533 ATLANTIC BCH CT COMP REPORT PROCTOR COMPACTION REPORT OFJAX,INC. 9556 Historic Kings Road-Suite 201-Jacksonville,FL 32257 Phone: (904)886-0766 Fax: (904)880-5190 Email: twheeler@agesofjax.corn JOB NO: J18541 SAMPLE NO. : P1 PROJECT NAME: 533 Atlantic Beach Ct. DATE SAMPLED : 02/04119 SOIL DESCRIPTION: Light Brown Fine SAND Trace Hardpan DATE TESTED : 02/06119 TEST METHOD: T-1 80 TESTED BY: D. Middleton SAMPLE LOCATION: House Pad REPORT NO. : P1 CLIENT: Claddagh Constructors MOLDED SOIL DATA: Target Moisture% Mold No. E E E Mold Volume(cf) 0.033 0.033 0.033 gms water added Wt. comp soil+mold(Ibs) 8.18 8.29 8.28 Wt.of mold(lbs) 4.47 4.47 4.47 1 Wt.Comp.Wet Soil(Ib��)_ 3.71 3.82 3.81 ,Wet Density(pcf) 112.4 115.8 1 115.5 1 1 MOISTURE CONTENT DATA: Container No. 503 512 632 Wt Cont&Wet Soil(gm) 407.8 454.3 494.3 Wt.Cont&Dry Soil (grn) 384.1 420.2 450.8 Wt. of Water(gm) 23.7 34.1 43.5 Wt.of Container(gm) 169.8 165.8 165.0 Wt. D Sol[ (gm) 214.3 254.4 2858 Water Content 11.1 13.4 1�2 PROCTOR RESULTS: lWater Content % 11.1 13.4 15.2 jDry Density(pcf) 101.2 102.1 100.2 TEST RESULT DRY DENSITY VS. MOISTURE CONTENT Maximum Dry Density 102.5 104 (PCF) c;:-103 U Optimum Moisture Content 12.5 'Fn 102 N 101 % Fines Content NA Prepared by: ...11t) 1'1 1'2 1'3 14 15 16 h4olsture Content Timothy R.Wheeler, P.E. Registered Florida No.42802 J18541P1.qpvv AGES OF JAX,INC,agrees to keep confidential any and all matters related to these test results and understands that unauthorized disclosure of these test resulst to anyone other than our clients,or their designated representative,without the client's expressed permission,is in violation of AGES Or'JAX,INC,professional ethics and company policy. This report shall NOT Be reproduced,Except in Full,Mithout written approval of AGES inc. FIELD DENSITY TEST REPORT OFJAX,INC. 9556 Historic Kings Road South-Suite 201 -Jacksonville, FL 32257 Phone: 904 886-0766 Fax: 904 880-5190 Email: twheeter@agesofjax.com AGES JOB NO.: J18541 DATE TESTED: 02/04/19 JOB NAME: 533 Atlantic Beach Court REPORT DATE: 02/08119 CLIENT: Claddagh Construction TECHNICIAN: G.Middleton LOCATION: House Pad REPORT NO: D1 Test Moisture Wet Dry Proctor Proctor Relative Compa ion Test Depth C No. ntent Density Density Number Density Achieved Required Pass[Fail Approximate Test Location or Elevation Test Datum [C.(%) (Pcf) (pcf) (pcI) (%) (%) Inches[Feet 1 8.7 111.8 102.9 P1 102.5 100 S&O PASS Rear Right Corner 0 Top of Subgrade 2 9.9 114.1 103.8 P1 102.5 101 95.0 PASS Center of Pad 0 Top of Subqrade —3 7.1 111.5 104.1 P1 102.5 102 95.0 PASS Front Left Corner 0 Top of Subgrade 4 20.1 122.4 101.9 Pi 102.6 99 95.0 PASS Detached Garage 0 Top of Subgrade t Pro Re —7 rocl Eve L.m berr D n,' Ac h dil p The relative comp—don results are a quaily control measure of the aoequ2cy of the 511 andl orsub-grade compaction effort The date shown herein is DISTRIBUTION LIST: representative of compaction achieved at the spe6fied test location and This tepon$hall NOT Be reproduced.Excepi m F%41. Client(2) depth passing densily tests should not be conathmic!to be a*cartificartiOn'of —'�t—ftr pp—.1 of AGES I— suite bEility of the"subsurface soil conditions"and/or an evaluation of the PROCTOR INFORMATION SUMMARY: ability of the subsurface soils to adequ a te I y suppa ri the pla rtned construction. Max.Dry Optimum Type Proctor Density Moisture Soil REPORTED BY: Proct Number (pCf) N Type AGES DFJAX.INC.ag—t.kirep.orifideiryii.l.ny and.fl mail—lelatedl.th...1-1 MOD Pi 102.5 12.5 Light Brown Fine SAND wl Trace Hardpan —ults-d.nde.l..d,that MaWhoraed dsck—of thege test resuist to anyone othef d pennission.is in violation of AGES OF JAX INC FROI—i—I ethics and Comany PokC� Timothy R.Wheeler, P.E. MODc:Modified Proctor Density(ASTM Di 557) Remarks: Registered Florida No.42802 J1854ldl .......... 9556 Historic Kings Road - Suite 201 Jacksonville, FL 32257 FIELD DFNSITY TEST REPORT Phone: (904) 886-0766 OFJAX,INc. Email: twheeler@agesofjax.com AGES JOB NO.: DATE TESTED : JOB NAME: REPORT DATE: CLIENT : TIECHNICIAN : LOCATION: REPORT NO. : ............ U Oh ........... '1est Moi.w, Wet Dry Produr d" Te5t Location No. co6te`irit Density Density Number 044 040 *Wik: Elevation' Test Datum I%) (PcQ (PCO (Pcq lFftti PROCTOR INFORMATION SUMMARY: The relative compaction results are a quality control measure of the This report shall NOT be reproduced, Proctor Max. Dry Optimum adequacy of the fill and/or sub-grade compaction effort. The data shown Except in Full, without written approval of Type Number Density Moisture Soil Type herein is representative of compaction achieved at the specified test AGES OF JAX, Inc. location and depth. Passing density tests should not be construed to be a Proct (pco "certification" of suitability of the "subsurface soil conditions" and/or an evaluation of the ability of the subsurface soils to adequately support the REPORTED BY: planned construction. AGES OF JAX, Inc. agrees to keep confidential any and all matters related to these test results and understands that unauthorized disclosure Remarks �114 py-064or Pad 'f?*f- of these test results to anyone other than our clients, or their designated TIMOTHY R. WHEELER, P.E. representative,without the client's expressed permission, is in violation of MOD=Modified Proctor Density (ASTIVI D 1557) AGES OF JAX, Inc. professional ethics and company policy. Registered Fla No. 42802