10-08-18 Commission Meeting NotesKEY White = Agenda Item Blue = Mayor's Notes Green = City Clerk's Notes Yellow = Action requested CITY COMMISSION AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 8, 2018 at 6:30 PM (Next Regular Meeting is Monday, October 22, 2018) Invocation and pledge to the Fla Call on Commissioner Stinson 1 Approval of the minutes Call to order Mayor Glasser to introduce Dawn Pope. Ms. Pope can introduce officers. Mayor Glasser Calls the Meeting to Order Ask City Cleric to all the 11 Public Comments KELLY NORRIS VSTINSON V WATERS VGLASSER 1 Approval of the minutes IA. Approval of the September 17, 2018 Commission Workshop Minutes. Mayor Glasser to introduce Dawn Pope. Ms. Pope can introduce officers. Ask "Are there any corrections to the minutes?" If there are no corrections, state: "There being no corrections, the minutes stand." OR Uthere are corrections, have them exlain the changes, then: Ask "Are there any additional corrections to the minutes?" Once the corrections are made, state: "There being no additional corrections, the minutes are approved as corrected." Public Comments 2 Courtesy of the F oor to Visitors M-11 {/ 2A. Grant Writing Annual Deport Ask City Clerk to call names of speakers. Call on City Manager Joe Gerrity. 213. Introduction of Atlantic Beach Youth Council Officers Mayor Glasser to introduce Dawn Pope. Ms. Pope can introduce officers. 2C. Proclamation for Commissioner John Stinson. ("'h2? Mayor Glasser to read proclamation and present to Commissioner Stinson. v1 Public Comments Explain the process for public comments and state the time limit for each speaker. Ask City Clerk to call names of speakers. City Cleric calls names of speakers Mayor Closes Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors 3 City Manager Reports 3A. City Manager Report tQ Call on City Manager Joe Gerrity to give' his report. 3B. Accept the 90 -Day Calendar (October through December 2018) City Manager Joe Gerrity to report. Need consensus to accept the 90 -Day Calendar for October through December 2018. -- --- 5 a C .F 3C. fleet handing Industrial Development Bonds City Manaver Joe Gerritv to report. 4 Reports and/or Requests from City Commissioners 4A. Proclamation in Recognition of Red Ribbon Week. 1z, Mayor Glasser to report. Dave City Clerk call out names of City Commissioners/Mayor to report. `/ Commissioners/Mayor give their reports. 5 Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting None. 6 Consent Agenda None. Cd� �bWn-4VvYW" WPCIC-� K�/�^� �V t, 7 Committee Reports Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee- Contribution Report and 7A. Recommendation. j` - _ __ ! r 0 Call on City Manager Joe Gerrity. Cd� �bWn-4VvYW" WPCIC-� K�/�^� �V t, 8 Action on Resolutions 8A. RESOLUTION INTO. 18-41 Mayor Glasser will read Resolution Title. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A ONE-YEAR AGREEMENT CONTINUING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF LANGTON ASSOCIATES, INC. AND APPROVE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR $36,000 ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. Call on City Manager Joe Gerrity to explain. Recommended Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 18-41 -' Motion by Seconded by Discussion Vote KELLY Aye or Nay NORRIS Aye or Nay WATERS Aye or Nay GLASSER Aye or Nay 9 Action on Ordinances None. 10A. Discussion on Board Member Review Committee and Parking and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource Committee (Mayor Glasser) Mayor Glasser to explain Need consensus on how to move forward. 10B. IDiscussion on the format and selection process filling Commissioner Seat 2 vacancy. Call on City Clerk Bartle. Need consensus on the format for the Oct 15 Special Called Meeting. 11 City Attorney/City Clerk Reports and/or Requests ty"e 6 inL14 I � sl Call on City Attorney and City Clerk. 12 Closing Comments by City Commissioners aid City Manager Ask for closing comments from City Commissioners, Mayor and City Manager. 13 Adjournment Adj ourn the meeting 3 �>umOrr..., m O m y EMU cn � � �>umOrr..., m O r > O m � EMU cn � � r > O CA m � EMU Q � � r > o CA m � k Q � � o CA � k Q � � o CA y y m � � o � � y y m � � Thank you, mayor. My comments are broken down into two parts: • First, information that all candidates for the Seat 2 vacancy should know • Second, the proposed format for the Oct. 15 special called meeting, at which a candidate for the open seat may be selected. First, here's the information that all candidates for the open seat should know — and that I am prepared to share with them unless the Commission decides otherwise: 1. The candidates should look at their calendars and make sure they have the time to commit to the meeting schedules. The Commission has an average of at leastfour meetings per month. Yes, that's about 50 peryear, sometimes more. 2. We have received four application packets so far. The deadline to complete the packet is October 101h at 5 pm. 3. The special meeting to elect a new Commissioner to fill the vacancy on Seat 2 is scheduled for October 15th at 6 pm. An agenda will be prepared and published on Thursday, October 11tH 4. The swearing-in will occur at the beginning of the regular Commission meeting on October 22nd. The newly elected Commissioner can have the City Clerk, a notary or a judge administer the oath. 5. The candidate selected will serve the remainder of the unexpired term, which ends in November 2020. 6. Whoever is chosen will be expected to attend orientation sessions and ethics training at their earliest convenience. Now I'd like to address the process for the Oct. 15 special called meeting. The outline that I am going to explain is the result of input from the city manager, attorney, Mayor Glasser and myself. It's our hope that whether you go with this format or make any changes it, you will reach a consensus and we can move forward, accordingly. (A copy has been distributed to each of you for your review.), 1. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors: Allow 3 minutes for each speaker and limit the comments to be only about the candidates. 2. Presentations from candidates: Each candidate will draw a number and that number would determine the order. 1 means first, 2 means second and so on. Allow 5 minutes for each candidate to give a presentation explaining their skills, accomplishments, what they'd like to accomplish, etc. After each presentation, the Commission can ask the candidate questions and the candidate can have 1 minute per question to respond. 3. Recess for 15 minutes: After all presentations and questions and answers are done, there will be a 15 -minute recess. This time should be taken to review your notes. 4. Reconvene: The meeting will then reconvene. 5. Open Discussion to the Commission: This time should be used to help frame appropriate motions. 6. Motions: Motions should be made and seconded before moving on to discussion. 7. Discussion: Once a motion has been made and seconded, Commissioners will have two 5 -minute rounds of discussion, if needed. 8. Vote: No less than three affirmative votes are required in order for the motion to pass.