11-13-18 Commission Workshop Minutes'��.. MINUTES s" Commission Workshop Meeting �) O_ Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 5:00 PM Commission Chamber ATTENDANCE: Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1 Cindy L. Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2 Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem/Commissioner - Seat 3 (arrived 5:08 PM) Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4 Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5 Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM) Shane Corbin, Director of Planning and Community Development (PCDD) CALL TO ORDER 1 TOPICS A. Land Development Regulations Update PCDD Corbin explained this is the second of three (3) workshops with citizens, the Community Development Board and the City Commission regarding updates on Land Development Regulations. Mr. Corbin turned over the floor to representatives from Kimley Horn, Mark Shelton and Allison Megrath. Mr. Shelton gave an update via PowerPoint presentation of the Land Development Regulations. • The definition of Land Development Regulations. • The reason for updating the regulations. • Project goals and what has been done to date. • Generalized concept approaches. • The next steps. Discussion ensued about subdividing non -conforming structures, mandating setback requirements, and variance restrictions. Mr. Shelton explained the difference between voluntary demolition versus involuntary demolition (a natural event) and presented what is being proposed to update this portion of the code. Discussion ensued about what issues fall under the Land Development Code and what issues fall under the Building Code, re -building non -conforming structures, Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) re -building standards, inconsistent uses in re -building (commercial to residential, residential to commercial, or commercial to industrial), and variance allowances. Commission Workshop November 13, 2018 Mr. Shelton spoke about design and dimension issues in Section 24 of the Code, and about projection requirements. Discussion ensued about historic neighborhoods and what types of structures are considered projections. All questions were answered. Mr. Shelton went on to describe the policy on driveways as it currently exists with regard to impervious surfaces and stated a graphic representation will be added. All questions were answered. Mr. Shelton spoke about the code with regard to City-wide parking issues and what options are available to commercial entities to reduce their required parking. He brought up shared parking; however, there is no mechanism to track this. He proposed deep - restriction language that would stipulate that an abundance of commercial properties could not use one central parking lot to satisfy their parking requirements, along with some type of tracking mechanism. CA Durden stated that a contractual agreement would be crucial between the two landowners, and it should be understood that, without the agreement, the use cannot continue, and when referring to restaurants the number of seats may have to be reduced. She requested to speak with Mr. Shelton further about the specific language with regard to a Deed Restriction for better understanding. All questions were answered. Mr. Shelton spoke about valet parking being a better option in the central business district (CDB) as opposed to suburban areas. Other ideas for consideration to reduce the suburban requirement for commercial parking are motorcycle parking credit, bicycle parking credit, ride -share programs (Uber or Lyft), and holding a maximum parking requirement. All questions were answered. Mr. Shelton referenced the CBD and those options include shared parking, deed restriction and adjacent on -street parking credit. He stated other jurisdictions have made this change stating "The availability of on-streetparking within a right-of-way may count toward a commercial requirement if it is in front of or adjacent to that building. " Motorcycle and bicycle parking credit are options as well. The only difference is the on - street parking between the suburban and the urban areas. Mr. Shelton emphasized that the characteristics of the CBD are important for community identity in the downtown area, such as walkability and convenience. He stated Kimley- Horn has done a comparison of the Atlantic Beach CBD to the Delray Beach CBD. In Delray Beach they saw such characteristics as two-way streets, on -street parking, sidewalk cafes, large sidewalks, vibrant downtown, progressive parking strategies, bicycle parking, and relaxed landscaping requirements. He spoke about the progressive option of no parking required in the CBD area. This is a step that some jurisdictions have taken, and it transforms the City from a City Code derived parking standard to a market derived parking necessity. He spoke about metered spaces, which keeps people coming and going. The downside to this is it becomes an enforcement issue. Commission Workshop November 13, 2018 Mr. Shelton spoke about parking mitigation in the form of a City garage and valet parking. He expressed the valet parking as hard to enforce, but it can be effective when managed appropriately. All questions were answered. Mr. Shelton thanked the Commissioners for their input. He explained the next step for Kimley-Horn is to draft the proposed language, add a Permitted Use Table for ease of use, and add a proposed Residential Lot Requirement Chart showing the breakdown of design requirements for each district. 2 PUBLIC COMMENT None. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Attest: /t/onlv vdlllv4� Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk /2-40-/g Date Approved: Ellen Glasser, Mayor Commission Workshop November 13, 2018