10-02-18 Minutes between Glasser-Stinsony1+1r MINUTES
} rs Public Meeting between Mayor Ellen Glasser and
Commissioner John Stinson
Tuesday, October 2, 2018 - 8:30 AM
Commission Chamber
Also Present:
Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
John Stinson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Donna Bartle, City Clerk (CC)
Mayor Glasser called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
She explained the purpose of the meeting is to familiarize herself and other board members with
the status of the committees Commissioner Stinson currently chairs.
A. Board Member Review Committee
Commissioner Stinson went over the history of the Board Member Review Committee
(BMRC) and its purpose. Revised Ordinances and Resolutions pertaining to the BMRC
have been requested from Brenna Durden, City Attorney, for consideration and adoption.
Certain board and committee members' terms are to be extended to December 31, 2019.
Currently the BMRC is absent one member.
It was confirmed that the Mayor appoints this position and the Commission then
confirms the position.
Commissioner Stinson explained that the BMRC is interested in participating in the
interviews of potential BMRC members. This BMRC's participation in interviews has
not historically been part of this process.
Mayor Glasser pointed out the structural issues with the BMRC's participation in the
interview process.
Discussion ensued as to the timing of new member terms, the extension of terms, the
maximum term period for BMRC members, drafting changes in the Ordinance, training
of new members, timeline regarding the appointment process, the target date for CA
Durden to produce the Ordinance draft, and recommendations made by John McGowan.
Miscellaneous Public Meeting
October 2, 2018
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Commissioner Stinson expressed the need for BMRC members to have the appropriate
skills to select applicants with relevant experience to the board or committee for which
they are applying.
Mayor Glasser asked City Clerk (CC) Bartle to provide her with a list of committees
with vacancies currently.
Discussion ensued about filling the vacant positions before the new
Ordinance/Resolution is complete.
Commissioner Stinson and Mayor Glasser reviewed the vacancies and applications.
Various strategies were discussed regarding putting a process in place to acknowledge
and inform applicants of their application status throughout the process. This has been
a complaint from applicants in the past and needs to be addressed going forward.
CC Bartle explained the current process for pre -approving an applicant for a specific
board or committee when there is not a vacancy.
Discussion ensued about the role of Alternates and the need to standardize the rules
across the board. This will be addressed in the new Ordinance.
Commissioner Stinson explained dual office holdings and a brief discussion ensued.
Public Speaker, Sally Clemens, suggested allowing business owners who do not reside
in Atlantic Beach to serve, and a brief discussion ensued.
B. Parking and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource Committee
Commissioner Stinson stated the Parking and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Resource
Committee (PPSARC) formed two work groups (subcommittees) for the study of 10th
and 18th Street re -configuration of parking. The 18th Street Subcommittee has
completed its recommendation and the 10th Street Subcommittee is in the process of
drafting a recommendation. He informed that City Staff also has a recommendation for
10th Street. The 18th Street Recommendation will be on an upcoming Commission
Meeting Agenda soon. The PPSARC has done a tremendous amount of work on
inventorying parking. This has allowed the City to determine how much parking the
City actually has, how much parking the City could have if needed, and how these
numbers can be used to re -configure parking without using Beach Nourishment Funding
from the Corp of Engineers. He gave suggestions such as reclaiming rights-of-way
where needed, and remove end -zone parking at all beach accesses. He stated rights-of-
way encroachment has been allowed for too long and City assets should be utilized
moving forward.
Mayor Glasser asked Commissioner Stinson to provide a priority list from the PPSARC.
Miscellaneous Public Meeting
October 2, 2018
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A brief discussion ensued about the 18th Street Subcommittee phasing out and
presenting the 18th Street Recommendation to the full PPSARC for a vote. She stated
that, since the Recommendation has already been brought to the City Commission and
due to the special circumstances, the PPSARC Recommendation should be circulated as
a courtesy to all PPSARC members and any comments can be heard during the
Commission Meeting.
Public Speaker and PPSARC member, Paula O'Bannon, suggested the Recommendation
be placed on the next PPSARC Meeting Agenda for discussion and to have someone
from City Staff there to explain their suggestions. This would help the members
understand why their vote is not necessary at this point in time.
There was a brief discussion about rights-of-way encroachment solutions.
Public Speaker and PPSARC member, Paula O'Bannon, spoke about sidewalks.
Commissioner Stinson explained the PPSARC approved the surveying of Donner Road
and creating a plan for the area from Mayport to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
PPSARC has also looked at Ahern between East Coast Drive and Ocean, but the City
was not prepared to survey this area. He thinks this area should be surveyed soon for
safety reasons.
Discussion ensued regarding what issues should fall under City Staff and what issues
should fall under the PPSARC with regard to parking, the sunset date of February 28,
2019, priority issues to consider before the sunset date, extending the sunset date,
keeping the number of active members for a quorum, filling the position of Chair, and
parking garages.
Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 9:56 AM
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk �l
Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Date Approved:
/opy /l�
Miscellaneous Public Meeting
October 2, 2018
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