08-13-18 Minutes Spec. Called MeetingMINUTES
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Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
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Monday, August 13, 2018 - 4:30 PM
Commission Chamber
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
John Stinson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem/Commissioner, Seat 3 (arrived 4:32 pm)
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 50
Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden m- City Attorney (CA)
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Shane Cobin (CDD)
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM.
A. City Attorney Procedural Reminders
CA Durden explained the meaning and process of a quasi judicial hearing. She
referenced a previous similar case entitled 'Wolfson versus the City of Atlantic Beach,'
and in this litigation the Court determined that no new evidence could be presented to
the Commission in the context of an appeal from the Community Development Board
(CDB). However, testimony can be given from the applicant and the appellant. CA
Durden explained she wanted to make this point clear as it may not be totally clear in the
City's code provisions. The decision before the Commission at this meeting is whether
the decision by the CDB to approve the requested variance was in conflict with, or in
violation of, the Land Development Regulations. She referenced the documents
provided in the Agenda Packet and the list of processes for this hearing and informed the
Commission they have the right to ask questions of the staff, the appellant, and the
applicant. The Commission can either affirm the decision of the CDB (deny the appeal
and uphold the approval of the variance), reverse the decision of the CDB (grant the
appeal and deny the variance), or modify the CDB decision (granting the variance with
conditions). She opened up the floor to the Commission for questions. All questions
were answered.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
August 13, 2018
CA Durden opened up the floor to the applicant and the appellant for questions. The
applicant and the appellant declined to ask any questions.
B. Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications, if any
Mayor Glasser asked the Commissioners for disclosure in any ex parte communication:
with either party involved in this Hearing.
Commissioner Stinson: Apologized to Mr. and Mrs. Klein for not replying to their
email due to personal issues.
Mayor Glasser: Received a letter and an email from Ms. Houser. She responded via
email with administrative information, however, particulars of this issue were not
C. Swearing In of All Persons Who Will Speak
All speakers were sworn in by Mayor Glasser.
D. City Staff Overview, Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
CA Durden reiterated the process with regard to time constraints.
CDD Shane Corbin displayed he original PowerPoint presentation given to the CDB
covering site context/detail, the proposed plan, variance need, analysis/concerns, and
grounds for the decision on Request for Variance in Case No. ZVAR18-0009.
Mayor Glasser invited questions from the Commissioners. All questions were answered
regarding the contour of the property, pavers, and gaps in the panels.
CA Durden briefly interrupted the proceedings to explain that the applicant and the
appellant were also permitted to ask questions of anyone who testifies throughout the
E. Houser Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
The appellant, Joanna Houser, stated she filed this appeal as she believes the CDB's
decision was based on the incorrect law. She stated the CDB applied Section 24-157(b4)
rather than Section 24-157(bl). A clear reading of Section 24-157(bl) refers to rear
fences and Section 24-157(b4) refers to sidewalks. She referred to various portions of
the deposition transcript referring to the height of the fence, permitting, and code
Mayor Glasser invited questions. All questions were answered.
F. Klein (Applicant) Documentation and Presentation/Testimony
Mayor Glasser introduced Mr. Paul Klein, the applicant.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
August 13, 2018
Mr. Klein distributed copies of his testimony to all parties and referred to the plat survey.
He spoke about the outdated PUD, grounds for approval of the variance, and the CDB's
Mayor Glasser allowed questions to be asked of Mr. Klein. All questions were answered.
Mayor Glasser opened the floor to Ms. Houser and Mr. Klein to ask questions. Both
parties declined.
Mayor Glasser allowed questions to be asked of City staff, Ms Houser and Mr, Klein.
The questions referred to changes in elevation from various points on the property, how
the fence was measured, interpretation and discrepancies in the current code, the specific
objections to the fence, and the property lay out in terms of front, back and side yards.
G. Closing Comments by Staff, Houser and Klein
Shane Corbin (CDD): Reminded the Commissioners that the decision made at this
meeting may influence the way staff interprets the code moving forward until there is an
opportunity to address the issue with a re -write.
Paul Klein: Commented on the justification for the CDB granting the variance based
on the uniqueness of the property.
Joanna Houser: Referred to the code's Section reading "the variances shall not be
granted solely for personal comfort or convenience or relief from financial
circumstances or relief for situations created by the properties owners. "
CA Durden stated the documentation submitted with the variance request describes the
'rear' yard as the portion of the property for variance consideration.
H. Commission Deliberation and Action
Discussion ensued about conflicts in the code, topography, and supporting the CDB.
MOTION: To uphold the approval of variance ZVARl 8-0009.
Motion: John Stinson
Second. Brittany Norris
Commissioner Kelly:
• Spoke about the CDB's competence in making decisions and her inclination is to agree
with their decision.
Commissioner Waters:
• Understands the valid reasons for the CDB's decision to grant the variance.
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
August 13, 2018
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Mayor Glasser:
Agreed with the competence in the CDB's decision-making abilities, but she did express
her disappointment that the decision was not based specifically in the context of whether
the property in question was a rear yard or a side yard. She reiterated the confusing
nature of the code and the need for the Commission to have a conversation about having
it re -written.
Commissioner Stinson:
® Commended City staff for their hard work on this issue.
Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For
John Stinson (Moved By) For
Ellen Glasser Against
Blythe Waters For
Candace Kelly For
Motion passed with a 4 to I vote.
There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 5:48 PM
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
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Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Special Called Meeting of the City Commission
August 13, 2018
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