlantic Beach P. D. Mission The mission of the Atlantic Beach Police Department is to provide for the safety and protection of lives and property through courteous and professional public service, timely response to problems, and relentless pursuit of criminals, while always respecting each person's dignity. 1 8/20/2014 s a d Community Oriented Policing Our desire is to improve the quality of life in the City of Atlantic Beach by forming and maintaining community partnerships that promote safe and secure streets and neighborhoods. We understand that we cannot do our job as effectively without community involvement. We will listen to the public's concerns and be responsive to their needs. All members of the department are committed to working together with the community in a partnership, with the goal of improving the quality of life in the City of Atlantic Beach. Personnel ® Sworn Staff 1. FY 2015 -Authorized for 28 officers 2. Officers are assigned to the following Divisions: A. Patrol — Includes Community Oriented Policing (COPs) B. General Investigations C. Crime Suppression Unit (CSU) 2 8/20/2014 Personnel cont. . . Civilian Staff 1. Fifteen total, 2 of which are part time only 2. Assigned to the following Divisions: A. Emergency Dispatch B. Records (includes property and evidence) C. Animal Control D. School Crossing Guards Statistical Data 2013 32.22 32.35 46.19 45.84 36.27 2012 28.86 33.18 56.16 48.13 40.70 2011 37.84 36.23 65.96 50.15 38.06 3 8/20/2014 Patrol Division Twenty officers and supervisors assigned Eliminated 1 Commander position (desk assignment) and replaced with a Patrol Lieutenant (field assignment). Will have 2 Patrol Lieutenants each supervising 2 squads There will be a Lt. working in the field with the officers 7 days a week, 10 hours a day. They will work a split shift between days and nights. Records Division Re-allocated a part time Records Clerk position into a full time Office Manager position This position is required to fill the gap created by the elimination of a Commander position Permitted a senior management level sworn position to be re-assigned to Patrol in a field assignment The Manager will be responsible for higher level administrative projects and tasks previously performed by a higher paid Commander This employee will also supervise the civilian Records staff reducing the number of direct reports to the Support Services Commander 4 8/20/2014 AB Organization Chart 2014 Director of Puffin Safety Chet of Po5 I Emergency Management Oiredw/Fire SoFt Administrative Aaat 1 a Operation Life Guard Commander aIVoe C+Pta{o CmrrW d.r Petrel I Pabd ECO In5.oft etl Off r �� / (Life Guards Lieutenant LMdanard St oMeor S.,Omd Manager ilPmbct Supesviso,o 1 1 1 1 1 S Ses / 5 gearu A—Sg1 oo C1 St o l O ECU S Yers r eral CSa U _1R ecada Sla� I gCr o m iimtroal l 2 t lfe C3u azd Patrol PWd Patrol Petrol O ZNn SargeM Senteent SergaM Serra e Z 1 I APatra�l rt7 Pabd SPand Path 1 D OR n r Ol3era 011lnea� O�rs Gronamrgf 3 3 —GuaMa Emergency Management AB Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) City Hurricane Plan updated last year Department hurricane plans being reviewed and revised Minimum training levels established based upon position Serve on several committees and work groups Loss Mitigation (LMS) Security and Emergency Preparedness Planning Council (SEPPC) Duval Prepares Participated in table top exercises LMS grant awarded $155,000. Other LMS applications being evaluated. Pre-mitigation generator grant pending 5 8/20/2014 Citizen Police Academy ® A 10-12 week program that meets one evening per week(3 hours) and one Saturday during the program. ® Local residents will be taught about a variety of topics, to include: • Communications • Investigations • Traffic/DUI • Patrol • Crime Prevention • Firearms • Defensive Tactics/Taser/Pepper Spray Citizen Police Academy • Promotes open lines of communication between citizens and police officers O Local residents better understand police work in Atlantic Beach A great opportunity for the police to inform the public of what we do, the challenges we face, and obtain citizen input, assistance and support throughout the community O First CPA class survey resulted in a 4.7 rating on a 1 to 5 scale 6 8/20/2014 Accreditation • Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) 145 agencies already accredited and 3o more have applied • Total of 259 standards, but some will not apply to AB ® The contract to become accredited was signed February 27, 2014 and it requires completion within 2 years • Policies and procedures meet the Standards' requirements • Approximately 4o%completed with documenting compliance • Projected completion is summer 2015 Accreditation Benefits ® Standards are industry best practices with an outside independent review of agency operations to ensure compliance ® In conjunction with the philosophy of community policing, commits the agency to a broad range of programs that directly benefit the public • Creates a forum in which police and citizens work together to control and prevent crime ® Requires an in-depth review of every aspect of the agency's organization,management,operations,and administration ® Serves as a yardstick to measure the effectiveness of the agency's programs and services • streamlines operations,providing more consistency and more effective deployment of agency manpower 7 8/20/2014 Wukt, General Fund Police Budget e Total - $4,168,011 e Capital purchases • Wireless down load computer system for the in car video cameras- $20,000 • New Portable radios - $17,000 • Three marked patrol vehicles- $120,000 • Mobile surveillance camera system- $7,000 • New video system for interview room, holding cells and sallyport- $13,000 r _.„.. ,,,,,J p. . ________________ _ __________L___, Future Capital Purchases e Police Building - RFP for complete A& E services has been distributed for advertising and responses are due by September 9, 2014 e Replace all mobile and portable radios over next 5 years -Approximately$300,000 e Replace Computer Aided Dispatch/Record Management System within 2 years -Approximately $300,000 to $400,000 Al"" 8 8/20/2014 FY 2015 Grants ® Total JAG C grant —Approximately $72,193 y One full time COPs officer (partial salary only) One full time Crime Suppression Unit (CSU) Detective (salary only) Pre-mitigation grant for new generator — application pending JAG D grant is anticipated —Approximately $2,000 Typically used to purchase equipment police Specie-Revenue Funds Police Training Fund 1. Restricted funding from a surcharge on traffic citations dedicated for police training 2. Fund balance exceeds $110,000 3. Regional Training Funds —Allocated by JSO for the entire region to host classes at academy 4.All training in FY 2014 was funded by these two restricted accounts 5. No General Fund dollars budgeted in 2015 for police training 9 8/20/2014 r Special Revenue Funds cont. . . 0 Radio Communications Fund 1. Restricted funds from a surcharge on traffic citations 2. May be used for the following: A. Radio airtime B. Laptop airtime C. Other related emergency communications expenses 3. Makes up 21% of total communications $90,000 budget ($19,000) - 11ecia tit— , .v cont. . . Forfeiture Funds 1. Seized money and other assets that have been used in the commission of a felony crime 2. Most common source is from drug cases 3. Revenue is very difficult to predict 4. Expenditures are very restricted and cannot be used for personnel or other normal operating expenses e0'" 10 8/20/2014 Lifeguards Seasonal March through October Beach coverage will be extended to start during Spring Break and continue into October with limited coverage City of Jacksonville will contribute $184,302 for personnel and operating expenses per the Interlocal Agreement FY 2015 personnel and operating expenses will be $227,385 -------- ------ Junior Lifeguard Program r, Four separate week long sessions (4 hrs per day) offered to youth interested in learning what it takes to be a lifeguard Great community outreach/local youth mentoring program Exposure to basic lifesaving techniques/physical fitness/lifeguard responsibilities/ocean safety & awareness 11 8/20/2014 er. Fire/Rescue Services Contract with JFRD beginning in 1999 $1,022,318 forABFD in 1998 First year of contract cost was $742,807 Savings of$279,511 Fiscal Year 2015 contract is $1,066,254 3% increase each year Atlantic Beach Police Department Questions??? 12 ATTACHMENT C 8/20/2014 y-»Jr r i,, 4'. rc ______) ,31�` U I)el)artn><ent of Iteereation 4X- Special Events °. 1994 2015 "Social and Cultural Capital:Investing in our Families and our Future" 1991 Director. Recreation Programs & Director. I'arlc fi Recreation Special 1,; pn1:, Iiecreation Center Coordinator krlruiru lruliNc .1 ,i,lant (fart-time po7-it ion at l)onner ParI) IUecreation Center Coordinator(FT) \oluntecr Recreation Board Recreation Center Coordinator(I'T) liccrration (:enter Coordinator )midget I7''.(11)0 (tiea<omal) 4 „ , lirlunteel- Recreation Committee Iluol ei s.,tr 1.;t 3 ,il,_ 1 8/20/2014 Programs 1994 2015 Easter Egg Hunt • Tennis Arts in the Park* Tree Lighting • Habitat Education v Art Walk Springiest Program " Art Exhibit • Afterschool Program m Songwriters Concert* • Tutoring Acoustic Nights* • Public Computers Wild Wonders • Toy Party Bowl Bash Clothing Drive Twilight Movies in the Park • Dance/Fitness - October Festival Programs : Family Campouts • Fun Run - Easter Egg Hunt • Tennis Tournaments* Artisan's Faire* • Flag Football Christmas Tree Lighting • Fitness Program* a Shakespeare in the Park • Summer Camp 2013-2014 EVENTS IN REVIEW Adele Grape •Baker Center Jordan Center ill Nl)A' L. I A\ I'I't 1.111t VPIZ M1, I IL! AGCC Recurring Rentals=2,09 PI.US , ABET Annual Usage=360 2 8/20/2014 r CONTINUED •BULL PK •DONNER PR I)UTION PVI. ... . _ ..... ..._.._._._....._ •JO AA SI S IORID,S PI: ��_�_ �.. . . _ vm , . �� _ R . ..1_.e„ . Kl sStl I Pk 11 1 MI AI OC'1 Nn\ 1)11, IAN I'I R MAR APR M5) RUN IUI AUG SI'.PI BEACH PERMITS •PVITON CAMP \CI 'IIINGS I I ICI,_II i ∎,t_I Nt Cs nil IAi. III.. +.IAII API- ',I\', II'N IVI. Al't; SI I'I r • . . .__ _.____ Contracts 1994 2015 Atlantic Beach Athletic Association ++ Atlantic Beach Athletic Association (ABAA) (ABAA) Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre . Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre (ABET) (ABET) © Tennis Pro • Dog Trainer • Atlantic Beach Elementary 3 8/20/2014 t (:(Of \[ l \ IT) CENTERS Adele Grage: • I)t'parttiti'iiI of 11f'i•1•Pditioit & `..;lit'i•izd I';At'it1s t)1fiei' • \t 1 I: si;iiiii,/ \rt \\all, ltri t' tiuit- ' Parlic l)irtli(lnV"'' \llllkt'r-lli`It'- i • \!col iii"- (,illiii`I lit't':, %, ' ! '41/ • • \\ il(lin :: - C∎srt�rnonii':,/l'►t�t rllt MIL:, ��� • Suiiinicer Camp:, • Public Computer:, ovi, GAIL BAKER CENTER • After School Program • Tutoring/Homework Assistance/JEA Assistance • Senior Program 1'4 • Summer Camp/Lunch Program ' w,.. • Field Trips • Sports-Tennis, Fun Runs, Cheer ' Twilight Movies at the Parks October Fest • Angel Toy Party Parties- Birthdays, Anniversaries, Reunions, etc. • Facility Rental for Receptions, Showers, Special Events, etc. 4 8/20/2014 ____ , .. Jordan Ce . „. :. '' Homework Assistance Afterschool Program 11.400001.,',0,4 } Parties/Games „ i � ' Dance and Fitness Grou ?'+ tr Sports - Flag Football Habitat for Education Program Rentals for Receptions, Meetings, Showers, etc. Park Rentals for Special Events, Gospel in the Park, etc Easter Egg Hunt Cooking Classes Ramie Beach Elententar School ti21.32() lla port 'Middle School 12.00 Beadle- Resource Center 2.000 Dial- \-Ride 1.301) Bcache Fine :\rte ;. 3 0th) . ;' -Recreation Coinn nit tee I)i.crctionary `X1.00 v Total i Recreation Connnitiec oNcr.ecs(listrihution of funds ' _<... :: a 5 8/20/2014 CITY SPONSORED EVENTS Shakespeare in the Park Ld, Wild Wonders Bowl Bash v x�i � r Mid-Week Market" Movies in the Parks Family Fun Day/Campout Easter Egg Hunt Angel Tree Tree Lighting r ADMINISTRATION • Perform administrative and operational duties • Provide customer service to residents,customers,and visitors • Field questions about Parks and Recreation issues plus other City concerns • Manage residents and customers requests for Special Events-Reservations/Rentals • Special Events- • Facility Rentals- • Program Registration- • City-wide special events-Charity fun runs,Culhane's St Pat's Day Party,filming movies- • Collect fees,issue receipts and make deposits for payments;prepare documents for department audit • Inventory supplies,make purchases and track spending for the department and committee • Coordinate with other departments in preparation of events;oversee Public Works employees during events • Actively administer the after school program in the absence of the Center Coordinators • Actively administer events at community center in absence of the Center Coordinators (flag football,Egg hunt,fun run,October Fest,etc) • Maintain website,facebook and department calendar • Prepare media releases,flyers and newsletter articles 6 ATTACHMENT D 8/20/2014 2014-15 Budg- Responsibilities • The Information Technology Department provides technology services to all City departments. I - • These services include: 3s' " 1__m ew • Administration of the City's application, // - "`�� -- `'-, I. data base,email,web,and file servers; --�� '�'" _ _�. _ • Design and maintenance of the local l • and wide area networks that connect the ..-.._-T=_ ;„ \ City offices and plants; N r, x�► - - - • Support of all workstations,laptops, . ! A: tablets, rinters,copiers,cameras,and P P ar 44__: telephone systems; ,S _ • • Evaluation and acquisition of all IT - 2:ei -_" =- assets used throughout the City. 1 8/20/2014 2015 IT Budget • Total Budget $822,706 • Operating $599,206 • Salaries and Benefits $292,076 • Maintenance and Repairs $198,130 • Various operating expenses $109,000 • Capital $233,500 • Phone System $102,500 • Laptops for Public Safety $32,500 • Email Server upgrade $25,000 • Various server,radio and video equipment. $73,500 Ten Year IT Capital Expenditure Plan Information Technology 001-1011-516-6402 Schedule of Capital Outlay-10 Year CIP 'Capital Outlay Description 'Explanation IPY-14 'FY-15 IFY46 IFY-17 IFY-16 IFY49 IFY-20 IFY-21 IFY-22 IFY-23 One Solution Application Community,Financial,Utility Billing 145,000 241,000 200,000 New Phone System 102,500 50,000 Server Replacements 5,000 43,000 45,000 40,000 65,000 CO,000 60,000 65,000 75,000 75,000 Network Replacements/Upgrades Switches,Firewalls,Routers 3,000 25,000 24,000 70,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 55,000 65,000 DdktopComputer Replacements Workstations,Laptops,Tablets 37,000 32,500 30,000 30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Software Upgrades Office,SQL,AMAG,Adobe 17,000 30,000 20,000 40,000 25,000 20,000 Copier Replacement 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total 207,000 233,000 350,000 350,000 175,000 200,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 2 8/20/2014 Major Information Technology Programs New Phone System wition • Moving to a digital phone system for City Hall,Police, Public Works,and many of the Water Plants GM MP MO 4,91 • �.. • Will replace a PBX in the PD that is out • ""' ® '— `M of capacity es as — — is. OD 0 O CM A i 4 c e Y k ? t Major Information Technology Programs SunGard One Solution Migration e� u • rrently installing the One Solution 7 '"` product for Community applications: : ; 4 a Code Enforcement,Building Permits, Business Licensing • No capital expenditure in 2014-2015 • Plans are to migrate Finance in 2015-2016 �� 3 ATTACHMENT E 8/20/2014 Administration Administrative Budget General Fund • City Clerk $288,265 • City Manager 230,244 • Finance and Accounting 906,827 • Information Technology 822,706 • Human Resources 194,531 • Legal Counsel 132,000 • Total $2,574,573 1 8/20/2014 r Resource Allocation • Personal Services $1,685,538 • Operating Expenses 659,585 • Capital Outlay 229,450 • Transfers o • Total $25574,573 Major Items Included • Clerk • Election Expenses • Printing and Publications • Finance&Administration • Audit • Postage • Printing • Information Technology • Communications • Maintenance Contracts and Repairs • Computers and related equipment • Phone System • Servers • Legal Services 2 8/20/2014 r General Government • General Government $229,181 • Building Maintenance 206,525 • Convention Development 85,000 • Half Cent Sales Tax 1,090,000 • Debt Service o • Grant Funds - Miscellaneous o • Capital Project Fund 345,000 • Total $4,535,705 General Government • Non Departmental • Insurance- General Liability 133,000 • Repair and Utilities- Buildings 44,000 • Non-Utility Billing postage 20,000 • Building Maintenance • Custodial Services 50,000 • Convention Development Tax Fund • Transfer to Marsh Master Plan 85,000 • Debt Service Fund - CLOSED • Miscellaneous Grant Fund - CLOSED 3 8/20/2014 General Government Half Cent Sales Tax Fund • Street Resurfacing 8o,000 • City Hall Parking Lot Lights io,000 • Sturdivant Sidewalks 130,000 • Seminole Road Streetscape 250,000 • Russell Park Renovation 250,000 • Howell Park Parking Lot 25,000 • Donner park playground lights io,000 • Bull Park Playground Equipment 75,000 • Transfer to Storm Water Utility 260,000 • Total $1,090,000 4✓fir` Capital Project Fund O Public Safety Building $2,600,000 • Marsh Master Plan • Two Overlooks and Kayak Launch 300,000 • Marsh Plan Contingency 25,000 O Total $2,925,000 4