07-23-18 Minutes Regular City Comm MeetingMINUTES Regular City Commission Meeting Monday, July 23, 2018 - 6:30 PM Commission Chamber PLEDGE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION Commissioner Waters provided the invocation, followed by the Pledge. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM, City Clerk Bartle called the roll. ROLL CALL: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3 Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 Absent: John Stinson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Also Present: Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA) Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Kevin Hogencamp, Deputy City Manager (DCM) Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC) Phyllis Nadeau, Associate City Clerk/Recording Secretary 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Glasser asked if there were any corrections or changes to the minutes. City Clerk Bartle stated that City Manager Joe Gerrity's name has been inadvertently omitted from several sets of minutes and this has been corrected. Ms. Bartle stated the documents for signature have been corrected. There were no other changes or corrections. IA. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on June 11, 2018 1B. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting on June 25, 2018. ACTION.- The minutes stand as submitted with the corrections. Mayor Glasser requested a deviation from the order of the agenda to move Item 3A to go before Item 2. Consensus was given to move Item 3A to go before Item 2. 3A. Recognition of Atlantic Beach Police Department Volunteers Page 1 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 Chief Cook took the floor to address the Commission and spoke about the Atlantic Beach Police Department Volunteer program. She explained the goal is to recruit and train men and women to support the efforts of our officers and the needs of our citizens. This program has been successfully organized and directed by Lieutenant David Cameron. Chief Cook recognized the following people who have contributed over 1,000 volunteer hours: • Troy Briggs • Sally Clemens • Jennifer Engelthaler • Angie Gaston • Paul Hout • John Hull • James Johnson • Mark Johnson • Suzanne Johnson • Rose Keyes • Aline King • Jeff Lenhart • Linda Lenhart • Karen Norton • Daniel Payne • Russ Purnell • Loren Rellah • Chip Robinson • Peggy Steck • Mark Tingen • David Vincent 2. COURTESY OF FLOOR TO VISITORS 2A. FY 2017 Audit Report - Purvis, Gray & Co. Finance Director Russell Caffey presented the audit of the City's Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, which is included in the agenda. Mr. Caffey introduced Barbara Boyd and Kevin Smith of Purvis, Gray & Co. Barbara Boyd took the floor to address the Commission. Ms. Boyd read the Auditors' Opinion wherein it states the financial statements were presented fairly in all material respects, equating to a clean opinion and the highest level of assurance. Next Ms. Boyd reviewed the Internal Controls audit and spoke about two areas of weakness. The first area is in Financial Close and Reporting. It is their recommendation to staff to hire an outside CPA to assist with the Financial Close and Reporting process to avoid risks and delays. The second area is in Timeliness and Accuracy of Bank Reconciliations. Ms. Boyd explained there was discovery that the September 2017 bank reconciliation was incomplete and there was an unreconciled $10,000 difference. Reconciliations are a key component to Page 2 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 internal controls and it is their recommendation to staff to ensure all bank accounts are reconciled within 20 days of month-end. Ms. Boyd referred to their Management Letter, which is a requirement per the Government Auditing Standards, Rules of the Auditor General, for improving financial management. This includes three recommendations in the following areas: • Police Officers' and General Employees' Retirement Plans Expenses • Insurance Premium Tax Revenues • Police Officers' Retirement Plan Pooled Cash Balances Ms. Boyd provided detailed descriptions of the conditions for each area and their recommendations to staff referenced in the Management Letter. It is recognized that the Finance Department has been struggling because of being short staffed, dealing with hurricanes and all the additional reporting, which affects routine reporting schedules. Ms. Boyd stated there has been noticeable improvement this year compared to last year — the financial statements were completed by June 30th of this year. Next Ms. Boyd reviewed the financial highlights beginning with the Reserves in the General Fund. The City is on target at 26%, approximately $3.2 million in Operating Reserves. The recommended percentage to have is 17 to 25%. She noted there is an additional $4 million in Unassigned Fund Balance, 34%, bringing the total to 60% of operating expenses on hand in case of an emergency. Ms. Boyd provided a detail review of the Business -Type Activities/Enterprise Funds and the Pension Plans (General and Police) Funds. Ms. Boyd reviewed separate correspondence from Purvis Gray & Co. (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A) that provided a detailed review of their significant audit findings. This concluded her report. CM Gerrity thanked Ms. Boyd and the firm for their work and recommendations. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Glasser explained the process for public comments and spoke briefly about the Civility Pledge taken by the Commissioners. Mayor Glasser opened Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors and CC Bartle called the speakers to the podium as follows: William Viola spoke about the coyote problem in Atlantic Beach and losing his cat because of it. Laura Mullis spoke about the coyote problem in Atlantic Beach and losing their family cat because of it. Ms. Mullis stated her son witnessed this vicious attack and has been traumatized. Kirk Hansen spoke about Commission demeanor. John November spoke about the conservation acquisition of Selva Preserve. Page 3 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 Mayor Glasser closed Courtesy of the Floor. 3. CITY MANAGER REPORTS CM Gerrity provided an update on the Safe Route to School project stating the contract has been awarded and construction is scheduled to start mid-August. He spoke about the LDC rewrite and development of the next fiscal budget. On the subject of the coyotes, CM Gerrity stated the City follows the guidelines and advice of the Florida Wildlife Commission — find a way to coexist. He stated this is a difficult situation. 3B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (August through October 2018) Commissioner Waters requested the City Clerk to send the meeting invites via Outlook and CC Bartle acknowledged the request. Consensus was given to accept the 90 -day calendar. 4. REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kelly • Spoke about obtaining the services of a traffic engineer. • Suggested requesting a meeting with Florida Wildlife Commission about the coyote problems. Commissioner Norris • Requested financial expense reports from the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC) in order to prepare for the upcoming budget. Commissioner Waters — No comment. Mayor Glasser • Spoke about the Employee Climate Survey and that it has been completed. There is a report forthcoming with recommendations and will be provided to the Commission, our employees, and the public. • Spoke about the Kmart property proposed redevelopment in Neptune Beach, the impact to Atlantic Beach, and communications with Neptune Beach Officials. • Addressed the issue of civility and statements made to a resident, Julie Hammond, who was applying for a waiver at a previous Commission meeting. Ms. Glasser stated she called Ms. Hammond after the meeting to apologize to her if she (Ms. Hammond) felt that she was being criticized at the meeting, stating that is not our intent. We don't want our residents to feel criticized and Mayor Glasser asked the Commission to do better about honoring the Civility Pledge. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS None. Page 4 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 6. CONSENT AGENDA None. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. 8. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS 8A. RESOLUTION NO. 18-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF A FEDERAL HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION UNDER FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY VIA THE PRESIDENTIAL DISASTER DECLARATION FOR HURRICANE IRMA (FEMA 4337 -DR -FL); AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE APPLICATION AND ASSURANCES AND AGREEMENTS FOR ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO SUCH FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CM Gerrity stated the Federal Government made funds available to various municipalities and counties for a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program resulting from Hurricane Irma. The City has submitted several projects for consideration which are listed in the agenda memo. MOTION. To approve Resolution No. 18-28 as read. Motion: Blythe Waters Second. Candace Kelly Brittany Norris For Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly (Seconded By) For Ellen Glasser For Motion passed unanimously. CM Gerrity asked Mayor Glasser to change the sequence and move 9A before 8B and Mayor Glasser agreed. 9. ACTION ON ORDINANCES 9A. ORDINANCE NO. 15-18-15, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2018, 1N THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,500,000 TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LAND WITHIN THE CITY FOR PASSIVE RECREATION AND CONSERVATION PURPOSES, SUCH LAND TO BE KNOWN AS THE SELVA PRESERVE; APPROVING A FORM OF LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DELIVERY OF SUCH Page 5 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 BOND; PROVIDING FOR SALE OF THE BOND BY RESOLUTION FOLLOWING SOLICITATION OF COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS FROM COMMERCIAL BANKS AND NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER; SECURING THE PAYMENT OF THE BOND WITH A COVENANT TO BUDGET AND APPROPRIATE EACH YEAR FROM THE CITY'S LEGALLY AVAILABLE NON -AD VALOREM REVENUES SUFFICIENT MONIES TO MAKE SUCH PAYMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CM Gerrity explained this is the second reading for this Ordinance to allow the City to borrow money to complete the Selva Preserve purchase. The interest rate is 3.55%, the loan is capped at $1.4 million, and has a 15 year payback. CM Gerrity introduced the City's Bond Counsel, Mr. Jack McWilliams, if there are any questions. Mayor Glasser opened the Public Hearing. There were no speakers and Mayor Glasser closed the Public Hearing. There were no questions or further discussion. MOTION. To approve Ordinance No. 15-18-15 as read. Motion: Blythe Waters Second. Brittany Norris Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Ellen Glasser For Motion passed unanimously. 8. ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS (continued) 8B. RESOLUTION NO. 18-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; SUPPLEMENTING ORDINANCE NO. 15-18-15; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A $1,400,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2018; AUTHORIZING AWARD OF THE BOND TO BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY FOLLOWING SOLICITATION OF COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE BOND AND THE LOAN AGREEMENT; DESIGNATING THE BOND AS A BANK QUALIFIED BOND UNDER SECTION 265(B) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE; AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BOND AND THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CM Gerrity explained this Resolution allows the authority to close on the Bond and put the funds into the account. Page 6 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 There were no questions or further discussion. MOTION. To approve Resolution No. 18-29 as read. Motion: Blythe Waters Second: Brittany Norris Candace Kelly For Brittany Norris (Seconded By) For Blythe Waters (Moved By) For Ellen Glasser For Motion passed unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS None. 11. CITY ATTORNEY/CITY CLERK REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CA Durden reminded the Commission on August 13, 2018 at 4:30 PM there will be a quazi judicial hearing on the appeal of the grant of a fence variance that was approved by the Community Development Board. There will be an agenda packet sent out and CA Durden reminded the Commission to keep track of any/all communications about this case for disclosure at that meeting. CC Bartle announced the City needs applications for various Boards and Committees — the Board Member Review Committee, the Code Enforcement Board, the Community Development Board, and the Environmental Stewardship Committee. 12. CLOSING COMMENTS BY CITY COMMISSIONERS AND CITY MANAGER Commissioner Norris Thanked Mayor Glasser for her comments about civility. Ms. Norris stated she made those statements to the resident, Julie Hammond, at that meeting. Ms. Norris stated she has received emails about this and clarified her intent was not to be insulting but to provide grounds for her motion to deny the waiver. Ms. Norris stated she should have been more diplomatic. She apologized and stated she will strive to make improvements. Commissioner Waters • Spoke about maintaining civility, remembering these people are our neighbors, and finding common ground and solutions to shared problems even with differences of opinions. Page 7 of 8 Regular City Commission - 23 Jul 2018 Commissioner Kelly • Encouraged people to sign up to receive notices of everything happening in the City — meetings and events. • Reminded everyone to register to vote. • Expressed her condolences and sympathy to the residents who lost their pet cats to coyotes and hopes for a solution. CM Gerrity • Stated there are two closings for the Selva Preserve property — the Bond closing tonight and the real estate closing for the land, which is scheduled for this Thursday. Mayor Glasser • Expressed her condolences and sympathy for those residents who lost their pet cats to coyotes. Mayor Glasser said there was a Town Hall meeting about the coyote problem and the City is monitoring this and it is a very difficult issue. She encouraged sightings and incidents should be reported to the Police Department Animal Control. • Spoke about needing applications for the various Boards and Committees, a Resolution to reduce the members on CARAC and reinstitute the Teen Council. • Spoke about the Branding Initiative and having a plan to move forward. • Spoke about Commissioners communications and the Sunshine Laws. CA Durden Explained the Sunshine Laws prohibit the Commission from speaking about any City business outside of a public meeting forum. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Mayor Glasser declared the meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM. Attest: 4e� Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor /Attachment DLB/njp Page 8 of 8 ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes Purvis Grav R COMMUNICATION WITH THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Atlantic Beach, Florida We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, (the City), for the year ended September 30, 2017, and have issued our report thereon dated June 28, 2018. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our engagement letter to you dated September 16, 2017. Professional standards require that we provide you with the following information related to our audit: Significant Audit Findings Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the City are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during the year. We noted no transactions entered into by the governmental unit during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period. Future Adoption of New Accounting Standards GASB Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployrnent Benefits Other Than Pensions, replaces the requirements of Statement No. 45, Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, as amended, and No. 57, OPEB Measurements by Agent Employers and Agent Multi -Employer Plans, for Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). This statement establishes new accounting and financial reporting requirements for governments whose employees are provided with OPEB, including the recognition and measurement of liabilities, deferred outflows of resources, deferred inflows of resources, and expenses. Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected, The most sensitive estimates affecting the financial statements were: Certified Public Accountants P.O. Box 141270 o 222 N.E. 1st Street • Gainesville, Florida 32614-1270 • (352) 378-2461 * FAX (352) 378-2505 Laurel Ridge Professional Center • 2347 S,E. 17th Street • Ocala, Florida 34471 • (352) 732-3872 • FAX (352) 732-0542 443 East College Avenue • Tallahassee, Florida 32301 • (850) 224-7144 • FAX (850) 224-1762 5001 Lakewood Ranch Blvd. N., Suite 101 • Sarasota, Florida 34240 • (941) 907-0350 • FAX (941) 907-0309 MEMBERS OF AMERICAN AND FLORIDA INSTITUTES OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PRIVATE COMPANIES AND S.E.C. PRACTICE SECTIONS ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Atlantic Beach, Florida Significant Audit Findings (Continued) Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices (Concluded) ■ Management's estimate of the depreciation and accumulated depreciation which is based on the useful lives determined by asset type. ■ Management's estimate of the allowance for uncollectible accounts which is based on historical trends and an analysis of the collectability of individual accounts. ■ Management's estimate of the other Postemployment Benefits Obligation which is based on actuarial assumptions and estimates. ■ Management's estimate of the net pension liability for the City's two defined benefit pension plans is based on the actuarial valuations performed by qualified actuaries. As permitted by GASB Statement No. 68, the City has elected to use a measurement date to record the net pension liabilities and related deferred inflows and outflows of resources, that is one year prior to the reporting date. The net pension liability represents the difference between the value of the pension plan assets and the total pension liability, which is measured using various actuarial assumptions. These assumptions, if changed, could have a significant impact on recorded amounts. ■ Management's estimate of the allocation of the City's net pension liability and other related items between the business -type and governmental activities. This allocation is based on the actuarial accrued liability of each active employee and retirees. This information is obtained from the actuary. These assumptions, if changed, could have a significant impact on the allocation amounts. o Management's estimate of compensated absences which is based on payroll data as of year-end, including the employees' current rate of pay and accrued hours for vacation and sick leave. Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. The most sensitive disclosures affecting the financial statements was: ■ The disclosure in Note 7 that discusses Pension Plans for the City. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the estimates described above in determining that they are reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit The completion of our audit was delayed due to delays in receiving all of the necessary information to complete the audit. Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. Management has corrected all such misstatements. As described in the Independent Auditors' Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters, we detected misstatements that we consider to be material. All material misstatements identified were corrected and posted by management. A listing of journal entries has been attached to this letter. IA ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Atlantic Beach, Florida Significant Audit Findings (Concluded) Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditors' report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated June 28, 2018. Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the governmental unit's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditors' opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the governmental unit's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. Other Matters We applied certain limited procedures to the Required Supplementary Information (RSI), which supplements the basic financial statements. Our procedures consisted of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI. We were engaged to report on supplementary information which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. With respect to this supplementary information, we made certain inquiries of management and evaluated the form, content, and methods of preparing the information to determine that the information complies with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the method of preparing it has not changed from the prior period, and the information is appropriate and complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements. We compared and reconciled the supplementary information to the underlying accounting records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves. We were not engaged to report on other statistical information, which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Atlantic Beach, Florida Restriction on Use This information is intended solely for the information and use of the City Commission and management of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties. June 28, 2018 Gainesville, Florida 4 ATTACHMENTA February 23, 2018 Minutes City of Atlantic Beach Year End: September 30, 2017 Adjusting Journal Entries Date: 10/1/2016 To 9/30/2017 Date Type Name Account No Debit Credit 9/30/2017 N FUND BALANCE 001-0000-271-00-00001 9/3012017 N WORKERS'COMPENSATION 001-2002-521-24-00001 9/30/2017 N FUND BALANCE 410-0000-271-00-00 410 9/30/2017 N WORKERS' COMPENSATION 410-5508-535-24-00 410 9/30/2017 N PENSION RELATED 950-0000-190-00-00950 9/30/2017 N FUND BALANCE 950-0000-271-00-00950 Reconciled Opening Fund balance to FS 27,485.10 -27,465.10 33,566.12 -33,566.12 -269,888.54 269,888.54 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 120-0000-133-02-00120 9/30/2017 -33,595.53 9/30/2017 N CONVENT DEVELOP TAX -2 PCT 120-0000-312-10-01 120 33,595.53 AUDITADJUSTMENT 9/30/2017 N AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 130.0000-133-02-00 130 AUDITADJUSTMENT -77,463.80 9/3012017 N FIRST LOCAL OPT TAX -0 PCT 130-0000.312-01-01 130 77,483.80 44,539.65 9130/2017 N AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 131-0000-133-02-00 131 82,690.31 -143,927.89 9/30/2017 N DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTX 131-0000-312-60-00131 143,927.89 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 141-0000-133-02-00141 N -485.65 9/30/2017 N CLERK -COURT COSTS 141-0000-351-30-00 141 485.65 001-0000-323-40-01 001 9/30/2017 N AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 142-0000-133-0200142 001-0000-335-15-00 001 2,334.85 9/30/2017 N INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROGRAM 142-0000-351-70-00142 2,334.85 9/30/2017 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 162-0000-223-04-00162 9/3 012 01 7 -16,927.82 9/30/2017 N POLICE GRANT PROCEEDS 162-0000-331-22-00162 16,927.82 CLERK -FINES AN FORFEITS 001-0000-351-50-01001 4,021.72 GOVT AGEN / AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 165.0000-133-02-00165 2,215.72 9/30/2017 N DUE FROM OTHER 165-0000-331-20-02165 2,215.72 9/3 012 01 7 N FDLE PBC AJE# 4109 identified by PGC 5 AJE# 4108 --PBC AJE identified by PGC during audit. Client reverses out all receivables currently in Special Revenue Fund A/R and puts them all back in AJE #5. The only change was to accrue for disc. sales surtax (361,193.66). 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02.00001 -12,324.67 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133.02-00001 -555,608.61 9130/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-223-04.00001 -1,315.73 9/30/2017 N ELECTRIC-JEA-5 % base chgs 001-0000-314-10-00 001 44,539.65 9/30/2017 N COMMUNICATION SERVICE TAX 001-0000-315-10-00 001 82,690.31 9/30/2017 N COUNTY ALLOCATION 001-0000-316-01-00 001 20,710.38 001-0000-323-10-02 001 149,539.41 9/30/2017 N JEA 9/30/2017 N TECO/PEOPLES GAS 001-0000-323-40-01 001 925.28 9/30/2017 N ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENS 001-0000-335-15-00 001 9,600.02 9130/2017 N L.G.1/2 CENT SALES TAX 001-0000-335-18-00 001 243,582.04 9/30/2017 N FIRE FACILITY-JAX REIMB 001-0000-342-90-03 001 1,315.73 9/3 012 01 7 N DOT -MAINTENANCE REIMB 001-0000-344-90-01 001 12,324.67 9 /3 012 01 7 N CLERK -FINES AN FORFEITS 001-0000-351-50-01001 4,021.72 PBC AJE# 4109 identified by PGC 5 ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes ON during audit- Client reverses out all receivables currently in General Fund A/R and puts them all back in AJE #6. The only change is to decrease revenues by $20,000 from the 1/2 cent sales tax account that was initially keyed in wrong. 9 /3 012 01 7 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 1204MO-133-02-00120 33,595.53 9/30/2017 N CONVENT DEVELOP TAX -2 PCT 120.0000-312-10-01 120 -33,595.53 9/3012017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 130.0000-133-02-00130 119,607.68 9/3012017 N FIRST LOCAL OPT TAX -6 PCT 130-0000.312-41-01 130 -119,607.68 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 131-0000-133-02-00 131 205,121.55 9/30/2017 N DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTX 131-0000.312-60-00131 -205,121.55 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 141-0000-133-02-00141 485.65 9/30/2017 N CLERK -COURT COSTS 141-0000.351.30-00141 -085.65 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 142-0000.133-02-00142 2,334.85 9130/2017 N INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROGRAM 142-OODO-351-70.00142 -2,334.85 913012017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 162-0000-133-02-00162 16,927.82 9/30/2017 N POLICE GRANT PROCEEDS 162-0000-331-22-00162 -16,927.82 913012017 N DUE FROM OTHER GOVTAGEN /AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 165-0000-133-02-00165 2,215.72 9/30/2017 N FDLE 165-0000-331-20-02165 -2.215.72 PBC AJE #4110 identified by PGC during audit- See AJE #3 913012017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02-00001 12,324.67 9130/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02-00001 535,608.81 9/3012017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-223-04-00001 1,315.73 9/30/2017 N ELECTRIC-JEA-5% base chgs 001-0000-314-10-00 001 -44,539.65 9/30/2017 N COMMUNICATION SERVICE TAX 001-0000-315-10-00 001 -82,690.31 9/30/2017 N COUNTY ALLOCATION 001-0000-316-01-00001 -20,710.38 001-0000-323-10-02001 -149,539.41 9/30/2017 N JEA 9130/2017 N TECOIPEOPLES GAS 001-0000-323-00-01 001 -925.28 9/30/2017 N ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENS 001-0000-335-15-00 001 -9,600,02 9/30/2017 N L.G.1/2 CENT SALES TAX 001-0000-335-18-00 001 -223,582.04 9/30/2017 N FIRE FACILITY-JAX REIMB 001-0000.342-90-03 001 -1,315.73 9/30/2017 N DOT -MAINTENANCE REIMB 001-0000-344-90-01 001 -12,324.67 9/30/2017 N CLERK -FINES AN FORFEITS 001-0000-351-50-01 001 -4,021.72 PBC AJE #4111 -See AJE#4 for details. PGC identified during audit. 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02-00001 107,988.92 9/30/2017 N L.GA12 CENT SALES TAX 001-0000-335-18-00 001 -107,986.92 To accrue for 112 cent revenue to have 12 months of payment for FYW 9/30/2017 N SRF DW160710 LOAN 400-0000-215-07-00 400 345.41 9/30/2017 N SRF LOAN-DW160710 400-0000-591-72-09 400 345.41 9/30/2017 N SRF LOAN WW160700 410-0000-215-09-00 410 7,945.25 9130/2017 N SRF LOAN-WW160700 410-0000-591-72-10 410 7.945.25 ON ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes Adjust Interest Payable Amounts to Actual 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02-00001 186,300.49 9/3 012 01 7 N ELECTRIC-JEA-5% base chgs 001-0000-314-10-00001 45,266.13 9130120`17 N JEA 001.0000-323-10-02001 -141,034.36 AJE# 4112 --PBC AJE identified by PGC during audit -To accrue September Franchise Fee and Utility Tax payments 9/30/2017 N FEMA RECEIVABLES 001-0000-115-00-03001 19,223.32 -314,860.25 9/30/2017 N FEMA RECEIVABLES 001-0000115-00-03001 43,750.00 9/30/2017 N DEFERRED REVENUE 001-0000223-00-00001 -19,223.32 9/3012017 N DEFERRED REVENUE 001-0000223-00-00 001 57,826.05 -43,750.00 9130/2017 N FEMA RECEIVABLES 420-0000-115-00-01420 290,008.74 9130/2017 N FEMA RECEIVABLES 420-0000-115-00-01 420 25,569.01 -183,508.20 9/30/2017 N FED DISASTER RELIEF 420-0000-331-50-01420 -290,008.74 9/30/2017 N STATE DISASTER RELIEF 420-0000-334-50-01420 183,508.20 -25,589.01 Record FEMA receivables and revenues for Hurricane Matthew 913012017 N LIABILITIES & OTHER C R E D 130-0000202-00-00130 -314,860.25 9130/2017 N OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 130-5002-541-34-00130 314,860.25 9/3012017 N PAYABLES 131-0000-202-00-00131 -85,139.75 9/30/2017 N OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 131-5002-541-04-00131 57,826.05 9/30/2017 N OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 131-5002-54134-00131 27,313.70 9/30/2017 N PAYABLES 420-0000-202-00-00420 -183,508.20 9/30/2017 N PAYABLES 4200000-202-00-00 420 -72,714.50 9130/2017 N STORM DEBRIS REMOVAL 420-0201-524-34-16420 183,508.20 9/3012017 N STORM DEBRIS REMOVAL 420-4201-524-34-16420 72,714.50 To accrue unrecorded payables idenitified during audit 9/30/2017 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 001-0000-104-00-00 001 243,599.43 9/30/2017 N ELECTRIC-JEA-5% base chgs 001-0000-314-10-00 001 -52,461.96 001-0000-323-1002 001 -75,870.71 9/30/2017 N JEA 913012017 N MOBILE HOME LICENSES 001-0000-335-14-00001 -10.50 9130/2017 N MOBILE HOME LICENSES 001-0000-335-14-00 001 -43.50 9/3012017 N MOBILE HOME LICENSES 001-0000-335-14-00 001 -19.25 913012017 N L.G.1/2 CENT SALES TAX 001-0000-335-18-00001 -113,142.78 913 012 01 7 N FIRE FACILITY-JAX REIMB 001-0000.342-90-03 001 -1,315.73 9/3 012 01 7 N FACILITY RENTAL 001-0000-347-50-01001 -735.00 913012017 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 130-0000-104-00.00130 39,536.80 9130/2017 N FIRST LOCAL OPT TAX -6 PCT 130-0000312-01-01 130 -39,536.80 9130/2017 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 131-0000-104-00.00 131 62,904.83 ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes 9/30/2017 N DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTX 131-0000-312-00-00131 -62,904.83 9130/2017 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 162-0000-104-00-00162 12,093.92 9/30/2017 N POLICE GRANT PROCEEDS 162-0000-331-22-00162 -12,093.92 9/30/2017 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 400-0000404-00-00 400 14,417.92 9/30/2017 N DEFERRED REVENUE / D E F E R R 400-0000-223-00-00 400 -13,291.39 9/30/2017 N OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 400-0000-369-90-00400 -1,126.53 9/30/2017 N DEPOSIT - BANK OF AMERICA 800-0000-101-12-00800 243,599.43 9130/2017 N DEPOSIT - BANK OF AMERICA 800-0000-101-12-00 800 39,536.80 9130/2017 N DEPOSIT - BANK OF AMERICA 800-0000-101-12-00 800 62,904.83 9/30/2017 N DEPOSIT - BANK OF AMERICA 800-0000-101-12-00 800 14,417.92 9/30/2017 N DEPOSIT - BANK OF AMERICA 800-0000-101-12-00 800 12,093.92 9/30/2017 N GENERAL FUND 001 800-0000-290-01-00 800 -243,599.43 913012017 N LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 130 800-0000-290-10-13 800 -39,536.80 9/3012017 N BETTER JAX 1/2 CENT 131 800-0000-290-10-31 800 -62,904.83 913012017 N BYRNE GRANT -POLICE 162 800-0000-290-10-02 800 -12,093.92 9/30/2017 N WATER FUND 400 800-0000-290-00-00 800 -14,417.92 Client AJE #4113 - Corrected ACH that cleared in bank prior to 9/30, but not recorded on books until after 10/1 9/30/2017 N MACHINERY & EQUIPMT-OTHER 400-0000-166-91-00 400 4,575.00 9/3012017 N MACHINERY & EQUIPMT-OTHER 400-0000-166-91-00400 42,347.62 9/30/2017 N COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 400-0000-166-93-00400 1,100.00 9/30/2017 N CAPITAL EXPENSE RECLASS 400-0000-599.69-99 400 -48,022.62 9/30/2017 N MACHINERY & EQUIPMT-OTHER 410-0000-166-91-00 410 30,300.00 9130/2017 N MACHINERY & EQUIPMT-OTHER 410-0000-166-91-00 410 14,586.50 9/30/2017 N MOTOR VEHICLES 410-0000-166-92-00410 149,464.00 9/30/2017 N CAPITAL EXPENSE RECLASS 410-0000-599-69-99410 -194,350.50 9/30/2017 N MOTOR VEHICLES 455-0000-166-92-00455 17,970.00 9/30/2017 N COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 455-0000-166-93-00455 4,948.00 9/30/2017 N CAPITAL EXPENSE RECLASS 455-0000-599-09-99 455 -22,918.00 9/30/2017 N MACHINERY & EQUIPMT-OTHER 470-0000-166-91-00 470 1,556.00 9/30/2017 N CAPITAL EXPENSE RECLASS 470-0000-599-69-99 470 -1,556.00 Corrections to Capital Oullay 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-0200001 113,142.78 9/3012017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02-00001 -75,870.71 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 001-0000-133-02-00 001 -45,266.13 9/30/2017 N ELECTRIC-JEA-5% base chgs 001-0000-314-10.00 001 45,266.13 9130/2017 N JEA 001-0000-323-10-02 001 75,870.71 9/30/2017 N L.G.1/2 CENT SALES TAX 001-0000-335-18-00 001 113,142.78 9/30/2017 N AUDITADJUSTMENT 130-0000-133-02-00130 -39,536.80 9/30/2017 N FIRST LOCAL OPT TAX -6 PCT 130-0000-312-41-01 130 39,536.80 9/30/2017 N AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 131-0000-133-02-00131 -62,904.83 9/30/2017 N DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTX 131-0000-312-00-00 131 62,904.83 9/30/2017 N AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 162-0000-133-02-00 162 -12,093.92 9/30/2017 N POLICE GRANT PROCEEDS 162-0000-331-22-00162 12,093.92 Correct portion of AJE #4113 8 ATTACHMENT A February 23, 2018 Minutes 9/3 012 01 7 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 001-0000-104-00-00 001 913 012 01 7 -44,067.12 9/3012017 N DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS 001-0000-131-00-00 001 44,067.12 900-5002-541-59-02900 305,606.26 9/3012017 N POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 300-0000-104-00-00 300 44,067.12 9/30/2017 N DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 300-0000-207-00-00 300 4,250.00 -44,067.12 9/30/2017 N GENERAL FUND 001 800-0000-290-01-00 800 44,067.12 -4,250.00 913 012 01 7 N CAP IMPRV-POLICE BLDG 300 800-0000-290-30-30 800 4,250.00 -44,067.12 Recless for FS purposes. Zero out negative cash in Fund 300 and record temp. loan between Fund 300 and GF 9/30/2017 N CONTRACT -RETAINAGE PAYABL 320-0000-206-00.00 320 41,612.67 9130/2017 N INFRASTRUCTURE 320-0040-572-&3.00320 -41,612.67 9/30/2017 N CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 900-0000-169-90-00900 -41,612.67 9/3 012 01 7 N CAPITAL EXPENSE RECLASS 900-0000-59959-99900 41,612.67 Remove retainage payable paid in CY 9130/2017 N ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 900.0000-167-97-02 900 305,606.26 913 012 01 7 N SIDEWALKS 900-0000-167-97-03900 -31,409.21 9130/2017 N ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 900-5002-541-59-02900 305,606.26 9130/2017 N SIDEWALKS 900-5002-54159-12900 31,409.21 Record GASb 34 Reto Infrastructure 9/30/2017 N Due to Pension Funds 001-0000-207-00-01 001 6,500.00 9/30/2017 N OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 001-1003-513-04-00001 4,250.00 9/30/2017 N OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVS. 001-2001-521-34-00001 4,250.00 9/30/2017 N Due from Other Govt Agency 601-0000-133-04-00 601 4,250.00 9/30/2017 N Misc Income 601-0000.360-00-00 601 -4,250.00 9/30/2017 N Due from Other 603-0000-133-00-00 603 4,250.00 9/30/2017 N Misc Income 603-0000.360-00-00 603 -4,250.00 61