01-12-19 Minutes Town HallMINUTES
Town Hall Meeting
Saturday, January 12, 2019 - 10:00 AM
Commission Chamber
Present: Ellen Glasser, Mayor - Seat 1
Blythe Waters, Mayor Pro Tem / Commissioner - Seat 3
Candace Kelly, Commissioner - Seat 4
Cindy Anderson, Commissioner - Seat 2
Brittany Norris, Commissioner - Seat 5
Also Present: Joe Gerrity, City Manager (CM)
Brenna Durden, City Attorney (CA)
Shane Corbin, Planning and Community Development Director (PCDD)
Derek Reeves, Planner
A. Annexation
PCDD Corbin gave a presentation on the 2018 proposed annexation including potential
locations, current land use, taxable value per acre, total taxable value, water/sewer lines
and zoning districts.
City Planner Derek Reeves gave a presentation on tax revenue projections for the
proposed annexation area.
PCDD Corbin spoke about possible water/sewer fees, the Interlocal Service Boundary
Agreement (ISBA), and the ISBA Process.
CM Gerrity stated the City's collection of a surcharge on utilities goes into the City's
General Fund to supplement operations and if the proposed area is annexed this
surcharge would no longer exist. Therefore, the net gain from a tax revenue standpoint
would be about $60,000 in the first year.
Mayor Glasser informed that the annexation would bring in approximately 2,600 new
residents (a 19% increase in the population). She opened the floor for questions to the
Staff. All questions were answered.
Mayor Glasser opened the floor for Public Comment.
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Lou Keith spoke about the close proximity the proposed annexed property is to the
Intracoastal Waterway, the Environmental Protection Agency guidelines in relation to
sewer mains, and the cost of paving roads in the annexed area.
Mitch Reeves gave a brief history of the original separation annexation, stating the
separation was due to difficulty getting services in the area. He expressed his concern
over the citizens of Atlantic Beach not having a voice as to whether they wish to take on
this burden. He reminded the Commission they are facing $25 million for water
management and drainage issues. Mr. Reeves cautioned the Commissioners about
making sure they are aware of the needed drainage repairs in the proposed area. He
reminded the Commission of the Fire Department's re -negotiation efforts over the past
two (2) years and the potential for the City of Jacksonville to tack on fees for this service.
He suggested taking care of the current septic and water issues in Mayport before taking
on the City of Jacksonville's (COJ) burden.
Bruce Andrews expressed his opinion that the Commission is giving a "sales pitch" to
the potential residents involved in this project. He referenced an article he found in the
State and Local Government Review from 1983 on annexation that has the number of
steps an entity should go through when considering an annexation, with the most
important of these steps being project expenditures. He read this portion of the article
which included research on expenditures for police/fire services, animal control
personnel, public works (garbage pickup), road maintenance and upgrades, running
sewer lines, and ongoing rights-of-way maintenance. He expressed his concern over the
current residents in Atlantic Beach not having a vote as to whether the annexation should
move forward.
John Stinson spoke about the many expenses the City of Atlantic Beach (COAB) may
incur that are not listed in the documents presented at this meeting. He feels these should
be researched before a Resolution is passed due to the time restraints involved when a
Resolution has been put in place. He suggested the COJ may try to re -negotiate certain
parts of the Interlocal Agreement to the detriment of COAB. Mr. Stinson expressed his
opinion that the COAB residents should have a voice as to whether they wish to pursue
the proposed annexation.
Valerie Benham stated, as a Jacksonville resident, they are offered minimal
representation and services. She spoke in favor of the annexation. Ms. Venom pointed
out the addition to the COAB's tax base. She would like to see the proposed annexation
go to the next step.
Megan Ritchie spoke in favor of the proposed annexation and hopes the idea will be
discussed further before being totally dismissed.
Amy Rose spoke in favor of the proposed annexation, but would like to hear the opinions
of both the City and the proposed annexation area residents
Mayor Glasser opened the floor to Commissioners to respond to citizens.
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Commissioner Norris reminded everyone that this is just the first step. The
Commission has not made a decision to move forward. The reason for the Town Hall is
to get feedback from residents to help the make that decision. She stated that, by the
comments made today, she has gotten the impression residents believe a decision has
been made to move forward. She assured everyone this is not the case, and the Town
Hall is being held to help the Commission make that decision. She agrees with the
Commission doing their due diligence beforehand and the need for their decision to be
based on understanding the risks for all involved. She pointed out that some of the long
term benefits to the current citizens of the COAB are enhancement of the Mayport
Corridor development and natural offerings between Dutton Island and Tide Views. She
wanted everyone to understand the annexation would be laying groundwork for future
enhancement/development in that area.
Mayor Glasser apologized if the Commission has given the impression of presenting a
"sales pitch." She explained the process used in attempting to get this issue out to
citizens. She announced she has invited Councilman Gulliford to attend the Commission
Meeting on Monday, January 14th to respond as he represents the residents of the COAB.
She reiterated that no decision has been made. Mayor Glasser stated the next step is
negotiation and she listed the issues for negotiation as being public safety, costs, service
delivery, and all issues related to fiscal responsibilities.
CM Gerrity specifically addressed concerns regarding the Resolution and time
restraints. He explained that the Resolution will start the due diligence study, initiate
negotiations of interlocal agreements with the COJ, and everything will then come back
to this Commission to be approved. He stated the process will be public and there will
be several opportunities for COAB residents to offer their input.
Commissioner Waters expressed frustration with the long-running (20 -year) conflict
with the re -development of Mayport Road. She stated there are two sets of zoning codes
and development regulations and two entities that oversee Mayport Road.
Commissioner Waters explained the financial and lifestyle benefits of this proposal are
long term. She expressed her belief there are intangible and financial benefits to the City
that have not been considered or discussed. She stated it is important to open up
discussions on all benefits (financial and lifestyle) for current residents. It is her opinion
that communities grow and thrive when there is a vision for the future. She stated the
Commission is trying to decide whether the vision for Mayport Road in the future should
be incorporating the central business district into the Jacksonville portion, and if it is
feasible. She addressed the voiced speculation about the reasons for the COJ giving the
COAB this land. She suggested the reasoning may have something to do with the
election cycle and Mayor Curry's wish to be re-elected. Commissioner Waters reassured
the citizens of the COAB that the Commission will consider every possible issue and
negotiate those issues with the COJ effectively.
Commissioner Kelly spoke about the history of past failed attempts are re -developing
Mayport Road. She announced there is a robust plan in place to seek funding and grants
for stormwater and sewer. She thinks the annexation proposal will make the difference
between the COAB thriving and the COAB just maintaining its borders.
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Commissioner Anderson spoke about becoming involved late in the process and her
duty to represent the residents. She spoke about the revenue involved in the potential
annexation and the possibility of higher taxes. She agrees with Mr. Stinson about the
timeframe involved once the process gets started. Another concern she has is with the
current citizens not being able to vote on the decision except through their
Commissioner. She expressed a lot of concerns about going forward at this point, in
this way, as it is outlined at this meeting.
Mayor Glasser opened the floor to questions.
John Stinson asked that the Commission invite Neptune Beach Councilman, Rory
Diamond, to the next meeting on the 14th.
Bruce Andrews wanted to clarify that his last comments at this meeting were not
intended to be mean spirited. He communicated that he was unaware of the past
difficulties in the attempted re -development of Mayport Road, but would like to hear all
the pros and cons so that an informed decision can be made. He asked CM Gerrity about
garbage pickup services.
Commissioner Norris asked about scheduling a Workshop to make sure citizens have
an opportunity to voice their opinions.
Discussion ensued regarding the economic growth of Neptune Beach and East Coast
Greenway Dollars.
Suzanne Barker likes the vision of the potential annexation but she is concerned about
the cost. She asked about the feasibility of conducting a straw poll to the current
residents of the COAB.
Discussion ensued about conducting a straw poll and the process involved before due
diligence can get started.
Melissa Carlie spoke in favor of going forward with due diligence on the proposed
Bruce Andrews agrees with Commissioner Waters in that until there is more
information asking citizens to weigh in on the decision is not fruitful.
John Stinson explained to the potential annexation residents that it is not a question of
whether the current residents want the potential annexation residents to be part of
Atlantic Beach but rather that, as a tax payer, he has a responsibility to be their oversight,
and that is why he is here asking questions. He stated he has been getting a lot of emails
from residents complaining of not getting responses back from emails and phone calls
to their elected officials. Mr. Stinson addressed Commissioner Waters about her earlier
comment on controlling both sides of Mayport Road. He explained the COAB will not
control all of Mayport Road, and the businesses along Mayport Road that have moved
into Jacksonville because they did not want to deal with the COAB Building Codes will
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not be in favor of this proposed annexation. He believes they will simply move their
businesses a little further down the road and start over again. He asked that
Commissioner Waters comment on how this proposal is different. He wanted to express
his feeling of "being attacked" by Commissioner Waters' comments earlier regarding the
residents' proposed pre -conceptions that the Commission is incompetent in handling
negotiations and making sure due diligence is done. He reiterated the fact that bad deals
have been made in the past, and the questions being asked by tax payers are not meant
to be attacks on the Commission. He expressed his opinion that it is a disservice to the
tax payers for any one of them to walk out of the meeting feeling minimized.
Commissioner Waters expressed her opinion that some of the public comments
suggested the Commissioners were not listening to both sides. She assured everyone the
Commission is listening to everyone involved. She stated that past negotiation decisions
will be taken into consideration (where they have gone well and where they have gone
poorly) to make sure past mistakes are not repeated. Commissioner Waters addressed
Commissioner Stinson's question about what is different stating a lot of it has to do with
commercial traffic. She explained part of it is the holistic plan in going to the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT), to the Transportation Planning Organization
(TPO), and working with East Coast Greenway. She stated the business district line is
in the middle of the drivable portion of Mayport Road that residents utilize, and the
portion that extends past AIA up to the Mayport Naval Base is less trafficked. There
will be some of the same problems in that establishments currently outside of the COAB
jurisdiction will be acquired. It changes the nature of what the COAB deals with because
the City would control most of the drivable portion.
Mayor Glasser spoke to the issue of emails not being answered. She assured everyone
she does her best to answer all of her email.
Amy Rose asked if gaining control of the Mayport Corridor was the main reason for
considering the proposed annexation.
Mayor Glasser answered Ms. Rose by stating, for her, it is more about the identity of
Atlantic Beach, the Mayport Corridor then fell into that issue. She feels there is a human
element and a technical argument in the proposal. For example, the human element
being the response times of Jacksonville's services compared to the response times of the
COAB services.
A lengthy discussion ensued about why and how the boundaries of the proposed
annexation were chosen.
Jeff Harris spoke about the residents in Atlantic Beach having a misconception that if
the annexation goes through their property values would go down.
Cammie Thomas spoke about property values going up in her neighborhood (outside
of Atlantic Beach).
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Amy Rose asked about the different avenues available for citizens to communicate with the
commissioners and her question was answered.
Mayor Glasser adjourned the meeting at 12:04 PM
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Ellen Glasser, Mayor
Date Approved:
i1zg1201 %
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