526 Atlantic Beach Ct Form Board FORM BOARD ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Duval County I Clay County/ Nassau County Left copy on site Elko box Lot and Subdivision: 1,61r-Z3 i4TL4.u7xC gE4 DATE: A) -27 - /B PERMIT NUMBER: OZ97 ADDRESS: 5ZG ATGRn,T2c gEAly ' � R&S is-- o2e7 REQUIRED SLAB ELEVATION ON CITY APPROVED SITE PLAN: 930 ACTUAL ELEVATION OF FORM BOARD OR GRADE STAKE: /D- G2- SURVEY 2SURVEY COMPANY NAME: Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. 1501 CR 315, Suite 106 > Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 SIGNATURE OF SURVEYOR: (Party Chief) C.rn�,v✓- ��w . . Jacksonville II C 70M Davis Creek Road,Jacksonville,FL 32256 P:(904)880-0960 F:(904)680-0970 Brunswick 134 Newman Dnva,Brunswick,GA 31520 P:(912)279-0085 R(912)279-0)85 Ra~s tg— oze7 I cslimi ed.co ecslimited.com Work Order#: REPORT OF IN PLACE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Project H: Subdivision: — c t Reported to: Report 8: Gauge#: Unit or Parcel: Location By: i i Daze Tested: // Lot#Block: z Contractor.t •�<' � � Street Address: 74, i' iu,,.-.c ax..,[t' City: Method: Course: Material: Specific Requirements: •>� Pass/ Elev/ Base/LR/ o Dry Maz.Dry /°of Ma: Moist Fait/ Location (Depth Asphalt/ Density Density' Density Retest /Lift Thickness I •Source of Proctor(Project#and/or Work Order#) P-Test Meets Specification Requirements F-Test Fails To Meet Specification Requirements R-Retest To Be Completed Infield -------------------" `�. .--------Standby Approval Employee Name t Time - Superintendent Printed Name /S Superintendent Travel Standb - Job Superintendent Signature --------------------------------- (%JIce me) ECS-10(rev.01/18) white ropy-�ro uee yellow ropy-persarwl we pi.J:ardgoldenrod-clvne..w Page ( I I